Breath - Breathing Techiques To Fight Coronavirus, Weak Lungs

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learn how to breath when you are suffering from breathlessness due to any viral infection or

pneumonia or asthma etc. Learn which prone postures are helpful in strengthening the lungs. Why
you should not sleep on your back, when you are breathless. How to check your lung capacity by
using spirometer. How to clear your upper throat by neighing. How to cough and sneeze to expel
and clear the lungs:

Breathing Technique: 10 to 15 mins each

1. Lifting your sternum up – major portion of the lungs are at the back. 10x Inhale exhale
2. In Prone Postures, lie down on your chest & breathe deeply – inhale & exhale. 10x Ujjayi
3. Vinyasa flow krama to conserve oxygen
4. Suryabedi & Ujjayi Pranayama – inhaling from mouth, hold & exhale from mouth at once
with inflated lungs by pushing your shoulders back 6 to 7 in 1 cycle (pneumonia, lack of
breath) & cough at the end of the first cycle. Why cough? It expels all the mucus deposit.
Cough means all the lungs contract. Do it once in the morning & once in the evening.
5. Spirometer to check whether your lungs are healthy or not. If it is <250litres/hour – danger,
do Shitrama Bhastrika when you have cold, lungs are compromised, forced inhalation from
the mouth & exhaling through the mouth.
6. Plavani Pranayama – inhaling to stomach & burping continuously to clear acidity, gas &
7. In 1L lukewarm water + 1to1.5tsp salt, drink until you feel nauseated, keep three fingers in
the mouth & cough. All the muscles will contract & clear the lungs.
8. Kapaladhauti or Kapoutadhauti & then coughing.
9. Deep inhale, make snoring sounds & exhale – Udhgita Ujjayi

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