Marine Salvage

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A l l e n Winer, Materials Development and Applications Ofice, Naval Ship
Engineer Center, has been the Navy's project engineer for Foam-In-Salvage
studies f r o m the initial laboratory feasibility study in 1964 u p to the present
state of development. His areas of responsibility include plastics, cordage and
fabrics. He was graduuted from TUFTS University in 1948 and received his
M.S. degree in Chemistry in 1950. He has published several other articles on
cellular plastics. He holds one U.S. Patent and has several others pending
at this writing.
At the time of this writing, Capt. Searle wore two hats; one as Supervisor of
Salvage, and the second as Head of Ocean Engineering and Inshore Division
of the Fleet Maintenance and Logistic Support Directorate of NAVSHIPS.
The Captain has guided the operational aspects of this program from its con-
ception. Capt. Searle, a n ASNE member, attended the Naval Academy from
1942 to 1945 and received his B.S. in Naval Engineering. He received his
advanced degree as Naval Engineer f r o m M.I.T. in 1952. He has written several
articles for the US.Naval Institute Proceedings and the Naval Review, as well
as other technical periodicals.


Two quite different plastic foam systems are de- of sunken ships, one of the prin-
scribed for raising large sunken objects; Urethane
Foam-In-Salvage (FIS) and Expanded Polystyrene
cipal problems which the salvor faces is that of
gaining buoyancy. The utilization of plastic foam is
Bead (EPS)systems. This paper will first review one of the latest aids in solving this problem. A
the major salvage operations in which the FIS and salvor may add external buoyancy in the form of
EPS internal buoyancy systems have been em- structural pontoons or collapsible rubber bag pon-
ployed and second, address the technology involved. toons, filled with air. Alternately, he may prefer,
An FIS system operational to an ocean depth of for reasons of logistics or engineering, to apply in-
200 feet is presented and a possible technique for ternal buoyancy in the ship. He may perform this
extending FIS depth capability to 450 feet is de- latter operation by merely pumping out the compart-
scribed. FIS is considered to be a breakthrough in ment, if possible, or by displacing the water by
technology in the ship salvage field. means of compressed air (i.e. blowing down).
Successful salvage recoveries of sunken vessels The pumping and air blowing methods are the
involving the use of plastic foam systems are also standard techniques of the salvor and every salvage
described. There are specific advantages and dis- ship is equipped with pumps and compressors
advantages associated with each of the two systems. especially designed for the task. There are, how-

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ever, frequent salvage cases where these standard

techniques cannot be used at all or are not suffi- GROWTH RATE OF
cient to save the ship. It is in such cases that the RIG1 D URETHANE FOAM PRODUCTION
application of buoyancy material into the ship is
necessary or, at least, cost effective.
The internal application of buoyancy is not a new
idea. However, what is novel and unique about the
use of plastic foam for internal buoyancy is the
concept of obtaining lift by injecting a liquid poly-
mer system into flooded spaces, expanding-in-place
to many times its original volume, and displacing
Historically, ancient salvors in the Far East cut
sections of bamboo, weighted them, and carried
them below, freeing them into their sunken, over-
turned craft. Early Mediterranean salvors employed
blown-up goat skins in a similar manner. In more
modem times the Sunday supplements seems to be
the primary exponents of using ping-pong balls,
blown into famous wrecks like Andrea Doria,
as a cure-all salvage material. Ping-pong balls, be-
ing quite thin-skinned and brittle, are not in them-
selves a practical buoyancy material, but the idea
is sound. The key point is the development of an
optimum buoyancy material and a system for intro-
ducing it into the sunken hull.
The past several years have seen the development
of at least two significant cellular plastic systems
for the introduction of internal buoyancy, under-
water, as a tool for the salvor. One of the systems,
called Foam-In-Salvage, or FIS, is a cast-in-place
urethane foam technique. The other system which ~-
is referred to as EPS involves the use of Expandable 1961 1968
Polystyrene Beads which are pumped in a water
slurry into the flooded ship. The latter system was YEAR
developed into a practical ship salvage technique Figure 1.
in 1964-1965 by the firm of Karl Kroyer, z / Inc. of
Denmark. Both systems have already been success- Co., Inc., and the paint and chemical firm, Glidden
fully used on a number of salvage operations. Company, undertook a joint effort to develop and
test out a polyurethane, cast-in-place type foam sys-
FROTH-IN-PLACE URETHANE FOAM BUOYANCY tem for use in salving sunken off-shore oil rigs. This
The above mentioned Sunday Supplement salvage effort was reported in a paper by Mr. R. D. Tam-
“primer” was typical of the proposals which were burello, z / of McDermott, which was presented at
put forth after the loss of the famous Italian liner. the XXth International Navigation Congress of the
As indicated, the idea was a good one. The signifi- Permanent International Association of Navigation
cance is that at the same time-in 1956-the chemi- Congress (PIANC),in July 1961, at Baltimore,
cal and material handling technologies involving Maryland. Nothing much came of this joint effort
expanded polystyrene and other blown or frothed by the two firms, except that the US. Navy was
plastics had been improved to the point where they receptive to the concept. The US. Navy’s Super-
were becoming widely used. Figure 1illustrates this visor of Salvage at that time, Captain W. L. Mar-
graphically. It was thus a natural evolution, first to shall, USN, was, however, the Reporter General
the use of these light weight, water-resistant ma- at the PIANC Congress’ session on “Raising and/or
terials for buoyancy in small boats and yachts, and removal of wrecks; Refloating of stranded or sunk-
then to efforts to use them for inserting buoyancy en vessels”, at which hh. Tamburello’s paper was
in sunken craft. given. The Supervisor of Salvage, with considerable
A survey of the literature indicates that the f i s t World War I1 and Korean War ship salvage and
serious attention to the use of plastic buoyancy harbor clearance experience behind him, saw the
material in ship salvage was in 1960 and 1961 when, immense value of such a technique in military sal-
as a joint effort, the New Orleans-based off-shore vage work.
rigging and salvage fim, J. Ray McDermott and In 1964, the Navy advertised for competitive bids

98 Naval Enginean Journal, Auqust I970

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from industry for a laboratory study to determine work out an arrangement whereby the system as it
the feasibiiity of raising sunken ships by %lac- then existed could be improved, both for “fire drill“,
ing water from flooded compartments in ocean relatively shallow harbor clearance and also for
depths to 375 feet. The principal system to be deep submarine salvage work. A contract with
studied was urethane cast-in-place systems. An Murphy-Pacific was executed in May, 1965, to im-
R&D contract was eventually awarded and this prove the FIS system and to show the feasibility of
effort progressed for about two years and, while it the system to 200 feet at Sealab 11. Just two
proved the feasibility of the idea, it never actually months later, the USS Frank Knox (DDR 742)
got out of the laboratory. ran aground on Pratas Reef in the South China Sea
Apparently, quite without knowledge of any of the and when conventional salvage techniques by them-
foregoing laboratory work, a west coast construc- selves were insufficient, a call went out for the FIS
tion company had undertaken to remove a large system.
lumber barge from a sunken position blocking the The Frank Knox salvage operation tested FIS
channel at Eureka, California, and elected to try far beyond any capability that planners would have
cast-in-place polyurethane foam in an actual field expected of it at so early a time in the development
operation. This decision was taken only after con- of the technology. The chemistry was only just
ventional salvage methods had proved insufficient. being developed; the materials handling and under-
With technical assistance and raw material supplied water application equipment was ad hoc when the
by Polytron Corporation (now a subsidiary of Olin- Pacific Fleet salvage forces called for it in June,
Mathieson Corporation), the Murphy Pacific Cor- 1965. Raw materials, foaming equipment, and tech-
poration in November, 1964, inserted nearly 33 tons nicians were flown from California on less than two
of foam buoyancy into the sunken barge Lumber- day’s notice. Over a period of two weeks on the ship,
jack, and successfully refloated her. The work approximately 1000 tons of foam buoyancy was
was preceded by a few days of materials testing at placed in the destroyer’s engineering spaces and
the site in order to adjust the mixing formula for forward tanks. There have been several reports
the raw materials to suit the 40°F water and maxi- 3*4/ published on the Frank Knox salvage opera-

