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02 / / 12 / / 23

Biotechnology in Dentistry

A radio image of teeth

How a simple smile can change your life? A

world where you could not smile confidently or
taste your favorite food will not be the perfect
world. Beyond the aesthetic, oral healthcare is the
core of your well-being. It is not really about looks,
it is about feeling your best. Biotechnology has
brought in a better dental care which is now more
precise and tailored to each person’s needs. It
continue to drive the evolution of dentistry;
ensuring healthier smiles for all. Biotechnology has
a big influence on dentistry, especially in
personalized treatments and overall oral healthcare.

To start with, and before jumping to the role In the other hand, biotechnology is the
of biotechnology in the medical fields especially discipline that unites the biological
in dentistry, it is imperative to acknowledge that sciences and engineering sciences in
the evolution of dentistry goes back to 7000BC order to benefit the human health and
with the Indus valley civilization; dentistry was society with its new products, methods,
one of the oldest medical professions then, and organisms. This field has 4 types,
nevertheless the descriptions related to dentistry one of them is medical or clinical
and tooth decay were accessible in 5000BC biotechnology which plays a role in
where they found an text -was not proven false dentistry; in this context, biotech has
until the 1700s- describing tooth worms as the made an evolution and so many
cause of dental decay. -1- In addition, there are improvements in tissue engineering,
some proofs that human tried to replace missing biomaterials, alveolar bone
teeth with roots from implants for thousands of regeneration, stem cell transplantation,
years. Furthermore in 500BC was the start of and antiviral therapies in which make
true restorative dentistry with the Etruscans, the dental care easier.
inhabitants of the regions now named central
and northern Italy. The Etruscan who made a
plethora of dental bridges and partial dentures
crafted from gold.-5- The history of evolution of
dentistry shows how much humans were
interested on oral healthcare, and how dental
care has developed over the years.

