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Scenario 1: The Lost Hikers

A group of hikers sets out on a trail in a national park. During their hike, they veer off the
path and become lost. They have limited cell phone reception and no GPS devices. Nightfall
is approaching, and the temperature is dropping rapidly. The group consists of individuals
with varying levels of outdoor experience.

Scenario 2: The Classroom Flood

A sudden heavy rainstorm causes flooding in the school building, including your classroom.
Water is leaking from the ceiling, and it's starting to pool on the floor. The classroom contains
electronic equipment, textbooks, and students' personal belongings. The school
administration is currently unavailable, and you need to take immediate action to minimize
damage and ensure the safety of everyone in the classroom.

Scenario 3: The Broken Bridge

A group of travelers is on a road trip through a remote area when they encounter a bridge
that has collapsed due to recent heavy rains. The bridge is the only direct route to their
destination, and there is no detour available. They have limited supplies and no means to
contact emergency services. The travelers must find a way to cross the river safely and
continue their journey.

Each group should consider factors such as:

Safety concerns for themselves and others involved.

Available resources and limitations.
Collaboration and effective communication within the group.
Creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

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