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Destroying the Night Diamond.

The Night Diamond can

only be destroyed by touching it with Titania's Star Scepter.
Doing so kills both The Queen of Air and Darkness and
The Maiden of the Moon
The moon is full and high in the sky, shining down on the
meadows and forests of a dark world. The peaceful slumber
of the world is broken by the piercing peal of a hunting horn.
Shutters are closed and campfires extinguished as the
sounds of hooves and howls fills the night air, cruel laughter
and raucous shouting turning dreams into nightmares. This
is the Wild Hunt, and at the head of it rides the Maiden of the
Moon, the greatest of the lunathil, astride a towering stag, the
moon in her proud eyes.
Wild Huntress. The Wild Hunt is an ancient fey tradition,
an event in which fey lords gather their vassals under a full
moon and stage a great hunt. The quarry is different every
time, and may be as mundane as a stag or as fanciful as a
dragon. However, the favored quarry is mortals. The Maiden
of the Moon is the greatest of those who participate in this
ancient tradition, and she has made a name for herself as a
knight of the Queen of Air and Darkness through her
peerless skill and merciless cunning. No creature in the
world can escape from her while the moon shines in the sky,
and her arrows carry a poison that can slow even the most
willful beast to a crawl.
Pursued but Chaste. The Maiden of the Moon has no
interest in romance, living only for the thrill of the hunt and
the beauty of night. Of her many hopeful suitors, the most
persistent is Oberon himself, the only other being in
existence with the hunting skill to match her own. The
Maiden of the Moon and Oberon have a longstanding rivalry,
and will often compete in matches of speed, strength, and wit,
each trying to outdo the other. For her part, the Maiden of the
Moon views Oberon as a worthy opponent.
Full Moon. The Maiden of the Moon's power is
intrinsically tied to lunar cycles. As such, her opinion toward
lycanthropes is entirely dependent on her mood. On some
Wild Hunts she has been known to ride alongside
werewolves as they hunted down entire villages, while on
others she has relentlessly pursued them, crippling them
with her silver longsword to return them to their human
forms before slaughtering them without mercy.
Ceryneian Hind
The Maiden of the Moon's favored steed is the ceryneian
hind, a legendary deer with golden antlers and silver fur that
towers among the trees. It has the statistics of a giant elk,
with the following adjustments:
It can use the Dash action as a bonus action
It has a flying speed of 60 feet.

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