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Viết TECHNOLOGY CLUB (phiên bản 1)

PART 2: What do you…? (bạn thường sử dụng máy tính để làm gì)
I often use my computer to study online, learn English everyday. Besides, I also
watch movies and listen to music on my computer.
A.Bạn có thể kể cho tôi về trải nghiệm công nghệ tồi tệ của bạn không
Last week, I bought a new Iphone 12 pro max – one of the most expensive mobile
phone recently. I dropped it and it broke the screen. I feel very bad and regret
speding money on a new phone.
B. Tôi thường xem phim trực tuyến và hầu như không bao giờ đến rạp chiếu
phim. Bạn thích xem phim ở đâu hơn
To be honest, I’d like to watch a movie online. It is free. You can watch your
favorite movies without any fee. You can turn up or down the volume, skip ads,
change to another movie quickly and easily…
C. Những cải tiến công nghệ luôn làm cuộc sống của chúng ta tốt hơn. Bạn
nghĩ sao về điều này?
I agree that modern technology makes the life easier. For example, robots is more
and more popular, help we saves time,….
Tình huống trang web của clb gần đây xuất hiện những bình luận tiêu cực. Vấn đề
là các bình luận đều ẩn danh, chúng tôi đang nghĩ đến việc thay đổi hệ thống,
chúng tôi muốn lắng nghe ý kiến của bạn về điều này. Ngoài ra bạn có giải pháp gì

Dear member,
Members often post on the website’s club. But lately there’s been a few negatives on the
other member’s post. Please give your opinion to fix the situation.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.

Hi Hoa
How have you been recently? /Long time no see/ I hope you and your family are well/ I
hope all is well with you. I am writing this email to tell you some news. I just received an
email from my technology club manager. He said that club members often post on the
website’s club. But lately there’s been a few negatives on the other member’s post. I felt
quite upset when I heard this news. Can you give me some suggestions to solve this
Write to me soon,
Bye for now
Anh Thu

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120-150 words

Dear technology club manager.

My name is Hoa. I have been a member of the technology club for more than two years. I
am writing this email to respond to the notice you sent me yesterday. According to the
notice club members often post on the website’s club. But lately there’s been a few
negatives on the other member’s post. I felt quite upset when I heard this news. In my
opinion, we should appoint/ask someone to approve the content of the post.
I have talked to other people in my club and all of them agree with my solution/have the
same opinions as me/.
I hope my suggestions are helpful
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Anh Thu

Bài 2
1. Write an email to your friend. (50 words)

Hi Tim
How are you today? I hope you and your family are well. I am
writing this letter to tell you some bad news. I just received an
email from my technology club manager. In the email he said
that Members often post on the website club. But lately there
have been a few negatives on the other member’s post. I feel so
sad to hear that. He asked me to give opinions to fix the
situation. I think I will ask the manager to be stricter about
information posted online. What do you think about this? Please
write to me soon and let me know your opinion
Bye for now
Vân Anh
2. Write an email to the manager. Write your feelings about the notice
suggest possible alternatives. (120-150 words)

Dear Sir
My name is Tran Vân Anh. I have been a member of the technology
club since 2020. I am writing this email to express my feeling about
your notice you sent me this morning. According to the news members
often post on the website club. But lately there have been a few
negatives on the other member’s post. I suggest that you should appoint
someone to monitor the information posted online. I have spoken to
other club members and I know that they also have the same opinions as
me . Please let me know what you think
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Your faithfully,


Version 2

The club will hold a technology fair. The club wants to find a volunteer for this event.

1. Write to a friend to explain why you should be chosen as a volunteer (50 words)

Hi Hoa
How have you been recently? /Long time no see/ I hope you and your family are well/ I
hope all is well with you. I am writing this email to tell you some exciting news. I just
received an email from my technology club manager. He said that The club will hold a
technology fair. He wants to find a volunteer for this event. I am really suitable for this
position because I have experience in similar events.
Would you like to join the fair with me?
Hope to see you soon
Bye for now
Anh Thu
2. Write to the club manager about the importance of technology and why you should
be selected (120 words)

Dear technology club manager.

My name is Hoa. I have been a member of the technology club for more than two years. I
am writing this email to respond to the notice you sent me yesterday. According to the
notice The club will hold a technology fair. The club wants to find a volunteer for this
Technology plays an important role in our lives. It helps us communicate with each other
easily, work more productively. I can imagine how life will change without technology. I
would like to be a volunteer in this event. I think I’m very suitable for this position
because I have experience in similar events.
I hope you will consider my request so that I have a chance to contribute something
helpful for the technology fair/club.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Anh Thu

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