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Night Diamond

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

At the center of the Queen of Air and Darkness's being is the
Night Diamond, a ten faceted black diamond approximately 1
foot in diameter. If the Queen of Air and Darkness is reduced
to 0 hit points, her invisible presence disappears into the
diamond, regenerating with full hit points 1d6 days later. If
the Night Diamond is not on the Onyx Throne at that time,
then she becomes aware of her surroundings but cannot
manifest outside of the Night Diamond or take any actions
beyond casting message.
A creature in contact with the diamond can communicate
telepathically with the Queen of Air and Darkness. If the
Queen of Air and Darkness is willing, she will permit you to
attune to the diamond. While attuned to the diamond, you can
communicate telepathically with the Queen of Air and
Darkness as long as you and the diamond are on the same
plane of existence, and the Queen of Air and Darkness can
terminate the attunement at any time. Once per day, if the
Queen of Air and Darkness is displeased with your actions,
she may cast dominate monster (spell save DC 24) on you.
Random Properties. The Night Diamond has the
following randomly determined properties:
1 minor beneficial property
1 major beneficial property
2 minor detrimental properties
Fey Magic. The night diamond is a +3 spellcasting focus.
Any creature making a saving throw against a spell that you
cast from the enchantment or illusion schools while holding
the night diamond has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Fey Touched. While attuned to the Night Diamond, you are
immediately recognizable by all fey and fey related creatures
as being a servant of the Queen of Air and Darkness, granting
you advantage on all Charisma checks made against fey
Sight Beyond Sight. The Night Diamond functions as a
crystal ball. Each time you use this feature, you may choose
to use it as a crystal ball of mind reading, crystal ball of
telepathy, or a crystal ball of true seeing.
Shadows of Death. When you kill a humanoid, you may
use a reaction to bind its spirit to the night diamond. The
target rises as either a shadow or a specter if it possessed 5
or fewer Hit Dice (your choice), a ghost if it possessed 6 to 9
Hit Dice, and a wraith if it possessed 10 or more Hit Dice.
These undead spirits are bound to the Night Diamond and
cannot move more than 60 feet away from it, are loyal to the
Queen of Air and Darkness, can communicate telepathically
with the Queen of Air and Darkness, and will obey your
orders so long as she allows it. On your turn, the Queen of Air
and Darkness can summon one of these spirits into a space
within 30 feet of you or dismiss any number of spirits back to
the night diamond. These spirits do not recover hit points and
move on to the afterlife once they lose all their hit points.
These spirits cannot physically interact with the night
Returning the Night Diamond. If the Night Diamond is
returned to the Onyx Throne in her palace of Eynhallow, the
Queen of Air and Darkness will immediately regenerate with
full hit points.

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