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Drug-Drug Interactions and Prescribing Pattern in Veterinary Practice in Iraq

Article in The Indian veterinary journal · October 2019

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Sarhan Rashid Sarhan

Wasit University


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Indian Vet. J., October 2019, 96 (10) : 14 - 17

Drug-Drug Interactions and Prescribing Pattern in Veterinary Practice in Iraq

Sarhan R. Sarhan1, Hayfaa A. Moheisen, Elaph K. Kamel and Zahraa J. Mohammad
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Wasit University, Wasit, Iraq
(Received : April, 2019 137/19 Accepted : May, 2019)

Abstract were analyzed. The results indicated that 20

The current study was conducted in different prescriptions (5.71 %) contained one drug, 315
veterinary private clinics and hospitals in Wasit prescriptions (90%) had two or three drugs and
province, Iraq to investigate the potential drug- 15 prescriptions (4.28%) contained four or more
drug interactions and prescribing patterns. A than four drugs. The number of prescriptions
retrospective study of prescription was carried which contained two and three antibiotics were
out from August 2018 to March 2019. 350 210 (60%) and 40 (11.4%), respectively.
prescriptions from 65 veterinarians in differ- Key word: Drug-drug interactions, drugs
ent cities (Alkut, Suwairah, Al-Na’maniya, Al adverse effects.
Zubaidiya and Al Azeeziaya) of Wasit province Drug prescription errors are the common
Corresponding author : Email : cause of adverse effect although can be largely

14 The Indian Veterinary Journal (October, 2019)

Sarhan R. Sarhan et al.
preventable. Misuse of treatment can be dened study recorded other drugs interactions such
as any error in using of drugs which lead to as ketoconazole with Ivermectin and the
patient and increasing death rate. In medicine, percentage were 10.7% as well as NSAIDs with
30% of hospital problems are associated with dexamethasone were 5.35%. Tetracycline class
drug administration errors (van den Bemt et had the greatest interaction among antibiotics
al., 2002). The administration of drugs is a very (Table I). The results indicated that 64.28% of
important step because correcting the potential the prescription errors were minor or had no
risk at this step are limited (Ito and Yamazumi, adverse effects, but 35.71% of the errors were
2003). Only limited and few studies had been considered signicant.
published on handling potential drug interac- Doxycycline and Chlortetracycline (an
tions in the veterinary practice. Therefore, our antibacterial drug) were administered with
study aimed to determine potential exposure multivitamins in twenty and ten cases, respec-
to drug interactions in farm animals in differ- tively. Elimination of tetracycline class such
ent veterinary clinics and hospitals in Wasit as minocycline, tetracycline or doxycycline has
province, Iraq. differences routes. For example, doxycycline
Materials and Methods is excreted in the feces, and (20-30)% excreted
through urine. Drug interactions of Chlortetra-
A retrospective inspection of prescriptions was cycline and Doxycycline affect absorption and
carried out during a period from November 2018 elimination methods of drug class. Doxycycline
to March 2019 and a 350 prescriptions from and Chlortetracycline level in the plasma is
different cities (Alkut, Suwairah, Al-Na’maniya, decreased about 30-90% with the administra-
Al Zubaidiya and Al Azeeziaya) of Wasit province tion of drugs containing trivalent and divalent
were analyzed for potential interactions, regard- cations, for example, calcium, magnesium,
less of animals species. Indicators of drug use aluminium, zinc or iron (Hansten and Horn,
pattern include an average number of drugs 2005; Tatro, 2009; Baxter and Stockley, 2008).
prescribed per encounter, interactions between
prescribed drugs and type of drug interactions. Several mechanisms occur in interac-
The prescription errors were compared with tion of drugs including decreased dissolution
standards indicated in the handbook for veteri- and chelating. Chelating dissolution occurs
nary medicines, compiled by Plumb (2008). when injection of doxycycline intravenously
with common products containing multivalent
Results and Discussion cations (Hansten et al., loc cit); Tatro, loc cit;
The results indicated that 20 prescriptions (5.71 Baxter and Stockley, loc cit). Ciprooxacin and
%) contained one drug, 315 prescriptions (90%) erythromycin (antibacterial drugs) were given in
contained two or three drugs and 15 prescrip- combination to treat respiratory infection in ten
tions (4.28%) contained four or more drugs. The cases. Even barely some interactions were found
number of prescriptions that contained two and that some drugs potentiate one another in a risky
three antibiotics were 210 (60%) and 40 (11.4%), manner such as if macrolides like erythromycin
respectively. The most commonly prescribed when given with uoroquinolones causes QT
antibiotics were ciprooxacin, chlortetracycline, prolongation (Shakeri and Stahlmann, 2006).
doxycycline and enrooxacin. Moreover, The Enrooxacin was administered with Antacids
results showed that 56 prescriptions had at in seven cases. For example, if quinolone is
least one drug interaction (16%). Most of these administrated with aluminium hydroxide,
interactions were related to antibiotics with it will reduce absorption of quinolone in the
other drugs. The percentage of interactions gastrointestinal tract and reduce pharmacologi-
were as follow; doxycycline with multivitamins cal activity of the quinolone. Taking antacid (6
were 35.71%, chlortetracycline with multivi- h before or 3 h after the antibiotic) to ensure
tamins were 17.85%. While ciprooxacin with avoiding the interaction of antacid ingredients
erythromycin were 17.85% and enrooxacin with the antibiotic (Lomaestro and Bailie, 1991).
with antacid were 12.5%. additionally, the Ketoconazole was given with Ivermectin for

The Indian Veterinary Journal (October, 2019) 15

Drug-Drug Interactions and Prescribing Pattern ...

