The Effect of Social Media Influencer On Purchase

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Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp.

June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

The Effect of Social Media Influencer on Purchase Intention

with Brand Image and Customer Engagement as
Intervening Variables
Ellyne Annida Pramesti1, R. Nurafni Rubiyanti2
Telkom University1, 2
Jalan Telekomunikasi No. 1, 40257, Bandung Indonesia
Correspondence email:
ORCID ID: 0009-0007-3479-9964


Publication information ABSTRACT

Conceptual Paper An individual with a strong presence on

social media, known as an influencer, has
HOW TO CITE the ability to bridge the gap between a
company and its target audience by
Pramesti, E. A., & Rubiyanti, R. N. (2023). conveying a favorable brand image to the
The Effect of Social Media Influencer on audience. Social media influencers have
Purchase Intention with Brand Image and the ability to shape brand image and
Customer Engagement as Intervening customer engagement, which can then
influence the interest in purchasing that
Variables. Journal of International
brand. Tasya Farasya is a beauty
Conference Proceedings, 6(2), 211-221. influencer who often shares reviews about
Makeover products. Her posts have
DOI: created brand image and customer engagement among Makeover's audience.
Compared to other beauty influencers,
Copyright@ 2023 owned by Author(s). Tasya Farasya is one of the top 10 beauty
Published by JICP influencers in Indonesia, with a high figur of
followers and engagement rates. However,
the Makeover product that Tasya Farasya
reviewed is not the top cosmetic product in
Indonesia. This can affect the brand image,
customer engagement, and interest in
This is an open-access article. purchasing Makeover. This study aims to
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share assess how Tasya Farasya, a social media
Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) influencer, affects consumers' purchase
intent for Makeover brand, focusing on the
Received: 19 April 2023 influence of brand image and customer
Accepted: 21 May 2023 engagement factors. In this study, a
Published: 20 June 2023 quantitative approach was employed,
whereby data was gathered via a
questionnaire. To analyze the data,
Structural Equation Model (SEM) was
utilized through the use of the SmartPLS

Keywords: Brand Image, Customer

Engagement, Purchase Intention, and
Social Media Influencer

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X


The global cosmetics industry has experienced better progress than ever before. Many
factors influence the opportunities and advancements in the global cosmetics
manufacture, including pandemics, economic conditions, and current beauty trends
conforming to Sari (2022). In Indonesia, the majority of women rely on skin and body
care products, resulting in high demand, leading to the growth and development of the
cosmetics manufacture as reported from (2023). Based on the
population growth estimates for Indonesia released by the National Development
Planning Agency and the Central Statistics Agency, the figure of women in Indonesia
attained 131.88 million in 2018. Because of such a large figure of women, Indonesia has
become a promising market for many countries to market cosmetics and beauty products
conforming to Adminlina (2020). Despite enormous business opportunities for cosmetics
in Indonesia, domestic businesses are facing difficulties due to unhealthy competition
from illegal imported products. Currently, at least 45 countries that produce cosmetics
and beauty products worldwide sell their products in Indonesia, such as, Japan, the
United States, France, China, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. Cosmetics and
beauty products from Europe, America, and Japan have been well-known for a long time
and have been developing and marketing their products in Indonesia conforming to
Adminlina (2020).

The Indonesian cosmetics manufacture has grown by 9.61% compared to the previous
year, conforming to the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS). In addition, the figur
of corporations in the cosmetics manufacture has increased by 20% in 2022, conforming
to the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) (Sari, 2022). Fearli
believes that the growing beauty manufacture in Indonesia provides a significant
opportunity for manufacture players to offer added value and unique concepts to reach
the target market. As a result, it is not surprising that some brands continue to innovate
to produce products that meet the needs of society. A Korean cosmetics manufacturing
company operating in Indonesia has identified several emerging beauty trends for 2023,
known as STRONG, which stands for Stand Out, Techceptance, Reconnect,
Opportunity, Natural, and Glow-glazzy. In 2023, consumers will redefine the function and
use of make-up and skin care products. Beauty products will not only be a necessity for
consumers, but also a form of self-expression, where the use of make-up will become
bolder and the colors used will be tailored to the user's identity to create a unique and
distinctive appearance (Stand Out). The STRONG trend "Techceptance" involves using
technology to provide added value for consumers. In 2023, consumers will not only
consider the selection of ingredients that are suitable for their skin problems but will also
accept and choose products that have technological added value to provide maximum
effectiveness and efficiency. Next, Reconnect, "Reconnect" trend: consumers will be
more closely connected with brands via technology interactions like live features and
virtual filters. In addition, there is the concept of Opportunity, the growth of the beauty
manufacture in Indonesia provides opportunities for manufacture players to provide
added value and unique concepts to reach a wider market, such as clean beauty, hybrid
cosmetics, and conscious beauty. In addition, the natural concept Consumers are
increasingly choosing natural and safe ingredients that are good for the skin and
environmentally friendly, supported by the increasing awareness of ESG (Environmental
Social Governance) as reported from (2023).

