Simulation of Trapping Processes For CO Storage in Saline Aquifers

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PAPER 2009-156

Simulation of Trapping Processes for

CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
Computer Modelling Group Ltd.

This paper is accepted for the Proceedings of the Canadian International Petroleum Conference (CIPC) 2009, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, 16‐18 June 2009. This paper will be considered for publication in Petroleum Society journals.
Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre‐print and subject to correction.

storage as the immobile gas can be kept away from the cap
Important modelling techniques for CO2 storage in saline rock. CO2 is highly soluble in brine and solubility trapping is
aquifers are discussed, in particular solubility trapping, essentially the impetus for CO2 storage in saline aquifers. As
residual gas trapping and geochemistry for mineral trapping. + −
CO2 dissolves in brine, it decomposes into H and HCO3 .
These modelling techniques are applied to the simulation of These ions in turn react with the minerals in place. Depending
several important aspects of CO2 storage, which include on the mineralogy of the formation, these reactions could
optimizing total trapping through water injection, assessing the induce precipitation of carbonate minerals such as Calcite,
security of residual trapping with regards to leakage through Dolomite and Siderite, which corresponds essentially to the
the cap rocks and evaluating the conversion of CO2 into conversion of CO2 into minerals. This paper discusses the
minerals. modelling of the physics associated with CO2 storage in saline
aquifers and illustrates through examples the important storage
Introduction Table 1: Storage Capacity for CO2 Storage in
Saline aquifers represent the most important venue for CO2 North America
storage since they have the largest capacity among all other Formation Type 109 metric tons %
venues (coal seams, depleted gas and oil fields). Table 1 (DOE Saline Aquifers 3297 – 12,618 91.8 – 97.5
and NETL, Carbon and Sequestration Atlas for the United Unmineable Coal Seams 157 – 178 4.4 – 1.4
States and Canada, 2008) shows the dominance of saline Mature Oil & Gas Reservoirs 138 3.8 – 1.1
aquifers for large scale deployment of CO2 storage. Total Capacity 3,592 – 12,934 100.0
There are several CO2 trapping mechanisms in saline
aquifers: (1) structural trapping; (2) residual gas trapping; (3) CO2 has a critical pressure of 7,376 kPa and a critical
solubility trapping and (4) mineral trapping. Structural trapping temperature of 304.2 K (31ºC). Thus, CO2 is normally a
involves the storage of CO2 in a geological structure as a free supercritical fluid at aquifer conditions. For convenience, CO2
gas or super-critical fluid. CO2 can flow and escape through the is referred to as a “gas” in this paper. To be general, the gas
cap rock or sealing faults if the integrity of the latter is phase is treated as a multicomponent mixture.
compromised. Residual gas trapping consists of storing CO2 as The simulation and modelling techniques described in this
an immobile gas in the porous media. This process has been paper are based on the geochemical equation-of-state
identified as one of the most important processes for safe CO2 compositional simulator, GEM™ with the greenhouse gas

option (Nghiem et al., 2004). This simulator has been used al. (2005) provide a comprehensive summary of several residual
extensively for modelling CO2 storage in saline aquifers in the gas trapping models.
past five years. Pruess et al. (2003) and Zhang et al. (2007) In this paper, the classical Land’s model (Land, 1968) is
describe a simulator for CO2 storage in aquifers with similar used. Figure 2 shows a typical gas relative permeability curve
features. which exhibits hysteresis. When the gas (CO2) saturation
increases, the gas relative permeability follows the drainage
curve k drg (black curve in Figure 2). If at the saturation S*gi on
Solubility Trapping the drainage curve, the gas saturation reverses its course and
decreases, the gas relative permeability follows the imbibition
The accurate modeling of gas solubility in the aqueous phase curve k irg (red curve). The Land’s coefficient C is expressed as
(brine) is important as brine can dissolve a large amount of
CO2. The gas solubility in brine is modelled as a phase 1 1
C = − ............................................................(4)
equilibrium process, which is governed by the equality of Sgt , max Sg , max
fugacities in the gas and aqueous phase, i.e.
where Sg,max is the maximum gas saturation that could be
f ig = f ia , i = 1,..., n c ............................................................ (1)
attained and Sgt,max is the maximum trapped gas saturation. The
residual gas saturation for a given S*gi is:
The fugacity fig of component i in the gas phase is calculated
with an equation of state (EOS) (e.g. Peng-Robinson, 1976).
The fugacity of component i in the aqueous phase is modeled,
either with Henry’s law (Li and Nghiem, 1986), i.e.
( )
S*gt S*gi =
1 + C S*gi