mum depth of 50 feet. tion, including NAVSHIPS Technical Publication

By chance, a former U.S. Navy salvage officer, 0994-002-6010, which is the official version. The
then a civilian, participated in the Lumberjack unique point about the use of FIS in the operation
operation. Once again, the potential of the Urethane was that the foam allowed the salvors to use other
foam technique was recognized; particularly for standard salvage techniques and save the ship, more
military salvage where time is often critical and or less intact. As she sat stranded on the reef with
logistic considerations frequently are a governing her forward boiler and engine rooms completely
factor. Accordingly, Alex Rynecki, Lt., USNR, re- bilged, her keel broken and her main deck wrinkled,
ported the operation informally to the Navy Super- Knox would have been in such a sagging load
visor of Salvage. In the spring of 1965, a series of condition had she been pulled free that even if she
conferences ensued between Navy salvage and ma- had been able to float, her hull would have broken
terials engineers and the Murphy-Pacific-Polytron in two. “he filling of the engineering spaces with
team who had developed the polyurethane cast-in- foam not only reduced the ground reaction of the
place underwater foaming technique in the field. stranded ship; more importantly, it added buoyancy
In 1965, with the war in Vietnam building up, the amidship, reduced the sag and dangerous loading of
Navy was particularly interested in further improv- the hull girder and, in effect, saved the ship.
ing the technique for emergency deployment and The Knox job also proved, at a very early
use any place required. At the same time, the stage, the three most significant advantages of the
Navy’s pt-Thresher Deep Submergence SYS- FIS plastic system over the competitive EPS-
tems Program was just getting up a head of steam expandable polystyrene-system. First and fore-
and was particularly interested in systems for apply- most in the military use of either of the systems
ing life to submarines sunk at considerable depth. was the ease and rapidity of the logistic aspects of
The Murphy Pacific system, by then called F ~ a m - the system. Ssoild, the relative simplicity of on-
In-Salvage, or FIS*, seemed to have promise for site materials handling and application. The divers
both of these Navy requirements, and it was decided and other salvage people on the K m x were able
to focus attention here rather than continue the to set up the system and be trained in it in a matter
previous laboratory effort. of hours. Third, the fact that the froth-in-place M S
From the outset of discussions with Murphy-Pa- foam sets up into a rigid cellular mass very quickly.
cific, the Navy had two principal objectives. The This means several things to the salvor; the foam
objective having top priority was to work out a has shear strength and it is not neceSSary to blank
Fewices contract for the employment of Murphy- off or caulk small holes, split seams, cracks, or even
Pacific’s patented FIS system on Navy or other gov- port holes; and perhaps most importantly, the center
crnment salvage jobs. The other objective was to of buoyancy applied will stay put and there is no
- free surface to worry about as there is with the
‘The terms “Foam-In-Salvage” and “FIS” are copyrighted by
.lurphy PaciAc Marine Salvage Co. of Emeryville. California. EPS system. These advantages do not, however,
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make FIS a cure all, for in some salvage jobs where was successfully placed in the LST's b t tanks.
logistics, time, and engineering considerations allow Subsequent monsoon storms, enemy harassment,
it, the EPS system may prove more cost effective. and the severly impaled condition of the hull re-
In October, 1965, with the Knox job completed, sulted, however, in the eventually abandoment oi
attention was devoted to demonstrating the use of the ship.
FIS at deeper depths for application in submarine While still in-country in South Vietnam, the Mur-
salvage. After extensive trials in San Francisco phy Pacific technicians were shifted from the LST
Bay, the Navy-Murphy Pacific-Polytron team parti- to the contract operated dredge, Jamaica Bay,
cipated in Sealab ZZ off La Jolla, California where which had been sabotaged and sunk in mid-January
the hulk of a fighter aircraft had been weighted and at My Tho in the Mekong Delta area. Additional
placed on the sea bottom at 190 feet in close proxim- raw material was flown out an4 a carefuly en-
ity to the Sealab habitat. With foam raw ma- gineered application of 300 tons of FIS buoyancy
terials on the deck of a salvage ship above, and the was successfully undertaken at a maximum depth of
foam "fun" and delivery hoses passed down to them, about 30 feet. This salvage operation, which was
the Aquanauts successfully foamed the aircraft, also performed under enemy harassment, was fully
applying some 1200 pounds of buoyancy. successful.
With the K m x job and the Sealab II demon- There have also been a number of commercial
stration to build on, the Navy and Murphy Pacific* salvage jobs in which the FIS system has been used.
subsequently entered into two separate contracts An interesting one occurred in the Panama Canal
involving FIS. One is a service type contract whch Zone where, on Christmas Eve, 1967, the tuna boat
requires the firm to warehouse, for the Navy, raw Southern Seas sank and partially capsized in
material sufficient to generate 2000 tons of buoyancy. 50 feet of water alongside a pier. The Murphy Pa-
The material, owned by the Government, is stored cific salvors placed 100 tons of foam buoyancy in
partly in the San Francisco area; partly in the New the hull in order to lighten her enough so that other
York area. Materials handling, foam application lifting systems could right and raise her. This job,
and safety equipment owned by the contractor is and the Jamaica Bay, demonstrate that small
stored in San Francisco. All of this material, with quantities of foam can be carefuly placed to aug-
technicians, are available for deployment by air on ment the use of other lift techniques-lift by cranes,
less than a 24 hour basis. This "fire-house" capabil- by pontoons, or cofferdam dewatering. In such
ity is also available to the maritime industry on a instances, the cost effectiveness of FIS, as compared
straight commercial basis through Murphy Pacific. either to EPS or other standard salvage systems,
The other contract addressed the continuing de- is marked and the foam removal problem is mini-
velopment of FIS technology and the improvement mized.
of associated machinery. Both the contractor and the Salvage operations to date, involving the use of
Navy were interested in a program of this nature FIS buoyancy system are shown in Table 1.
for their own operations needs. In so far as shallow
water application is concerned, such as for harbor
clearance and stranding salvage, the military and
commercial interests are about the same. However,
for deep water use as in submarine salvage, there
would doubtless be no commercial interest. With
these factors in mind, a jointly funded R and D
program was negotiated. As a result of this con-
tract, Murphy Pacific designed, built and now main-
tains a fully owned FIS pressure vessel and labora-
tory facility wherein form formulations can be test- JAMAICA BAY
ed to simulated Ocean depth intervals to 600 feet.
The actual development work was undertaken under ITUNA BOAT
MC 1967 ~~~~~

a cost sharing contract in accordance with a Navy

prescribed technical program. This work is further I
described later in this paper. Isbla 1
The efficacy of the "fire-house", or standby, FIS ' CChWRCIAl

contract has been demonstrated in several instan- Table 1.

