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🚫 Existence of the measles virus has never been demonstrated!

📗 Discovery Health Magazine

In November 2011, the German Virologist Stefan Lanka challenged the one to the state of the heaviest
virus exists that they will show him a single scientific article published in which their characteristics were
described and, in particular, its components and diameter. Stating that I would pay 100,000 euros to
whom you presented it! A few months later a medical student called David Bardens sent him by letter
six articles that his kind they fulfilled the requested and demanded the payment of the money offered.

Lanka denied that those articles demonstrate the existence of the virus and refused to pay by being a
long judicial process that although in the first instance supported Bardens was turned on, now giving the
Supreme Federal Court of Germany the reason to Lanka. In short, the existence of the measles virus has
not been demonstrated never!

There is no scientific evidence of the existence of the measles virus! He has just recognized the Supreme
Court of Germany (Bundesgerichtshof) in a firm judgment that puts the end point to the long process
that has faced the then student of medicine and today doctor entitled David Bardens with the well-
known Steirman Vanologist. Fault of enormous transcendence and implications for public health
throughout the world as we talked about a disease that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers
"one of the main causes of death among young children" affirming on a recent note that "in 2014 there
were 114,900 deaths measuring throughout the world, that is, about 314 per day or 13 per hour" adding
that "vaccination has provided great benefits to public health by reducing world mortality by 79%
between 2000 and 2014" as well as "it is estimated that the vaccine avoided 17.1 million deaths which
makes it one of the best investments in public health».

Well, if it turns out that the existence of the virus has not even been demonstrated, how will vaccines
have been developed to prevent their contagion? To make a vaccine with which preventing the infection
of a virus, that virus is required! And if it does not exist - no given has it been like this, what are they
becoming manufacture of the vaccines of whose effectiveness will attend WHO? And how is a non-
existent virus to provoke almost 115,000 deaths per year? And how will they have avoided vaccines that
are marketed no and 17 million deaths but only one?

💷 One hundred thousand euros to show that the measles virus exists and does not claim the availability
a single lab?
The story that has just concluded with a firm's judgment of the Supreme Federal Court of Germany
began on November 24, 2011 when the website of a small editorial -Deminate precisely Klein-Klein
Verlag, that is, small-editorial editorial - dedicated to disseminating alternative information on health
published a note of the Stefan Lanka virologist in which it launched a disconcerting challenge: he was
willing to give 100,000 euros to anyone who told him where a single article had been published that
demonstrates the existence of the measles virus with minimal reliability conditions; Among them, which
determines their diameter without resorting to models or drawings.

Three months later - January 31, 2012 - A Hamburg Medical Student named David Bardens would send
Lanka by mail to six scientific articles that under his compliment fulfilled the requirements of the
challenge and demanded that the promised money is given to him. Dr. Lanka did not consider how many
articles complete the conditions required by him and so he gave the student to date the day before the
term he gave to him was given to pay for him, the March 7, 2012. Bardens insisted nevertheless in which
he had met and on September 29, 2013 decided to go to the courts giving a long-term judicial process
that has ended up generating costs higher than those of the reward itself.