f ia = H i ⋅ y ia ......................................................................... (2) To promote residual gas trapping, CO2 is injected near the
bottom of the aquifer and as the CO2 rises to the top of the
or with the Søreide-Whitson-Peng-Robinson (SWPR) EOS
aquifer, imbibition occurs and traps CO2.
(Søreide and Whitson, 1992).
Henry’s constants are functions of pressure, temperature and
salinity and are normally expressed as follows:
1 p
RT ∫ p
ln H i = ln H *i + * v i dp ............................................. (3)

Hi = Henry’s constant at p and T
Hi * = Henry’s constant at p* and T
R = gas constant
vi = partial molar volume of component i in solution

Harvey (1996) gives correlations for Henry’s constants for

many gases including CO2 at the saturation pressure of H2O and
temperature T. Bakker (2003) provides correlations for effect of Figure 2: Land’s residual gas trapping model
salinity on Henry’s constant. Garcia (2001) describes a
correlation for the molar volume for CO2 in water. Gas
solubility increases with increasing pressure and decreases with
increasing temperature and salinity.
Mineral Trapping
In the SWPR EOS, Søreide and Whitson use different When injected CO2 dissolves in an aqueous phase, it
interaction coefficients for the gas and aqueous phase (Peng and dissociates into H+ and HCO3− ions through the reactions:
Robinson, 1980). In addition, they give correlations for
interaction coefficients of gaseous components in the water CO 2 (aq ) + H 2O ↔ H + + HCO3− ............................................(6)
phase that are functions of temperature and salinity.
An accurate prediction of the aqueous phase density is In Equation (6), CO2(aq) is used to denote the CO2 that is
another important aspect for modelling CO2 storage in saline dissolved in the aqueous phase. The ions in turn react with other
aquifers. The brine density increases with increasing CO2 ions in solution and with the mineral in place to give rise to the
solubility and creates convection currents that facilitate the precipitation and dissolution of various minerals. The reaction
mixing of CO2 with unsaturated brine and increase solubility rate is very slow and it takes hundreds of years to obtain a
trapping (Nghiem et. al, 2004; Ennis-King and Patterson, 2005). reasonable amount of precipitation. A typical reaction is the
The density of brine without gas solubility is calculated with the precipitation and dissolution of Calcite, i.e.,
Rowe and Chou (1970) correlation. The density of brine with
soluble gas is calculated as using the partial molar volume of Calcite + H + ↔ Ca + + + HCO3− ..............................................(7)
gaseous components in solution as described in Garcia (2001).
The above reactions are called geochemical reactions and they
occur between components in the aqueous phase, and between
Residual Gas Trapping minerals and aqueous components. These reactions are
reversible. The intra-aqueous reactions such as the one in
Residual gas trapping was first suggested by Kumar et al. Equation (6) are very fast while the mineral dissolution and
(2005) as an important mechanism for trapping CO2. The idea is precipitation reactions (e.g. reaction in Equation (7)) are very
to take advantage of the capillary effect and wettability effect to slow.
trap CO2 as an immobile phase in the porous media. Spiteri et