ces. In early January, 1967, the USS Mahlumzen
County (LST 912) grounded, broached, and was
bilged in a hostile coastal area near Chu h i , South FREE FLOATING BUOYANCY
Vietnam. Approximately 1000 tons of FIS buoy-
ancy material with associated machinery and tech- The use of the expandable polystyrene-EFS-
nicians, were flown out to the site and the foam buoyancy technique is essentially the same scheme
*The satellite firm, Murphy Pacific Marine Sslvage Com- used by the ancients when they put free floating
pany, was formed in February, 1966. bamboo sticks inside a sunken hull, or the same as

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the ping-pong balls of the Sunday supplements. The estimated to be about 1700 tons. Several salvage
basic difference between the EPS and the FIS buoy- proposals were offered to underwriters. One would
ancy is clearly evident in the terminology-free have used the standard lift-ship method such as was
floating for EPS; froth-in-place foam FIS. used in 1957 to clear the blocked Suez Canal.
The first reported use of the EPS buoyancy tech- The competitive EPS proposal offered by the Van
nique was in late 1964, when the Danish salvage Den Tak’s Salvage Company of Rotterdam was,
firm Em. A. Switzer Inc. was employed to raise however, accepted. Though it has not been an-
the freighter S S A2 Kuwait. This 3,200 ton freighter, .nounced, it can be assumed that the overall cost of
with a load of 6,000 live sheep had sunk and rolled the EPS system was less than the lift ship system.
over alongside her loading berth in Kuwait Harbor. Any cost comparison in a case such as this must in-
Aside from blocking a principal berth in the port, clude not only the cost to salve but also the cost
the decomposing sheep posed a pollution hazard to to repair the salved vessel. The likelihood of the
the port and the city’s desalinization waterworks. heavy round-the-hull lift wires damaging the hull
Underwriters for the ship, under considerable pres- probably was a negative factor in considering the
sure to remove the hulk as quickly as feasible, ac- lift ship method.
cepted a proposal from the Danish chemical process- An additional factor favoring use of a foam system
ing firm of Karl Kroyer to salvage the ship by using in the case of the Martin S was the long homeward
a heretofore unproved EPS system. In this way the tow that she faced once raised. Had the lift-ship
hulk could be removed without having to dismantle method been employed, her hull would have had
the pier or transit sheds. Removal of these struc- to been patched at Sukkertoppen prior to the tow.
tures would have been necessary had a normal par- By using a foam system to provide stable, long-
buckling and cofferdam-to-pump salvage scheme lasting internal buoyancy, this near-impossible
been used. Also, the hulk could be removed more patching job was not necessary, Just as in the case
quickly than if either were undertaken. The of the USS Frank Knox (with FIS), Martin S was
Switzer-Kroyer team commenced work in Decem- able to be successfully towed in a damaged con-
ber, 1964, inserting 1500 tons of buoyancy into the dition over a long Ocean transit.
hulk in the form of tiny polystyrene free-floating Martin S was successfully raised in July, 1967,
beads. With the use of pumps and pulling purchase, after approximately 1550 tons of EPS buoyancy had
the ship was rolled nearly upright and floated been placed in her #3 and #4 lower holds and the
away. The buoyancy material used had a reported #2 upper hold. To this internal buoyancy was added
density of about 1.1 pounds per cubic foot. It was the crane type lift to two heavy lift ships, one over
necessary for the salvors to employ divers to blank the sunken ship’s bow and one over the stern, lifting
off doors, portholes and other openings before start- about 200 and 110 tons respectively. By employing
ing to insert EPS to other spaces. Additionally, the this buoyancy assisted lift plan, the salvors had
salvage engineers had to take into account the free positive control of the hull at all times during the
surface effect of the floating balls and continuously raising operations. It is important to note that the
reestimate the position of the EPS’s center of buoy- amount of positive lift (310 tons) was a significant
ancy as the ship was rolled upright. This was not amount (20%) compared to the EPS buoyancy. This
a particularly serious problem in the A1 Kuwait op- was a vital point of the salvage plan since the poly-
eration because the ship was never fully submerged styrene beads expand as the hulk is brought up. If
and so there was always a large enough water plane the increase in EPS buoyancy were so great that
area to aid stability. the entire hulk became buoyant, the wreck would
The next use of the EPS system was undertaken “get away from” the salvors and pop to the surface
in 1965 by the Dutch salvage firm,Bureau Wijs- out of control. While not nearly as serious a prob-
muller of Ijmuiden, Netherlands. In this case, by lem with EPS buoyancy as with air, which would
February, 1966, the 165 ton trawler Jaco-Mina was have almost tripled its buoyancy lift between 110
raised from a depth of 10 fathoms by the combined feet and the surface, the polystyrene beads are not
techniques of EPS, crane lift, and air-blowing. Ap- nearly as stable across a pressure differential as is
proximately 50 tons of EPS buoyancy was em- the case with FIS froth-in-place urethane foam.
ployed. In evaluating this successful operation, the The most recent salvage operation employing the
salvors concluded that for gaining buoyancy in a EPS system involved the dredge Cessnock which
difficult-to-seal space, such as an engine room or capsized and sank off Princess Pier, Greenwk, Scot-
hold, it was less difficult and less time consuming land in 1968. The dredger was raised in January,
for divers to prepare the space for EPS than to 1968 using some 29 tons of unexpended h d s ,
make it completely tight suitable for air blowing. which when “blown” to a density of 1.5 l b d c u
The deepest application for the Kroyer EPS sys- feet, created enough internal buoyancy to reduce
tem came in May, 1966 when the new 4200 ton the underwater weight of the dredge by about 570
Danish freighter Mu Martin S sank in the fjord at tons. The remaining 400 tons were lifted by Van den
Sukkertoppen, on the west coast of Greenland. The Tak’s floating sheerlegs AT& and Condor.
ship rested on an even keel at a depth of 105 feet. Prior to pumping in expanded polystyrene beads,
The dead weight lift to raise the valuable hull was the dredge’s 42 buckets, each of which weighed over
Naval Engineers Journal, Augult I970 101