🥊 Bardens wins the first assault

The trial against Lanka would begin on April 10, 2014, being held in the Ravensburg District Court
(Landgericht Ravensburg), would last for almost a year and ended up condemning Stefan Lanka to pay
100,000 euros and the costs of the procedure. Obviously the sentence would be disseminated and
commented to hype and saucer for the great media with the clear objective of ridicule Lanka and, of
passage, to all those that undocumented people ignore "antivacunas". In Spain they took advantage of it
for example, "skeptics" - in reality pseudozespicians since it is a group of individuals who self-approve
the right to decide what is or not scientific, what is or invalid or acceptable, who is or not credible and
who should be considered a sensible professional or a lot of even when the majority of them does not
have no university education or basic scientific knowledge (read about it on our website - - the article that with the title scientific fundamentalists against critical thinking
appeared in Nº 135). In fact, its maximum exponent, Luis Alfonso Gámez, "leader" of an
autodenominated organization The skeptical circle, would publish on his blog on March 17 of that year -
only five days after the fault: "The measles virus costs him 100,000 euros to an antivacunas and
awareness of AIDS 'taking advantage of the death position of the doctor Lanka about the existence of
HIV since 1995 (read it at Gámez,
who did not lose the opportunity to relate Lanka with Dr. Ryke Gerd Hame knowing that his usual
followers consider that somewhat disqualifying -, he also manipulated the Lanka approaches saying that
"Justice has condemned Lanka to pay Bardens for 100,000 euros, a decision against which the convicted
has announced that it will resort because he hosts Meetly does not exist as such« (The underlined is our)
knowing that what Lanka puts in question is not the existence of the disease but it has been found that
it causes it a virus that has been identified, isolated, characterized and characterized by and genome.

The case is that after the first Bardens judgment became a kind of hero - in some means it was said to be
said that it was a mixture of Till Eulenspiegel (a character of the German folklore that mocked his
adversaries) and Robin Hood - and for some time would answer in the interviews that granted despise
the Langa's arguments with a smile of almost childhood satisfaction and openly advocating mandatory
vaccination. Moreover, he presumed that his success had turned around the world, who recognized him
even in the most remote places and boasting that he would use the prize money on new vaccination
programs. Something that the media spread massively because the sentence matched the appearance
of half thousand milellass cases in Berlin and had already a child young boy who was already a caused
for that cause.

Bardens would then be challenged by Christian Anders - a well-known Austrian rock writer and singer -
who offered him double -200,000 euros - if finally his articles showed the existence of the virus ... What
he would reject arguing that Anders only wanted to make free publication to his coast.

⚖ Lanka appeal: "Functional rights have been violated"

As we have already advanced, Lanka resorted the sentence. And he did it for understanding that the trial
had not been developed correctly or from a legal point of view or from the scientist. And on April 27,
2014, it presented a detailed appeal reminding that his challenge contained seven concrete conditions:

1) It should be a publication that by itself demonstrates the demanded.

2) The publication should describe its own research and not comment on comments or analysis on

3) The publication should proceed with the institution that is legally responsible for in the manner of
guiding the scientific documentation in which the decisions of the Government are also based on public
health; That is, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI by the German acronym in Robert Koch Institut).
4) The item provided should demonstrate the existence of the measles virus.

5) It should be a publication that complies with the standards of any scientific research.

6) Enter the data to be included - as the isolation of the virus and the sequencing of its genomed -
should precisely determine the diameter of the virus of the alleged hera hen virus. And,

7) A real image of the virus should be provided, not drawings or graphic recreations of him.

Well, according to Stefan Lanka Bardens had not fulfilled one of his conditions. He presented six items
instead of one, most did not describe original research but reviews or comments on other publications,
none of the Robert Koch Institute, in none described how to isolate the virus and what are their
characteristics, none met the criteria that is supposed to have a job to be considered scientist, none
included control experiments and in none describes the diameter of the virus with precision.

And in fact the court of the court so he notes himself although both Bardens and the defenders of the
vaccines have now opted to claim that Lanka has won the judgment for questions and not in the
background. Only that it is true that the Supreme Court of Germany detected both formal and
procedural errors but is not less than it includes in its judgment in a large-slaughtered fund arguments
that evidences what Lanka has qualified from "an error that became fraud and a fraud that became
crime». Moreover, it is a judgment that can doubt no since the measles provoke it a virus, but there are
really illnesses caused by viruses!