Chemical Equilibrium Reactions activity product of the mineral reaction β. The activity product
Qβ is analogous to the activity product for aqueous chemical
Since the intra-aqueous reactions are very fast (almost equilibrium reactions (Equation 9), i.e.
instantaneous from a practical view point), they are modelled as
chemical equilibrium reactions. Chemical equilibrium reactions n aq νk
are governed by chemical equilibrium constants (Bethke, 1996) Qβ = ∏ak β .................................................................... (15)
k =1
Q α − K eq,α = 0, α = 1,..., R aq ..........................................(8)
For example, the activity product of the mineral reaction in
with Equation (7) is:
n aq
ν a (Ca + + ) ⋅ a ( HCO3− )
Qα = ∏ a k kα ......................................................................(9) Q = .................................................... (16)
k =1 a (H + )

where naq is the number of aqueous components, Raq is the The product does not involve the activities of the minerals as
number of intra-aqueous chemical equilibrium reactions, Keq,α they are equal to unity. The chemical equilibrium constants
is the chemical equilibrium constant for the aqueous reaction α, Keq,β for many minerals are given in Kharaka et al. (1989) and
ak is the activity of component k, νk,α are the stoichiometry Delany et al. (1990). The ratio (Qβ/K eq,β) is called the
coefficients of the chemical equilibrium reactions and Qα is the saturation index of the reaction. If (Qβ/K eq,β) < 1, mineral
activity product. Tables of values of Keq,α as a function of dissolution occurs and if (Qβ/K eq,β) > 1, mineral precipitation
temperature for many aqueous reactions are given in Kharaka et occurs. In this paper, the convention adopted is that the rate rβ is
al. (1989) and Delany et al. (1990). The stoichiometry negative for dissolution and positive for precipitation. The rate
coefficients are negative for reactant species and positive for is zero when (Qβ/K eq,β) = 1.
product species. For example, the activity product for the The rate of dissolution/precipitation in Equation (13) applies
reaction in Equation (6) is to the mineral. The rate of formation/consumption of the
different aqueous species is obtained by multiplying rβ by the
a (H + ) ⋅ a (HCO3− ) respective stoichiometry coefficient, i.e.
Q = ..................................................(10)
a (CO 2 (aq)) ⋅ a (H 2O)
rkβ = ν kβ ⋅ rβ ....................................................................... (17)
The activities ak are related to the molality mi (moles per kg of
H2O) as follows: The reaction rate constants, kβ, are normally reported in the
literature at a reference temperature T0 (usually 298.15 K or
a i = γ i m i , i = 1,.., n aq ......................................................(11) 25°C). The following equation is used to calculate the rate
constant at a given temperature T:
where γi is the activity coefficient. For ideal solutions, γi = 1,
and the activity is equal to the molality. However, for most ⎡ E aβ ⎛1 1 ⎞⎤
k β = k 0β exp ⎢ − ⎜ − ⎟
cases, the solution is non-ideal and one of the preferred models ⎜ T T ⎟ ⎥ ........................................ (18)
for ionic activity coefficients is the B-dot model (Bethke, 1996): ⎢⎣ R ⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎥⎦

A γ z i2 I where E aβ is the activation energy for reaction β [J/mol] and

log γ i = −  I ..........................................(12)
+ B k 0β is the reaction rate constant for reaction β at T0 [mol/(m2
1 + å i Bγ I s)].

where A γ , B γ and B  are temperature dependent parameters and

åi is the ion size parameter. I is the ionic strength, is given by: Assessment of CO2 Storage Scenarios
n aq An important goal for CO2 storage in saline aquifers is to
I =
∑ m k z 2k .................................................................(13) increase the storage security by reducing the risk of leakage
k =1 through the cap rock over the long storage period. The risk in
structural trapping is the highest as the CO2 is mobile and will
with zk being the charge of the k-th ion. The activity of CO2(aq) migrate through the cap rock if there are micro fractures or if
and H2O can be assumed to be equal to 1 and the activity of the rock fails because of geomechanical and/or geochemical
H2O is close to 1. effects. Solubility trapping is safe as CO2 is stored as a soluble
At high salinity, the Pitzer (1987) model is more accurate component in brine and will only come out of solution if there
than the B-dot model, but the computation is more demanding. is a substantial drop in pressure. This is very unlikely for large
Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions aquifers. Nevertheless, there is the potential migration of CO2
saturated brine over large distances if the aquifer is active.
The dissolution or precipitation of minerals follows the Residual gas trapping is also a safe trapping mechanism,
reaction (Bethke, 1996): especially if the immobile CO2 is kept away from the cap rock.
Residual gas trapping is induced when CO2 is injected near the
⎛ Qβ ⎞ bottom of the aquifer and the CO2 bubble rises to the top of the
rβ = Â β k β ⎜1 − ⎟, β = 1,..., R ...............................(14)
mn aquifer due to buoyancy. Residual gas trapping has been
⎜ K eq,β ⎟
⎝ ⎠ recognized as the most rapid method to trap CO2 with time
scales in the order of years to decades (Ennis-King and
where Rmn is the number of mineral reactions, rβ is the rate,
Paterson, 2002; Kumar et. al., 2005; Obi and Blunt, 2006;
 β is the reactive surface area for mineral β, kβ is the rate
Juanes et al., 2007; Qi et al., 2007). The conversion of CO2 into
constant of the mineral reaction β, Keq,β is the chemical
carbonate minerals (Calcite, Dolomite, Siderite), also referred to
equilibrium constant of the mineral reaction β and Qβ is the
as mineral trapping, relies on the dissolution of other minerals

