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Example 1: Personal project—teacher comments

Candidate identifier The French Cultural Influence on Hanoi

Criterion A B C D Total
Level awarded 5 4 4 5 18

Criterion A: Investigating Explanatory commentary: referencing the task specific clarification what in this Level by strand
work characterizes it as limited, adequate, substantial or excellent?
Strand i: define a clear goal and global The student’s goal is clear and based on strong personal interest. The student 5
context for the project, based on personal explains why the goal Is challenging (giving reasons, which are supported in
interests appendix 9) and describes the relationship to the global context although the
selected global context is not explicitly named (this is supported in appendix 8).
Strand ii: identify prior learning and subject‐ Prior learning is described in the report and supported in the appendices. This 3
specific knowledge relevant to the project includes previous experience beyond the classroom (6).
No subject‐specific knowledge is explicitly identified (0).
Best fit is applied for this strand is applied at level 3
Strand iii: demonstrate research skills An appropriate range and variety of sources have been researched (6). 6
There is evidence of evaluation of specific sources in the appendices (6).
The bibliography is consistent although not used in the report. (4)
There is extensive evidence of a broad range of research skills (conducting
interviews, using digital resources, identifying primary and secondary sources,
creating a research plan) (7).
The different achievement levels for each element within the strand made it
difficult to award a level. Best fit for this strand is applied at level 6
5 What aspects of the work made it difficult to arrive at a level? How did you compensate in “best fit”?
Overall criterion

Projects teacher support material 1

Example 1: Personal project—teacher comments

Criterion B: Planning Explanatory commentary: referencing the task specific clarification what in this Level by strand
work characterizes it as limited, adequate, substantial or excellent?
Strand i: develop criteria for the The set criteria are realistic and relevant to the product. The student identifies 5
product/outcome how their success might be observed. The criteria offer qualitative and
quantitative dimensions. There is no explanation of why they are selected, or to
suggest that they were informed by research.
Strand ii: plan and record the development There is no evidence of long‐ or short‐term planning (0). 2
process of the project The record of the development process includes a description of the process
from start to finish. (4)
Best fit is applied for this strand and achievement level 2 given.
Strand iii: demonstrate self‐management There is a description of affective skills (playing sports ‐ which is supported in the 4
skills process journal), and a description of time and task management skills
throughout the project (an example is scheduling time for journal entries). Other
self‐management skills are evident throughout (especially in the process journal),
although not explicitly described.
4 What aspects of the work made it difficult to arrive at a level? How did you compensate in “best fit”?
Overall criterion

Projects teacher support material 2

Example 1: Personal project—teacher comments

Criterion C: Taking action Explanatory commentary: referencing the task specific clarification what in this Level by strand
work characterizes it as limited, adequate, substantial or excellent?
Strand i: create a product/outcome in The student has produced a good quality product (although the student has 3
response to the goal, global context and included too many images as evidence – only 5 may be considered) (6).
criteria There is no explanation of how the product achieves the goal of the project or
connection to the global context and set criteria (0).
Best fit was arrived at by compensating for the missing aspect of the strand.
Strand ii: demonstrate thinking skills The student provides a description of thinking skills in the report, although 4
elsewhere in the report, more substantial skills are evident: in ’developing the
product’ the student describes problem‐solving skills; additional thinking skills
are evident in the appendices (mind‐mapping, evaluation of sources).
Strand iii: demonstrate communication and There is a description of interaction with people relevant to the project (the brief 4
social skills statement in the report is supported by evidence in the appendices including the
interview and record of communication with tour guide and teacher). The report
is mostly clear and coherent and follows the required structure, although at
times information is not located in the appropriate section.
4 What aspects of the work made it difficult to arrive at a level? How did you compensate in “best fit”?
Overall criterion

Projects teacher support material 3

Example 1: Personal project—teacher comments

Criterion D: Reflecting Explanatory commentary: referencing the task specific clarification what in this Level by strand
work characterizes it as limited, adequate, substantial or excellent?
Strand i: evaluate the quality of the The student explains the quality of the product against the stated criteria. The 6
product/outcome against their criteria explanation includes reasons.
Strand ii: reflect on how completing the The reflection outlines the development of the student’s understanding of the 4
project has extended their knowledge and topic of culture, but does not explain. There is no mention of the global context
understanding of the topic and the global in this section, but in the final paragraph there is asn implicit reflection on
context elements of the context.
Strand iii: reflect on their development as IB The student explains how he or she has developed as an IB learner using specific 6
learners through the project examples connected to the IB learner profile
5 What aspects of the work made it difficult to arrive at a level? How did you compensate in “best fit”?
Overall criterion

Projects teacher support material 4

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