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2.5 tons and the bucket ladder weighmg about 105 where there would be no chance of containing either
tons were removed. air of EPS buoyancy.
There have also been several EPS-type salvage FOAM REMOVAL
operations in the United States, though not under
the Karl Kroyer patented system. One operation Much has been said on the one hand of the mat-
occurred in 1965 in the Gulf of Mexico and involved ter of removing FIS foam after a job has been com-
the raising of a 450 ton leg which had been lost off pleted and, on the other hand, of the ability to
an offshore drilling rig belonging to the Penrod recover and reuse the EPS beads after an operation.
Drilling Company. Approximately 20 tons of Dow Both points need to be clarified.
Chemical Company, “Pelaspan”, EPS free floating In the case of FIS there is no question about the
buoyancy beads, were used at a depth of 140 feet. fact that removal is more difficult than EPS. This
Another EPS job, also in 1965, was the raising of very fact is the consequence of one of the FIS
the hulk of a former Navy coastal minesweeper system’s principal advantage: that of having a posi-
(YMS)which had sunk in 21 feet of water in the tive shear strength. It is this property which keeps
Mississippi River at New Orleans. This operation the center of buoyancy fixed, and prevents the buoy-
was performed by a local salvage firm,A1 Veverica ancy from migrating or from escaping out of gaping
Company, using DOW’S“Tyril” expandable styrene holes as in a ripped-out hull. The foam also adheres
copolymer beads having a density of 1%pounds per tenaciously to surfaces with which it comes in con-
cubic foot. Because of the organic solvent environ- tact. The real advantage of FIS is that it can be
ment into whch the flotation material was injected, used in situations where nothing else wiU work, and
a more solvent resistant EPS bead was used but at in such situations the removal problem is the least
considerable increase in material cost. of the owner’s or salvage engineer’s worries.
Salvage operations to date involving use of EPS There is yet another advantage of FIS which is
buoyancy system are shown in Table 2. a concomitant of its hard-to-remove characteristic.
The FIS buoyancy material is a solid mass and when
properly used, as in an engine room, will provide
SALVAGE OPERAIIDNS I N V a V l N C US[ I P S B U O Y A K V SYSTLM considerable protection to machinery. Anyone who
has ever pumped out a flooded engineering space
will understand this point. There is always an oily
surface in a flooded engine space: As the space is
pumped out, a dirty oily fikn is left on everything.
It is this film whch especially ruins instruments
and electrical apparatus and which leads to the need
JACO-MINI IIRAWL t R I 1b5 Y Y) ftB 1% - for gas-freeing which could constitute a fire hazard.
MINtSMtPtR IYMSI IN 21 ... Im ,w6
Llyl IDI<.Y<
FIS filled engineering spaces, as on Frank Knox,
have been found to be protected from oily film and,
once cleared of the cast material, do not present
a fire hazard.
C W R C I A L ONLY l t X C t P 1 I M 5 I
This may not be a significant advantage but the
.* 4% TON DRILL I O W t R I t 6
point is that FIS is not all bad. The removal of
rigid urethane foam from any space is purely and
simply laborious and for the present, at least, a
Table 2.
more economical, rapid and efficient system for
simplifying the removal problem has not been de-
EPS-type salvage has been proposed for other veloped. Thls principal disadvantage of the FIS sys-
salvage tasks in this country. However, beyond tem must be considered from the very outset.
those noted above, this buoyancy system has not However, when well-engineered, the characteristics
been employed here. This is, in part, because in of FIS which make it so difficult to remove, can
the United States there are usually more than a h be the very reason for using it in the first
enough heavy lift cranes to handle routine lifting place.
jobs. The salvage of the famous chlorine barges in The removal of EPS, on the otherhand, is not as
the Mississippi River is an example of brute force easy at is might seem to be. Clearly, since it is free
lifting. There is seldom a need for help in this floating and has no sheer strength, the little beads
country from RPS buoyancy as mere buoyancy can be shoveled out, pumped out in a slurry, blown
alone. In the United States the more general situa- out with air, or as in the case of Martin S, sucked
tion in salvage work is the need for buoyancy that out by means of a fan and blown directly into an
can be engineered into a salvage plan when nothing incinerator. However, the tendency of the little
else will do; in difficult righting operations where beads to migrate makes total removal very difficult.
the center of buoyancy must not shift in remote The beads get into every possible inaccesible corner
locales where logistic considerations govern; or in in machinery and piping, they lodge behind wains-
cases involving wide open and bilged compartments coating and are transported throughout ventilation
102 Naval Engineers Journal, Auqust 1970

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systems. Harbor pollution can a h occur. Still, the VARIOUS FOAMING MEXHODS FOR FORMING RIGID
EFT3 removal operation, as a single evolution, should CELLULAR PLASTICS
be much cheaper and less time consuming than FIS 1. Volatilize a low Boiling Liquid through Reaction Ex-
removal. 2. Vaporize a Liquefied Gas through Pressure Reduction
Disposal of removed material is a problem with (Frothing).
either system. However, the idea of saving the EPS 3. Liberate Carbon Dioxide Gas by Generating a Chemical
beads and reusing them is simply conjecture and Reaction "In-Sib" ( i e . Reaction of Water with Excess
does not appear to be at all practical. In most Diisocyanate Component).
4. Mechanical Incorporation of Compressed Gases.
instances, the used beads will be d u l y , oily, possibly 5. Mechanical Air Entrapment.
water-logged, and perhaps even contain minute ma- 6. Thermal Decomposition of Compounds Liberating Nitro-
rine life. The problem of warehousing, either inside gen Gas.
or outside, will be complicated by odors, weather Table 3.
deterioration (Unless sheltered) and fire hazard.
Although the material might be treated to neutralize PLASTIC POLYMER SYSTEMS
odor, handling and storage costs are sufficient rea- AVAILABLE: IN LIQUID FORM
1. Urea-Formaldehyde
sons for not storing used EPS materials. 2. Phenolic
3. Silicone
Liquid urethane plastic has been foamed-in-place 5. Urethane
in air against atmospheric pressure and ambient Table 4.
temperatures, under vacuum and cryogenic con-
ditions, and now in an aqueous environment at tem- The liquid plastic polymers shown in Table 4 can
peratures as low as 35°F and under laboratory ordinarily be foamed-in-place in air against atmos-
simulated Ocean depths to 450 feet. pheric pressure without the necessity for external
Development of the unique capability of foaming heating. Candidate liquid systems selected for sal-
under water has added a new dimension to marine vage foam are based on relatively low viscosity
salvage where a multiplicity of techniques are al- reactants in order to avoid excessive pressure drop
ready in use. during pumping and mixing operations. Wide dif-
Except for the singular case of polystyrene foam, ferences in viscosities between reactants can result
which will be discussed in detail later in this paper, in inefficient mixing and could lead to variable
one has only to consider the amazing versatility and physical properties in the foam. The viscosity of
latitude of urethane chemical technology to under- urethane froth foam reactants may be further re-
stand why urethane foam has virtually preempted duced as a result of mixing with low viscosity
consideration of the use of any other type plastic fluorocarbon frothing agents.
foam for Navy salvage. One of the important attrib- For all polymer systems shown in Table 4, foam-
utes of this family of polymers is that liquid sys- ing and subsequent rigidization into a cellular struc-
tems are available for casting, spraying or foaming- ture is finally accomplished simply through reaction
in-place as required. exothenn.
Availability of liquid components to react to form Of the polymers shown in Table 4, urethane ex-
a rigid plastic polymer is the first criterion of utility hibits the widest latitude in formulations, processing
for foam-in-place systems to be used in Navy sal- and physical properties. Consequently, urethane
vage. With a foamed-in-place liquid system, one systems were selected for intense study to determine
can also avoid the packing factor limitations gen- the feasibility for dispensing liquid reactants under-
erated by using either a pelletized system such as water, foaming-in-place, displacing water and gen-
expanded polystyrene beads or preformed hollow erating positive buoyancy. The broad range of p h y s
spheres. ical properties possible for properly formulated
Foaming a plastic, whether in prior liquid or solid urethane foam systems are shown in Table 5.
form, may be accomplished in a variety of ways to
form a rigid cellular structure. These methods are RANGE OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES POSSIBLE FOR
shown in Table 3. However, rigid cellular plastics W E FOAMS
expanded from the liquid state have greater utility
Density A Feather-Lib 0.5 lbs/cu. ft. to over 40 lbs/cu. ft.,
Simulating Wood.
and efficiency for Navy salvage than do those cel- -
Compressive Strength Approv. 20 psi for 2 Density
lular plastics expanded from the solid state. There Rigid F m to over 1,oOO psi for
are relatively few plastic polymers that are com- a 20 Density Rigid Foam.
mercially available as liquids at room temperature -
Shear Strength Approximately 50 psi for a 2 p.c.f. Density
Rigid Foam to over 600 psi for a 20 p.c.f.
and which have sufficiently rapid curing properties, FOam.
have easily controllable exotherm characteristics -
Cell Structure Unicellular, Water Resistant.
and have sufficiently low viscosity for conversion -
Composition Flexible, Semi-Rigid or Rigid; Soft or Hard.
into a rigid cellular structure for use in marine sal- Flame Resistance -
Self-Extinguishing or non Self-&-
v:) ge. Commercially available liquid plastic polymer tinguishing Characteristics.
SJ stems meeting these criteria are shown in Table 4. Table 5.