in the aquifer that provide Ca++, Mg++ and Fe++ for the constant pressure boundary. CO2 is injected at a depth of 2276
conversion (Thibeau et al., 2007). CO2 mineralization is m (near the bottom of the aquifer) on 2000-01-01 at a rate of
probably the safest mode for CO2 storage. However, 106 std m3/day (1869 ton/day) for a period of 25 years. The
mineralization takes hundreds or thousands of years to yield a cumulative CO2 injected is 9.1313 × 109 std m3/day or 1.7068 ×
reasonable quantity of minerals. Figure 3 from the IPCC report 107 tons. Figure 5 shows the gas and water relative permeability
(2005) shows qualitatively the increase in storage security with curves used in the model. The value of Sg,max is 0.8 and the
time. value of Sgt,max for the calculation of residual trapped gas
saturation is 0.4. The porosity is 0.2. A low-permeability
aquifer with kh = 100 md and kv = 10 md and a high-
permeability aquifer with kh = 500 md and kv = 50 md are
considered in this study.

Figure 3: Increase in CO2 storage security with time

(IPCC, 2005) Figure 4: Aquifer quarter of element of symmetry
(The displayed value is the depth in m)
In the remainder of this paper, it is shown how simulation
could be used to evaluate and optimize the storage process. The 1.2

first case involves the optimization of the solubility trapping

and residual gas trapping. A scenario of leakage through the cap
1 Gas
Relative Permeability

rock is also simulated to assess the storage security. The second 0.8

case involves the evaluation of the mineral trapping in an

aquifer. These cases are used to highlight the different trapping 0.6

processes. Similar simulation studies should be carried out for

specific applications.

Optimization of Residual Gas and 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Gas Saturation (Sg)
Solubility Trapping
Figure 5: Relative permeability curves
An important endeavor in designing a CO2 storage process is
to speed up the storage amount by accelerating solubility and The following trapping indices are defined:
residual gas trapping. Water (brine) injection is normally used Residual Gas Trapping Index RTI(t) =
to achieve that goal. Leonenko and Keith (2008) suggested
Total mass of CO 2 trapped as residual gas at time t
brine injection to accelerate the dissolution of CO2. Qi et al. .......... (18a)
(2007) investigated a WAG injection procedure to increase Total mass of CO 2 injected at time t
residual gas trapping. Nghiem et al. (2008) proposed injecting
brine above the CO2 injector to accelerate and increase the Solubility Trapping Index STI(t) =
amount of residual gas trapping. They applied an optimization
procedure to determine the rate, duration and location of the Total mass of CO 2 so lub le in brine at time t
brine injector to maximize the amount of residual gas trapping Total mass of CO 2 injected at time t
and solubility trapping for a low-permeability and a high-
permeability aquifer. Residual gas trapping and solubility
Trapping Efficiency Index TEI(t) = RTI(t) + STI(t) .......... (18c)
trapping are competing trapping mechanisms that occur
simultaneously during the injection and post-injection period. Residual gas trapping and solubility trapping are competing
This paper examines in detail the interaction of the two storage processes, i.e. an increase in residual gas trapping will
mechanisms and shows how the process could be optimized. decrease the solubility trapping and vice-versa. The goal is to
The aquifer considered in the study consists of a quarter of maximize the TEI by adjusting the water injection rate, location
an element of symmetry shown in Figure 4. The average initial and duration. Possible values for the different water injection
conditions are: pressure = 21,472 kPa; temperature = 79.5ºC parameters are shown in Table 2.
and salinity = 32,000 ppm. The grid system is 71 × 71 × 100 = Since the enumeration of the parameter space is very small
504,100 with a uniform gridblock size of 15 m × 15 m × 3 m. (4×3×4 = 48), all 48 runs were performed. If the parameter
The aquifer thickness is 300 m and the lateral extent of the space is large, it is normally not possible to perform all the runs
element of symmetry is 1065 m. Large volume modifiers (107) corresponding to the enumeration of the parameter space.
are applied to the outer boundary gridblocks to represent a Therefore, other optimization methods such as the one

