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Example 1: Data analysis

4. Results and findings

The data collected from the survey undertaken by 137 respondents, of which 113 were

useable, will be displayed and discussed in the sections to follow. The results will be

presented in the form of clustered column graphs, bar graphs and tables. Results pertaining

to the level of agreement or level of possibility of respondents relating to different aspects of

the psychological contract will be discussed.

Figure 3: Number of respondents

4.1 Generation Y white-collar employees understanding of the psychological contract

This section deals with respondents understanding of the psychological contract. This

section contains the data regarding what the respondents already knew about the

definition of psychological contract, employment relationship, the aspects it deals with

and the employee’s feelings and expectations.

Figure 4 shows the understanding of the psychological contract by Generation Y white-collar


Figure 4: Level of agreement of respondents to psychological contract statements (n=113)

According to Figure 4, 65% (73) of the respondents strongly agreed with the statement that the
psychological contract contains a set of unwritten and informal expectations employees

have with regards to their employer and the organisation. A further 27% (30) of the

respondents agreed with the statement while 9% (10) of the respondents were neutral or


Figure 4 further shows that 49% (55) of the respondents agreed with the statement that a

psychological contract implies that an organisation has a responsibility to maintain the

employment relationship between an employee and the employer.

Example 2:
4. Results and findings

4.1 Introduction

The data collected using the Google Forms questionnaire is analysed and discussed to conclude what
respondents’ perception were regarding the use of eco-friendly straws in restaurants.

4.2 Respondent profile

Section A of the questionnaire focussed on respondents’ knowledge and feeling regarding eco-
friendly straws.

Figure 3 illustrates how aware respondents are of the plastic pollution problem.
Figure 3 shows that 64% (61) were very aware, 33% (31) were somewhat aware and 3% (3) were not
aware at all.

The level of importance of banning plastic straws is illustrated in Figure 4.

It is clear from Figure 4 that 53% (50) of the respondents indicated that banning plastic straws is very
important, 40% (38) that it is somewhat important and 7% (7) it is not important at all.

Example 3:
4. Data analysis

4.1 Introduction

This section discusses the results related to the two objectives of the study. The first section will

focus on the questions that provided information on the use of Instagram and its features. The

following section will then focus on the aspects and influence that Instagram has on the

respondent’s decision to travel.

A total of 81 responses were received of which 83% indicated that they were within Generation

Y and 17% indicated that they were from Generation X. From the 81 responses, only 93%

indicated that they use Instagram, therefore the 7% of respondents that indicated that they do

not use Instagram could not continue with the questionnaire. The graphs below consist of the

results from 75 respondents.

4.2 The use and features of Instagram

Figure 3 indicates how often respondents check Instagram. Respondents could mark only 1


According to Figure 3, 71% (53) of the respondents indicated that they check Instagram multiple
times a day where as 12% (9) of respondents indicated that they check Instagram once a day. A
further 12% indicated that they check Instagram weekly, 4% (3) indicated that they check Instagram
monthly and 1% (1) indicated that they never check Instagram.

Figure 4 indicates the type of accounts respondents follow on Instagram. Respondents could mark
more than 1 option.
Figure 4 shows that 29% (69) of the respondents indicated that they follow family/friends

accounts on Instagram, 20% (47) indicated that they follow celebrity accounts and 19% (45)

bloggers/influencers. Travel related accounts received 13% (31) of the responses, businesses

11% (26) and 7% (17) of the respondents indicated that they follow country/destination accounts.

The other 3% (6) of the respondents indicated they follow other accounts such as meme

accounts, series accounts, bodybuilding, food, hair and makeup accounts and sports accounts.

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