Naval Enqinrrrr Journal, August 1970 103

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Dispensing of urethane foam may involve any surfaces and a parting agent is required where ad.
of the following system: conventional liquid pour- hesion is not desired. Adhesion to wet or oily sur-
in-place, froth-in-place or spray-in-place systems. faces, however, is greatly reduced.
Except for the Navy’s initial feasibility study which Figure 2 shows the Murphy Pacdic Foam Labora
simply involved liquid pour-in-place systems, sub- tory photo demonstrating the preferred process 0;
sequent development has focused on froth-in-place downward water displacement by a machine dis-
systems. The versatility and commercial utility of pensed urethane froth foam.
the urethane foam system is apparent from an It has been shown both in the laboratory and irk
examination of the growth rate of rigid urethane earlier salvage operations that injection of “free-
foam as shown in Figure 1. rise” urethane foam results in largely open cell
In an earlier paper, 5 / Winer and Munger de- foam structure and reduced strength which reduces
scribed the urethane foam reaction and presented the foam’s buoyancy efficiency. This method of foam
formulations. injection should, however, be avoided wherever
Foaming under water involves contact with a possible in favor of downward water displacement.
more hostile environment than foaming in air On the other hand, in the case of expanded poly-
against atmospheric pressure and ambient tempera- styrene beads (EPS),a system which will be dis-
ture conditions. The Ocean provides both a heat sink cussed in greater detail later in this paper, “free-
and reaction inhibiting environment which poten- rise” has no significant detrimental effect on buoy-
tially can cause the urethane underwater foaming ancy characteristics since a rigid closed cell struc-
reaction to become either inoperative or at best ture has already been formed prior to injection un-
inefficient. The Ocean’s deleterious influence, how- derwater.
ever, can be countered by developing suitable foam
formulations, dispensing equipment and accessories.
For example, heated Lines are not ordinarily re-
quired with presently developed urethane froth
foam systems operational to 200 feet. However, at
deeper depths to 450 feet, heated lines are essential
to reduce reactant viscosities to a workable level,
increase foam reaction rate and elevate vapor pres-
sure of frothing gases to exceed ambient hydro-
static pressures. It is now anticipated that by using
heated lines, for Ocean depths to 200 feet, although
not technically required, will, nevertheless, increase
the vapor pressure of less volatile, less expensive
frothing gases (i.e. F-22 in lieu of F-13B1) so that
foaming beyond the 150 foot Ocean depth levels can
be accomplished at considerably lower material cost.
While the versatility of urethane is apparent from
a review of Table 5, it should nevertheless, also be
noted that development of desired specific physical Figure 2. Inside Hydrostatic Pressure Chamber as seen
properties will not necessarily be consistently at- through View Port. “Courtesy of Murphy Pacific Marine
Salvage Co.”
tainable unless close process control is exercised
over the entire system. This will involve close con-
trol of mixing, metering, dispensing and delivery A second common method for gaseous expansion
systems. Relatively small changes in metering of of basic urethane reactants involves the incorpora-
reactants (especially if other than a 1:l ratio is tion of a small quantity of water with the polyol
used), an increase in component viscosity, faulty component which reacts with excess diisocyanate
valve operation, or the existence of even partially component to generate carbon dioxide gas.
clogged delivery lines, will adversely affect final The advantage of having carbon dioxide gas gen-
foam properties. eration tied directly to the urethane polymerization
When two liquid reactants, a diisocyanate and a reaction for purposes of control and homogeneity is
polyol (sometimes called A and B components), are nulhfied at progressively deeper Ocean depths. At
blended together with modifiers and catalyst, exo- progressively higher ambient hydrostatic pressures,
therm is developed and viscosity increases. The exo- more diisocyanate resin must be added to the foam
therm developed subsequently vohtilizes a blowing formulation to generate more carbon dioxide gas
agent which in turn expands the viscous mass, and blowing agent. For example, at seven atmospheres
finally rigidizes the resultant cellular structure. (200 feet), seven times the weight of gas is needed
Depending upon the end application, foam reaction as i s required for near-surface application.
rate and rise time can, of course, be varied within However, the addition of substantially more
wide limits by formulation changes. diisocyanate in the foam formulation beyond the
Adhesion of the foam is tenacious to meet dry amount needed for the basic urethane reaction pro-
104 N a v a l Engineers Journal, August 1970

