DND 21

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Fey Crown.

A beast, fey, or plant that targets you while you

wear the crown of the land with an attack or a harmful spell
must first make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 8
+ your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a
failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the
attack or spell. If you attack a creature or target it with a
harmful spell, that creature automatically succeeds on that
saving throw for the next 24 hours.
Voice of the Wild. You know Druidic, Primordial, and
Sylvan. In addition, you can communicate with plants and
animals as if you shared a common language (this includes
all the effects of the speak with animals and speak with
plants spells).
Spells. The crown of the land has 7 charges. While
wearing the crown, you can use an action to expend some of
its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18,
+10 to hit with spell attacks) from it: burning hands (3rd level
version, 1 charge), call lightning (1 charge), conjure elemental
(2 charges), control weather (3 charges), earthquake (4
charges), investiture of flame (3 charges), investiture of ice (3
charges), investiture of stone (3 charges), investiture of wind
(3 charges), primordial ward (2 charges), storm of vengeance
(4 charges). While you are within the territory of the spirit of
the land to which the crown is bound, the cost of these spells
is reduced by 2 (minimum cost of 0).
Additionally, while wearing the crown you can cast animal
messenger, command, and suggestion at will so long as the
verbal components are spoken in Druidic, Primordial, or
Destroying the Crown of the Land. A crown of the land
can only be destroyed if the animus loci to which it is bound
is explicitly ordered to do so by a creature attuned to the

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