CL-001 - Compensation For Cost and Time

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Zakhem International Construction Ltd

Civil and Mechanical Engineers & Contractor

Tel: +233 21 670001 Fax: +233 21 685553


Contractual Claim
Compensation for Cost and Time Implications due to Suspension of Work

Version 1.0

08 June 2012

Produced by: Produced for:

Zakhem International Construction Ltd GCC Resorts Limited
Heritage Tower, 11th Floor Heritage Tower, 11th Floor
Cantonments Cantonments
Accra Accra
Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

Table of Contents Page

1. Introduction 4
1.1 The Project4
1.2 Description of this Claim 4
1.3 Description of additional Scope in this Claim4
1.4 Causes of Delay and Disruption 5
1.5 Structure of this Document 5
2. Contractual background 6
2.1 Applicable Contract Clauses 6
2.2 Contractual Basis 7
3. History to causes and delays 8
3.1 Suspension of work8
4. Time Impact Analysis 10
4.1 Graphic presentation of delay impact 10
4.2 Summary 10
5. Financial Impact Analysis 11
5.1 Direct and Indirect Cost 11
5.2 Cost for Remobilization 16
5.3 Taxes and duties 17
5.4 Summary of compensation requested 17
6. Summary 18
6.1 Time impacts 18
6.2 Financial cost impact 18


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Compensation for Cost and
Time Implications due to Suspension of Work

Appendix 1 Documents referenced in this RVO

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

Version Control
Ve rs io ns
Da te s 1 2 3 4 5 6
P re pa re d 16-J a n-10

Is s ue d 20-J a n-10

Re turne d

Re je c te d

Approve d

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

1. Introduction
1.1 The Project
This document deals with the Contract for the construction of the Kempinski Gold
Coast Hotel which is to be built on an 8.4 acre site located within the previous
racecourse grounds off Gamel Abdel Nasser Road in Accra, Ghana. The total built
up area of the Hotel is approx. 37,000 sq.m. with an additional separate 10,000
sq.m., two level car park structure.

The Scope of Work under this Contract comprises the Engineering, Procurement
and Construction of a 269 bedroom, five star hotel complex that will include a 1,000
sg.m. function hall, fitness, SPA and leisure facilities.

The FIDIC form of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects was signed on 7 th September
2007, between the GCC Resorts Limited ("the Employer") and Zakhem International
Construction Limited ("the Contractor"). The Contract Price agreed by the parties is
$ 46,518,866.00 and this includes Variation Order No.1.

The letter to commence the Works was issued on 30 July 2008 with a start date of
07 October 2008. The whole of the Works are to be completed within a period of 20
months from the effective date of commencement.

1.2 Description of this Claim

The National Security Council of Ghana has raised objection on the land and
ordered the Contractor to suspend the work pending verification. The official
suspension came into force on 19 th September 2009 and revoked on 30 th December
2009. The delay caused by suspension has attracted demobilization, idling of
resources and re-mobilization costs for which the Contractor is entitled to receive
compensation for loss of time and cost.

1.3 Description of additional Scope in this Claim

This claim covers for the additional costs and time, as follows:

 Compensation for demobilization of Manpower and Equipment

 Compensation for Idling of Manpower and Equipment
 Compensation for Preliminaries and Overheads for maintaining site offices
 Compensation for Remobilization of Manpower and Equipment
 Extension of overall programme

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

1.4 Causes of Delay and Disruption

The causes of delay and disruption due to suspension that are discussed in this
document are as follows:

Item Description
1 Suspension of work – 118 days.

1.5 Structure of this Document

This document is divided into the following parts:
 This first section contains a description of the Requested Claim, the issues and
a summary of the Contractor’s entitlement;
 Section 2 - Contractual background reiterates the applicable sections of the
Contract Conditions, both General and Particular;
 Section 3 - History is a review of the discussions, letters and other
communications that lead up to the Claim;
 Section 4 - Time Impact Analysis analyses the impact of the items covered in
this Claim, describing all essential changes and their backgrounds;
 Section 5 - Financial Impact Analysis reviews the impact on costs; and
 Section 6 - Summary provides the summary of entitlements the Contractor
seeks compensation for.

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

2. Contractual background
This section provides an explanation of the Conditions of Contract that have general
application to this Claim. The provisions contained herein constitute the basis of the
Contractor's entitlement to extensions of time and/or additional payment.

