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Don’t be mean, be green:

When innitiative comes together, succes takes care of itself.

Numele şi prenumele elevului: Curtuţi Paul

Numele şi prenumele cadrului îndrumător: Rotaru Diana

Clasa: a XII-a

Școala de proveniență: Colegiul Național ,,Moise Nicoară”

Localitatea: Arad. Judeţul: Arad

Nestled in the heart of a bustling city, there stood a small park struggling to survive in the
midst of the concrete world. It was a green oasis, with towering trees, colorful flowers, and a
tranquil pond teeming with life. However, its beauty was overshadowed by neglect and
indifference from the surrounding community.

Maya, a spirited young girl with a deep love for nature and a passion for environmental
conservation, had grown up playing in the park. She loved its natural wonders and, therefore,
saddened by its continuous decline. Determined to make a difference, she decided to take
matters into her own hands and reabilitate the green oasis, which seemed just like a paradise
on earth. Armed with enthusiasm and determination, Maya rallied her friends and neighbors to
join her in the mission of the revitalisation of the park. Together, they formed a friendly
alliance dedicated to restore the park to its former glory.

Their first task was to tackle the litter problem that plagued the park. The team was preparted
with gloves and trash bags and picked up litter and debris scattered in the park. With each
piece of trash they collected, they felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in their efforts.

But Maya knew that simply cleaning up wasn't enough. The education of the community
about the importance of preserving green spaces and adopting sustainable practices was a
necesity, in order to truly make a lasting impact. That being said, the team of young savers
organized workshops and events to raise awareness about recycling, composting, and
reducing waste. As a result, continous numbers of people began to take notice and join their
cause, even profssional companies joined in: businesses donated resources, volunteers planted
trees and flowers, and local artists painted murals celebrating the beauty of nature. Slowly but
surely, the park began to thrive once again, bustling with life and laughter, filled with the joy
of children and their pets.

But Maya knew their work wasn't done yet. With the park's rejuvenation came new
challenges, such as invasive species, which threated native plants or water pollution which
could have lead to endangering the pond's inhabitants. Undeterred, Maya and the team
continued their efforts, implementing sustainable solutions and advocating for policies that
protected the environment, on a juridical level too.

Because of their unwavering dedication and collective action, the park became a shining
example of what could be achieved when people came together to make a difference. And as
Maya looked out over the lush greenery and vibrant blooms, she knew that as long as there
were people willing to stand up for the planet, the future would be bright and green.

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