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Estrella: Hey, guys! Let's talk about some unusual experiences. Have you ever eaten
something unusual?

Diego: Yes, I have. In Japan, I tried raw octopus. It was really chewy.

Luis: I haven't, but I did try fried insects in Thailand. Surprisingly crunchy!

Estrella: Cool! Have you ever bought something unusual online?

Luis: Yes, I have. I bought a vintage typewriter on eBay. It was heavier than I expected,
but it works great!

Diego: I haven’t bought anything unusual online, but I did get an antique sword from a
market. It's a great conversation starter.

Estrella: Nice! Have you ever run a marathon?

Luis: No, but I did a 10k race last summer. It was exhausting but rewarding.

Diego: Yes, I have. I ran a marathon in New York. It was tough but exhilarating.

Estrella: Wow! Have you ever spoken to a celebrity?

Diego: Yes, at a film festival. The actor was really down to earth.

Luis: I haven't spoken to a celebrity, but I got an autograph from a famous singer after a

Estrella: Awesome! Have you ever slept in a tent?

Luis: Yes, I went camping in the mountains last summer. The view of the stars was
worth the cold.

Diego: I haven't slept in a tent, but I did spend a night in a treehouse. It was unique.
Estrella: That sounds fun! Have you ever lost something important?

Diego: Yes, my passport in Europe. Luckily, I got a replacement at the embassy.

Luis: I haven't lost anything important, but I did misplace my wallet during a trip. Found
it after a few hours.

Estrella: That's stressful! Have you ever had a bad experience on a trip?

Luis: Yes, I got food poisoning in Brazil and spent most of the trip recovering in the

Diego: I haven't had a bad trip, but I missed a flight once because of traffic. Managed to
catch another flight the next day.

Estrella: Great stories, guys! Thanks for sharing!


Estrella: Hey, guys! I was thinking we should talk about some unusual experiences
we've had. It'll be fun! Have you ever eaten something unusual?

Diego: Yes, I have. When I was in Japan last year, I tried some raw octopus. It was
really chewy and different from anything I’ve ever eaten before.

Luis: Wow, that's brave! I haven't eaten anything that unusual, but once I tried fried
insects at a street market in Thailand. It was crunchy and not as bad as I thought it
would be.

Estrella: Interesting! Have you ever bought something unusual online?

Luis: Yes, I have. I once bought a vintage typewriter on eBay. When it arrived, it was
much bigger and heavier than I expected, but it works perfectly!

Diego: No, I haven’t bought anything unusual online, but I did buy an antique sword
from a local market once. It turned out to be quite a conversation starter at home.

Estrella: That's cool! Okay, how about sports? Have you ever run a marathon?

Luis: No, I haven’t run a marathon, but I did participate in a 10k race last summer. It
was exhausting but really rewarding.

Diego: Yes, I have. I ran a marathon two years ago in New York. It was one of the
toughest but most exhilarating experiences of my life.

Estrella: That sounds amazing! Have you ever spoken to a celebrity?

Diego: Yes, I have. I met a famous actor at a film festival last year. We had a brief chat,
and he was really down to earth.

Luis: No, I haven’t spoken to a celebrity, but I once got an autograph from a famous
singer after a concert. It’s one of my prized possessions.
Estrella: That's awesome! Have you ever slept in a tent?

Luis: Yes, I have. I went camping in the mountains with some friends last summer. It
was a bit cold at night, but the view of the stars was totally worth it.

Diego: No, I haven’t slept in a tent, but I did spend a night in a treehouse once. It was
part of an eco-resort, and it was such a unique experience.

Estrella: Sounds like fun! Have you ever lost something important?

Diego: Yes, I have. I lost my passport while traveling in Europe. It was a nightmare, but
luckily, I managed to get a replacement at the embassy.

Luis: No, I haven’t lost anything that important, but I once misplaced my wallet during a
trip. I found it eventually, but it was a stressful few hours.

Estrella: That sounds stressful! Have you ever had a bad experience on a trip?

Luis: Yes, I have. When I was in Brazil, I got really sick from food poisoning. I spent
most of the trip recovering in the hotel room.

Diego: No, I haven’t had a bad experience on a trip, but I did miss a flight once because
of traffic. It was frustrating, but I managed to catch another flight the next day.

Estrella: Wow, you guys have some interesting stories! Thanks for sharing!

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