2.1 Applicable Contract Clauses

2.1.1 Contractor’s Entitlement – Clause 8.9 of the General Conditions of
This clause deals with Contractor’s entitlement for extension of time and cost,
complying with the Employer’s instructions under Sub-Clause 8.8 – Suspension of

“If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from complying with the
Employer’s instructions under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Work] and/or from
resuming the work, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be
entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to:

(a) An extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed,
under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and
(b) Payment of any cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price”.

The Full Clause 8.8 and 8.9 displayed below:

2.1.2 Contractor’s Claim – Clause 20.1 of the General Conditions of Contract

This clause provides for rules for claiming additional costs and requires Contractor
to provide Notice within 28 days or as soon as practical.

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

2.2 Contractual Basis

Based on GC 8.8, 8.9 and GC 20.1 the Contractor is entitled to receiving
compensation for the additional costs incurred due Suspension of construction work.

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

3. History to causes and delays

The history to the Causes of critical delay and disruption to the Works were the

Cause Description
1 Official Notification for Suspension of work from NSCS - GoG – 11 Sep 20091
2 Suspension of work on site by NSCS - GoG – 19 Sep 2009
3 Official Notification of Demobilization from the Employer – 02 Nov 20092.
4 Idling of resources from 19 Sep 2009 to 30 Oct 2009 – 30 working days
5 Demobilization from 03 Nov 2009 to 15 Nov 2009 – 12 days
6 Maintaining work site in a demobilized condition from 01 Nov 2009 to 30 Dec 2009 – 44
working days
7 Official Notification for No objection to work from NSCS – GoG – 30 Dec 20093
8 Official Notification for Remobilization of work from the Employer – 30 Dec 20094
9 Remobilization from 01 Jan 2010 to 15 Jan 2010 – 15 days

3.1 Suspension of work

The Contractor received official notification to suspend the works pending
verification from the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) on 11 th
September 2009. The officials from NSCS came to site and stopped the
Contractor’s work on 19th September 2009. Further to the correspondence and
meeting held on 30th October 2009, Contractor received official notification of
demobilization from the Employer on 2nd of November 2009. Upon receipt of the
same, contractor immediately commenced the demobilization from site. Contractor
was also informed to maintain limited resources on site for preservation of site.
Finally upon receipt of official notification for remobilization of work on 30 th
December 2009, Contractor commenced remobilization immediately and completed
by 15th January 2010.

The delay caused by suspension has attracted following charges for which the
Contractor is entitled to receive compensation for loss of time and cost.

 Idling cost of resources on site from 19 th September 2009 to 30th October

2009 - 30 working days
 Cost for demobilization
 Cost for maintaining work site in demobilized condition from 1 st November
2009 to 30th December 2009 – 44 working days
 Cost for remobilization
 Extension of time from 19th September 2009 to 15th January 2010 – total 118
calendar days

Letter number NSCS 382V13/2738 dated September 11, 2009
Letter number GCC/09-21/MZ dated November 2, 2009
Letter number NSCS 382V15/3736 dated December 30, 2009
Letter number *** dated December 30, 2009

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

4. Time Impact Analysis

4.1 Graphic presentation of delay impact

Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10

Activity From To






















Construction work Stoppage 19-Sep-09

Suspension 19-Sep-09 30-Dec-09

Remobilization 1-Jan-10 15-Jan-10

Commencement of Work 15-Jan-10


4.2 Summary
4.2.1 Extension of time
The Contractor seeks an extension of time of 118 calendar days.

This calculated delay is based on the above given information and history of causes
and delay.

4.2.2 Additional Payment

The additional costs of the prolongation to the works have been included in Section
5 - Financial Impact Analysis below.