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duces a more friable and undesirable foam cell URETHANE FROTH FOAM COST VS. OCEAN DEPTH
structure. (MATERIAL ONLY1
The feasibility of foaming-in-place underwater to
a simulated Ocean depth of 375 feet was previously
demonstrated in the laboratory with a conventional
liquid pour-in-place carbon dioxide (reaction gen-
erated) blown urethane foam. 50” 201 1 3.0 .44 .a2 $44.
However, subsequent successive large scale com-
100 1611 3. P .46 .03 $66.
mercial as well as Naval operations previously I I I I I I I
described have confirmed that froth foam systems 1% 1211 4. R .67 .05 $110.
are more efficient, more useful, and more reliable
2Cbl 911 6.4 .42 09 $198.
than conventional carbon dioxide (reaction gen-
erated) blown systems for marine salvage. Urethane AUTOFROTH PROIXSS.
froth foams, because of both superior thermal in-
sulating properties underwater and immediate water Table 7.
barrier formation facilitate the underwater foaming
process and yield lower density foams than con- characteristics of a foam formulation is meaningful
ventional liquid pour-in-place urethane systems. only for surface conditions. Determining the density
Selection of effective blowing agents for a froth- of a trial surface pour is of little value as a quality
in-place urethane foam requires information con- control tool when dispensing foam under water. A
cerning the hydrostatic pressure and water tem- trial surface pour will simply indicate whether the
perature at the salvage site since it is necessary to foam will cure properly in air at atmospheric pres-
select compatible blowing agents having vapor pres- sure.
sures exceeding ambient hydrostatic pressures at a In order to test foam equipment for proper opera-
given water temperature, otherwise foaming will tion before commencing pouring in a salvage opera-
either not occur at all or inefficiently at best. H e c - tion, a suitable mold should be lowered to test
tive blowing agents ,for the indicated depth levels depth, injected with foam and allowed to cure and
are shown in Table 6. cool at depth before taking a density check on re-
covered foam specimens. When this routine is per-
EFFECTIVE FLUOROCARBON GAS BLOWING formed periodically throughout the entire salvage
operation, quality control can be maintained es-
Blowing Agents OCEAN DEPTH (FEET) pecially when combined with the usual topside
F-11 and F-12 50 controls including the use of flow meters.
F-11, F-12 and F-22 100 When polyurethane foam is expanded “in-situ”
F-Z2 and F-13B1 (75/25 Percent By Weight 150
F-22 and F-13B1 (50/50 Percent By Weight) 200 under water, volume contraction occurs as a result
of thermal shrinkage and hydrostatic bulk com-
Table 6. pression. Water absorption, although simply a sur-
Successive commercial as well as Naval opera- face phenomenon for well formulated large scale
tions have successfully demonstrated the utility, foam pours, contributes to a further increase in
dependability and effectiveness of using Fluoro- foam density. All three influences ultimately result
carbon 11 and 12 blowing agents for frothing ure- in considerable loss of net buoyancy of a foam
thanes for near-surface recovery (75 ft.). formulation over the original poured volume when
Deeper than approximately 75 feet, the frothing hot. Consequently, procurement of foam for salvage
gas must exhibit higher vapor pressures to over- should be specified on a cost per pound (or ton) of
come increasingly higher hydrostatic pressures, buoyancy basis, rather than on the more nebulous
therefore Fluorocarbon 22 was used in combination cost per pound basis foamed in air.
with the above blowing agents. Beyond 125 feet to The foam permeability factor or foam efficiency
200 feet, it became necessary $0 incorporate an even is always considerably less than 100 percent because
more volatile fluorocarbon gas, F-13B1 along with of thermal shrinkage, bulk compression, water ab-
fluorocarbon F-22 gas. Unfortunately, this gas (F- sorption and space losses (due to presence of p i p
13B1) is very expensive and its use greatly in- ing, equipment, structural cargo and other restric-
creases the cost per pound of buoyancy at the tions). Space losses, of course, will vary depending
deeper ocean depths. The approximate material cost upon the vessel to be salved and load carried at
of urethane froth foam for various Ocean depth in- that time.
tervals and the pounds of lift obtainable per pound The dismantling and subsequent flotation of Texas
of material for each depth interval are shown in Tower #3, off Nantucket Island, Massachusetts in
Table 7. July 1964, established a precedent €or the utility
The conventional commercial practice of dispens- and speed of machine dispensing urethane foam by
ing a trial “shot” of urethane foam in air at atmos- massive installation and greatly advanced the base
pheric pressure to measure the density and curing of urethane foam technology.
Naval Enqinrerr Journal. Auqurt 1970 105

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Having served its usefulness as an early warning system which does not use metering pumps. The
radar station, this three-legged, jack-up structure buoyancy gain exhibited by foams after an addition-
was to be removed. The building demolition firm, al exposure period of 5 weeks to a 10 foot head was
Lipsett Incorporated, of New York, was awarded a not unexpected. At depth there is some bulk com-
contract to do the job. Rather than employ costly pression and water absorption. The internal gas
floating cranes and struggle against the vagaries of pressure in the foam cells equalizes the ambient
North Atlantic weather to dismantle the platform hydrostatic pressure at depth. After the foam mass
piece-by-piece, a daring demolition plan was under- COOLS, the drop in internal gas pressure could re-
taken. The entire lower deck of the platform was sult in some water absorption through crushing, if
filled with 1.5 lbw‘cu. ft. density urethane foam. cell walls have weakened sufficiently. At depth,
Over 231,000 pounds of foam was dispensed to fdl a loss in buoyancy after thermal stabilization is due
volume of over 140,000 cubic feet. The foaming op- to a combination of hydrostatic bulk compression
eration required 82 hours and was accomplished by and water absorption. During ascent to surface an
inserting pipe nozzles down through holes in the increasing pressure differential between ambient
deck above. Explosive charges were then set on the hydrostatic and internal gas pressure (internal gas
tower legs both below the platform level and at the pressure in foam cells will exceed ambient hydro-
ocean bed. The charges were then exploded one static pressure during rise to surface) will cause
second apart so as to create a &ding action into the entrapped water to be expelled from the periphery
water. The platform, intact, was towed to port of foam mass while relaxation of external hydro-
where is was subsequently sold to a firm which static stress on the foam mass upon ascent permits
planned to use it in the off-shore oil fields. recovery in volume if the compressive yield point
has not been previously exceeded at depth. Expul-
LARGE SCALE OCEAN TESTS sion of water during ascent and retention of trapped
The results of large scale (100 cubic feet) ocean gases exterior to the foam accounts for the slight
tests are shown in Table 8. An analysis of these data increase in buoyancy upon retrieval to near surface.
shows that the initial densities of foam generated The greatest increases in buoyancy were observed
at 150 and 200 foot depth intervals are nearly dou- in connection with the 150 and 200 foot depth pours.
ble that of foam generated at 50 or 100 feet. Th~swas expected since these foams were exposed
to greater hydrostatic compression at depth while
the pressure differential experienced upon ascent
was the hghest. After ten weeks hydrostatic ex-
posure, net buoyancy of all foams was essentially
unchanged from the net buoyancy registered after
just one day’s exposure.
Strain gauge and other measurements have re-
vealed no significant expansive force that could
rupture a foam filled compartment or deck during
rise to surface from depth. Examination of foam
retrieved from Ocean depth of 200 feet revealed an
intact cell structure and indicated that cell wall
integrity was maintained despite the increasing
pressure differential upon rise to the surface.

For near-surface salvage operations (not over 75
feet), and where the amount of foam to be lspensed
Table 8. is less than ten tons, it is usually simpler to use
the Autofroth process since neither a power source
After 5 weeks exposure at depth intervals to 150 nor metering pumps are required. Nitrogen gas
feet, the loss in buoyancy did not exceed 1.5 per- from pressure bottles is used to “pump” the foam
cent for any depth. The 4.5 percent loss in buoy- reactants to the mixing head and then through the
ancy for the 200 foot depth pour for the same ex- delivery hoses to the sunken object. Figure 3 shows
posure period, while not excessive “per se,” was a schematic of t h s process.
nevertheless nearly five times higher than that Despite repeated successes with the Autofroth
measured at 100 feet utihzing the same dispensing system in commercial as well as Naval salvage o p
equipment. erations, experience has shown that the use of this
The apparently anomalous situation in which the relatively simple system is not practical for deeper
100 foot depth pour exhibited a lower change in depths. Beyond 75 feet, the difficulty of keeping ad-
buoyancy than under the milder 50 foot depth ditional fluorocarbon frothing gas uniformly dis-
conditions is apparently due to the greater efficiency persed in the reactants without continual agitation
of mechanical mixing compared to the “Autofroth” precludes the use of the Autofroth system.
106 Naval Enpineerr Journal, August 1970

