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Name :
Student’s Number (NIM) :
Class :
Major (Prodi) :

What you should do (Part 1):

 Find two news/articles written in English, one article related to your major and the
other one is an article about recent phenomena or events that are a hot topic
nowadays. Cari dua artikel berbahasa inggris, dimana satu artikel tersebut
berkaitan dengan program studi kalian masing-masing (contoh, prodi
keperawatan, cari artikel yang berkaitan dengan dunia kesehatan).
 Then, fill up the following column. Kemudian isi kolom di bawah ini.

Article 1 (screenshot or copy and paste the article that you have found here!)
simpan hasil tangkapan layar atau tempelkan artikel yang telah kalian pilih

1. Why did you choose that article? (mengapa kamu memilih artikel diatas?)

2. What is the topic of the article?

3. What is the article about? (rangkum isi artikel tsb)

4. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the article?

5. What is the most interesting information from the article? (informasi menarik
apa yang berhasil kalian temukan dari artikel diatas?)

6. Find five new words in the article as well as the synonym and the meaning
of each word. Cari lima kata baru yang baru kalian temukan di artikel
diatas, beserta persamaan kata dan artinya.

New word Synonym Meaning

Article 2 (screenshot or copy and paste the article that you have found here!)
simpan hasil tangkapan layar atau tempelkan artikel yang telah kalian pilih

1. Why did you choose that article? (mengapa kamu memilih artikel diatas?)

2. What is the topic of the article?

3. What is the article about? (rangkum isi artikel tsb)

4. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the article?

5. What is the most interesting information from the article? (informasi menarik
apa yang berhasil kalian temukan dari artikel diatas?)

6. Find five new words in the article as well as the synonym and the meaning
of each word. Cari lima kata baru yang baru kalian temukan di artikel
diatas, beserta persamaan kata dan artinya.

New word Synonym Meaning

What you should do (Part 2):
 After completing the column above. Make sure to save your answer in form of
microsoft word or pdf and the file size is not more than 1 MB. Setelah selesai
melengkapi kolom diatas, pastikan jawaban kalian tersimpan dalam file microsoft
word atau pdf dan berukuran tidak lebih dari 1 MB.
 Then, upload your task by clicking the link below, approximately on Sunday, 5
May 2024 at 6 PM. Make sure to choose the link based on your class. Kemudian
kirimkan jawaban kalian sebelum Hari Minggu, 5 Mei 2024, jam 18.00 melalui link
dibawah ini. Pastikan mengirimkan ke link yang telah dibagi berdasarkan kelasnya

Class BING1,2,3,4:

Class BING5,6,7,8:

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