Court Stratiges Advanced 1

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fouls, dirty play, or holding onto the ball for too long.

The draft (example-brief filed) and the re­

draft (response brief) are the models for the commercial 'ball game ' , being play-out back and
forth ! While this is the normal way it' s done in their court, your goal is to stay in honor while
avoiding the dishonor, this being done via CAFV and 'agreeing with thy adversary' . Whenever
you argue, testify, or fail to act (silence or perform) you are in dishonor.

Courts of Equity or Common Law?

The American legal system is based on equity not the common law. Bankruptcy means there is
no way to pay a debt and without the ability to pay, there is no remedy under the common law.
Since the courts are in bankruptcy, they do not have the standing or capacity to execute a
sentence, or charge you in common law. That' s why the prosecutor and the judge will get YOU
to 'admit, confess, consent or agree' to the charge, fine or incarceration!

Look at it this way, if the public charges you, why does the judge want you to post bond?
Because now that you ' ve plead and granted the court subject matter jurisdiction, they want you
to assume the liability. Why should they disclose that they must post the Bond and bring it
forward upon your request if they do not want to assume the liability?

If you are practicing common law execution (Constitutional arguments, law and procedure) you
are not practicing Redemption, but arguing - giving life to a controversy and stepping into the
jurisdiction to accept full liability for punishment !

Don't look for your fourth amendment right in the courts, you have no rights ! The only right you
have is the right to file a 'Tort Claim. ' Many individuals that think they are doing redemption
when they go in and argue the law, INSTEAD of Agree with thy adversary - accept for value
and discharge.


Prosecutor: You signed two checks written on a closed account

Elvic: That is true.

Prosecutor: What do you want?

Elvic: I have accepted the criminal charges, I have returned them, I offered my
exemption in exchange for the discharge of the bond and I requested the release of
that property to me.

Prosecutor: What you want is civil and we have a criminal matter in front of us and we have
to dispose of the criminal matter first.

Would you be willing to plead guilty to the charges?


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