Lab Week 13

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Lab Week 13

Vibrio spp
Usually Gram (-)

Widely distributed ( aquatic environment)

● Vibrio cholerae
● Vibrio parahaemolyticus
● Vibrio vulnificus
● Vibrio fluvialis
● Vibrio Furnissii
● Vibrio hollisae

Straight or Comma shaped Rods

Comes with a flagellum

Vibrio parahaemolyticus
● Gram negative
● Catalase & Oxidase Positive
● Sugar fermenter
● Mobile
Vibrio parahaemolyticus

● Medium-sized
● Grey colonies
● No interaction with BAP

*Best medium to use is Thiosulfate

Citrate Bile-salts Sucrose (TCBS)
Escherichia coli
1. E. coli is gram-negative
rod-shaped bacteria.
2. It is 1-3 x 0.4-0.7 µm in size and
0.6 to 0.7 µm in volume.
3. It is arranged singly or in pairs.
4. It is motile due to peritrichous
5. Some strains are non-motile.
6. Some strains may be fimbriated.
The fimbriae are of type 1
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli
Nutrient Agar

1. They appear large, circular, low convex,

grayish, white, moist, smooth, and opaque.

2. They are of 2 forms: Smooth (S) form and

Rough (R) form.

3. Smooth forms are emulsifiable in saline.

4. Due to repeated subculture, there is

smooth to rough variation (S-R variation).
Escherichia coli

1. Colonies are big, circular, gray, and moist.

2. Non-hemolytic colonies
(gamma-hemolysis) (Above Figure) OR
Beta (β) hemolytic (Below Figure) colonies
are formed
Escherichia coli
Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)

1.Green Metallic Sheen

Salmonella is Gram Negative rods,
measuring 2-4 X 0.6 μm.

Non-acid fast

Non-capsulated and non-sporing

Most serotypes are motile with

peritrichous flagella

fermentative, facultative anaerobes, oxidase (-),

gram (-) rods, catalase (+)
Deoxycholate Citrate Agar

■ They are pale or nearly

colorless, smooth, shiny and
■ Sometimes they have black
center and sometimes they are
surrounded by a zone of clear
■ But these characteristics need
48hrs of incubation for their
Wilson Blair Medium

■ S.Typhi forms large black colonies

with a metallic sheen.
■ S.Paratyphi A produces green
colonies due to the absence of H2S
Shigella - exclusive in the intestine

Shigella dysentariae - causative agent

- Shigella dysenteriae
- Shigella flexneri
- Shigella sonnei
- Shella Boydii

Grows on ordinary medium

Colonies: Small, circular,

convex, smooth & translucent
MacConkey Agar & Salmonella
Shigella agar

Wilson & Blair Medium

Growth - Inhibited

*used to separate Salmonella

and Shigella

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