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Module Code Global Aspects

and Title:

Assignment Annotated Poster Presentation

No. and Type: extended script
(2500 words)

Assignment Task

This assignment requires an annotated poster presentation with extended script assessment that
demonstrate an introductory background knowledge to Global business and aims to provide a perspective
on globalisation and how it affects business decisions and the challenges of internationalising your
business. You will explore and understand the impact of culture in a changing global workplace in
international business and develop a range of effective management strategies in response to the global

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Put in context globalisation’s impact on business;

LO 2 Understand WTO across markets;

LO 3 Analyse the functions of an organisations’ functions and culture within a globalised or

multinational business.

Task Requirements

You have been hired as an International Business Consultant by a XYZ company with head office in the
UK that would like to expand its business internationally but. Your role involves analysing the functions and
culture of the business within a globalised economy, focusing on how business functions and culture
contribute to business strategies in an international context and how they can enter international markets
and be successful in these markets. The management team would also like to understand the role of the
World Trade Organisation (WTO) and de-regulation across international markets, putting in context the
impact of globalisation on business.


1. Prepare an annotated poster presentation extended script that demonstrates an understanding of

trading across national boundaries and the impact on head office culture and global strategy (LO1,
LO2, LO3) 2500 words.

The poster and extended script should focus on the following:

Global Business Aspects
(i) an introduction of the company and its current market.
(ii) protecting Intellectual Property Rights in a globalised economy.
(iii) managing business functions in an international context.
(iv) the impact of national cultures in international markets.
(v) an assessment of entry strategies in international markets.
(vi) an assessment of appropriate global strategy for the local company.

*Poster is the summary of the extended script.

The report should be written in the standard academic report format consisting of a table of
contents, an introduction, and appropriate headings covering the above six points. You can use
sub-headings as deemed appropriate. You must demonstrate evidence of wider research and
reading of core textbooks and academic scholarly work through referencing.

Your assignment should be submitted as a single MS Word file with the poster presentation
attached as an appendix to the report. Please Do Not upload additional appendices.

Please note that exceeding the word count will result in a reduction in grade by the same
percentage that the word count is exceeded. The word count excludes the cover page, table of
contents, and reference list.

Referencing and Research Requirements

You must reference all information used in the assignment, using the Harvard Referencing Guide.
You are required to include ONLY ONE reference list at the end of the extended script arranged in
alphabetical order irrespective of the sources.
You can access guidance to Harvard referencing here:

How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning
outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s
institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area,
a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 4.

Please see the attached grid for the Level 4 grading descriptors.

Global Business Aspects
Global Business Aspects
General Grading Criteria

Level 4

In accordance with the FHEQ, at the end of Level 4 students will be expected to have a sound knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles
of a subject, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of that area of study. They should be able to present, evaluate and interpret
qualitative and quantitative data to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of their
subject(s) of study. They will have learned how to take different approaches to solving problems and will be able to communicate the results of their
study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments.

Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes Marginal fail Fail
category 1st: 70% – 100% 2:1: 60% – 69% 2:2: 50% – 59% 3rd: 40% – 49% 35% – 39% 20% – 34% < 20%

Knowledge and High quality work Work of solid Adequate work Simple factual Weak work Unsatisfactory Highly
understanding showing detailed quality showing showing approach showing showing limited, work showing unsatisfactory
of the basic understanding of competent and understanding of limited fragmentary weak and flawed work showing
underlying the basic consistent the basic understanding of understanding of understanding of major gaps in
underlying understanding of underlying the basic the basic the basic understanding of
concepts and concepts and the basic concepts and underlying underlying underlying the basic
principles of principles of the underlying principles of the concepts and concepts and concepts and underlying
the subject(s) subject(s). concepts and subject(s), but principles of the principles of the principles of the concepts and
principles of the lacking depth and subject(s). Narrow subject(s). Work subject(s), for principles of the
subject(s) breadth. or misguided characterised by example through subject(s).
selection of inaccuracies, serious Inclusion of largely
material, with irrelevant material inaccuracies, irrelevant material,
elements missing and/or absence of inclusion of a absence of
or inaccurate. appropriate significant amount appropriate
information. of irrelevant information and
material and/or significant
absence of inaccuracies.