02 / / 12 / / 23
Biotechnology in Dentist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-
Following that , biotechnology and and to study microbial adhesion to dental surfaces scing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor
dentistry are having a lot of advancements; in and the formation of dental plaque. mi. Maecenas ipsum purus, imperdiet
another way the recent developments in ullamcor- per quam sit amet, malesuada
biotechnology had helped dentistry itself to be semper sem. Duis elit quam, sagittis sed justo
more developed and easier. It facilitates the at, condimentum porttitor velit. Vivamus
studies and the work for dental researchers to rutrum a enim eget molestie. Sed pharetra
visualize the structural and biophysical diam metus, id ornare dolor lobortis quis.
changes. First of all; biotechnology had helped Integer gravida, ipsum non venenatis pretium,
the evolution of 3D Dental Imagining, this elit mauris ultrices neque, quis tincidunt arcu
technique refers to the use of three velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non lacus at orci
dimensional technologies to see detailed hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque consequat
images of the teeth, jaw, and the other faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu mauris,
structures that surrounds them. It gives a clear non dictum est viverra vitae.
and explained views compared to traditional
two dimensional (2D) dental X-rays. Three- Proin dolor massa, aliquet sit amet pharetra
dimensional (3D) imaging has been developed quis, efficitur a massa. Praesent dolor tortor,
in the early of 1990's and with that it started to feugiat id porttitor a, scelerisque non purus.
have a precious place in dentistry. Cone-Beam Sed ac fermentum velit. In vitae mollis quam.
Computed Tomography (CBCT) is one of the Praesent sit amet maximus eros, quis mollis
most appraised 3D imaging techniques; it has odio. Nunc eget dignissim est. Donec eget
a reduced radiation expose compared the justo nec turpis cursus convallis eget nec erat.
traditional dental scanners or imaging. It Nullam vel pellentesque leo. Proin id euismod
allows the dentist to make better diagnosis and turpis, sit amet suscipit mauris. Sed sed
treatment plan. CBCT is applied in ullamcorper lectus. Sed eros nisi, consequat et
Orthodontics, Implantology, Endodontics, and auctor vel, placerat quis massa. Mauris
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. elementum efficitur diam elementum
Biotechnology has also a big role in Laser vulputate. Integer ullamcorper ligula quis
Scanning Microscopy (LSM) which is a non- enim efficitur, non pellentesque nunc facilisis.
destructive technique that allows dentists to Sed mollis et arcu vitae suscipit. Etiam
visualize the microscopic features on the tooth scelerisque ante vel nibh bibendum, et
surface, for example caries and tooth interdum odio venenatis. Mauris congue
morphology. LSM can achieve a high venenatis nibh, vitae condimentum massa
resolution so researches can visualize varius vel. Praesent sit amet maximus eros,
structures at the subcellular level. Confocal quis mollis odio.
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is a
benificaiant tool in dentistry research, its
applications include the examination of dental MOT-CLÉ
biofilms, enamel, and dentin, so it can also be
used to discover tooth germs. Biotechnology
has facilitated the development of advanced
LSM techniques, such as multiphoton
Lorem ipsum dolor
microscopy and multiphoton laser scanning
microscopy (NIR-LSM), which provide NOM DE L’AUTEUR
increased resolution power, and optical
sectioning capability.
In addition, dentists can use the Computer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-
Assisted Image Analysis with this technique, scing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor
dentists can study the longitudinal changes in mi. Maecenas ipsum purus, imperdiet
the alveolar bone which is the part of the jaw ullamcor- per quam sit amet, malesuada
bone that is around and supports the teeth. It semper sem. Duis elit quam, sagittis sed justo
forms the sockets (alveoli) that hold the roots at, condimentum porttitor velit. Vivamus
of the teeth in place. This technique can rutrum a enim eget molestie. Sed pharetra
detected dental diseases like tumors and dental diam metus, id ornare dolor lobortis quis.
cysts just from panoramic radiography, also Integer gravida, ipsum non venenatis pretium,
AI models are used to find dental anomalies, elit mauris ultrices neque, quis tincidunt arcu
like cavities, tooth fracture and to watch tooth velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non lacus at orci
development . hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque consequat
Jumping to Scanning Electron Microscopy faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu mauris,
(SEM) and Transmission Electron non dictum est viverra vitae.
Microscopy (TEM), SEM and TEM are
traditional techniques that have been used in
dental researches for so many years, but now
both of them are more developed thanks to
biotechnology which allowed researchers to
have higher resolution and better quality
images. They play a role in examining dental
tissues and materials at a microscopic and
nanoscopic level. For better understanding
SEM is use to examine the surface of the
teeth, dental implants, to study tooth wear,
abrasion, and erosion. It allows for detailed
examination of changes in tooth surfaces,
02 / / 12 / / 23
Biotechnology in Dentist

02 / / 12 / / 23
Biotechnology in Dentist


Rubrique proposée avec un titre long.

Proin dolor massa, aliquet sit amet pharetra quis, venenatis. Mauris congue venenatis nibh, vitae
NOM DE L’AUTEURDATE efficitur a massa. Praesent dolor tortor, feugiat id condimentum massa varius vel. Lorem ipsum
porttitor a, scelerisque non purus. Sed ac dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- fermentum velit. In vitae mollis quam. Praesent vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi. Maecenas
scing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor sit amet maximus eros, quis mollis odio. Nunc ipsum purus, imperdiet ullamcorp- er quam sit
mi. Maecenas ipsum purus, imperdiet ullamcor- eget dignissim est. Donec eget justo nec turpis amet, malesuada semper sem.
per quam sit amet, malesuada semper sem. Duis cursus convallis eget nec erat. Nullam vel Duis elit quam, sagittis sed justo at, condi-
elit quam, sagittis sed justo at, condimentum pellentesque leo. Proin id euis- mod turpis, sit mentum porttitor velit. Vivamus rutrum a enim
porttitor velit. Vivamus rutrum a enim eget amet suscipit mauris. Sed sed ullamcorper lectus. eget molestie. Sed pharetra diam metus, id ornare
molestie. Sed pharetra diam metus, id ornare Sed eros nisi, consequat et auctor vel, placerat dolor lobortis quis. Integer gravida, ipsum non
dolor lobortis quis. Integer gravida, ipsum non quis massa. Mauris elementum efficitur diam venenatis pretium, elit mauris ultrices neque, quis
venenatis pretium, elit mauris ultrices neque, quis elementum vulpu- tate. Integer ullamcorper ligula tincidunt arcu velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non
tincidunt arcu velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non quis enim efficitur, non pellentesque nunc lacus at orci hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque
lacus at orci hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque facilisis. Sed mollis et arcu vitae suscipit. Etiam consequat faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu
consequat faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu sceleris- que ante vel nibh bibendum, et interdum mauris, non dictum est viverra vitae.
mauris, non dictum est viverra vitae. odio


