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Oberon, the Green Lord

Deep within the glades of the Feywild roams a being as wild

as a beast and as passionate as a thunderstorm. His skin is
strong and brown like oak, his long unkempt hair is tangled
with vines and flowers, his antlers mingle with the moss
drooping from the branches. He can see as far as an eagle, he
can hear an ant's footfalls, and he speaks the language of the
trees. He is the greatest hunter to ever live; none can best
him in his realm. He is Oberon, and he is the living soul of
the Feywild.
Passionate and Free. Oberon is the mightiest of the wild
fey, those of independent disposition who refuse to bow to
any ruler. As such, he does not rule a court in the same way
that Titania or the Queen of Air and Darkness does. Rather,
the wild fey defer to him whenever their paths cross not out
of allegiance but out of respect for his prowess, as well as out
of caution. Oberon's mood changes like the wind, and is so
powerful that the weather itself reflects his whims.
Lover and a Fighter. Oberon lives in the moment. His
whirlwind romances are legendary, wherein he may spend a
week, a month, or even just a single evening passionately
wooing a beautiful warrior or a handsome hunter, only to
leave without warning when the mood takes him to do so. His
most famous romance, as well as longest lasting, has been
with Titania. The two have, in the past, been alternately
lovers, mortal enemies, and for a century or two even
managed to be both. Their current relationship is of
passionate friendship, and Oberon values the levelheaded
counsel that Titania provides him with.
Oberon's Entourage
Though Oberon does not hold a formal court, having little
patience for such things, he does garner the loyalty of many
fey, beasts, and humanoids. These followers, drawn by
Oberon's natural charisma and passion, join the Green Lord's
hunting entourage, traveling with him throughout the
uncharted realms of the Feywild in a never-ending hunt.
For every 24 hours a humanoid willingly accompanies
Oberon's entourage, they must make a DC 18 Charisma
saving throw. On a failure, the creature must roll from the
Passions of Oberon table.
Passions of Oberon
d8 Flaw
1-2 “I am prone to sudden infatuations and obsessions.”
3-4 “I can't back down from a challenge.”
5-6 “My mood changes easily and with little provocation.”
7-8 “I am easily distracted and beguiled by beauty.”
Skerrit is a legend among his fellow centaurs. He is only
seen when a centaur herd is facing a terrible enemy, and
those who fight have claimed to see him leading the charge.
He is Oberon's most loyal retainer, and is rarely far from his
lord, following him throughout the magnificent realms of the

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