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ПОГОДЖЕНО _______________Л. Наставна ЗАТВЕРДЖЕНО_______________В.


Final Test 11th form Name:_____________________

1 She didn’t study much but she managed to scrape ___ her 26 James doesn’t look like his mum. He ___ after his dad.
finals. A puts B goes C takes D gets
A with B through C to D out 27 Her jokes make fun of politicians in a rather ___ way.
2 I don’t want to fall ___ with my homework. A accepting B scornful C obstinate D considerate
A out B away C behind D off 28 The family ___ in the house for over twenty years when
3 My dad ___ always hide the newspaper so that no one could they moved last month.
read it before he did. A have lived B were living
A used B will C would D was C have been living D had been living
4 We ___ to have computers when I was your age. 29 I was sure the business ___ a success one day.
A didn’t B wouldn’t C hadn’t had D didn’t use A would be B is going to be C will be D was supposed to be
5 I can’t afford ___ my girlfriend to the cinema this weekend. 30 They wanted to know how tall I _so they measured m
A to take B take C taking D for taking A. am B. have been C. had D. was
6 We should spend more time ___ exercise. 31 He ___ from the company for years before he was finally
A do B with doing C doing D to do caught.
7 He urged ___ down to work. A could steal B must be stealing
A me to get B to get C I should get D getting C might be stealing D may have been stealing
8 I thought Tom was so calm you couldn’t make him angry, 32 I’m sure someone helped her. She ___ all this by herself!
but yesterday he lost his ___. A can’t have done B must have done
A temper B control C will D soul C must do D can’t do
9 You need to be ___ in this job. You should plan everything 33 I was lucky because I got ___ excellent education.
carefully. A some B an C the D –
A trusting B tactful C daring D thorough 34 Do you have any special ___ requirements?
10 I was amazed when I got to Venice. I _ how beautiful it was. A diet B eating C dish D dietary
A hadn’t realised B couldn’t realise 35 . I feel so sleepy! I ___ such a big lunch!
C hadn’t been realising D haven’t realised A. mustn’t have eaten B. shouldn’t have eaten
11 We were late for the show. We ___ as usual. C. wouldn’t have eaten D. couldn’t have eaten
A had talked B talked 36 How ___ have you had this boat?
C had been talking D have been talking A. much B. far C. long D. time
12 My mum has got a new phone, ___ she hasn’t learned how 37 Break the chocolate ___ into small pieces.
to use yet. A up B out C away D down
A what B whoseC that D which 38 The singer has a huge fan ___ among young people.
13 The couple ___ wedding it was looked so happy. A crowd B number C group D base
A whoseB which C who D that 39 I couldn’t take any pictures because I ___ my camera at
14 What’s that ___ building over there? It looks awful. home.
A picturesque B urban C bustling D shabby A. ‘d left B. ‘m leaving C. to leave D. ‘ve left
15 Is there any bank ___ walking distance from here? 40 The American runner ___ the winner after a review by the
A by B with C within D on judges.
16I’ll never have enough money for a flat. I’ll still ___ with my A declared B was declared
parents when I’m forty! C declared to be D was declared to
A live B have lived C have been living D be living 41 She was seen ___ clothes from a shop.
17 When we get to New Zealand, we’ll ___ nearly 19,000 km. A stole B stolen C to steal D stealing
A be flying B have been flying C fly D have flown 42 ___ of fact, I need to leave now.
18 ___ of the people at the reception were from the bride’s A As matter B In a matter C As a matter D For a matter
family. 43 The race ___ by Paul Lucas in 92.8 seconds.
A Most B Every C Each D Much A. was won B. has won C. is won D. had won
19 My parents couldn’t come to the party. __ of them were ill. 44 I’ll come and see you after I ___ my essay
A Either B Both C All D A couple A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. did finish
20 On my birthday I always ___ myself to a piece of chocolate 45 My little brother resents ___ what to do.
cake. A my telling him B if I tell him C I should tell him D I tell
A send B pay C treat D give 46 They hope the security cameras will deter people ___ the
21 Sometimes it’s better to pay ___ for something more building.
expensive. The quality is usually much better. A to enter B from entering C for entering D not to enter
A out B away C down D up 47 I don’t mind what we do – I’ll just ___ with the flow!
22 Don’t be late for the party, ___? A go B be C run D make
A do you B don’t you C will you D won’t you 48 I’d make you coffee but I forgot _ some coffee beans
23 Let’s celebrate our good luck, ___? A. to buy B. bought C. buying D. buy
A won’t we B don’t we C will we D shall we 49 They live in a little house ___ by trees.
24 It’s very kind of you but you ___ have bought me a present. A which surrounds B that surrounded
A needn’t B mustn’t C ought not D didn’t
25 Never ___ so scared as I was during the earthquake. C surrounded D surrounding
A I had felt B I felt C had I felt D I did feel 50 You can come ___ it’s convenient for you.
A whenever B wherever C whatever D whoever

2 [Track 15] You will hear four different recordings. For questions 1–4, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 What would be the best headline for this report?
A Teens are becoming obsessed with technology
B Making the most of what technology can offer
C How technology is changing the older generation’s lives

2 The speaker is
A criticising people for wasting time on the Internet.
B encouraging younger people to learn from the older generation.
C pointing out ways you can use the Internet to your advantage.