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

In eget auctor mi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. I

LÉGENDE DE L’IMAGE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit.

feugiat id porttitor a, scelerisque non purus.
NOM DE L’AUTEURDATE Sed ac fermentum velit. In vitae mollis quam.
Praesent sit amet maximus eros, quis mollis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- odio. Nunc eget dignissim est. Donec eget
scing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor justo nec turpis cursus convallis eget nec erat.
mi. Maecenas ipsum purus, imperdiet ullamcor- Nullam vel pellentesque leo. Proin id euis-
per quam sit amet, malesuada semper sem. Duis mod turpis, sit amet suscipit mauris. Sed sed
elit quam, sagittis sed justo at, condimentum ullamcorper lectus. Sed eros nisi, consequat et
porttitor velit. Vivamus rutrum a enim eget auctor vel, placerat quis massa. Mauris
molestie. Sed pharetra diam metus, id ornare elementum efficitur diam elementum vulpu-
dolor lobortis quis. Integer gravida, ipsum non tate. Integer ullamcorper ligula quis enim
venenatis pretium, elit mauris ultrices neque, efficitur, non pellentesque nunc facilisis. Sed
quis tincidunt arcu velit sed dolor. Suspendisse mollis et arcu vitae suscipit. Etiam sceleris-
non lacus at orci hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque que ante vel nibh bibendum, et interdum odio LÉGENDE DE L’IMAGE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec
consequat faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu venenatis. Mauris congue venenatis nibh, vitae
mauris, non dictum est viverra vitae. condimentum massa varius vel. Lorem ipsum
Proin dolor massa, aliquet sit amet pharetra dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
quis, efficitur a massa. Praesent dolor tortor, Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi.

02 / / 12 / / 23
Biotechnology in Dentist


Dernière rubrique du journal.

euismod turpis, sit amet suscipit mauris. Sed sed ullamcorper lectus. Sed
eros nisi, consequat et auctor vel, placerat quis massa. Mauris
elementum efficitur diam elementum vulputate. Integer ullamcorper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel ligula quis enim efficitur, non pellentesque nunc facilisis. Sed mollis et
laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi. Maecenas ipsum purus, imperdiet ullam- arcu vitae suscipit. Etiam scelerisque ante vel nibh bibendum, et inter-
corper quam sit amet, malesuada semper sem. Duis elit quam, sagittis dum odio venenatis. Mauris congue venenatis nibh, vitae condimentum
sed justo at, condimentum porttitor velit. Vivamus rutrum a enim eget massa varius vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
molestie. Sed pharetra diam metus, id ornare dolor lobortis quis. Integer elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi. Maecenas ipsum purus,
gravida, ipsum non venenatis pretium, elit mauris ultrices neque, quis imperdiet ullamcorper quam sit amet, malesuada semper sem. Duis elit
tincidunt arcu velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non lacus at orci hendrerit quam, sagittis sed justo at, condimentum porttitor velit. Vivamus rutrum
tincidunt. Quisque consequat faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin arcu a enim eget molestie. Sed pharetra diam metus, id ornare dolor lobortis
mauris, non dictum est viverra vitae. Proin dolor massa, aliquet sit amet quis. Integer gravida, ipsum non venenatis pretium, elit mauris ultrices
pharetra quis, efficitur a massa. Praesent dolor tortor, feugiat id porttitor neque, quis tincidunt arcu velit sed dolor. Suspendisse non lacus at orci
a, scelerisque non purus. Sed ac fermentum velit. In vitae mollis quam. hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque consequat faucibus luctus. Ut sollicitudin
Praesent sit amet maximus eros, quis mollis odio. Nunc eget dignissim arcu mauris, non dictum est viverra vitae.
est. Donec eget justo nec turpis


Slogan de ce numéroIn eget auctor mi.


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