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polyol, isocyanate, catalysts, surfactants and frothing

gases can each be metered separately into inline
mixers. Although more metering pumps are used
which could cause increased maintenance problems,
this system nevertheless, permits closer process con-
trol over foam reactants, surfactants and catalyst sys-

tems. This system also includes a heat exchanger
for heating delivery lines which results in increased
uniformity of foam properties, reduced viscosity of
reactants and increased vapor pressure of blowing
I agents.
f A current development of an alternate, potentially
less expensive foam process for generating positive
buoyancy at the deeper depths (to 450 feet) in-
volves the technique of injection of compressed
Figure 3. The Aerosol Urethane Foam System. gases in order to froth the foam reactants. Develop-
ment to date has focused on the evaluation of com-
Mechanical pumping of urethane foam reactants pressed carbon dioxide gas as the prime candidate
has the versatility and capability for use at any froth system because of its good solubility in ure-
depth to at least 450 feet and is especially useful for thane foam reactants, its universal availability, and
large scale salvage operations. Equipment has been relatively low cost. However, difficulty has been
designed for a maximum foam out-put of 100 lbs/ experienced in controlling the frothing reaction due
min. with a maximum working pressure of 1000 psi. to carbon dioxide being introduced as a gas.
Figure 4 is a schematic of a mechanical Urethane Consideration has also been directed towards in-
Foam Pumping System designed for underwater troducing liquid carbon dioxide to provide a more
foaming. homogeneous liquid dispersion and thereby improve
There has been a more sophisticatedly developed the retention characteristics of the gas within the
FIS mechanical pumping system process in which liquid reactants after external pressure reduction


FEED RATE 50lb./minc


- _- -r







Figure 4. The Mechanical Urethane Pumping System.

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occurs. This approach, however, requires very high EPS PREFORMED BUOYANCY SYSTEM VS.
pumping pressures since, for the deeper depths, the FOAM-IN-PLACE SYSTEM
reactants must also be heated to reduce viscosity of Commercial development of plastic foams for ma-
reactants and compensate for increased heat loss rine salvage has focused on two competing basic
and pressure drop in lines. Since heating will in- plastic foam systems: froth-in-place urethane foams
crease the vapor pressure of the liquefied gas, ad- and expandable polystyrene (EPS) beads. Although
ditional pumping pressure is required to keep the both systems have already been successfully and
frothing agent liquefied and in solution until dis- repeatedly employed in marine salvage operations
pensed at the salvage site. as described earlier in this paper, salvage using EPS
Successful development of the technique of using beads has necessarily been limited to clearance type
compressed gases for frothing foams would remove operations because of the magnitude of transport
the Ocean depth limitations inherent in the use of and storage problems for raw material. The poly-
heavy and expensive fluorocarbon frothing gases. styrene plastic beads are expanded at the salvage
However, factors that could limit foaming-in- site on the deck of a salvage support ship, which
place at deeper ocean depths beyond 450 feet involve circumvents the need for transporting the plastic
considerations of the pressure differential that oc- buoyancy material in the fully expanded state.
curs across foam cell walls in crushing at depth However, a logistics disadvantage arises from
or bursting upon decompression. A cell wall struc- the use of EPS buoyancy systems since the unex-
ture strong enough to resist hydrostatic forces at panded beads will lose the blowing agent incorpo-
depths beyond 450 feet might not have sufficient rated in the bead as a function of time in storage.
buoyancy for economical and effective use at these Consequently, the beads should not remain in stor-
deeper depths. age6/ longer than from two weeks to two months
Another system under study involves develop depending upon the type of packaging used and
storage conditions.
ment of a technique for injection of glass micro-
spheres into urethane reactant streams. After the Urethane foams frothed-in-place under water are
neither as depth limited as are EPS beads nor are
foam structure has rigidized, the glass filled foam
should be more highly resistant to bulk compres- as susceptible to the dangerous “springback” effect
sion and water absorption, which would be especial- exhbited by EPS beads. When using the EPS bead
ly useful at deeper Ocean depths beyond 200 feet. buoyancy system, deck and hatch areas must be
shored before retrieving a sunken vessel from
The advantage of this syntactic type foam (syntac-
tic foams are defined by ASTM as systems of hollow depth in order to prevent the upward buoyancy
spheres dispersed in a resinous matrix) is already forces exerted by the expanding EPS beads from
well established from its present successful wide rupturing decks, hatches and bulkheads when the
usage as flotation material (epoxy resin matrix) in pressure differential across the foam cell walls in-
deep submergence research vehcles. Consequently, creases to maximum.
design of a syntactic type foam for use in marine Expandable polystyrene beads (EPS) ’/ are
shipped to the salvage site in 55-gallon drums. This
salvage is worthy of investigation.
system is largely dependent upon nearby shore fac-
HYDROSTATIC TEST EQUIPMENT ilities for drum storage because of the large number
usually needed. EPS beads in the unexpanded condi-
San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard has designed tion have the appearance of sugar granules, have a
specialized submergence test equipment for salvage bulk density of approximately 40 lbs/cu f t and con-
foam test and evaluation and was described in an tain a hydrocarbon blowing agent. A 1.5 to 2.0 lbs/cu
earlier paper by Winer and M ~ n g e r . ~The
/ equip f t density bead produces approximately 35 lbs. of
ment is instrumented to measure changes in buoy- buoyancy per cubic foot of beads for near surface
ancy to simulated ocean depths of 600 feet. The application. FIS system, on the other hand yields
hydrostatic test tank is further designed to permit approximately 60 lbs. of buoyancy per cubic foot of
either heating or cooling to simulate any ocean foam for near surface application. EPS beads are
temperature. It is anticipated that this test tank, expanded in a continuous process involving exposure
which can accommodate specimen sizes up to to a steam expansion chamber and can be expanded
approximately 30 cubic feet will be useful in more than 40 fold in volume to yield a bulk density
eventually evaluating suppliers’ foam systems for as low as 1.1lbdcu. ft. for near surface application.
conformance with procurement specifications. For deeper Ocean depths to 200 feet, higher EPS bead
Murphy-Pacific Marine Salvage Company has densities to 2.5 lbs/cu. ft. may be used but with
also designed, fabricated and instrumented a hydro- reduced net buoyancy.
static test chamber suitable for simulating ocean Following exposure to the steam expander top-
depths to 600 feet. Specimen volumes to six cubic side on a salvage support ship, EPS beads are blown
feet can be accommodated. A viewport is a special into storage bins for a four to eight hour stabilizing
feature of this pressure tank which permits visual or curing period depending upon the bead density
monitoring of the foaming process. The hydrostatic to allow for external and internal pressure equali-
test chamber can be seen in Figure 2. zation.
108 Naval Engineerr Journal, August 1970

