1. Statements (Розповідні Речення)

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Пряма мова Непряма мова

this that
these those
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the previous day / the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next / following day
the day after tomorrow in two days
last week the previous week / the week before
next week the next / following week
3 days ago 3 days before
ПРИКЛАДИ: 1. Peter complained, "I lost my wallet yesterday".
Peter complained (that) he had lost his wallet the day before.
2. Julia asked Jim, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"
Julia asked Jim what he was going to do the following day.
3. Mum said to me, "Do this task now".
Mum told me to do that task then.
Willy said, "I don't like autumn". Willy said (that) he didn't like autumn.
Willy said to Kate, "I don't like autumn". Willy told Kate (that) he didn't like autumn.

Recast the sentences below into indirect speech.
1. Mary said, "We can walk in the park if you like".

2. Nancy said, "I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday".

3. Peter remarked, "I don't know when The Coca Cola Company was founded".

4. My granny used to say, "There are so many people who don't observe any rules".

5. He said, "Our new neighbour always dresses so elegantly".

6. My boyfriend said to me, "I have missed you so much lately".


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