Conforming to Alalwan (2018), Social media platforms emphasize user engagement in

creating all the content that is published, not only a place where people share information
and collaborate. The popularity of social media platforms has grown, with 73% of
marketers finding them effective for marketing campaigns, conforming to a recent report
from Oberlo (2022). Instagram had 94,541,900 users in Indonesia with a penetration rate
of 33.8% in January 2023, conforming to the Napoleoncat report. The social media

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

platform TikTok is popular in Indonesia, with about 101 million users conforming to Ooi and Richardson (2019) found that approximately 54% of social media
users have utilized these platforms to investigate brands and products.

Conforming to Adminlina (2020) as reported from, suggests that 65%

of consumers now choose cosmetic products after seeing promotions from influencers
on social media, highlighting the significant effect of beauty influencers on the global
cosmetics manufacture. Hariyanti and Wirapraja (2018) define an influencer as a
prominent social media personality with a large following, whose content has the ability
to sway the behavior of their followers. Diamond (2019) describes influencer marketing
as a combination of creativity and data-driven strategy, utilizing online figures with
significant influence to promote brands. These influencers can come from various
backgrounds and have a big effect on industries like beauty in Indonesia, where many
people follow them on social media and are influenced by their promotions. Beauty
influencers on social media can influence their followers’ purchasing decisions, and
Indonesian beauty influencers with a large following and trusted expertise are in high
demand for marketing beauty products (Octavilia, 2023).

Research conducted by Hermanda and Tinaprilla (2019) and Nurhandayani et al. (2019)
indicates that social media influencers can serve as intermediaries between a company
and its target audience, potentially enhancing the brand's image and customer
engagement by promoting a favorable image to the audience. However, Research
Ahmadi & Leamsom (2022) It is crucial for companies to match the type and suitability
of a product with the right influencer to enhance the brand's reputation, boost
engagement, and drive conversions. Research Masato (2021) and Cheodon & Lee
(2020) A favorable brand image and strong customer engagement can increase the
likelihood of consumers intending to purchase a particular brand.

Conforming to Pebria (2022), as reported from there are beauty

influencers who often give reviews of cosmetic products on their social media accounts,
one of whom is Tasya Farasya. Tasya Farasya often gives reviews of Makeover
products. Conforming to Dian (2023), as reported from Makeover is an
Indonesian cosmetic brand managed by PT Paragon Technology and Innovation (PTI)
and was launched in 2003. Since then, the brand has produced various innovations and
successful products in the Indonesian beauty market. Makeover has launched products
such as Primer, Concealer, Foundation, Powder, Cushion, Contour & Highlighter, Blush,
Setting Spray, Eyebrow, Eyeliner, Eyeshadow, Mascara, Lip Balm, Lip Pencil, Lipstick,
Lip Cream, Lip Liquid, Lip Gloss, Moisturizer, Toner, Make-Up Remover, Micellar Water,
Cleansing Cream. Conforming to Tasya Farasya often posts reviews of
Makeover products on her Instagram account, @tasyafarasya, which has 6 million
followers with an engagement rate of 0.94% as of March 12, 2023. Conforming to
Cinthya (2020), Engagement rate, a measure of how actively followers interact with a
social media account, is a common term in digital marketing, conforming to
The way to calculate the engagement rate is by dividing the figure of likes and comments
by the figure of followers (Christian, 2022). Conforming to Annur (2022), as reported from Based on the data found, Tasya Farasya is one of the Top 10 Beauty
Influencers with good credibility.