Cognitive and Excellent Good presentation, Adequate A limited use of Largely descriptive Descriptive work Work is largely
intellectual presentation, interpretation and presentation, concepts or work, with limited with no effort made irrelevant or
skills interpretation and evaluation of interpretation and evidence to support effort made to use to use concepts or inaccurate,

Global Business Aspects
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes Marginal fail Fail
category 1st: 70% – 100% 2:1: 60% – 69% 2:2: 50% – 59% 3rd: 40% – 49% 35% – 39% 20% – 34% < 20%

evaluation of concepts or evaluation of emerging concepts or evidence to develop characterised by

concepts or evidence, facilitating concepts or judgements or evidence to develop judgements or descriptive text and
evidence, a logical and evidence, facilitating arguments, although judgements or arguments. Views unsubstantiated
facilitating a highly coherent a largely logical and not always logical or arguments. expressed are often generalisations.
logical, coherent development of coherent coherent and with Information illogical, invalid or Complete lack of
and balanced judgements or development of inaccuracies. accepted irrelevant. Minimal evidence to back up
development of arguments that judgements or uncritically, with or no use of views.
judgements or shows awareness of arguments. An unsubstantiated evidence to back up
arguments. Strong other stances. emerging awareness opinions evident. views.
awareness of other of other stances.

Application of Excellent Sound application of Consistent and Relevant theoretical Limited Weak Very weak
theory to application of theory to practice, accurate application knowledge and understanding of the understanding of theoretical
practice (for theory to practice, with the student of theory to understanding application of theory the application of knowledge and
courses with a with the student making appropriate, practice, with the applied in practice, to practice, with the theory to practice, understanding, with
professional making highly well-developed and student making but with students student often not with only occasional no evidence of
practice appropriate, articulated links appropriate links not always making making appropriate evidence of the appropriate
element) developed and between the two. between the two. logical links between links between the student making application in
articulated links the two. two. appropriate links practice.
between the two. between the two.

Reading and Critical engagement Engagement with a Engagement with an Evidence of reading, Poor engagement Limited evidence of No evidence of
referencing with a wide range wide range of appropriate range of largely confined to with essential texts reading and/or reading or
of relevant reading, relevant reading. reading beyond essential texts, but and no evidence of reliance on engagement with
including research- Sound application of essential texts. mainly reliant on wider reading. inappropriate taught elements.
informed literature referencing, with no Referencing may taught elements. Heavily reliant on sources. Limited Absent or
where relevant. inaccuracies or show minor Referencing may taught elements. engagement with incoherent
Consistently inconsistencies. inaccuracies or show inaccuracies Inconsistent and taught elements. referencing.
accurate application inconsistencies. and/or weak use of Very poor use of
of referencing. inconsistencies. referencing. referencing.

Presentation, Highly effective Competent Work is structured in Ordered Work is loosely, and Work is poorly Work is extremely
style and presentation of presentation of a largely coherent presentation in at times presented in a disorganised, with
structure * work that is work in terms of manner and is for which relevant ideas incoherently, disjointed and much of the
coherently structure and clarity the most part clearly / concepts are structured, with incoherent manner. content confusingly

Global Business Aspects
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes Marginal fail Fail
category 1st: 70% – 100% 2:1: 60% – 69% 2:2: 50% – 59% 3rd: 40% – 49% 35% – 39% 20% – 34% < 20%

structured and of expression. expressed. reasonably information and Information and expressed. Very
clearly expressed expressed. ideas often poorly ideas are very poor English and/or
throughout. expressed. poorly expressed, very inappropriate
with weak English style.
inappropriate style.
* Work that significantly exceeds the specified word limit may be penalised.

Global Business Aspects

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