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2.0 Introduction

This chapter sought to review literary materials related to fraudulent activities in mobile

money transactions through 3D animation. The review was categorized both under theoretical

review and empirical review. The theoretical review was based on the Cognitive theory of

Visual Communication propounded by Rudolf Arnheim (1954) and the Fraud Diamond

Theory by Wolfe and Hermanson (2004). The empirical review was structured under the

following themes: Power of visuals, Visual Communication and Education, 3D Animation

and its influence on communication and education, Global Perspectives on Fraud activities

and Prevention strategies, Fraudulent Activities in Ghana and its impact on the society and

awareness attempts, Cultural Sensitivity in Visual Communication, and Media Platforms and

Institutional Engagement.

Theoretical Frameworks

1. Cognitive Theory of Visual Communication:

This study employed the Cognitive theory of visual communication as one of the theoretical

frameworks. The cognitive theory of visual communication posits that we interpret and

understand messages visually presented to us through our thoughts and emotions (Blue Sky,

2022). Propounded by Rudolf Arnheim in 1954, as “Art and Visual Perception”, his theory

emphasizes the active role of the viewer in the process of perceiving and understanding visual

stimuli. He argues that perception is not a passive process of merely receiving sensory

information but involves an active organization and interpretation of that information by the

human mind. Rudolf Arnheim’s theory can be relevant to the study based on the following;
 Perception and Interpretation: Arnheim's theory highlights the active role of the

viewer in perceiving and interpreting visual stimuli. When it comes to 3D animation,

the way viewers perceive and interpret the visuals can impact the effectiveness of

conveying information about fraudulent activities. Understanding how viewers

perceive and interpret the animated content can help in designing visuals that

effectively communicate the intended message and raise awareness about fraud.

 Visual Dynamics: Arnheim's theory discusses the concept of visual dynamics, which

refers to the interactions and relationships between visual elements. In the context of

3D animation, visual dynamics can be employed to create movement, tension, or

balance within the animation, enhancing its impact. By understanding the principles

of visual dynamics, animators can use techniques to engage viewers' attention and

convey the seriousness and significance of fraudulent activities.

 Communication and Meaning: Arnheim's theory emphasize how artists and

designers use visual elements to communicate ideas and evoke specific responses in

viewers. In the case of using 3D animation to expose fraudulent activities in Ghana,

animators can employ visual cues, symbolism, and storytelling techniques to

effectively convey the tricks, modes of operation, and deceptive tactics employed by

fraudsters. This can help viewers understand the gravity of the issue and make

informed decisions to prevent falling victim to fraud.

2. Fraud Diamond Theory:

The Fraud Diamond Theory is a theoretical framework that aims to explain the causes and

conditions that contribute to fraudulent behavior within organizations. It was developed by

Wolfe and Hermanson in 2004 and it builds upon the earlier Fraud Triangle concept proposed

by Donald Cressey. The Fraud Diamond Theory expands upon the three elements of the
Fraud Triangle (opportunity, pressure, and rationalization) and adds a fourth element,

capability, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of fraud.

The Fraud Diamond Theory can provide valuable insights and considerations to this study

and here is how the theory can help this study:

 Opportunity: The Fraud Diamond Theory highlights the importance of identifying

and addressing opportunities for fraud. In the context of 3D animation, this can

involve illustrating the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems or processes that

allow fraudulent activities to occur. The animation can demonstrate how certain

loopholes or inadequate controls create opportunities for fraudsters to exploit. By

visually depicting these opportunities, viewers can better understand the areas where

they need to be vigilant and where improvements are necessary.

 Motive: The theory acknowledges that personal or financial pressures can contribute

to fraudulent behaviour. When creating 3D animations to expose fraudulent activities,

it is essential to depict the various pressures that individuals may face, such as

financial difficulties or societal expectations. By portraying the underlying pressures

that drive fraud, the animation can help viewers empathize with the circumstances

that may lead someone to engage in fraudulent acts.

 Rationalization: The Fraud Diamond Theory recognizes that individuals often

rationalize their fraudulent behaviour to justify it to themselves. In the context of 3D

animation, this can involve illustrating the thought processes, justifications, or

cognitive biases that individuals may use to convince themselves that fraud is

acceptable or necessary. By highlighting these rationalizations, the animation can help

viewers recognize and challenge such thinking patterns, promoting ethical decision-

 Capability: The theory emphasizes the importance of individuals having the

necessary capabilities to commit fraud. In the context of 3D animation, this can

involve depicting the specific skills, knowledge, or access to information that

fraudsters possess. By illustrating the capabilities required to carry out fraudulent

activities, the animation can help viewers understand the methods employed by

fraudsters and be more alert to potential signs of fraudulent behaviour.

Thematic Reviews

1. 3D Animation and its influence on communication and education:

Discuss arguments, comparisons, and statistics on the potential of 3D animation for message


2. Global Perspectives on Fraud activities and Prevention strategies:

Consider international perspectives on fraud prevention education and draw lessons from

global best practices.

3. Fraudulent Activities in Ghana and its impact on the society and awareness


Provide an overview of the types of fraudulent activities prevalent in Ghana, including scams,

phishing, and identity theft, and explore the societal impact of fraudulent activities, including

financial losses, emotional distress, and erosion of trust.

4. Cultural Sensitivity in Visual Communication:

Investigate the significance of cultural sensitivity in visual communication, particularly in

diverse societies like Ghana.

5. Media Platforms and Institutional Engagement:

Examination of the role of media platforms and institutional collaborations in disseminating

3D animation content on fraud prevention.

Analysis of strategies for effective distribution and engagement with the target audience

through media platforms and institutional partnerships.

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