This indicates that the influencer marketing done by Tasya Farasya can influence brand
image and customer engagement, which ultimately affects the purchase intention of
Makeover products. In addition, the purchase intention of cosmetic products can also be
influenced by other beauty influencers, even though Tasya Farasya is among the Top
10 Beauty influencers, the sales data of Makeover products show that the brand does
not occupy the top position as the most popular cosmetic product. Consequently, it is
crucial to carry out conduct a study on effect of social media influencer Tasya Farasya

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

on purchase intention for Makeover brand, with a particular focus on brand image and
customer engagement factors.

This study refers to research conducted in studies Hermanda & Tinaprilla (2019) and
Jimenez-Castillo & Sanchez-Fernandez (2019). Study Hermanda & Tinaprilla (2019)
used the variables of brand image, social media influencer, purchase intention and self-
concept, while study Jimenez-Castillo & Sanchez-Fernandez (2019). This research
utilized brand engagement and perceived influence variables as means of gauging the
influence of social media influencers on the purchase intent of recommended brands.
The self-concept variable was not used as customer engagement can affect the
purchase intention of other audiences, while the brand expected value variable was not
used as influencers can transfer brand image through their promotions.

To determine the dimensions of each variable, this study refers to several books and
journals. For the social media influencer variable, the researcher used the VisCAP model
from Rossiter & Percy (1987), which includes four dimensions: Visibility, Credibility,
Attraction, and Power. Meanwhile, for the brand image variable, the researcher refers to
Heding, (2020), which divides it into three dimensions: Strength, Uniqueness, and
Favorability. For customer engagement, the dimensions used are based on Brodie,
(2011) and Dessart (2015), which are endorsing, sharing, learning, attention,
absorption, enjoyment and enthusiasm. As for the dimensions of purchase intention, they
are based on Priansa (2017), which consists of four dimensions: referential interest,
preferential interest, transactional interest and exploratory interest.


Influencer Marketing
The author explains that currently there are various social media platforms, but there are
6 major social media platforms among them. If we master the basic usage of these 6
social media platforms, we can confidently manage influencers anywhere. Based on
Rossiter & Percy (1987), there is a way to choose an influencer who represents a brand
in a campaign, known as the VisCAP model, which consists of:
1. Visibility refers to individuals with sufficient characteristics to attract audience attention
and wide influence, making them known to the public and capable of directing attention
towards the promoted brand.
2. Credibility refers to audience's awareness of the influencer's capabilities, that
subsequently direct to their following. An influencer's character can determine the level
of trust they earn, with two factors playing a role in determining trust:
a. Expertise determines an influencer's knowledge level.
b. Trustworthiness determines an influencer's honesty in advertising.
3. Attraction, which possesses two distinctive attributes, namely:
a. Charisma, which can determine how attractive an influencer is in positively influencing
a brand, which can be seen from their physical appearance and personality.
b. Similarity, which can determine how effective advertising is through emotional
similarity in advertising.
4. Power determines an influencer's influence level via popularity.

Brand Image
The term "brand image" describes perception or image that people hold of a brand. by
its target audience, and to gain a competitive edge, a brand must strengthen associations
to increase likability, strength, and uniqueness (Heading et al., 2020). The dimensions
of brand image include:
1. Favorability is extent to which a brand is perceived to be better than its competitors,
affecting consumer behavior.
2. Strength, which is how strong and quickly a brand influences consumer attention.

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

3. Uniqueness is the distinctive value that sets a brand apart from its competitors.

Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is the level of interaction and influence an individual has with a
brand over time, including factors such as involvement and intimacy, including attention
to communication activities (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2016). Online engagement
measures include Facebook likes, Twitter tweets, blog and website comments, and
content sharing (Kotler et al., 2017). Customer engagement reduces barriers and
enables interaction, and marketers need to balance high touch and high-tech interactions
tailored to their customers. Social media is one way to increase engagement in today's
digital era (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Conforming to Brodie, (2011) and Dessart
(2015), there are seven dimensions of customer engagement that are grouped into three
categories, which are:
1. Affective Engagement enhances self improvement through open attitudes and social
involvement. Its two dimensions are:
a. Enthusiasm is the level of interest in the brand's online community, demonstrated
through repeated interactions such as comments, which can sustain users' enthusiasm.
b. Enjoyment is the level of pleasure customers derive this involves engaging with the
brand's online citizens and their locality.
2. Cognitive Engagement requires collaborating with other customers by contributing
information or experiences and has two dimensions:
a. Attention involves interacting with the online brand community, such as voluntarily
commenting on various types of content shared by the brand.
b. Absorption is the degree to which users are unable to disengage after interacting with
the online brand community.
3. Behavioral Engagement involves customers' behavior and participation in
strengthening their correlation with the brand, which can motivate other customers to
engage. Its three dimensions are:
a. Sharing, involves brand community members exchanging experiences or ideas.
b. Learning, encompasses seeking specific information from the brand or other
customers, such as through user posts in the form of questions or suggestions. The
brand's ability to provide comprehensive information reduces the e of user questions.
c. Endorsing, reflects customers' overall impression of the brand, as measured by the
number of positive comments they provide