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This time delay or hiatus in the EPS process is a volume of urethane foam would have to be trans-
serious disadvantage when time is critical or in- ported to the salvage site.
terim storage facilities inadequate.
Upon completion of the stabilization period in FOAM REMOVAL AFTER SALVAGE
storage, the EPS beads are subsequently metered Urethane foam removal methods based on use of
into a water slurry and pumped into flooded com- solvents, burning, explosives or hydroblaster are
partments of a sunken vessel. either too dangerous or too destructive to person-
One important advantage of the EPS bead system nel, ship’s structure, instrumentation or equipment.
over FIS urethane is that one may operate the A paradoxical situation arises regarding selection of
EPS buoyancy system independent of ambient air foam where a known flammability hazard exists as
and water temperatures, i.e., no process adjust- in a stranding type salvage operation for example,
ments are required because of ambient water or air where considerable dry surface area may be ex-
temperatures. posed to the atmosphere. In this type salvage opera-
On the other hand, the FIS system is adversely tion, foam may be introduced to increase structural
affected by very low water temperature and sub- integrity, to prevent further flooding or both. In
freezing air temperatures. FIS formulation changes, this case, if self-extinguishing foam were specified
heated delivery lines and topside shelter for FIS to reduce the potential fire hazard, foam disposal,
reactant storage, metering and mixing equipment regardless of removal method, would be more diffi-
would be required to generate satisfactory foams cult. Incineration would become a less efficient
under such particularly adverse operating con- method for disposal, and would produce increased
quantities of smoke.
In other words, an ambient low temperature en-
vironment would be more restrictive to FIS foam Removal of polyurethane foam after salvage
formation and processing than would be experienced could be a monumental task q d expensive depend-
when working with the EPS system. ing upon where in the world this task was per-
In addition to the need for reinforcing ships’ hatch formed. Urethane foam removal from the U.S.S.
and deck areas subject to vertical buoyancy forces Frank Knox has been described by Searle and
imposed by injected EPS foam beads, efficiency Rynecki and Kawasaki in work referenced earlier
of the EPS system is reduced by the packing factor in this paper.
efficiency limitation, bulk compression, creep and
susceptibility to solvent attack (unless a solvent
resistant bead is used at much higher cost), if pres- Since underwater FIS foaming operations involve
ent; i.e., diesel fuel or gasoline. the use of diisocyanate reactants, halogenated hy-
On the other hand, froth-in-place urethane foams drocarbon gases for frothing (Freon, Genetron, etc.)
do not exhibit a “spring back” effect as is the case and chlorinated solvents (methylene chloride) for
with the EPS buoyancy system. With froth-in-place clean-up of foam equipment, it is essential that one
urethane, because of considerable initial hot foam understands the potential hazards involved and ob-
volume after injection. Because urethane foam will serves safety precautions.
also adhere to equipment, bulkheads, piping, etc., FIS foaming produces large quantities of irritat-
vertical pressure on overhead strudures is reduced ing vapors and if urethane foam is ignited it will
during the ship’s subsequent ascent to surface. release large volumes of toxic gases into the en-
Once urethane foam has rigidized, contact with vironment. When foaming under water, large
lubricating or diesel oils, gasoline, or Navy special amounts of isocyanate vapor may be released at the
fuel oil will have no sigmficant degrading effect on surface in the vicinity of tenders.
the foam. However, laboratory studies have shown Foaming in voids can be particularly hazardous
that foaming directly into a solvent environment since, in addition to the toxicity of TDI, halogenated
such as gasoline or fuel oil is deleterious to efficient hydrocarbon gases (Freon, Genetron, etc.) and
foam formation. One possible method of circum- halogenated solvent. The vapors, all of which are
venting this problem, if necessary, would be to foam heavy, will tend to displace air adding to the haz-
into polyethylene bags at the salvage site to protect ard of anoxia if the atmosphere is respired.
reacting foam from the solvent environment. This
method, however, would greatly reduce the effic- Since all these gases are heavier than air, they
iency of the Foam-In-Salvage system and would will lay on the surface of the water. A diver coming
require more diver service time at the salvage site. to the surface should be very careful not to remove
Only five percent of the final-in-place volume of his mask too soon
froth-in-place urethane must be transported to the Methylene chloride, a solvent flush to clean hoses,
salvage site for a near surface salvage operation pumps, mixing head and nozzle, is toxic in high
while less than ten percent would be required for concentrations.
a 200 foot depth emplacement. To effect a recovery Low density cellular foams provide considerable
at deeper depths to 450 feet, laboratory test data surface area for rapid flame propagation. Foam re-
indicates that only 1/5 to 1/3 of the foam-in-place moval operations can constitute a particular fire
Naval Enqinaars Journal, Auquit 1970 109

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and explosion hazard since the atmosphere will be inordinate increased expenditure of effort in time
filled with b e particles of foam. and money.
In the case of EPS buoyancy materials, ignition Since the EPS bead flotation system appears to bc
of the material will cause: useful only for near-surface salvage recoveries in
1. dripping and flame propagation harbor areas, and because of engineering problems
2. production of black asphyxiating smoke associated with its use, it is not considered expedient
to pursue further developments of this system to
3. release of copious quantities of black sooty deeper depths at this point in time.
particles into the atmosphere.
The unique FIS process constitutes a significant
With regard to FIS, given suitable protective breakthrou@/ in technology in the salvage field
clothmg, breathing equipment and adequate training where, prior to the present development, the use
including emergency safety procedures, topside op- of plastic materials for buoyancy have been virtual-
erating personnel and divers should be able to ly unknown.
work with the new salvage system with not much
greater danger than one would ordinarily encounter The value of the FIS technique has already been
for any other type salvage operation. demonstrated. It has proved itself where no other
conventional technique could do the job in a given
Successful salvage operations involving the use cost/time frame situation.
of plastic foams were described earlier in this
paper and give ample testimony to the utility of
plastic foams for marine salvage. BIBLIOGRAPHY
1. Kroyer, Karl, Method of Raising Sunken or Stranded Ves-
CONCLUSION sels. Denmark: British Patent No. 1,070,660 1 June 1%7.
Materials, mixing, dispensing and delivery sys- 2. Tamburello, Russell D., Salvage Operations in OffshoreOil
tems have been developed for generating positive Fieldp, Proceedings of the X X t h International Congress.
Baltimore, Maryland: The Permanent International Asso-
buoyancy under water at various depth intervals ciation of Navigation Congresses, Brussels, Belgium (Sec-
to 200 feet. tion 11) 1961.
Despite anticipation of a successful large scale 3. Rynecki, A,, and Searle, W. F. Capt. USN, Salvage of the
Ocean demonstration of FIS feasibility to 450 feet, U S S Frank Knor: Military Engineer, March-April 1968.
addtional development work will still be required 4. Kawasaki, T., Restoration of USS Frank Knor (DDR 7 4 2 ) .
Naval Engineers Journal, October 1968.
to subsantially reduce the present very high ma-
terial cost of generating urethane foams in ocean 5. Munger, M. and Winer, A., Foam-In-Salvage. Naval En-
gineers Journal, June 1967.
depths beyond 100 feet. 6. Bender, R., Handbook of Foamed Plastics. Illinois: Lake
It is, nevertheless, anticipated that compressed Publishing Corp., 1965 (Pg 256).
or liquefied gas frothing technology for FIS can be 7 . “A New Flotation Material for Underwater Salvage-
developed within several years to obtain more Expandable Polystyrene Beads”, Technical Bulletin. Dow
cost/effective systems at the deeper depths. Chemical Company.
8. Kroyer, K., Aarhus, Denmark, and Van den Tak,W. A.,
If compressed or liquefied gas frothing is success- Rotterdam, Holland, Salvage of Martin S.
fully developed to a 450 foot Ocean depth, it is rea- 9. Marshall, W. L. Capt. USN (Ret), Polyurethane Foam,
sonable to assume that FIS depth capability can A New Salvage Tool. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings,
subsequently be extended to 600 feet without an January 1969 (Pg 132).

110 Naval Enginaers Journal, August I970

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