Let's analyze the things in detail. To begin with, the Court issued by the First Relief decided to unwindly
overlook the first three conditions that Lanka had put out when they were not a whim but they were
supported by the law for the prevention and control of human infectious diseases (Law of Protection of
Infection) (IFSG) for its acronym in German of Gesetz Zur Verhütung und BEKÄMPFUNG. VEON
consult the full text in www.gesetze-im-internet.the/bundesRecht/ifsg/Geamt.pdf) according to which
the investigations that scientifically based the decisions on public health - include those who allow the
establishment character of the disease or contribute the biological basis for a vaccine (in this case,
isolation and knowledge of measles virus) must be carried out by the Institute Robert Koch or, if they are
previous, counting the Institute Robert Koch or, if they are above, count on the with the corresponding
documentation. And the truth is that Banders did not provide a single article from that Institute. In fact,
Lanka explained during the judicial procedure that precisely one of its objectives by offering the money
was to determine whether that body that is obliged to have the scientific documentation that justifies
public health policies had or had no tests.

In case the expert was not the little that the court appointed as perito - Professor Andreas Podbielski,
director of the Institute of Medicine and Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene of Rostock - declared
during the trial that in the biology does not apply strict scientific rules but it is reached conclusions
through majority decisions! And it was leaning in such unhealth claim as alleged that although none of
the articles presented by Banders showed the same of the measles virus the whole of all of them did!

According to Lanka what that "expert" made was to select a few claims of these items, manipulate them
to convenience, add something of their harvest and present the result as "test" that the articles fulfilled
their demands. So in February, while the sessions of the trial were held, Lanka presented the Court a
report in which he has detailed the fact that for his expert in which he included nine questions about
what he had herself asking for the Court to expose them without the fact that he would allow it to do it!
Alleging the court that had passed his questions to Podbielski to respond ... what was then proved to be

Another of the key issues of this judicial process is the acceptance that viruses do not have ribosomes; In
fact, he recognized him Podbielski himself during the trial. And yet the court had a declaration of the
division head of the Robert Koch Institute, Dr. Annette Mankertz, in which it recognized that in the
measles virus there are ribosomes. A contradiction that can only be explained if what some "virus" are
not actually but waste of cellular material.

It is added [He] Stefan Lanka, based on his own investigations - would be in collaboration with his own
professors and other scientists, "he says even that he has never been able to demonstrate that there are
pathogenic viruses. Arguing that colleagues who think they are confused residues of human cells
destroyed with "virus".

🔬 Analysis of the 6 items submitted

But let's follow: Did the six articles showed by Bardens not existed of the measuring the sas membrane?
Did the criteria required to entirely that public claims to be appreciated? In your appeal - and later
through the web Dr. Lanka analyzes one by one the six and concludes that
no. According to these publications do not fulfill the minimum conditions of an original scientific
research. Let's see its main arguments about the works presented by Bardens:

1) ENDERS JF, TECEA DE TC. Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with
Measles. PROC SCP SPI BIOL Med. 1954 Jun; 86 (2): 277-286

It is a study on the proliferation of cytopatogenic substances in seven patients affected by measles (two
of them still in observation when it was published). He did not intend to detect the virus or demonstrate
his existence. The researchers were limited to raise the possibility that there was a virus involved but
without securing it. However, his author, John Franklin Enders, had just granted the Novedan Prize for
Medicine of 1954 for his work on polio and the whole world entrusted to him when he attributed to a
virus the effects he watched in cells under antibiotics and nutrient reduction. Although neither in the
case of polio nor in that work made their experiments with control groups! Then in any way it was able
to verify that its interpretation was correct.

2) Bech V, Magnus PV. Studies on Mesas Virus in Monkey Kidney Tissue Cultures. Acta Pathol Microbiol
Scand. 1959; 42 (1): 75-85 (

The authors refer to the study of Enders that we have just commented by saying that they managed to
isolate "active substances similar to viruses" repeating their procedure in 13 patients getting spreading
in some. Detection that they achieved using antibodies, not by direct identification of the alleged virus.
The surprising thing is that they observed that the specific effect they were - and previously endered -
attributed to the measles virus it also occurred in normal uninfected cells which led them to conclude
that the Enders study method does not serve to isolate the measles virus not to include control

