Lab16 Reflexes ANS

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Lab 16 Reflex Physiology and ANS

Objectives and Activities PreLab Quiz

0#+&$5*7&%FGJOFSFGMFYBOESFGMFYBSD 1. Circle the correct term. Autonomic / Somatic reflexes include all those
reflexes that involve stimulation of skeletal muscles.
GVODUJPOPGFBDIFMFNFOUPGBSFGMFYBSD Q 2. List the components of a human reflex arc.
0#+&$5*7&%FTDSJCFTFWFSBMUZQFTPG In a reflex arc, the _________ transmits afferent impulses to the central
"DUJWJUZ*OJUJBUJOHTUSFUDISFGMFYFT Q a. integration center c. receptor
"DUJWJUZ*OJUJBUJOHUIF1MBOUBS3FGMFY Q b. motor neuron d. sensory neuron
0#+&$5*7&%FTDSJCF'VODUJPOTPG 4. Circle True or False. Most reflexes are simple, two-neuron, monosynaptic
PG UIF"VUPOPNJD /4 Q 5. Stretch reflexes are initiated by tapping a ____________ that stretches
a. bone b. ligament c. tendon
"DUJWJUZ.BSLFBDIPGUIFGPMMPXJOHBTBO 6. Which reflex can be tested to determine whether damage has occurred to the
FGGFDUPGUIFTZNQBUIFUJDOFSWPVTTZTUFNPS corticospinanal tract________________________________________________

Reflex hammeTJEFPGUIFJOEFY The Reflex Arc

PWFSDPNFTJOIJCJUJPOPGUIFSFGMFY TPUIBUB eurons communicate in many ways, but much of what the body must do
CSJTLUBQXJUIUIFTJEFPGUIFJOEFYGJOHFS every day is programmed as reflexes. Reflexes are rapid, predictable,
FMJDJUTBHPPESFTQPOTF6TJOHUIFJOEFY involuntary motor responses to stimuli and they occur over neural path≠
XIJDINBZVQTFUUIFDIJME1BSFOUTBSF Reflexes can be classed as either autonomic or somatic reflexes. Autonomic
JOUSJHVFEUPTFFTVDIBMJWFMZEFNPOTUSBUJPO (or visceral) reflexes are not subject to conscious control. These reflexes activate
PGUIFJSDIJMEhTDJSDVJUSZ smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and the glands of the body and they regulate body
functions such as digestion and blood pressure. Somatic reflexes include all
reflexes that stimulate skeletal muscles. For example, a somatic reflex causes you
%PSTVNPGUIF to withdraw your foot rapidly from a piece of glass you have just stepped on.
Components of a Reflex Arc
OBJECTIVE 2 Identify and describe the function of each element of
Absorbent cotton (sterile)PSOFX a reflex arc.
2UJQTUFSJ[JTFECZIPMEJOHNJOVUFJO All reflex arcs have at least five functional elements (Figure 16.1):
1. The receptor is the site that receives the stimulus.
2. The sensory neuron conducts the afferent impulses to the CNS.
SFQPSUUIFSFTVMUT 3. The integration center consists of one or more synapses in the CNS.
4. The motor neuron conducts the efferent impulses from the integration center
to an effector.
5. The effector, muscle fibers or glands, responds to the efferent impulses by
contracting or secreting a product, respectively.

Exercise 16

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Figure 16.1 Five basic components of a reflex arc.

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Figure 16.2 Two - neuron and three - neuron reflex arcs. The integration center
is in the spinal cord, and in each example the receptor and effector are in the same
limb. (a) The patellar reflex, a two neuron monosynaptic reflex. (b) A flexor reflex,
an example of a polysynaptic reflex.

Human Reflex Physiology

The simple patellar, or knee jerk, reflex shown in Figure in the reflex arc pathway. Figure 16.2b shows a three -
16.2a is an example of a simple, two-neuron, monosynaptic neuron polysynaptic reflex arc (flexor reflex). Note: The
reflex arc. (It will be demonstrated in the video.) However, term synapse is used to describe the point of close contact
most reflexes are more complex and polysynaptic, involving between the neurons or a neuron and an effector cell.
one or more association neurons

Somatic Reflexes
O B J E C T I V E 3 Describe several types of reflex
activity as observed in the laboratory.
There are many types of somatic reflexes, including several that
you will be inducing during this laboratory sessionó the stretch,
superficial cord, and corneal reflexes. Some require only spinal
cord activity; others require brain involvement as well.

Spinal Reflexes
Stretch Reflexes
Stretch reflexes are important postural reflexes that maintain
posture, balance, and locomotion. Stretch reflexes are produced
by tapping a tendon, which stretches the attached muscle. This
stimulates muscle spindles (specialized sensory receptors in
the muscle) and causes reflex contraction of the stretched mus≠
Figure 16.3 Testing the patellar reflex. The examiner
cle, which resists further stretching. Even as the primary stretch
supports the subject' s knee so that the subjectí s
reflex is occurring, impulses are relayed to higher brain centers
muscles are relaxed and then strikes the patellar
to advise of muscle length and speed of shorteningó information
ligament with the reflex hammer. The proper location
needed to maintain muscle tone and posture.
may be ascertained by palpating the patella.

