(4) English-Zone-6-First-Term-Revision-4جروب ابناؤنا فى الخارج تعبانين اوووى #ام - مصرية

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* We use “can” to express

1. Present ability 2. Present inability

Susan can ride a horse. He can’t ride a bicycle.
He can write Italian. I can’t draw well.
I can climb a mountain. We can’t drive so fast.
Mum can cook Chinese food. Jana cannot speak German.

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense ‫زمن المضارع التام المستمر‬

1. The Subject ‫الفاعل‬: (I/ We/ You/ They)
Affirmative Statements have + been + V.ing
Negative Statements haven't + been + V.ing
Questions Have + ‫ فاعل‬+ been + V.ing ?
* They have been driving since 2 o'clock this afternoon.
2. The Singular Subject ‫الفاعل المفرد‬: (He/ She/ It)
Affirmative Statements has + been + V.ing
Negative Statements hasn't + been + V.ing
Questions Has + ‫ فاعل‬+ been + V.ing?
* Alaa has been writing a science fiction story for ten hours now.
Usage ‫االستخدام‬
.‫لوصف أحداث بدأت فً الماضً ومازالت مستمرة فً الوقت الحالً ومن المحتمل أن تبقً مستمرة فً المستقبل‬
* Magda has been crying for 10 minutes now.
Tense markers ‫الكلمات الدالة علٌه‬
1. all morning/ all day/ all night/ all week
* The phone has been ringing all morning.
2. since/ for ………… + now/ all/ still/ haven't finished yet.
* Hana has been singing since 5 o'clock and still is.
* The difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple
* You use the simple past to talk about an event that happened at a certain time.
* I went to UK two years ago.
* The present perfect tense is used to show a past event at an uncertain time.
* I have gone to UK.
* The present perfect tense is used to describe an event in the past.
* The word 'present' is used in the tense to show the present effect of a past
* yesterday, ago and last night go with simple past tense.
* already, since and for go with present perfect tense.

Present Simple ‫المضارع البسٌط‬

1. The Plural Subject ‫( الفاعل الجمع‬I/ We/ You/ They)
Infinitive (without any addition)
Affirmative Statements
‫الفعل فً صٌغة المصدر بدون أي إضافات‬
don't + ‫مصدر الفعل‬
Negative Statements
never + ‫مصدر الفعل‬
Questions do + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫?مصدر الفعل‬
* They visit their grandmother on Fridays.
* Plants don't grow without water.
2. The Singular Subject ‫( الفاعل المفرد‬He/ She/ It)
Infinitive + (s/ es/ ies)
Affirmative Statements
)s/ es/ ies( ‫الفعل فً صٌغة المصدر بإضافة‬
doesn't + ‫مصدر الفعل‬.
Negative Statements
never + ‫ مصدر الفعل‬+ (s/ es/ ies)
Questions does + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫? مصدر الفعل‬
* The Earth goes around the sun.
* Jasmine doesn't have breakfast.
* Does Lamsa usually help with the housework?
Tense markers ‫الكلمات الدالة على زمن المضارع البسٌط‬
always, never, usually, often, sometimes, every (day, week, …), once, twice, …..
Usage ‫االستخدام‬
1. General Facts ‫الحقائق العامة‬
* Heat and light come from the sun.
2. Habits and Daily Routines ً‫العادات والروتٌن الٌوم‬
* Jana usually plays computer games every evening.
* Ali always gets up at 7 o'clock.
Revision (Unit 4)
Revision based on Unit 4
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Ahmed : That's a nice new car. ……………………………….?
Bassem: Last week when I sold my old one.
Ahmed : Why did you sell your old car?
Bassem: …………………………………………………
Ahmed : …………………………………………………?
Bassem: Seventeen thousand pounds.
Ahmed : Don't you think it was worth more?
Bassem: ………….............. would you like to have a lift?
Ahmed : No, thank you.
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Teacher: …………………………………………………..?
Ali : My father is a teacher.
Teacher: Would you like to be a teacher, too?
Ali : No, ………………………………………………
Teacher: Why do you prefer to be a doctor?
Ali : Because …………………………………
Teacher: Don't you think ………………………………..?
Ali : I'm sure it's very hard, but I like it.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. (Cymbals - Cello - Tuba - Trumpet) is percussion instrument.
2. Nada can play (a - some - the - than) drums well.
3. Beethoven (composed - learnt - invented - educated) many operas.
4. They (are playing - were playing - have been playing - played) the piano for six
hours now.
5. (What - Why - Who - How) often do you go to the club?
6. Does Noha usually (go - goes - going - went) to work by bus?
7. I've (know - knew - known - knowing) him for 20 years.
8. Can you (play - plays - playing - played) an instrument?
9. Rawan has been (read - reads - reading - is read) a novel since 6:00 a.m.
10.My sister (watched - watches - has watched - watching) TV every night.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Soha (catch - caught - catches - catching) the train to Tanta last week.
2. (Greens - Blues - Blew - Flew) and jazz came from African rhythms.
3. Which type (in - on - of - off) music is the oldest?
4. How (length - tall - long - short) have you been learning English?
5. (What - When - Who - Why) is your favourite actor?
6. (Folk - Rap - Classical - Rock) is a type of modern music.
7. What's your favourite (number - hobby - subject - team)? El-Zamalik.
8. Folk songs are (past - passed - pest - best) on from person to person.
9. The prize we get in a competition is called a/an (ornament- award - reward - gift).
10.She's just (come - coming - came - comes) home from work.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She burnt herself last night. (not)
2. I've been studying French for 6 years now. (How long)
3. Mona has been learning swimming for eight years. (since)
4. I moved to Tanta in 2001. (ago)
5. She didn't play the drums before. (never)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. We started writing the homework two hours ago. (We've been)
2. Ali was able to walk when he was two. (could)
3. My brother can run so fast. (able)
4. She has been waiting for them since nine o'clock. It's 12 o'clock now. (for)
5. Ahmed and Omar have been finishing for six hours now. (How long)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Do you know what is meant by the internet? It's a company which will
link your computer to the world wide web. The system that stores information
for all the computer users everywhere. The internet provides information on
millions of different subjects. It also allowed people to "write" to each other
electronically, a system which is called "electronic mail" or "e-mail". This
system uses the telephone lines to send messages, letters, discussions and
even long documents to any person in the world in seconds.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is meant by the Internet?
2. What do we call the system that stories information for all the computer