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5. Financial Impact Analysis

The delay and disruption expenses incurred by the Contractor are considered under
the following headings:

Item Description
1 Cost of Staff Idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30 working days
2 Cost of Labour Idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30 working days
3 Cost associated with Plant & Equipment Idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30
working days
4 Overrun Preliminaries / Office running cost from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30 days
5 Profit and Overheads on above costs
6 Demurrage Charges
7 Cost of Labour Demobilization
8 Cost of Plant & Equipment Demobilization
9 Cost for maintaining the site in a demobilized condition from 01 Nov 09 to 31 Dec 09 – 44
working days
10 Cost of Remobilization

5.1 Direct and Indirect Cost

5.1.1 Cost of Staff idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09
This section covers the cost related to idling of staff on site from 19 Sep 09 to
30 Oct 09 – 30 working days.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f S ta ff Id lin g
1.01 P roje ct Ma na ge r da y 1.00 30.00 800.00 24,000
1.02 Cons truction Ma na ge r da y 1.00 30.00 500.00 15,000
1.03 S e nior S ite Engine e r da y 1.00 30.00 550.00 16,500
1.04 P la nne r da y 1.00 30.00 500.00 15,000
1.05 Civil Engine e r da y 1.00 30.00 500.00 15,000
1.06 S e nior Qua ntity S urve yor da y 1.00 30.00 60.00 1,800
1.07 S ite Engine e rs da y 3.00 30.00 60.00 5,400
1.08 De s ign Engine e r da y 1.00 30.00 40.00 1,200
1.09 S urve yor da y 1.00 30.00 40.00 1,200
1.10 S upe rvis ors da y 6.00 30.00 35.00 6,300
1.11 S e nior Ma te ria ls Controlle r da y 1.00 30.00 40.00 1,200
1.12 Adm ins tra tion da y 7.00 30.00 25.00 5,250
1.13 S a fe ty Office r da y 1.00 30.00 30.00 900

S ubtota l - Cos t of S ta ff Idling 108,750

5.1.2 Cost of Labour Idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09

This section covers the cost related to idling of Labour force from 19 Sep 09 to
30 Oct 09.

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work
Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f La b o u r Id lin g
2.01 Ca rpe nte rs da y 20.00 30.00 20.00 12,000
2.02 S te e lfixe r/Be nde rs da y 16.00 30.00 20.00 9,600
2.03 Ma s ons da y 6.00 30.00 20.00 3,600
2.04 Cha inm a n da y 2.00 30.00 15.00 900
2.05 La boure rs da y 35.00 30.00 15.00 15,750
2.06 Me cha nics da y 2.00 30.00 15.00 900
2.07 Ele ctricia n/Auto Ele ctricia ns da y 1.00 30.00 15.00 450
2.08 We lde rs da y 1.00 30.00 20.00 600
2.09 P lum be r da y 1.00 30.00 20.00 600
2.10 Office Ca re ta ke r da y 1.00 30.00 15.00 450
2.11 Hous e ke e pe r da y 3.00 30.00 15.00 1,350
2.12 S tore ke e pe rs da y 1.00 30.00 20.00 600
2.13 Kitche n s ta ff da y 2.00 30.00 15.00 900
2.14 Tippe r Drive rs da y 4.00 30.00 20.00 2,400
2.15 P la nt Ope ra tors da y 11.00 30.00 20.00 6,600
2.16 Ve hicle Drive rs da y 4.00 30.00 20.00 2,400

