Court Stratiges 1-3

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that is going on in a courtroom (and elsewhere), then you will be able to think on your feet

and make the right moves.

2) It is not necessarily recommended that you use this approach unless you are well rehearsed
and confident beyond intimidation. You always run the risk of embarrassing the judge and
garnering his anger and retaliation. So you must read the situation, and use an approach
befitting your knowledge and personality. This example to show you how creative and
successful one can be without giving up anything.

Here ' s a slightly different approach based on the judge calling out a case from the roster. John
Henry Doe, is in court today in response to a summons. The charge is driving with expired plates
and no proof of auto insurance.


SPC : (Approaching the bench but not speaking)

Judge: What is your name?

SPC : Who wants to know?

Judge: My name is right here, (The judge pointing to his name placard)

SPC: Can you please state for the record, your Honor, your full and complete name?

Judge: Lawrence Jefferson Shyster

SPC : Thank you, your honor. D o you have a claim against me?

Judge: No !

SPC: (Looking toward the Prosecutor), Do you have a claim against me?

Prosecutor: The state of Oregon has a claim against you.

SPC : Then would you please put the State of Oregon o n the witness stand and swear i t in?

Prosecutor: The State of Oregon does not have a claim against you.

SPC: (Looking around the courtroom, now up at the ceiling) Does anyone here have a claim
against me?

SPC : I ask that the order of the court be released to me.


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