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Name : Ilman Abdul ghani

Student’s Number (NIM) : C2314201111
Class : 1C
Major (Prodi) : Nursing study

What you should do (Part 1):

 Find two news/articles written in English, one article related to your major and the
other one is an article about recent phenomena or events that are a hot topic
nowadays. Cari dua artikel berbahasa inggris, dimana satu artikel tersebut
berkaitan dengan program studi kalian masing-masing (contoh, prodi
keperawatan, cari artikel yang berkaitan dengan dunia kesehatan).
 Then, fill up the following column. Kemudian isi kolom di bawah ini.

Article 1 (screenshot or copy and paste the article that you have found here!)
simpan hasil tangkapan layar atau tempelkan artikel yang telah kalian pilih

Background: Mental health is an important sector in realizing comprehensive

health. There are about 450 million people suffer from mental and behavioural
disorders worldwide, mostly in India (4.5%). One person in four will suffer one
or more of these disorders during their lifetime. Mental disorders if not dealt with
properly, will get worse, and ultimately can burden the family, society, and
government. Purpose of this study is to know the mental health situation in
Indonesian society and its intervention strategies.

Results: Based on the 2013 Riskesdas, prevalence of severe mental disorders

in Indonesia's population is 1.7 per mil, higher in D.I. Yogyakarta, Aceh, South
Sulawesi. The emotional mental disorder shown symptoms of depression and
anxiety is about 6%. Until now, there are still stigma and discrimination against
people with mental disorders in Indonesia, so that experience incorrect handling
and mistreatment such as restrain. Therefore, optimal strategy needed for
every individual, family and society with promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative approach, integrated and sustainable. The mental health can be
improved by effective public health interventions. Paradigm in the mental health
movement that puts forward the prevention aspect as well as the role of
community to help the optimization of individual mental function.

Conclusion: There are still many cases of mental health disorders in

community, and mistreatment in Indonesia. Therefore, governance need to
comprehensive effort for intervention, beginning with the policy regulation which
is the basis for increasing funding and access to mental health services and
supported by community-based approach.

1. Why did you choose that article? (mengapa kamu memilih artikel diatas?)
because I want to show the number of people affected and how to treat
people with mental disorders around us

2. What is the topic of the article?

Mental health analysis

3. What is the article about? (rangkum isi artikel tsb)

Based on the 2013 Riskesdas, prevalence of severe mental disorders in

Indonesia's population is 1.7 per mil, higher in D.I. Yogyakarta, Aceh, South

4. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the article?

To find out the mental health situation of Indonesian people and

interventions and also for the public to know how dangerous mental health
illnesses are so that people can directly consult with experts

5. What is the most interesting information from the article? (informasi menarik
apa yang berhasil kalian temukan dari artikel diatas?)

I got information about the number of people who have mental disorders
and also how to approach strategies for people who have mental disorders
so that people who experience mental disorders are comfortable and happy
to meet us.

6. Find five new words in the article as well as the synonym and the meaning
of each word. Cari lima kata baru yang baru kalian temukan di artikel
diatas, beserta persamaan kata dan artinya.

New word Synonym Meaning

wory worried risau

Strategy Plan Rencana

Discrimination Distinction Pembedaan

Persecution Torture Penyiksaan

Handling Enforcement Pembedaan

Article 2 (screenshot or copy and paste the article that you have found here!)
simpan hasil tangkapan layar atau tempelkan artikel yang telah kalian pilih


About the dangers of smoking in general, I feel I have much to know,especially

for people who smoke cigarettes every day, because it’s in everypack of
cigarettes there are writings about the dangers of smoking, such asthis.
ANDPREGNANCY AND FETAL DISORDERS.But surprisingly despite the pack
or packs of cigarettes are contained writings about the dangers of smoking are
very scary, still many who smoke.Cigarettes contain more than four thousand
substances and two thousandof them have been declared impact is not good
for our health, such asradioactive materials (polonium-201) and materials used
in the paint(acetone), washing the floor (ammonia), ubat silverfish
(naphthalene),insecticide (DDT), termite poison (arsenic), toxic gases
(hydrogen cyanide)used in the “death chamber” for pesalah who undergo the
death penalty,and many more. And substances in cigarettes are the most
dangerous is the Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains
approximately forty threeingredients that cause cancer or called by
carcinogens. Nicotine has asubstance in cigarettes that can cause addiction,
which led to these users is very difficult to quit cigarette smoking. Nicotine is
the substance incigarettes that cause heart disease risk, 25 percent of people
with heartdisease caused by smoking

1. Why did you choose that article? (mengapa kamu memilih artikel diatas?)

because I want to show how many people smoke every day and how can I
help someone not smoke but it's not an easy thing to do

2. What is the topic of the article?

To dangeres of smoking

3. What is the article about? (rangkum isi artikel tsb)

About the dangers of smoking in general, I feel I have much to

know,especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, because it’s in
everypack of cigarettes there are writings about the dangers of smoking,

4. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the article?

To know the dangers of smoking for health, it has a very bad impact on
Indonesian society and also smoking is not very good in terms of its
ingredients so that we can all stop smoking so that people can live healthier
lives in the future
5. What is the most interesting information from the article? (informasi menarik
apa yang berhasil kalian temukan dari artikel diatas?)

About the dangers of smoking in general, I feel I have much to

know,especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, because it’s in
everypack of cigarettes there are writings about the dangers of smoking,

6. Find five new words in the article as well as the synonym and the meaning
of each word. Cari lima kata baru yang baru kalian temukan di artikel
diatas, beserta persamaan kata dan artinya.

New word Synonym Meaning

Prohibit Prohibition Larangan

Stop Discontinue Menghentikan

Avoid Evade Menghindari

Far Stay away Menjauhi

What you should do (Part 2):

 After completing the column above. Make sure to save your answer in form of
microsoft word or pdf and the file size is not more than 1 MB. Setelah selesai
melengkapi kolom diatas, pastikan jawaban kalian tersimpan dalam file microsoft
word atau pdf dan berukuran tidak lebih dari 1 MB.
 Then, upload your task by clicking the link below, approximately on Sunday, 5
May 2024 at 6 PM. Make sure to choose the link based on your class. Kemudian
kirimkan jawaban kalian sebelum Hari Minggu, 5 Mei 2024, jam 18.00 melalui link
dibawah ini. Pastikan mengirimkan ke link yang telah dibagi berdasarkan kelasnya

Class BING1,2,3,4:

Class BING5,6,7,8:

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