S ubtota l - Cos t of La bour Idling 59,100

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5.1.3 Cost associated with Plant & Equipment Idling from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct
This section covers the cost related to idling of plant & equipment on site from
19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30 working days.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f P la n t a n d Eq u ip m e n t Id lin g
3.01 CATERP ILLAR D8 da y 1.00 30.00 904.00 27,120
3.02 J CB 3CX da y 1.00 30.00 247.00 7,410
3.03 CATERP ILLAR 325B EXCAVATEOR da y 1.00 30.00 640.00 19,200
3.04 CATERP ILLAR 966F P AYLOADER da y 1.00 30.00 625.00 18,750
3.05 CATERP ILLAR ROLLER 140H da y 1.00 30.00 550.00 16,500
3.06 TEREX CRANE RT700 da y 1.00 30.00 695.00 20,850
3.07 AXOS TIP P ER da y 1.00 30.00 173.00 5,190
3.08 AXOS TIP P ER da y 1.00 30.00 173.00 5,190
3.09 AXOS TIP P ER da y 1.00 30.00 173.00 5,190
3.10 ACTROS TIP P ER da y 1.00 30.00 301.00 9,030
3.11 CONCRETE MIXER TRUCKS da y 5.00 30.00 100.00 15,000
3.12 BATCHING P LANT da y 1.00 30.00 1,250.00 37,500
3.13 BENDER da y 1.00 30.00 53.00 1,590
3.14 CUTTER da y 1.00 30.00 53.00 1,590
3.15 CONCRETE MIXER da y 1.00 30.00 15.00 450
3.16 CONCRETE S KIP da y 1.00 30.00 8.00 240
3.17 250 GALLON TOW WATER BOWS ER da y 1.00 30.00 10.00 300
3.18 500 LTR DRINKING WATER BOWS ER da y 1.00 30.00 10.00 300
3.19 950 LTR DIES EL BOWS ER da y 1.00 30.00 10.00 300
3.20 1,125 LTR P RES S URE WAS HER da y 1.00 30.00 10.00 300
3.21 4TON TWAITES DUMP ER da y 1.00 30.00 12.00 360
3.22 240V BOS CH HAMMER DRILL da y 2.00 30.00 5.00 300
3.23 110V BOS CH HAMMER DRILL da y 1.00 30.00 5.00 150
3.24 240V BENCH S AW da y 3.00 30.00 8.00 720
3.25 240V 9" ANGLE GRINDER da y 1.00 30.00 8.00 240
3.26 110V 9" ANGLE GRINDER 230MM da y 1.00 30.00 8.00 240
3.27 110V J IGS AW BOS CH F/W BLOWER da y 1.00 30.00 8.00 240
3.28 240V EXTENS ION LEAD da y 1.00 30.00 5.00 150
3.29 2" KOS HIN WATER P UMP da y 1.00 30.00 12.00 360
3.30 3" ROBIN WATER P UMP da y 2.00 30.00 12.00 720
3.31 4" WATER P UMP da y 3.00 30.00 15.00 1,350
3.32 CONCRETE P UMP da y 1.00 30.00 104.00 3,120
3.33 125 cfm COMP RES S OR da y 1.00 30.00 35.00 1,050
3.34 2" KOS HIN WATER P UMP da y 1.00 30.00 12.00 360
3.35 3" ROBIN WATER P UMP da y 2.00 30.00 12.00 720
3.36 4" WATER P UMP da y 3.00 30.00 15.00 1,350
3.37 CONCRETE P UMP da y 1.00 30.00 104.00 3,120
3.38 COMP RES S OR da y 1.00 30.00 35.00 1,050
3.39 TEX 90S BREAKER da y 2.00 30.00 40.00 2,400
3.40 P OKER UNIT da y 2.00 30.00 25.00 1,500
3.41 AIR P OKER da y 4.00 30.00 5.00 600
3.42 1UFTVR 3 HEAD HAND S CRUBBLER da y 1.00 30.00 5.00 150
3.43 9 HEAD P OLE S CABBLER da y 1.00 30.00 5.00 150
3.44 4 X 4 P AJ ERO da y 1.00 30.00 91.00 2,730
3.45 4 X 2 P ICKUP da y 1.00 30.00 50.00 1,500
3.46 4 X 4 P ICKUP da y 4.00 30.00 60.00 7,200
3.47 4 X 4 LAND CRUIS ER P RADO da y 1.00 30.00 110.00 3,300

S ubtota l - Cos t of P la nt a nd Equipm e nt Idling 227,130

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5.1.4 Overrun Preliminaries / Office running cost from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09

This section covers the cost of overrun preliminaries and office running cost required
on site from 19 Sep 09 to 30 Oct 09 – 30 working days.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f P re lim in a rie s a n d Offic e R u n n in g c o s t

4.01 S ite Accom oda tion a nd s tora ge s da y 1.00 30.00 1,120 33,600
Fa cilitie s
4.02 S ite S e rvice (P owe r,Wa te r da y 1.00 30.00 200 6,000
s upply,Te le phone , It conne ctions )
4.03 S ite Cons um a ble s -S ta tiona ry,Fire da y 1.00 30.00 100 3,000
prote ction,printing m a te ria ls ,office
provis ions
4.04 S urve y Equipm e nt da y 1.00 30.00 120 3,600
4.05 S e curity cos t da y 1.00 30.00 180 5,400
4.06 Exte ns ion CAR Ins ura nce da y 1.00 30.00 240 7,200
4.07 Exte ns ion of P e rform a nce bonds da y 1.00 30.00 60 1,800