Purchase Intention:
Purchase intention is the desire or determination to buy a product, conforming to Kotler
et al. (2001). Attractive promotions can encourage purchase desire and commitment.
Priansa (2017) defines purchase intention as the focus of someone's attention on a
product that they perceive as useful, leading them to decide to buy it. Purchase intention
has several measurable dimensions, conforming to Priansa (2017):
1. The Transactional Interest dimension, it refers to a person's intention to buy a product.
2. The Exploratory Interest dimension, which is a person's behavior in seeking
information related to the product of interest and relevant supporting information.
3. The Preference Interest dimension, which is a person's tendency to choose a
particular product. If the preferred product is disrupted, consumer preference may
4. The Referential Interest dimension, willingness to promote the product to others.

Research Hypothesis and Framework of Thought

The formulated hypothesis is that the presence of social media influencer Tasya Farasya
has a positive and significant effect on brand image on the Makeover brand. This is
supported by previous studies Hermanda & Tinaprilla (2019), Afifah, (2022),
Nurhandayani (2019), Jaya & Prianthara (2020) Social media influencers greatly

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

enhance brand image as their presence has a positive and significant impact. Therefore,
the proposed assumption is:
H1: Tasya Farasya, a social media influencer, has a strong and beneficial impact
on the brand image of Makeover brand.

Influencers can boost brand engagement by promoting products that align with their
audience's interests, but if there's a mismatch between the product and influencer,
engagement may suffer. This is compatible with prior research, like studies Marques, (2021) and Ahmadi & Leamsom (2022), he existence of social media influencers
exerts a constructive and noteworthy impact on the level of customer involvement. Based
on this, the proposed by the researcher is as follows:
H2: The presence of social media influencer Tasya Farasya has a noteworthy and
positive effect on customer engagement with the Makeover brand.

The presence of an influencer on social media can influence consumer purchase

intention This is because the audience perceives the influencer as an authority in the
field, making their product promotions more credible. Studies by Isyanto el al. (2020),
Wardani et al. (2019), and Abdullah et al. (2020) indicate that social media influencers
significantly increase purchase intention, leading to the researcher's formulated
H3: Tasya Farasya, as a social media influencer, plays a vital role in positively
influencing customers' purchase intention towards the Makeover brand.

The quality of brand image affects consumer purchase intention. Previous studies,
including Ali et al. (2018), Chin et al. (2018) and Agmeka et al. (2019) have found that a
positive brand image significantly increases purchase intention, leading to the
researcher's formulated assumption. Based on this, the researcher develops the
subsequent assumption:
H4: The brand image of Makeover has a strong and positive impact on customers'
purchase intention towards the brand.

The greater the level of customer engagement with a brand, the more likely they are to
influence others and stimulate purchase interest, leading to a positive effect on consumer
purchase intention. Several studies, such as Yu & Zheng (2022) and Islam & Rahman
(2016), show that there is a considerable and beneficial impact resulting from customer
engagement. on purchase intention. Based on this, the researchers put forward the
subsequent assumption:
H5: The Makeover brand experiences a strong and favorable impact on purchase
intention due to customer engagement.

Establishing a positive brand image increases customer engagement by stimulating their

interest in the brand through various channels. Many research studies, including
examples from Yaran (2021) and Islam & Rahman (2016) Studies indicate that customer
engagement is positively and significantly affected by brand image. Based on this, the
researchers put forward the subsequent assumption:
H6: The Makeover brand benefits from a positive and substantial effect of brand
image on customer engagement.

