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Amido Ernesto Semente

Ana António Mu zaire

Arone Jacinto Assuar Miguel

Gentil Francisco Supia Bira

Zainabo Momade Daudo

Relevance of English language for students doing mathematics program

Focus your discussion on the basis of the following grounds:
English as a global/international language;
English as the language for business;
Many prominent books are written in English;
Employment Trends, etc.

(Licenciatura em Matemática)

Universidade Rovuma


Amido Ernesto Semente

Ana António Mu zaire

Arone Jacinto Assuar Miguel

Gentil Francisco Supia Bira

Zainabo Momade Daudo

Relevance of English language for students doing mathematics program

Focus your discussion on the basis of the following grounds:
English as a global/international language;
English as the language for business;
Many prominent books are written in English;
Employment Trends, etc.
(Licenciatura em Matemática)

Assessment task for Technical English II

Course Graduation in Mathematics, 2nd
year, 1st Semester at the aforementioned
University, supervised by:

Prof. Dr. Ramos Silvério Ibo

Universidade Rovuma
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

Objectives: .................................................................................................................................. 4

General Objectives: .................................................................................................................... 4

Specific Objectives: .................................................................................................................... 4

What is the relevance of English language for students doing mathematics program? ............. 6

English as a Global/International Language ............................................................................... 6

English as a Language for Business ........................................................................................... 6

Many Important Books Are Written in English ......................................................................... 7

Globalization .............................................................................................................................. 7

Technology ................................................................................................................................. 7

Employment Trends ................................................................................................................... 7

Add insight and information. ...................................................................................................... 7

Opportunity to pursue international studies. .............................................................................. 8

Facilitate communication and expand friendships. .................................................................... 8

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 9

BibliographyParte superior do formulário ................................................................................ 10



The relevance of the English language for students pursuing a mathematics program cannot be
overstated, given the interconnected nature of today's world. English serves as a lingua franca
across borders, making it essential for effective communication, collaboration, and accessing a
wealth of resources in the field of mathematics. This essay explores the significance of English
within the context of mathematics education, focusing on its status as a global language, its role
in facilitating business interactions, the predominance of English in mathematical literature,
and its alignment with the demands of globalization, technology, and employment trends. By
delving into these aspects, we gain a comprehensive understanding of why proficiency in
English is paramount for students embarking on a journey in mathematics.


General Objectives:
➢ Analysis of the Importance of English as a Global/International Language: To
investigate how the status of English as a lingua franca influences communication and
collaboration in the field of mathematics within a globalized context.
➢ Exploration of the Role of English in Mathematical Business: To examine how English
facilitates business interactions in the domain of mathematics, especially in terms of
international collaborations, conferences, and publications.
➢ Evaluation of the Influence of English Books on Mathematics Education: To analyze
the impact of the availability of study materials and references in English on the quality
and accessibility of mathematics education worldwide.
➢ Consideration of the Effects of Globalization and Technology: To investigate how
globalization and technological advancement affect the necessity and usage of English
in the field of mathematics, including participation in virtual conferences, online
courses, and international collaborations.
➢ Exploration of the Implications of the English Language on Employment Trends: To
examine how proficiency in English may impact job opportunities and professional
mobility for mathematics graduates, especially in a globalized and technology-driven

Specific Objectives:
➢ Identify and synthesize previous research on the relationship between the English
language and mathematics education.
➢ Collect and analyze data on the prevalence of English in academic publications and
conferences in the field of mathematics.
➢ Interview professionals and experts in mathematics to gain insights into the importance
of English in their professional practices.

➢ Conduct a detailed literature review on the effects of globalization and technology on

the relevance of English for mathematics students.
➢ Conduct field research to assess the perceptions and experiences of mathematics
students regarding the importance of English in their academic curriculum and future
These objectives aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of the
English language for students in the mathematics program, addressing a variety of relevant
perspectives and foundations.

What is the relevance of English language for students doing mathematics program?
Focus your discussion on the basis of the following grounds:

• English as a global/international language

• English as the language for business

• Many prominent books are written in English

• Globalization

• Technology

• Employment Trends

• etc.