S ubtota l - Cos t of P re lim ina rie s a nd Office Running cos t 60,600

5.1.5 Profit and Overheads on above costs

This section covers the profit and overheads on above mentioned costs.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

P ro fit a n d Ove rh e a d
5.01 P rofit a nd Ove rhe a d % 15% 68,337

S ubtota l - P rofit a nd Ove rhe a d 68,337

5.1.6 Demurrage Charges

This section covers the cost related to demurrage charges.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

D e m u rra g e C h a rg e s
6.01 Towe r Cra ne s da y 18.00 7.00 24 3,024
6.02 Towe r Cra ne s da y 1.00 9.00 50 450
6.03 Towe r Cra ne s da y 18.00 31.00 60 33,480
6.04 Towe r Cra ne s da y 1.00 31.00 100 3,100
6.05 Adjus ta ble P rop da y 1.00 7.00 24 168
6.06 Adjus ta ble P rop da y 1.00 14.00 60 840

S ubtota l - De m urra ge Cha rge s 41,062

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5.1.7 Cost of Labour demobilization

This section covers the cost related to Labour demobilization.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / Q To ta l

C o s t o f La b o u r D e m o b iliz a tio n
7.01 Cons truction Ma na ge r da y 1.00 - 14,000.00 14,000
7.02 S urve yor da y 1.00 - 1,200.00 1,200
7.03 S upe rvis ors da y 6.00 - 1,200.00 7,200
7.04 Adm inis tra tion da y 4.00 - 900.00 3,600
7.05 Ca rpe nte rs da y 20.00 - 320.00 6,400
7.06 S te e lfixe r/Be nde rs da y 16.00 - 320.00 5,120
7.07 Ma s ons da y 6.00 - 320.00 1,920
7.08 Cha inm a n da y 2.00 - 320.00 640
7.09 La boure rs da y 35.00 - 284.00 9,940
7.10 Me cha nics da y 2.00 - 320.00 640
7.11 Ele ctricia n/Auto Ele ctricia ns da y 1.00 - 320.00 320
7.12 We lde rs da y 1.00 - 320.00 320
7.13 P lum be r da y 1.00 - 320.00 320
7.14 Office Ca re ta ke r da y 1.00 - 284.00 284
7.15 Hous e ke e pe r da y 3.00 - 284.00 852
7.16 S tore ke e pe rs da y 1.00 - 284.00 284
7.17 Tippe r Drive rs da y 4.00 - 520.00 2,080
7.18 P la nt Ope ra tors da y 11.00 - 520.00 5,720
7.19 Ve hicle Drive rs da y 2.00 - 450.00 900

S ubtota l - Cos t of La bour De m obiliza tion 61,740

5.1.8 Cost of Plant & Equipment demobilization

This section covers the cost related to Plant & Equipment demobilization.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f P la n t & Eq u ip m e n t D e m o b iliz a tio n

8.01 Hiring of Low Loa de r da y 1.00 10.00 300.00 3,000
8.02 Hiring of Fla t Be d Tra ile r da y 2.00 10.00 300.00 6,000
8.03 Mobile Cra ne da y 1.00 10.00 400.00 4,000
8.04 Fue l Cos ts da y 10000 Ltr. 1.8 c/Ltr. 18,180
8.05 Expa tria te S upe rvis ion da y 1.00 10.00 476.00 4,760
8.06 S upe rvis or da y 2.00 10.00 45.00 900
8.07 Ca s ua l Worke rs da y 20.00 10.00 9.00 1,800

S ubtota l - Cos t of P la nt & Equipm e nt De m obiliza tion 38,640

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5.1.9 Cost for maintaining the site in a demobilized condition from 01 Nov 09
to 31 Dec 09
This section covers the cost for maintaining the site in a demobilized condition from
01 Nov 09 to 31 Dec 09.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t fo r m a in ta in in g th e s ite in a d e m o b iliz e d c o n d itio n