The brand image can influence customer purchase intention when promoting products
on social media, with a stronger existing brand image leading to higher purchase
intention. Research Masato (2021) shows that the use of celebrity endorsers can
influence purchase intention through the brand image formed. Based on this, the
researchers put forward the subsequent assumption:

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

H7: Tasya Farasya, a social media influencer, plays a positive and significant role
in driving purchase intention for the Makeover brand through the enhancement of
brand image.

Influencers can generate interest and interaction with their audience on social media,
potentially leading to increased purchase intent for promoted products. Research by
Indrawati (2015) and Kurniawan (2014) indicates that customer engagement can
mediate the impact of social media influencers on the intention to make a purchase.,
leading to the researchers' formulated assumption. Based on this, the researchers put
forward the subsequent assumption:
H8: Tasya Farasya, a social media influencer, exerts a positive and significant
impact on purchase intention for the Makeover brand by fostering customer

A research model is formulated based on the hypotheses and previous research

findings, as illustrated in the diagram below:


Brand Image
H1 H4

Social Media Purchase Intention
Influencer (Y)

H6 H5



Research Object and Unit of Analysis

The study's population is Tasya Farasya's Instagram followers, with 6,089,231 as of
March 12, 2023, and the sample is selected from the population to participate in the study
(Indrawati, 2015). The researcher employed a non-probability sampling technique that
doesn't ensure equal opportunity for population selection. Furthermore, Non-probability
sampling techniques are utilized with the intention of exhibiting the correlation between
variables in the study, as argued by Indrawati (2015). The researcher deliberately
selected a sample that represents the study to ensure that the sample represents the
population. Therefore, the researcher used the Slovin's formula to select a sample size
of 400 from Tasya Farasya's Instagram followers who will be included in the study.

Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 211-221,
June, 2023
P-ISSN: 2622-0989/E-ISSN: 2621-993X

Techniques for Analysis and Model Testing

In this study, Quantitative analysis was conducted using the outer model to demonstrate
the correlation between the estimated indicators and the measurement model (Abdillah
& Jogiyanto, 2015). The data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed via
Google Form. Validity and reliability tests were performed at the measurement (outer)
model stage. Content validity and construct validity, along with convergent and
discriminant validity, can be restated as tests used to determine the accuracy and
consistency of a research instrument or model. In content validity, adoption and
modification were made to items that had been used in previous research. Testing was
done by involving the opinions of 3 to 9 experts (Indrawati, 2015). Meanwhile, convergent
validity was measured using indicator loading factor and Average Variance Extracted
(AVE), with a lowest limit value of 0.5 that must be met (Indrawati, 2015). To meet
discriminant validity, the construct-predicted variables should not have high correlation
(Indrawati, 2015). To measure discriminant validity, this study used cross-loading and
Fornell-Larcker methods.

Not only should the research questions be valid, they should also be reliable. A question
or measurement tool is said to be reliable if it can produce relatively consistent
measurement results when used more than two times (Indrawati, 2015). Reliability was
assessed in this study using Cronbach's alpha and measurement instrument, with a
lowest limit threshold of 0.6 for acceptable values (Abdillah & Jogiyanto, 2015). If the
testing requirements at the measurement (outer model) stage have been met, then the
structural model analysis will show the requirement of the causal correlation between the
latent variables (Abdillah & Jogiyanto, 2015). To confirm the correlation relationships
among the variables within a research model., hypotheses should be tested, and this will
be evaluated through various tests such as Path Coefficient, R Square, Q Square and
Model Fit tests (SRMR and NFI) (Indrawati, 2015). Hypothesis testing in this study used
a one-tailed test. Conforming to Abdillah and Jogiyanto (2015), Hypothesis testing used
a one-tailed test with a t-statistic value as the main criterion for significance at a level of
1.64 and α = 5%. The f2 value was used to determine effect size and significance level,
with categories of 0.02 (small/weak) and 0.15 (moderate/medium).


Social media influencers such as Tasya Farasya can play an important role as
intermediaries between companies and audiences in shaping brand image and customer
engagement that can influence purchasing interest. This research aims to measure the
extent of the effect that Tasya Farasya has on purchase intention for the Makeover brand
using brand image and customer engagement factors. This study will help determine the
extent of Tasya Farasya's influence on purchase intention for the Makeover brand and
assist the company in making strategic decisions in managing their influencer marketing
campaigns in the future.





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