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Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the homework book or on a printed copy of the study

Strictly to be submitted on the day of opening


I. Instructions: provide the correct questions tags to the following sentences (5 marks)

1. I am a form two student .

2. They aren’t in school today.

3. Coronavirus is a pandemic .

4. You don’t understand why she joined our study group ?

5. She undermined my presence at the party.

II. Instructions: say if the sentences below express possibility, obligations, ability or permission

1. He must take care of us obligation

2. Can she write to her uncle? Ability

3. May I go out to answer a call? permission

4. Children must please their parents with good results. obligation

5. The whole class can solve the equation. ability


I. Instructions: Replace the underlined words with their antonyms or synonyms as indicated in the
brackets (5 marks)

1. We won the match and gained three points (synonym)

We won the game and gained three points.
2. All children love money, money gives joy (synonym)
All children like money,money gives joy.
3. He disrespects everyone at home (antonym)
He respects everyone at home.
4. The embassy gave him a visa to France (antonym)
The embassy refused to give him a visa to France .
5. This year, your youth week activities were so boring. (antonym)
This year, your youth week activities were so fun.

Refuse disposal is one of the major environmental problems that developing countries are faced with.
Health hazard, traffic congestion, unsightliness, unpleasantness and blockage of drainages are some of
the problems caused by the lack of efficient waste management practice in Cameroon, Nigeria and
Ghana and many other African counties. Many have ventured to say that our cities are sick. Indeed very
sick. The problem of waste management has two parts: that of collection and that of disposal.
Communal collection, block collection, door to door collection and kerbside collection methods have
been practised by different countries. A lot of problems are faced in the collection process like climatic
problems, public attitude, nature of waste, poverty, ignorance and transportation conditions. Disposal
methods such as dumping in designated sites, incineration, recycling, chipping and home refuse disposal
units have been used in different societies. There are newer advances in disposal methods, such as
biodegradable containers and biodegradability. These have fewer functional problems but more
problems such as maintenance costs. Governments and individual citizens have important roles to play
in adopting more suitable solutions to this problem.

1. Waste management is divided into two parts name them?

The two parts of waste management are collection and disposal .
2. What are the causes of pollution in our cities?
The causes of pollution in our cities is lack of efficient waste management practice .
3. What are some of the problems caused by refuse disposal in Cameroon.
Some of the problems caused by refuse disposal in Cameroon are blockage of drains , unsightliness,traffic
congestion and health hazards
4. List two problems faced during the process of waste collection?
Two problems faced during the process of waste collection are climatic problems and transportation conditions .
5. List three things we can do to recycle our waste products.
Three things we can do to recycle our waste products are reduce the consumption of single use plastics and
nonessential items, reuse the waste or repurpose and recycle the waste and properly sort it so that plastics and
organic waste are disposed separately.
D. Fill in the blanks using the words given below. (15 marks)

compare standards regulation good major particles smoke bad overall monitor pollutants
responsible scale recommend

How polluted is our air? If we 1.__________________ major
the air pollution of 2. __________ cities in the
world, Hong Kong’s 3._____________ air pollution would be somewhere near the middle of the
4.______________. smoke
As there are 5._____________ controlling the release of 6.________________ from
power stations and vehicles, the amount of air 7._________________, for example lead, carbon
monoxide and sulphur dioxide, is not at all high by world 8.______________. However, we do have very
high levels of very small dust 9.______________ (suspended particulates) in our air; this situation is very
similar to that in Tokyo, Seoul and Kuala Lumpur. Pollutants released from vehicles are still the major
10._____________ for air pollution in Hong Kong, especially in our city centre. For years, most of our
11.______________ stations have recorded a much higher level of fine dust particles than the air quality
standards 12.______________ as safe. The situation is the 13.____________ at busy roadsides in the
urban areas. The main reason is because a lot of vehicles in Hong Kong still use diesel oil. The burning of
diesel oil 14.______________ a lot more fine dust particles and nitrogen dioxide than other fuels,
making air pollution more serious. As 15._______________ citizens, what can we do to reduce the air
pollution caused by vehicles?

Write a descriptive letter to your friend telling them about your Easter holiday. In your letter you
might want to include these points:

i. The place you spent your Easter holiday

ii. The activities you engaged in

iii. The people involved

Dear Anryl
Hope this letter finds you well. I just had to share my wonderful Easter experience with you. I spent the
holiday at my grandparents' cozy lake house, surrounded by lush greenery and serene water views. It
was the perfect setting for a relaxing and rejuvenating break. Our Easter celebration was a joyous family
affair! My siblings, cousins, and I participated in a thrilling Easter egg hunt, racing around the garden to
find hidden treats. The excitement palpable as we discovered each carefully concealed egg. Later, we
gathered around the dinner table to savor a delectable feast prepared by my grandmother, featuring
traditional dishes and sweet treats.
The highlight of the trip was a scenic boat ride on the lake, where we spotted swans and ducks
swimming gracefully alongside us. We even had a friendly fish swim up to the boat, adding to the magic
of the moment! The best part, though, was spending quality time with loved ones. We shared stories,
laughed together, and created memories that will be cherished for a long time. My grandparents ‘warmth
and hospitality made the experience even more special. I hope your Easter was just as wonderful! I’d
love to hear about your celebrations and catch

Warm regards

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