Table I. Number of cases and percentage of interactions.

Drugs n=(56) % of interactions

Number of cases
Doxycycline with multivitamins 35.71
Hospital Clinic
3 17
Number of cases
Chlortetracycline with multivitamins 17.85
Hospital Clinic
2 8
Number of cases
Ciprofloxacin with erythromycin 17.85
Hospital Clinic
0 10
Number of cases
Enrofloxacin with antacid 12.5
Hospital Clinic
0 7
Number of cases
Ketoconazole with Ivermectin 10.7
Hospital Clinic
1 5
Number of cases
NSAIDs with dexamethasone 5.35
Hospital Clinic
1 2
n= no. of prescriptions had at least one drug interaction.

treating sarcoptic mange in six cases. Ketocon- Dexamethasone in three cases. When NSAIDs
azole inhibits the groups of cytochrome P450 and corticosteroids are administrated together,
enzyme (Niwa et al., 2014; Novotn et al., 2014). it will increase GI toxicity. Some of the studies
Therefore, Ketoconazole decreases the clearance found that ulcer has occurred due to taking
of ivermectin and consequently increase its toxic corticosteroids with NSAIDs together with a
level. Furthermore, ketoconazole can inhibit COX-1, but not a COX-2, inhibitor. That effect
p-glycoprotein, wherever p-glycoprotein is drug may cause a decrease in arachidonic acid and
efux transporter in the kidney, the intestine, increasing the toxic effect of NSAIDs (Kataoka
and the blood-brain barrier (Coelho et al., 2009). et al., 2000).
Also, Ketoconazole could decrease the clearance In this study, a high rate of patients were
of many drugs and bioavailability (Hugnet et exposed to the adverse effects of drug interac-
al., 2007). Moreover, some studies found that tions. Although several combinations could be
neurologic toxicity occurred when ketoconazole useful in some cases, but the risk of adverse
was given with ivermectin in mange disease effects becomes greater if medications included
(Mealey et al., 2001). drugs combination. In other hand, drug replace-
NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inam- ment or mono-therapy will largely avoid drug
matory drugs) were co-administered with interactions (Katherine, 2002).

16 The Indian Veterinary Journal (October, 2019)

Sarhan R. Sarhan et al.
Our survey recorded many similar cases Hansten, P.D. and Horn, J.R. (2005) Hansten and Horn’s
admitted to veterinary clinics or hospitals Managing clinically important drug interactions. St. Louis
in Wasit cities. substantially, the percent- (MO): Facts and Comparisons; p. 243.

age of interactions in hospitals were very Hugnet, C., Lespine, A. and Alvinerie, M. (2007) Multiple oral
low comparing to the interactions percentage dosing of ketoconazole increases dog exposure to ivermectin.
recorded in clinics which might be due to the
J Pharm Pharm Sci.10: 311–318.

availability of many veterinary specialists with Ito, H. and Yamazumi, S. (2003) Common types of medication
good experiences. Therefore, the drugs used to errors on long-term psychiatric care units. Inter. J. for Quality
in Health Care. 15:207-212.
treat patients included in this study may be in
somewhat dependent on the drugs availability Kataoka, H., Horie, Y., Koyama, R., Nakatsugi, S. and Furu-
and the prescribing practices of veterinarians at
kawa, M. (2000) Interaction between NSAIDs and steroid in
rat stomach: safety of nimesulide as a preferential COX-2
hospitals and clinics. inhibitor in the stomach. Dig Dis Sci. 45:1366–1375.

Summary Katherine, L. (2002) Incidence of drug interactions in vet-

erinary critical care patients. PhD Dissertation. Washington
Animals are potentially exposed to signicant State University, Pullmann, USA. p. 198.
drug interactions have negative outcomes on the Lomaestro, B.M. and Bailie, G.R. (1991) Quinolone-cation
drug’s efcacy, and may be harmful to the animal interactions: a review. DICP, Ann Pharmacother. 25:1249-58.
and life-threatening. The study stated that the Mealey, K.L., Bentjen, S.A., Gay, J.M. and Cantor, G.H. (2001)
prescription errors recorded in private clinics Ivermectin sensitivity in collies is associated with a deletion
were more than in hospitals, this is probably mutation of the mdr1 gene. Pharmacogenetics. 11:727–733.
due to the less experience and/or availability of Niwa, T., Imagawa, Y. and Yamazaki, H. (2014) Drug interac-
drugs in these clinics. Most of the adverse drug tions between nine antifungal agents and drugs metabolized
reactions were due to the combination of two or by human cytochrome P450. Curr Drug Metab. 15:651-679.
more antibiotics. Further study is required to Novotn, A., Krasulov, K., Bartoňkov, I.,Korhoňov, M., Bachle-
establish a unied system or software applica- da, P., Anzenbacher, P. and Dvořák, Z. (2014) Dual effects of
tion encompassing all veterinary medicines ketoconazole cis-enantiomers on CYP3A4 in human hepato-
and possible drugs interactions to avoid wrong cytes and HepG2 Cells. PLoS ONE. 9:e111286.
prescriptions. Plumb, D.C. (2008) Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook. 6th
Ed. Wiley-Black well Publishing: pp. 188.
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The Indian Veterinary Journal (October, 2019) 17

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