3 Which sentence best describes the situation?

A The email arrived without an attachment.
B The grandfather can’t open the attachment.
C The grandfather can’t find the photos he downloaded.

4 What does Beth do in this situation?

A Beth shows her grandfather how to open an attachment.
B Beth discovers why her grandfather is confused.
C Beth finds the photos her grandfather has downloaded.

5 The speaker says that

A Michael is slightly underweight.
B Michael has lost weight recently by eating carefully.
C Michael’s recent weight gain is nothing to be worried about.

6 The speaker says that Michael’s mother should

A encourage him to change his diet.
B be happy with his current weight.
C be worried because of a recent weight gain.

7 One reason the girl was ill was because she

A was obsessed with losing weight.
B did too much sport.
C wasn’t getting enough sleep.

8 Before her illness, Sally

A was eating unhealthy food.
B was suffering from insomnia.
C wasn’t doing any exercise.
3 A Read the text and answer the questions.


Eugene Goostman is a thirteen-year-old boy from Odessa in Ukraine. He has got a pet guinea pig and his father is a
doctor. In 2014, he passed a test that some people say had never been passed before. Is Eugene a genius? In fact, he
doesn’t really exist at all.
Eugene is a chatterbot. That is, a computer programme which can listen and reply to questions. You may have one
on your smartphone. You can ask it to do simple tasks like find out what the weather is like in Portugal or how
many dollars there are to the euro. You can also try to have a conversation with your chatterbot, although their
answers don’t always make sense. However, Eugene is more advanced than these very basic versions. He actually
managed to fool some people into thinking he was human in a test thought up over 60 years ago.
The test he passed is called the Turing Test, named after the computer expert, Alan Turing, who became famous for
his work on the Enigma code machine during the Second World War. This was a German machine which was
brought to England in 1939 from Poland. By breaking the code, Turing was able to find out German war plans in
advance. In 1950, Turing wrote a paper which predicted that, one day, robots would have the intelligence to carry
out a human-like conversation. Two years later, in 1952, he finalised the rules of a test which would show whether
or not this intelligence existed. The main rule was that, if any computer persuaded 30 percent of the people reading
or listening to the answers that it was human, it would pass the test. Turing passed away in 1954 but the challenge
lived on.
Interestingly, Turing based his test on a party game, called Imitation, which he enjoyed taking part in. In this game, a
set of questions were given to a man and a woman. They typed their answers, not necessarily truthfully, and the other
party guests had to try to guess who had written which set of answers. The theory was that there would always be
some clues that would give them away. Turing died without knowing whether any robot would ever manage to
pass his test but, in 2014, on the sixtieth anniversary of his death, Eugene Goostman managed to do it.
Not everyone is impressed by Eugene’s accomplishment. Some say that Eugene wasn’t the first chatterbot to pass the
test. This is technically true but the previous tests were either too short or they were judged by an audience rather
than experts. These factors meant that the results weren’t conclusive. Eugene’s test involved many more questions
but there were still criticisms. The main one involves Eugene’s ‘human’ profile. His designers deliberately made him a
thirteen-year-old with poor English so that judges would be more likely to ignore his strange or irrelevant answers
than they would if he was a native speaker adult. Finally, even if he was the first chatterbot to really pass the test,
many people argue that Eugene doesn’t actually possess real intelligence. All it can do is imitate intelligence. In other
words, it is unable to think or learn like a real human being.
Chatterbots may not be ready to take over the world yet but they can have uses. They can perform basic tasks on a
smartphone while we are unable to press buttons on our phones ourselves, such as while driving. They can also be
used to create believable characters in video games which can follow orders and report on what is happening.
However, robots with real intelligence are still a long way off. You won’t be able to get one to do your homework
for a few more years, I’m afraid!

1 Why can it be difficult to talk to smartphone chatterbots?

2 What could Eugene do that other smartphone apps couldn’t?
3 After breaking the Enigma code, what did Turing believe about the robots of the future?

4 What was believed about the game Imitation?

5 Why was Eugene’s test more reliable than previous tests passed by other chatterbots?

6 What are the main uses for chatterbots at the moment?


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