Court Stratiges 1

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pages of each side' s briefs, no matter how long they are, or how much evidence you


• When you file evidence of your completed 'Conditional Acceptance' (in regards to the
'officer' or the 'Prosecutor' ) that plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief
could be granted, there is now an 'agreement on the table and that' s all the judge can see
and now he' s placed in a ministerial capacity, not a judicial capacity due to evidence of
no controversy !

THREE STRIKES: Realize that debts are PAID in the public during the bankruptcy of the U.S.
You can tender an offer to discharge all old case 'bonds', bails, or other obligations with an
exchange of your exemption (valuable consideration), un-do the lasting liability of those old
cases, and stop them from coming against you in the present case, then offer to discharge the
present case with asset instrument and not a liability instruments. The court may rule your
criminal charges ADJOURNED !

COMPETENCY : Defense counsel raises a question about defendant's competency.

Interpretation: Since you were so stupid as to let this guy get these papers into the record, I'm
shifting the liability to you, (the judge) so you better hope this bozo falls into dishonor (agues or
goes silent) in this civil charge, which will allow us to reinstate the criminal charge.

The competency claim was conditionally accepted upon proof of claim that ( 1 ) the defense
attorney has submitted probable cause for the claim that the mental competency of the man was
in question (by putting in an affidavit listing the specific behaviors demonstrating said
incompetence) ; (2) that any test administered by the psychologist would be a more valid
predictor of competency than the 5 affidavits from people who have known you for 20-years
(can ink-blot test do this???); and (3) the public hasn't attempted to shift liability for this guy's
loss of freedom onto the psychologists !

VIOLATION OF PROBATION: Man threatened with 3 years for probation violation. The
Public Defender was honored (got the potato passed to him) when the creditor (respondent)
asked him to release the bond in exchange for his exemption, and get the living soul released.
The Public Defender visited the jail on numerous occasions but ignored the respondent
(dishonor). Upon protest (for the dishonor), the court noticed the position the Public Defender
was in. Then one day, "all of a sudden" , the District Attorney responsible for setting all the
parties in the court, tells the Public Defender that the District Attorney thinks he remembers
something unusual about the case, and sends an investigator to the old court (hundreds of miles
away) to see if the transcript shows that respondent was never told to perform the 'duty' he was
charged with 'violating' !


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