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SPAMUS130 Final Requirement

Lesson Plan
MAPEH- Health
Ms. Sofia C. Espayos

I. Learning Outcomes
At the end of 60 minutes, the pupils must have:

A. Identify the different proper hygiene habits.

B. Apply proper hygiene habits in their daily lives.
C. Showed appreciation in the importance of doing proper hygiene.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Proper Hygiene Habits
B. References:
C. Materials:
 Laptop
 PowerPoint
 Figures or pictures

D. Value Focus: The pupils are to understand the importance of performing proper hygiene and its usage
in real life context.

III. Procedure
A. Preparation

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Motivational Activity
 Sing the song “ Proper Hygiene Song”
 After singing the song answer the following questions:
1. What is the song all about?
2. How do wee keep our body clean?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

A. Directions: Identify the ways of keeping our body clean base on the given figures.
2. Analysis

1. Why is it important to practice good hygiene like what was shown in the photos?
2. How does keeping our bodies clean help us feel better and stay healthy?
3. Can you give some more examples of good hygiene that we can use in our daily lives?

3. Abstraction

Proper Hygiene are the practices and habits we do to help maintain health and prevent the
spread of diseases. It involves keeping our body, clothing and our environment clean.

Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

It helps us to get rid of germs that lives in our bare hands.
Wash hands after using the bathroom, before eating, and
after coughing or sneezing. This removes germs and
prevents the spread of illnesses.

Brushing teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

Brushing in the morning after waking up and at night before
bed to prevent cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

Cleaning the body with soap and water

regularly to remove dirt, sweat, and
bacteria, preventing skin infections and
body odor. Taking a bath makes us feel
good and fresh.

Keeping nails trimmed and clean will help us get away with diseases.
Soil accumulates underneath our nails that is why we should not bite
our nails. Cutting nails prevents the buildup of dirt and bacteria, reducing
the risk of infections.
Taking care of our hair includes various practices to maintain clean,
healthy hair, such as washing, conditioning, and trimming. We should
was it thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner to avoid dandruffs,
lice and oil build ups. Regular trims, about every 6-8 weeks, help
remove split ends and keep hair looking healthy and neat.

Cleaning ears involves removing excess earwax and maintaining the

hygiene of the outer ear. Proper ear cleaning helps prevent ear
infections, ensures good hearing, and removes excess wax that
might cause discomfort or blockages.

4. Application

Directions: The class will be divided into 2 teams , each team are tasked to guess the figure
of proper hygiene habits that will be flashed on the screen. If they guessed it right they will
show the routine and have a brief explanations. Team with most guess wins .

IV. Evaluation
A. This evaluation will be answered in your test notebook.

1. Which of the following is an example of proper hygiene?

A) Eating with dirty hands B) Brushing teeth twice a day

C) Skipping showers for a week D) Sharing toothbrushes with friends

2. What should you do before eating?

A) Wash your hands B) Brush your teeth

C) Comb your hair D) Wear clean socks

3. How often should you brush your teeth?

A) 1 time a day B) 3 times a day

C) 4 times a week D) 2 times a week

4. Which of the following helps prevent spreading germs?

A) Coughing into your hands B) Sneezing into a tissue

C) Sharing drinks with friends D) Not washing your hands

5. When should you wash your hands?

A) every other day B) Only before eating

C) whenever you just feel D) Before eating and after using the bathroom

V. Assignment:

Directions: Draw your own personal hygiene kit, may include a skin care, face wash, tooth brush, soap.
Make it colorful and creative.

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