3) Nakai M, Imagawa DT. Electron Microscopy of Measels Virus Replication. J Virol. 1969 Feb; 3 (2): 187-
97 (

These authors claim to have observed the phases of multiplication of the supply measles virus with an
electronic microscope only that they used the enders method and therefore can not be asserted than
what observed really was a virus.
4) Lund GA, Tyrell, DL, Bradley Rd, Scraba DG. The molecular Length of Measles Virus RNA and the
Structural Organization of Measles Nucleocapsids. J Gen Virol. 1984 Sep; 65 (PT 9): 1535-42

The authors of this work begin recognizing that in the previous studies consulted there is no
morphological description of the microcapseide of the measles virus and there are contradictory
descriptions of their genome in terms of length and composition so they intended to determine it. Only
that instead of isolating the virus by standardized techniques used molecules obtained by the techniquar
of Enders and nucleic acids of alleged infected cell fragments and not of virus isolated. Establishing this -
no new without performing control experiments - the supposed length for the virus genome. Length
who nevertheless corresponds to which he later agreed - hardly discussive- "as scientifically
established". No comments.

5) Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, And Replication of Measles Virus. Curr Micro
Michaibiol Immunol. 1995; 191: 35-50 (

This text is actually the chapter of a book on the measles virus - can be checked by consulting the PDF
that we link - that assumes without further its existence and it does not intend to demonstrate it or
describe any insulation. Moreover, the text recognizes at least three times that an exact description of
the genome of the virus E is not available, even that they will use two others-of the vesicular stomatitis
and the Sendai virus- as models to solve that lack of data (page 38). In this text, no original research is
described; It is a mere review of 98 previous publications mentioned by the work done to establish the
conference of the presumed of the alleged saster of the measles.

6) DAIKOKU E, MORITA C, KOHNO T, SOORAN K. Analysis of Morphology and infectivity of particles of

virus. Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. 2007; 53 (2): 107-14 (

The sixth and last article submitted by Bardens deals specifically, "explains Lanka on his appeal - about
how the size of the measles virus can determine the risk of infection. Do not investigate the existence or
not of the virus. They present it in the introduction as something pre-existing and characterized without
even clarifying the biological and virological meaning of the specimens of the greatest use of the usual.
Lanka states that he has been confused as a virus particles that resemble them but who are not but
cellular waste. In fact, two experiments are described in which biochemical characterization is not
carried out, nor are they photographs, or the diameter of supposed virus is determined. And to top it,
the procedure for obtaining the molecules was that of Enders.

In short, Lanka alleges that all those works are based on mere assumptions and lack the minor scientific

⚕ A judgment that can change the history of medicine

The case is that after two deferrages the Stuttgart Appeal Court (Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart) finally
reviewed the case and on February 16, 2016 issued a favorable sentence to Lanka: "Consequently the
appeal is admitted and accepts because the request that the existence of the measles virus becomes
proven is being tested through 'a scientific publication' has not been fulfilled by the plaintiff" (it has the
full text of the sentence in

Bardens would fit the coup that the Korn accused to manipulate the media and groups of "antivacunas"
of threats annually announcing that it would go to the Supreme Court for which it was already gathering
funds from "private donations" and doctors without borders.

And effectively, the case ended in the Bundesgerichtshof-the highest German court, equivalent to our
supreme court-headquarters in the city of Karlsruhe. Only unfortunately for Bardens this has given the
reason to Dr. Stefan Lanka again. Historical judgment that opens the door to a radical rethinking not
already on the measles vaccine but on one of the fundamental bases of "modern" medicine: vaccines.

