Eng 111 Speech

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**Title: Depletion of Ozone in the Stratosphere of the Earth**


- **Attention Getter**: Have you ever wondered why we are advised to limit our
exposure to the sun? Or why too much sun can be harmful to our skin? The answer
lies high above us, in the stratosphere of the Earth, where a thin layer of gas
called the ozone layer resides. This layer is our planet's sunscreen, protecting
life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. But what if this protective
shield is depleting?

- **Reason to Listen**: The depletion of the ozone layer is not just an

environmental issue; it is a direct threat to human health and survival. It's a
global concern that affects each one of us and the future generations to come.

- **Credibility Statement**: The information I am about to share with you is based

on scientific research and findings from credible sources such as the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency⁴, National Geographic³, and Britannica².

- **Thesis Statement**: Today, I will discuss the causes, effects, and solutions to
the problem of ozone depletion in the Earth's stratosphere.

- **Preview of Main Points**: We will delve into the science behind ozone
depletion, understand its impact on human health and the environment, and explore
the measures taken to mitigate this problem.


- **Main Point 1**: Ozone depletion is a phenomenon where the concentration of

ozone in the stratosphere decreases. This is caused by the release of chemical
compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human
activities². One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it
is removed from the stratosphere⁴.

- **Main Point 2**: The depletion of the ozone layer has serious consequences. It
leads to an increase in UVB radiation that reaches Earth’s surface, which increases
the rate of skin cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune system damage². It
also affects marine ecosystems and can damage plants³.

- **Main Point 3**: The good news is that we have taken steps to address this
issue. The Montreal Protocol, ratified in 1987, was the first of several
comprehensive international agreements enacted to halt the production and use of
ozone-depleting chemicals². As a result of continued international cooperation, the
ozone layer is expected to recover over time³.


- **Review of Main Points**: To recap, we've discussed the causes of ozone

depletion, its harmful effects on human health and the environment, and the global
efforts to mitigate this problem.

- **Impactful Ending**: The depletion of the ozone layer is a stark reminder of how
human activities can alter the very fabric of our planet. But it also shows that
when we understand the problem and take collective action, we can help restore the

- **Common Ground**: Each one of us has a role to play in this. By being more
conscious about our consumption patterns and supporting eco-friendly practices, we
can contribute to the preservation of the ozone layer and, ultimately, the
protection of life on Earth.

Thank you for your attention. Let's remember, the Earth does not belong to us, we
belong to the Earth. Let's treat it with the care it deserves.

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