English Zone 6 - First Term (Revision)
Revision (Unit 4)
3. What does the system of electronic mail use to send messages?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. World wide web stores (money - information - papers) for all computer users.
5. Sending messages, letters or long documents by e-mails, is done in (days -
hours - seconds).
6. Internet provides (food - infection - information) on millions of different subjects.

D. The Link Reader

5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"I have already tried, but he would not let me."
1. Who said this?
2. To whom?
3. What had the speaker already tried?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Herbert and Pip thought that Magwitch ………………………………….………………
5. Pip told people that Magwitch was ………………………………………………………….

E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on
"Modern inventions"
Use these guiding words:
telephone - in touch with - radio - television - amusement - culture - cars -
trains - aero planes - travelling - easy - life - comfortable - save time - effort
7. Write questions.
1. .................................................................................?
No, she hasn't come yet.
2. .................................................................................?
I've got 60 stories in my bookcase.
3. .............................................................................................?
Rawan and Khadiga went to the club last night.

Test based on Revision 4
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Nadia: Mona! Can you lend me some money?
Mona: Well, how ……………………………………………..…….................….?
Nadia: Can you lend me £200. Please? I want to buy presents.
Mona: Presents? ………………………………....………?
Nadia: for my sister and my uncle. I have to.
Mona: Why do you have to buy them these presents?
Nadia: …………………………………………………………...……….
Mona: When is their birthday?
Nadia: ………………………………………..………….
Mona: All right, Nadia. Here's the money.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Dad is tired he (have worked - has worked - has been working - works) all morning.
2. Rap is a type of modern (museum - music - wearing - life) where rhyming words
are chanted or spoken quickly to music and rhythms.
3. (Modern - Past - New - Classical) music is generally instrumental.
4. We have been (study - studied - studying - studies) history since last year.
5. Fayroz was a (parade - prodigy - pianist - player) as she had an extraordinary
talent in acting.
6. (Folk - Rap - Classical - Country) songs are passed (away - on - out - in) from person
to person.
7. What's your favourite (actor - book - writer - athlete)? Abu Treika.
8. Children (likes - like - liking - is liking) sweets and chocolates.
9. Oh, my God, I (have cut - cuts - have been cutting - am cutting) myself with this
sharp knife, I need help.
10. Dina has lived in Italy (since - for - yet - ago) three years.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She has seen this film before. (last night)
2. The last time I saw Amany was in 2010. (haven't)
3. My father travelled to France 3 days ago. (since)
4. She always comes to work late. (not)
5. Have you been to Spain before? (never)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Pollution has become a terrible danger, which threatens life on earth.
Pollution is found everywhere as man polluted the world with smoke, gases
English Zone 6 - First Term (Revision)
Revision (Unit 4)
dirts, chemicals and noise. It is not so easy to solve this problem. So the
government and individuals should work together to achieve that goal to
keep nature pure and clean. This can be done by planting trees and finding
alternative fuels other than oil. In the end, I say that we must avoid pollution
altogether because it is the danger of this ago.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the terrible danger which threatens life on earth?
2. How did the man pollute the world?
3. What should we do to keep nature pure and clean?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. (Planting - Planet - Pollution - Information) is the danger of this ago.
5. We should keep nature clean and (pest - pure - pair - binary).
6. Man polluted the world with dirts and (noisy - nosey - voice - noise).
D. The Link Reader
5. A. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Miss Havisham apologise for?
2. What did Miss Havisham give Pip?
3. Why did Orlick want to kill Pip?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Pip hoped that Estella ……………………
5. Miss Havisham was badly …………………………

E. Writing
6. Write a letter in reply to the following:
(You live at 10 Said street, Banha)
Dear Hazem,
Now that you have stayed for two weeks at the Plaza Hotel. I'd like to know
your opinion of the services they offer in it. You know, my uncle is going to
stay there next month.
7. Write questions.
1. ........................................................................?
Yes, Ali is my best friend.
2. ........................................................................?
We have been to America.
3. .......................................................................?
Sara always goes to school on foot.

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