Advanced Test 15 Adjective (Relative) Clauses

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Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced •

TEST 15 • adjective (relative) clauses


1 Relatives: revise the basics. Correct the mistakes or write ‘Correct’.
1 I’ve nearly forgotten everything what I studied last term.
2 It’s a story will delight readers of any age.
3 I gave them the information that they wanted.
4 I can’t find the note that Emma left it.
5 I remember everything he told me.

2 Identifying and non-identifying relative clauses. Correct (✓) or not (✗)?
1 My brother Andy who lives in Canada, came to visit last week.
2 He didn’t read any of the books I gave him.
3 I got some interesting ideas from Dr. Edwards, whom I asked for advice.
4 The Third Man, that is set in Vienna, is one of the greatest films ever made.

3 Reduced relative clauses. Decide if the following sentences can be reduced. Rewrite those that can.
The gun that was used in the assassination attempt has been recovered by the police.
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

The gun used in the assassination attempt has been recovered by police.
The rain which fell overnight had flooded fields in the surrounding area.
Can’t be reduced
1 The young man who is driving the red car is my son.

2 The hostages who are being released are all employees of BP.

3 The little boy who fell over broke his wrist.

4 Could you read the information that is on that notice, please.

5 The young lady we are interviewing next is from Singapore.

6 I’m terribly sorry, I can’t eat desserts that are made with nuts.

4 Mixed structures. Correct (✓) or not (✗)?
1 A colleague is a person with whom you work.
2 He was awarded an Oscar, what surprised us all.
3 There will be a presentation, which champagne will be served after.
4 Jane, that lives next door, is a mechanic.
5 I don’t think we’ll ever know the reason why she was sacked.
6 Jeremy started shouting, at which point we all went home.
7 She’s an actress whose the name is known by millions.
8 I’ll never forget the day I met you.
9 He showed me a strange machine, the function of which was not at all clear.
10 Wednesday is the only day possible for a meeting.

Oxford English Grammar Course • Advanced TEST 15 • adjective (relative) clauses

© Michael Swan and Catherine Walter PHOTOCOPIABLE

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