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A Haunted House

A haunted house is a place that intrigues almost everyone. A haunted house has its
mysteries and delicate stories that often stay uncovered. Hence, a haunted house attracts people a
lot because as humans we have a great curiosity to discover the unknown. To find or observe
such spiritual things or myths or ghosts we humans feel excited and scared at the same time. I
always wanted to go check one out for myself & I did so a few years ago. And it’s safe to say
that it was a fascinating experience.
I say we as I went there accompanied by a few of my friends. There is this mysterious
house in our neighborhood which is abandoned for quite a few years now. There were always
rumors rumbling around the neighborhood that that house is haunted or cursed & people should
never trespass that plot and stay away from it. So, one day I with some of my friends decided to
check it out for ourselves. We picked 1 am as the optimum time for our visit. I told my parents
that I was going to a friend’s house & my friends used the same excuse. We were four in number
& we reached there at around 12.39 am.
We couldn’t wait & so we entered. The doorknob was broken, and it was so dark we
couldn’t see anything. So, we turned on our flashlights and started roaming around the house. It
was tense my palms started sweating. It was a hot summer day rats and cockroaches were
running around. As we entered the dining-room suddenly, things took a dark turn. The door we
entered through suddenly slammed and closed itself. We heard the low squeaky noises of a
rocking chair coming from the bedroom. After that, we heard thunder from the sky as it felt like
a storm brewing. A hat was on the ground & it started to moving towards us instantly.
We were scared to death and started running for our dear lives. Two of us escaped by
breaking the already broken door. But one of my friends tripped on something and fell. I could
not run away with him there. Therefore, I rushed out to help him and helped him up to his feet.
As we looked down we saw that the hat was flipped and a rat was under it. We got confused. We
decided to head into the bedroom to see what was making the noise. There we saw that a window
was broken and so strong wind blew the rocking chair to move slightly and create that odd
squeaky sound. Similarly, it was the stormy wind that made the door shut itself as there was a
storm taking place outside. Thus, we found there was nothing in there & left with a little smirk
on our faces.
We, humans, are quite palpable & we don’t think acutely in times of calamity. We love to
believe in rumors too. To that, I’d say I’ve learned from that experience that we should always
check it for ourselves before declaring something is true or not and think calmly in times of

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