9.01 Expa t S a la rie s da y 1.00 44.00 1,713.00 75,372
9.02 Loca l S ta ff S a la rie s da y 1.00 44.00 487.00 21,428
9.03 S ite Accom m oda tion a nd S tora ge da y 1.00 44.00 1,120.00 49,280
Fa cilitie s
9.04 S ite S e rvice (P owe r, Wa te r s upply, da y 1.00 44.00 200.00 8,800
Te le phone , IT Conne ctions )
9.05 S ta tiona ry, printing, m a te ria ls , office da y 1.00 44.00 100.00 4,400
provis ion
9.06 De m urra ge Cha rge s da y 1.00 44.00 2,100.00 92,400
9.07 S e curity Cos t da y 1.00 44.00 180.00 7,920
9.08 CAR Ins ura nce da y 1.00 44.00 240.00 10,560
9.09 P e rform a nce Bonds da y 1.00 44.00 60.00 2,640

S ubtota l - Cos t for m a inta ining the s ite in a de m obilize d condition 272,800

5.2 Cost for Remobilization

This section covers the cost related to remobilization on site.

Ite m De s c riptio n Co s t in US D
Unit Qty Da y s Ra te / d To ta l

C o s t o f R e m o b iliz a tio n
P la n t
10.01 Hiring of Low Loa de r da y 2.00 15.00 300.00 9,000
10.02 Hiring of Fla t Be d Tra ile r da y 3.00 15.00 300.00 13,500
10.03 Mobile Cra ne da y 2.00 15.00 850.00 25,500
10.04 Fue ld Cos ts da y 14800 Ltr. 1.8 c/Ltr. 26,640
10.05 Lubrica nt for s e rvicing pla nt da y 208 Ltr. 8.0 c/Ltr. 1,664
La b o u r
10.06 Expa tria te S upe rvis ion da y 2.00 15.00 476.00 14,280
10.07 S upe rvis ion da y 2.00 15.00 45.00 1,350
10.08 Loca l La bour da y 35.00 15.00 9.00 4,725
Ge n e ra l Ite m s
10.09 Re -e re ction of contra ctor's s ign pos t 650
10.10 P rovis ion of ne w HS E Equipm e nt 20,000
10.11 Re -e re ction of Working pla tform s a nd 4,000
s ca ffolding
10.12 Re cruitm e nt a nd a ccom m oda tion for 21,300
e xpa tria te s
10.13 Cle a n / De s ca le re inforce m e nt 5,000

S ubtota l - Cos t of Re m obiliza tion 147,609

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

5.3 Taxes and duties

This Claim has been prepared in line with the Contract Conditions and does not
include any Taxes, Duties or any other Levies.

Any Taxes and/or Duties that will be due or require payment will either need to be
paid for by the Employer directly or be paid by the Contractor and duly compensated
in the Application for Interim Payment.

5.4 Summary of compensation requested

In summary, the compensation sought by the Contractor in compensation of the
additional costs it encountered following the delays and other unforeseen
circumstances beyond Contractor's control is as follows:

S u m m a ry o f C o s t a n d C o m p e n s a tio n
1 Cos t of S ta ff Idling 108,750
2 Cos t of La bour Idling 59,100
3 Cos t of P la nt a nd Equipm e nt Idling 227,130
4 Cos t of P re lim ina rie s a nd Office Running cos t 60,600
5 P rofit a nd Ove rhe a d @ 15% 68,337
6 De m urra ge Cha rge s 41,062
7 Cos t of La bour De m obiliza tion 61,740
8 Cos t of P la nt & Equipm e nt De m obiliza tion 38,640
9 Cos t for m a inta ining the s ite in a de m obilize d condition 272,800
10 Cos t of Re m obiliza tion 147,609

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

6. Summary
6.1 Time impacts

The Contractor seeks an extension of time of 118 calendar days.

6.2 Financial cost impact

S u m m a ry o f C o s t a n d C o m p e n s a tio n
1 Cos t of S ta ff Idling 108,750
2 Cos t of La bour Idling 59,100
3 Cos t of P la nt a nd Equipm e nt Idling 227,130
4 Cos t of P re lim ina rie s a nd Office Running cos t 60,600
5 P rofit a nd Ove rhe a d @ 15% 68,337
6 De m urra ge Cha rge s 41,062
7 Cos t of La bour De m obiliza tion 61,740
8 Cos t of P la nt & Equipm e nt De m obiliza tion 38,640
9 Cos t for m a inta ining the s ite in a de m obilize d condition 272,800
10 Cos t of Re m obiliza tion 147,609

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Compensation for Cost and Time
Implications due to Suspension of Work

Appendix 1 Documents referenced in this RVO

CL-001 - Version 1.0

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