🌫 Measles in Spanish sanitary policies

As for Spain, the measles is found in the list of diseases called "mandatory statement". In the protocols
of the national epidemiological surveillance network - pages 562-578 of
/fd-services-cientifico-technicians/fd-vigilancias-aertas/protocolos_renave.pdf- It is established that "all
buds of measles must be notified to the National Center for Epidemiology (CNE) in an urgent way". And
it is considered "bud" the appearance of a single suspicious case. It should be added that among the
activities to be developed, the investigation of any suspicious case includes, the search for the source of
infection and the collection of clinical samples of serum, urine and exudated for the diagnosis and final
classification of the case. Also emphasizing the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure;
Vaccine that requires a first dose at 15 months and a second between 3 and 6 years although in
situations that are considered "risk" can be vaccinated at 6 months. Moreover, in cases of buds
considered serious, can vaccinate even impose. As it happened in the Granada district of Albaycín in
November 2011 (read on our website - the article with which the intended industry
does the precondent industry impose the vaccinations by handling the judges? We publish in Nº 136).

We will add that the measles vaccine is administered in Spain-as other countries- together with the
vaccines of the partisonitis and the rubella and sometimes adding the one of the scorcecor; It depends
on the commercial brand. According to the web of the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish
Association of Pediatrics in Spain, three mechanical vaccines are marketed: one of Sanofi Pasteur MSD -
M-M-RVAXPRO-and two of Glaxosmithkline -Priorix and Priorix-Tetra (this includes that of the varicella).
If the reader wants to read the complete chips of them can download them by entering and writing "measles" in the box
corresponding to "diseases" ™. In any case, we advance that in the composition of the three of them, it
is said to basically contain live attenuated viruses of measles, partotiditis, rubella and, where
appropriate, of varicella; The first two produced in chicken embryo cells and the other two in human
lung fibroblasts. Only if the measles has vasked and the character of the measles has been isolated and
characterized, how will vaccines have been developed for that disease with lively virutennied viruses?
Can we explain to us the manufacturers, the health authorities that have approved it and the doctors
and nurses that recommend and inoculating? Obviously we doubt it. As in so many other cases they will
be silent as an answer.

And that we talk about vaccines against the general belief -including that of health professionals - can
cause a series of adverse reactions that really pink the hairs in the tip; It takes into account that, in
particular in the case of the Sanofi vaccine - most of the documented adverse reactions are included
under the indication of "unequal frequency". Re-emerging that this is because "it can not be estimated
from the available data". What is not this fact that you have been so recently? It is evident that they tear
with absolute impunity of citizenship.

In short, as we have the citizens to have the absurd of the notitute of reading the prospects of the drugs
- including the included - we will summarize the adverse reactions that the three mentioned can cause
(with light variations between them). These are: allergic reactions, nasopharyngitis, infection of the
respiratory tract, aseptic meningitis, measuring, epididimitis, orchetis, otitis media, particleitis, rhinitis,
panningefalitis scleroste, lymphadenitaphytry, thrombocytopenia, analfilaxis, edemas, irritability,
feverish seizures, dizziness, encephalitis, ataxia, anorexia, anorexia, encephalopathy, guillain-barre
syndrome, headache, eye pestanens, oxitis neuritis, polyelophite, neuritis, retinisitis, retinitis, debris,
norriest, deep, norrisal, rominer, rhinestone, bronchic spasm, poul, pneumonia, sore Spare throw,
nausea, diarrhea, vicilic, ruptures, hivetricia, paniculite, purple, arthriture, stevens-Johnson, prurito,
fever, erythegia, moldial, fever, erythema, swelling, cardinals, eruptions, burning, stinging, papillitis,
esema, seed, epiterum and vasculitis, vesicles, erythma and vasculitis. As for the third cited vaccine,
which also includes the varicella, can also provoke herpes zoster, cerebelitis, transverse myelitis and
variceliform stage. A true shame.

We ended up announcing that Discovery Dsalud has decided to request the government - to use in the
Treatment Law - the scientific documentation available to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Equality to justify public health policies related to measles; In particular, those that justify the inclusion
of vaccines of "mutten-mirror mirror" in the calendar recommended by the Vaccine Advisory Committee
of the Spanish Pediatrics Association. We will keep informed of the results to our readers.


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