described in Yang et al. (2007a, 2007b) or the Particle Swarm The results show that for this high permeability aquifer,
Optimization (PSO) technique (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1995) or water injection does not improve the TEI. Indeed, for high-
Genetic Algorithms can be used. permeability aquifers, there is substantial mixing between the
injected CO2 and the brine, which makes solubility trapping
Table 2: Water injector parameters
Description Values
Water rate at reservoir 1480, 2960, 4440, 5920
conditions (m3/day)
Depth of water injector (m) 2096, 2156, 2216
Water injection period (years) 10, 15, 20, 25

Low-Permeability Aquifer
The solutions for the low-permeability aquifer (kh = 100 md; kv
= 10 md) at 50 years are plotted in Figure 6. The case without
water injection is also shown. The RTI and STI for the case
without water injection is 0.456 and 0.345 respectively, which
corresponds to a TEI of 0.801. The line corresponding to TEI =
0.801 is plotted in red in Figure 6. Figure 6 clearly demonstrates
that the injection of water improves substantially the TEI
through an increase in RTI although the STI is decreased. In
Figure 6, the Pareto optimal solutions are optimal solutions that
correspond to different weightings of RTI and STI in the
objective function, i.e. J = ω1(RTI) + ω2(STI). The TEI
corresponds to ω1 = ω2 = 1. The maximum TEI corresponds to
injecting water at the largest rate (5920 res. m3/day), at the
largest depth (2216 m) for a period of 20 years. There is a
substantial increase in TEI from a value of 0.801 (80% of the
injected CO2) for the case without water injection to a value of
0.971 (97% of the injected CO2) with water injection. Note that
the optimal operating conditions found are among the discrete
values shown in Table 2. In fact, there are possibly other
operating conditions besides the values listed that would give a
better TEI. If more discrete values for each parameter are used, Figure 7: Evolution of RTI, STI and TEI with time
the parameter space is larger and the optimal operating kh = 100 md; kv = 10md
conditions found would likely be better than those currently 0.80
obtained with the small parameter space. Non Optimal Solutions
0.35 Pareto Optimal Solutions
0.75 No Water Injection
Non Optimal Solutions TEI = 0.926
Pareto Optimal Solutions
STI (50 years)

0.30 No Water Injection 0.70

TEI = 0.801
STI (50 years)




0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
0.15 RTI (50 years)
0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
RTI (50 years)
Figure 8: Pareto optimal solutions at 50 years
kh = 500 md; kv = 50md
Figure 6: Pareto optimal solutions at 50 years
kh = 100 md; kv = 10md
Leakage Scenario
Figure 7 shows the evolution of RTI, STI and TEI with time
for the cases with and without water injection. The cumulative It is important to assess the security of a CO2 storage process
amount of injected CO2 is also shown. regarding the potential leakage through the cap rock. Reservoir
simulation provides a convenient means to evaluate different
High-Permeability Aquifer leakage scenarios by creating “holes” in the cap rock.
For the CO2 storage in the low-permeability aquifer
For the high-permeability aquifer case with kh = 500 md and
discussed above, a “leakage” producer was opened at the top of
kv = 50 md, the RTI and STI for all the runs corresponding to
the aquifer (see Figure 9) at 50 years with a pressure drawdown
the water injection parameters in Table 2 are shown in Figure 8.
of 1000 kPa. The well relative permeabilities are designed so
The RTI and STI for the case without water injection is 0.171
that only gaseous CO2 would escape through this well. The
and 0.755 respectively, which corresponds a TEI of 0.926.
reasoning is that the brine hydro static head will prevent the
brine from escaping through the leakage well. Furthermore, the

