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2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit 20/205
An infected creature can attempt to suppress the aura once
per hour by making a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a
success, the aura is suppressed for 1d4 + the infected
creature's Wisdom modifier hours. The DC for the saving
throw increases by 1 for each time the infected creature
makes the saving throw, regardless of whether it succeeds or
not, returning to 13 after the infected creature completes a
long rest. The infected creature cannot suppress the aura
while it is unconscious, and any dreams it has while
unconscious will leak out and be visible in the aura.
Once an infected creature completes a long rest, it must
make a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the
creature's Wisdom score is reduced by 1d4. If the infected
creature's Wisdom is reduced to 1 (-5) it becomes insane and
cannot be cured of the disease by anything less than a greater
restoration spell. If the infected creature succeeds on this
saving throw three consecutive times, it is cured of the
disease. Once cured of the disease, the creature will regain
its Wisdom at a rate of 1d4 after each long rest until it
returns to its original value.
Wendigo's Hunger
A humanoid that consumes the flesh of another humanoid
creature while within the Feywild or an area touch by the
Feywild must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or
become infected with Wendigo's Hunger, which has an
incubation period of 1d4 days. Once the incubation period is
complete, the creature gains the following flaw: “I crave to
feed on the flesh of sentient creatures, especially my kin.”
The first time each day that an infected creature witnesses
a humanoid become injured, it must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or attempt to feed on them. The
infected creature has disadvantage on the saving throw if the
humanoid it witnessed being injured is an ally or family
member. Each time that a creature infected with the
Wendigo's Hunger successfully feeds on another humanoid's
flesh, its Wisdom score is reduced by 1d4.
After reach long rest, a creature infected with Wendigo's
Hunger must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or
have its Wisdom score reduced by 1. When its Wisdom score
is reduced to 1, the creature immediately transforms into a
wendigo, racing into the sky with such speed that its feet are
burned away into charred, bloody stumps.
Gnolls, leucrotta, shoosuva, wendigo, hyenas, and any
fiends loyal to Yeenoghu can detect if a creature is infected by
Wendigo's Hunger by scent and will avoid attacking it.
Wendigo's Hunger can also be contracted from the bite of a
wendigo. If an infected creature does not feed on another
sentient creatures for 10 consecutive days, it is cured of
Wendigo's Hunger. Otherwise, it can be cured with greater
restoration or similar magic. When the creature is cured of
Wendigo's Hunger, any reduction in Wisdom that it suffered
from the disease is restored.

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