Activity 1 Would you say that nervous system activity or muscle

function is responsible for the changes you have just
Initiating Stretch Reflexes
1. To test the patellar, or knee jerk, reflex, seat a
subject on B UBCMF with legs hanging free (or with
knees crossed). Tap the patellar ligament sharply with 3. The calcaneal tendon reflex (Achilles, or ankle jerk, reflex)
theTJEF PG UIF JOEFY GJOHFS BT EFTDSJCFE PO QBHF  JO assesses the first two sacral segments of the spinal cord.
.BUFSJBMT just below the knee to elicit the response. Remove your shoe. Have your partner use one hand to
The knee jerk reflex assesses the L2-L4 level of dorsiflex your foot to increase the tension of the gas≠ tro
the spinal cord (Figure 16.3). Test both knees, and cnemius (calf) muscle, and sharply tap your calcaneal
record your observations. (Achilles) tendon with the reflex hammer (Figure 16.4).


What nerve is carrying the afferent and efferent impulses?

2. Fatigue influences the stretch reflex response. To demon

strate its effect, the subject should jog in position until
she or he is very fatigued. Test the patellar reflex again, Figure 16.4 Testing the calcaneal tendon reflex.
and record whether it is more or less vigorous than the The examiner slightly dorsiflexes the subjectí s ankle by
first response. supporting the foot lightly in the hand and then taps
the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon just above the ankle.

Text continues on next page. ➔


Exercise 16

What is the result?

Does the contraction of the gastrocnemius normally

result in the activity you have observed?

The stretch reflexes that have been demonstrated so far are

examples of reflexes in which the reflex pathway is initiated
and completed at the spinal cord level.
Superficial Cord Reflexes Figure 16.5 Testing the plantar reflex. Using a
The superficial cord reflexes (abdominal and plantar reflexes) moderately sharp object, the examiner strokes the
are initiated by stimulating receptors in the skin and mucosae. lateral border of the subjectí s sole, starting at the heel
The superficial cord reflexes depend both on brain participa and continuing upward across the ball of the foot
-tion and on the cord level reflex arc. We will use the toward the big toe.
plantar reflex as our example.
The plantar reflex, an important neurological test, is
elicited by stimulating the cutaneous receptors in the sole
of the foot. In adults, stimulation of these receptors causes
Cranial Nerve Reflex Test
the toes to flex and move closer together. Damage to the For the cranial nerve reflex test, you will be working with
corticospinal tract (the major voluntary motor tract), however, your lab partner to illustrate a somatic reflex mediated by
produces Babinskií s sign, an abnormal response in which cranial nerves, the corneal reflex. This reflex is mediated
the toes flare and the great toe moves upward. (In newborn through the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V). The absence
infants, it is normal to see Babinskií s sign because the ner of this reflex is an ominous sign because it often indicates
vous system is still incompletely myelinated.) damage to the brain stem.

Activity 2 Activity 3
Initiating the Corneal Reflex
Initiating the Plantar Reflex Stand to one side of the subject; the subject should look
Have the subject remove a shoe and lie on the cot or away from you toward the opposite wall. Wait a few sec
laboratory bench with knees slightly bent and thighs ro onds and then quickly, but gently
ly, touch the subjectí s
tated so that the lateral side of the foot rests on the cot. cornea (on the side toward you) with a wisp of absorbent
Alternatively, the subject may sit up and rest the lateral cotton. What is the reaction?
surface of the foot on a chair. Draw the handle of the re
flex hammer (or other moderately pointed object)
firmly up the lateral side of the exposed sole from the
heel to the base of the great toe Figure
( 16.5).
What is the function of this reflex?
What is the response?

Was the sensation that of touch or of pain?

Is this a normal plantar reflex or Babinskií s sign?


Use your textbook to find this information



Review Sheet
Human Reflex Physiology
Name _______________________________________________________ Lab Time/Date ___________________________________

The Reflex Arc

1. Define reflex:
a response to a stimulus which is mediated
ictable, involuntary motor responses to stimuli and they occur over neural pathways called

2. Name five essent

ial components of a reflex
reflex arc: receptor
motor neuron , sensory nueron ,

effector ,receptor , and intergration center .

3. In general, what is the importance of reflex testing in a routine physical examination? ____________________________

The condition of the nervous system will be assesed



Somatic and Autonomic Reflexes

4. Use the key terms to complete the statements given below. (Some responses may be used more than once.)

Key: calcaneal tendon reflex patellar reflex pupillary light reflex

corneal reflex plantar reflex

Reflexes classified as somatic reflexes include corneal reflex , patellar reflex

, corneal ,

and plantear .

Of these, the simple stretch reflexes are patellar and achilles , and the superficial cord reflex is plantar .

A reflex classified as an autonomic reflex is the pupillary . light

patellar cross extensor reflex
5. Name two cord≠m ediated reflexes: ____________________________________ and ____________________________________

Superficial cord reflexes and pupillary light reflexes
plantar reflex
Name one somatic reflex in which the higher brain centers participate: __________________________________________

6. Trace the reflex arc, naming efferent and afferent nerves, receptors, effectors, and integration centers, for the follow≠
ing reflexes:

patellar reflex _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Review Sheet 16

calcaneal tendon reflex


7. What was the effect of muscle fatigue on your ability to produce the patellar reflex?
8. The pupillary light reflex and the corneal reflex illustrate the purposeful nature of reflex activity. Describe the protec≠
tive aspect of each:

protects the retina.

pupillary light reflex _________________________________________________________________________________________

protects the eyeball from damage.

corneal reflex _______________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Was the pupillary consensual reflex a contralateral or an ipsilateral response? ____________ ___________

Why would such a response be of significant value

in this particular reflex?


10. Differentiate between the types of effectors used by the somatic and autonomic reflexes, and the types of activities
accomplished by somatic and autonomic reflexes.




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