Understanding the relevance of the English language for students in a mathematics program
involves recognizing its importance in various aspects of modern life. English is not only a
means of communication but also a vital tool for success in diverse fields, including
mathematics and science. In this discussion, we'll explore the influence of English as a global
language, its role in business, its connection to the production of mathematical literature, its
impact on globalization, its role in technology, and its implications for employment trends.

English as a Global/International Language

English has emerged as the global lingua franca, widely accepted and used in international,
academic, and business communications. For mathematics students, this means access to a vast
array of resources such as articles, books, conferences, and international collaborations. The
ability to comprehend and communicate in English opens doors to learning opportunities and
global collaboration.

English as a Language for Business

In the fields of applied mathematics and related sciences, many job opportunities and
collaborations occur in business environments. Multinational companies, research institutions,
and governmental organizations often use English as the standard language for both internal
and external communication. Mathematics professionals who master English have a significant
competitive advantage in the global job market.

Many Important Books Are Written in English

Mathematical literature is vast and comprehensive, with a large proportion of it being published
in English. Major advances, theorems, and discoveries often first appear in journals and books
written in English. For mathematics students, the ability to read and understand technical texts
in English is essential for keeping pace with innovations and contributing to the field.


Globalization has brought about an unprecedented interconnection between cultures,

economies, and societies. In this context, English acts as a communication tool that transcends
geographical and cultural boundaries. Mathematics students who master English are better
positioned to participate in collaborative projects, international conferences, and academic
networks, leveraging the opportunities offered by globalization.


Technology plays an increasingly important role in the teaching and practice of mathematics.
Many of the most advanced technological resources, such as software, simulation platforms,
and databases, are developed and documented in English. Proficiency in English enables
students to access and use these tools effectively, enhancing their capabilities in analysis,
modeling, and problem-solving.

Employment Trends

The job market is constantly evolving, and the demand for skilled professionals in mathematics
is high in various sectors, including technology, finance, health, and engineering. Many of these
opportunities require English language skills, whether for interacting with international
colleagues, accessing technical resources, or communicating research findings. Mathematics
students who invest in improving their English skills increase their chances of success in a wide
range of careers.

Add insight and information.

The sciences in the field of mathematics are constantly being updated. Students must always
update new things in order to gain wider insight and information around the world. Reading is
one way, reading encyclopedias, directories, bibliographies, dictionaries, and other books in
English. Students' critical and analytical thinking skills will develop. Students get new
knowledge and information that has never been encountered before. In everyday life, English

is widely used around us. For example, when browsing the internet, listening to music, and
watching movies. There must be elements of English that can be learned. In this case, an
understanding of the English language is very necessary.

Opportunity to pursue international studies.

An English proficiency test is a requirement if someone wants to study at na international

university. There are several tests to consider. English proficiency tests usually include reading,
writing, listening, and speaking. The results of this test can be used to measure a person's ability
to speak English.

Facilitate communication and expand friendships.

Communication skills are very important. By having good English language skills, it can be
used to participate in international seminars and discussions. From these activities, of course,
gain experience and will require friendship. To be able to develop one must learn from the
experiences of others, not only that one must have healthy friendship relationships, both in the
world of work and in society. English can help open relationships with people abroad.
Children's English skills are better if they continue to learn and continue to be honed.


In summary, the English language plays a crucial role in the education and practice of
mathematics in the contemporary world. Its position as a global language, its importance in
business, its influence on the production of technical literature, its connection to globalization,
its integration with technology, and its implications for employment trends highlight the
necessity and relevance of English for students in a mathematics program. Mastering English
not only opens doors to academic and professional opportunities but also enriches the learning
experience and broadens the reach of mathematical knowledge in a globalized context.

BibliographyParte superior do formulário

Crystal, David. "English as a Global Language." Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Graddol, David. "English Next: Why Global English May Mean the End of 'English as a
Foreign Language'." British Council, 2006.

Lippi-Green, Rosina. "English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the
United States." Routledge, 2011.

Canagarajah, Suresh. "Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations."

Routledge, 2013.

Swales, John M., & Feak, Christine B. "Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential
Tasks and Skills." University of Michigan Press, 2012.

Paltridge, Brian, & Starfield, Sue. "Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language: A
Handbook for Supervisors." Routledge, 2007.

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