brine with soluble CO2 is heavier that the brine without CO2, shown in Table 3. All reactions except Reaction 7 involve the
which will reduce further the possibility of brine leakage. dissolution of minerals if there is a surplus of H+ in the system.
Figure 10 shows the amount of leaked CO2 for the case with The bicarbonate ion HCO3– is crucial in the mineralization of
and without water injection. The results clearly show the CO2. The HCO3– can combine with Ca++, Mg++ and Fe++ to
significant increase in CO2 storage security when water precipitate Calcite, Dolomite and Siderite according to
injection was used to promote residual gas trapping below the Reactions 5, 6 and 10. Those ions are supplied by the
cap rock. dissolution of Anorthite which provides Ca++ according to
Reaction 12, of Illite which gives Mg++ according to Reaction 9
and of Annite which supplies Fe++ according to Reaction 12.
Without the presence of those minerals (or similar minerals) in
the aquifer), mineralization of CO2 would not occur.

Figure 9: Aquifer with leakage well Figure 11: Grid structure and depth of Utsira formation

Table 3: Geochemical reactions

Intra-aqueous chemical equilibrium reactions
1. H 2 O ↔ H + + OH −
2. CO 2 (aq ) + H 2 O ↔ H + + HCO 3−
3. HCO 3− ↔ H + + CO 3− −
4. AlOH + + + H + ↔ Al+ + + + H 2 O
Mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions
5. Calcite + H + ↔ Ca + + + HCO 3−
6. Dolomite + 2 H + ↔ Ca + + + Mg + + + 2 HCO 3−
7. Chalcedony ↔ SiO 2 (aq )
8. Kaolinite + 6 H + ↔ 5 H 2 O + 2 SiO 2 + 2 Al+ + +
9. Illite + 8 H + ↔ 5 H 2O + 0.6 K + + 0.25 Mg + + +
Figure 10: Leaked CO2 for the aquifer with 2.3 Al+ + + + 3.5 SiO 2 (aq)
kh = 100 md; kv = 10 md 10. Siderite + H ↔ Fe + + + HCO 3−

11. Annite + 10 H + ↔ 3 Fe + + + K + +
Al+ + + + 3 SiO 2 (aq) + 6 H 2 O
12. Anorthite + 8 H + ↔ Ca + + + 2 Al+ + + +
Mineral Trapping 2 SiO 2 (aq ) + 4 H 2O
The case study discussed in this section illustrates the effect
of the aquifer mineralogy on the mineral trapping process. The Figure 12 shows the evolution of the total moles of CO2(g),
grid used for the 3D simulation was extracted from the Sintef CO2(aq) and HCO3– in the aquifer. After the 25-year injection
3D model of the Utsira formation (Lindeberg et al., 2002). The period, the amount of CO2(aq) increases as more and more
reduced model has 41 × 45 × 26 (= 47,970) gridblocks with a 6 CO2(g) goes into solution. As CO2 dissolves in the aqueous
km × 7 km areal extension and an average of 200 m of phase (brine), the density of the CO2-saturated brine increases
thickness. Figure 11 shows a 3D view of the extracted grid. The and migrates to the bottom of the aquifer as plumes. This
initial pressures at the top and bottom of the aquifer are 8,110 creates convection currents that bring unsaturated brine in
kPa and 10,831kPa respectively, while the temperatures at these contact with CO2(g) and induces additional solubility. The ions
locations are 28.5°C and 37.6°C respectively. CO2 is injected in H+ and HCO3– that result from the dissociation of CO2(aq)
gridblock (28,25,5) starting on 2000−01−01 at a rate of 106 std according to Reaction 2 reacted with the mineral in place. The
m3/day for 25 years. The total injection is 3.63 × 1011 moles (16 ions Ca++, Mg++ and Fe++ released combine with HCO3– to
millions tons) of CO2. The intra aqueous and mineral reactions precipitate Calcite, Dolomite and Siderite. Figure 13 shows the
are shown in Table 3. The reactions are not typical of the total amounts of precipitation/dissolution of those minerals.
Sleiper/Utsira formation but are used here to illustrate the Figure 13 shows a net precipitation of Calcite and Siderite and a
mineralization of CO2. Further details can be found in Thibeau net dissolution of Dolomite. At beginning of 2300, the
et al. (2007). dissolution curve for Dolomite levels off and shows a positive
The intra aqueous reactions are very fast and are modeled as slope afterwards. This indicates a precipitation of Dolomite in
chemical equilibrium reactions. The mineral the aquifer. Figure 14 shows the dissolution of Anorthite,
dissolution/precipitation reactions are very slow and are Annite and Illite that provides the necessary ions for the
modeled as rate-dependent reactions. Reaction (3) in Table 3 is mineralization of CO2.
an important reaction in CO2 storage processes. The generated Table 4 shows the fate of the injected CO2 after 600 years
H+ ions react with many minerals (dissolution reactions) as and 1000 years based on 100 moles of injected CO2. The

