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The Talamh

Though an archfey's realm is relegated to a single territory,

they have many powerful and loyal fey servants whose realms
reflect their power. These servants are called tuath, and teh
realm of a tuath is touched by the fey lord to which their
loyalty lies. These realms become talamh, reflections of the
power of those fey, granting them regional effects. Many of
these tuath also possess their own regional effects, which
may exist in concert with the regional effects of the talamh.
The 471st layer of the Abyss is known as Androlynne. It is a
phantasmagoric realm where beauty and hideousness blend
together into a strange kaleidoscope of horror and wonder.
Androlynne was once a haunted, colorless nightmare realm,
ruled over by an enigmatic queen from her lair of Mother’s
Mountain. However, through some strange cosmic accident, a
portal to the realm of dreams opened up within it, allowing
raw dreamstuff to pour into the Abyss, transforming
Androlynne into a deliriously beautiful landscape of flowered
hills, alien forests, and surreally churning skies. However, the
rip in the fabric of the plane also allowed the souls of
dreaming children to wander in, unaware of their peril. The
Court of Stars took notice and sent agents to protect the
children. Now the layer is a vivid pastel battleground where
demons, celestials, and fey war endlessly over the innocent
souls of the dreaming
Astrazalian, the City of Starlight
The orcs and goblinoids of the Korinn Archipelago have
numerous stories of hunting parties who investigated a
strange island wreathed in fog on the horizon, only to never
return. The righteous defenders of Astrazalian do not take
intruders lightly.
Located at the northernmost tip of the Korinn Archipelago,
Astrazalian is a beautiful eladrin city of shipwrights and
fishers. Though they are nominally loyal to High Lady Ordalf
of Karador, they mostly tend to their own business. During
the spring and summer months, it exists in the Material
Plane, but when autumn comes it worldfalls into the Feywild,
only to return come spring.
The ships of Astrazalian are among the fairest in all the
mortal world. Carved from the pale wood of the trees that
grow only on that island and crafted in the shapes of swans,
metallic dragons, fish, and other beautiful for, these ships are
the only vessels known that can reliably sail to the west in
order to reach Tír Naofa.
Brokenstone Vale
Wedged between the Greypeak Mountains and the Greycloak
Hills, just northwest of the elven city of Evereska is the realm
of Brokenstone Vale. It's home to lycanthropes of every
variety, ruled over by the werwolf Viktor Mazan, former
enemy and lover of the Maiden of the Moon.
Though Viktor Mazan loves bloodshed, he is far more
intelligent and cunning than the average werewolf. Capable of
incredible subtlety and overpowering persuasiveness, he has
managed to rally a power base of lycanthropes loyal to him in
Brokenstone Vale. He brokered the treaty between his people
and the elves of Evereska: so long as no elves of Evereska
travel into Brokenstone Vale, whether on the Material Plane
or the Feywild, no lycanthropes of Brokenstone Vale will hunt
the elves of Evereska. It is a tenuous treaty, but it has held for

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