amount of CO2 in the form of CO3– – is negligible. Note that • gas solubility in brine as a function of pressure, temperature
there is 1 mole of CO2 in 1 mole of Calcite and Siderite while and salinity;
there is 2 moles of CO2 in 1 mole of Dolomite. The • relative permeability with hysteresis for residual gas
mineralization is quite effective for this aquifer with the trapping;
presence of Anorthite, Annite and Illite. • geochemical reactions involving intra-aqueous equilibrium
reactions and mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics for
mineral trapping.

Several important aspects of CO2 storage in saline aquifers

are illustrated with simulation:
• Solubility trapping and residual gas trapping are important
competing storage mechanisms;
• Water injection could be used to increase residual gas
trapping and consequently total trapping in low-permeability
aquifers; the total trapping could be maximized by adjusting
the water injector location, rate and duration.
• For high-permeability aquifers, water injection does not
increase the total trapping.
• “Leakage” producers could be used to assess the security of
Figure 12: Evolution of CO2(g), CO2(aq) and HCO3– the storage process with regards to leakage through the cap
rock. It was shown that residual gas trapping is very effective
in increasing the security of CO2 storage.
• Mineral trapping or conversion of CO2 into carbonate
minerals (Calcite, Dolomite, Siderite) occurs in aquifers that
contains providers of Ca++, Mg++, Fe++. The mineralization
process takes a long time, hundreds to thousands of years.

The authors thank Colin Card and Dingjun Chen for
discussions regarding the optimization of the storage process
with water injection.
Figure 13: Evolution of Calcite, Dolomite and Siderite
 k = reactive surface area
C = Land’s constant
E = activation energy [J/mol]
fij = fugacity of component i in phase j, j = a, g [kPa]
Hi = Henry’s constant for component i [kPa]
I = ionic strength
kβ = rate constant for reaction β
Kα,eq = equilibrium constant for reaction α
mi = molality of component i
naq = number of aqueous components
nc = number of components in the gas phase
p = pressure [kPa]
Figure 14: Evolution of Annite, Anorthite, Chalcedony,
Qα = activity product of reaction α
Kaolinite and Illite
R = gas constant
Raq = number of intra-aqueous reactions
Table 4: Fate of injected CO2 in moles Rmn = number of mineral reactions
based on 100 moles of injected CO2 Sg = gas saturation
Components 600 years 1000 years T = absolute temperature [K]
CO2(g) 59.5 43.5 vi = partial molar volume of component in solution
CO2(aq) 26.9 34.1 zk = charge of ion k
HCO3– 9.6 11.3 γ = activity coefficient
Calcite 6.1 8.1 ν = stoichiometry coefficient
Dolomite –5.8 –4.3
Siderite 3.7 7.3
Total Minerals 4.0 11.1 REFERENCES
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