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Leave management solution 2023-24


In an era where streamlined administrative processes are paramount to organizational success, the
development of efficient and user-friendly solutions becomes imperative. Within the healthcare
landscape, where precision and timeliness are critical, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS)
embarked on a journey to revolutionize its leave management system. This journey was underpinned
by the adoption of PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), a dynamic server-side scripting language known
for its agility and versatility in web development. This introduction delves into the pivotal role PHP
played in the development of a comprehensive Leave Management Solution at HIMS, highlighting
its impact on enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring data integrity, and fostering a seamless user
experience. Through the lens of PHP, this report explores the intricacies of modernizing leave
management processes, offering insights into the collaborative efforts, technical innovations, and
transformative outcomes achieved at HIMS

In an ever-evolving healthcare landscape where precision, efficiency, and seamless operations are
paramount, institutions like Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS) stand at the forefront of
innovation. Recognizing the importance of optimizing internal processes to ensure the highest
standards of patient care and staff satisfaction, HIMS embarked on a transformative journey to
modernize its leave management system. At the heart of this endeavor lies PHP (Hypertext
Preprocessor), a dynamic and versatile server-side scripting language renowned for its ability to
empower web applications with robust functionality and interactivity.

This introduction delves deeper into the pivotal role that PHP played in the conceptualization,
development, and implementation of a comprehensive Leave Management Solution tailored to meet
the unique needs of HIMS

Dept. CS&E, GEC Hassan 1

Leave management solution 2023-24



[1] X. Yu and C. Yi, "Design and Implementation of the Website Based on PHP &
MYSQL," 2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, Henan,
China, 2010, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEEE.2010.5661595.

PHP and MYSQL has been the main web development tool for it is free and open source. The
authors have discussed the environmental issues in development process based on PHP and MYSQL
and the implementation process of the website ZhuoQi.

[2] S. Agamah and L. Ekonomou, "A PHP Application Library for Web-Based Power Systems
Analysis," 2015 IEEE European Modelling Symposium (EMS), Madrid, Spain, 2015, pp. 353-
358, doi: 10.1109/EMS.2015.58.

Web-based power systems analysis applications are delivered via web servers that run
scripting languages such as PHP. The role of the web server is usually to pass results and data
between a front-end web browser and specialised back-end computation software which carries out
the actual simulations and analysis. More recent versions of the web scripting languages have the
computational capabilities required for power systems analysis and can handle the responsibility of
modelling networks and analysing them. This provides an opportunity for a slimmer 2-tier
framework in which the web server also acts as the application server thereby reducing the server
resources required and simplifying access to modelling functions. A methodology for carrying out
power flow calculations on a web server using PHP is described in this paper and the outcome is a
PHP application library for carrying out such analysis. The library may be easily included in PHP
web applications that require specific power systems analysis functions thereby allowing them access
this functionality without relying on third party software separate from the web server on which they
already run. The performance of the application library is also measured and discussed.

Dept. CS&E, GEC Hassan 2

Leave management solution 2023-24

[3] W. Cui, L. Huang, L. Liang and J. Li, "The Research of PHP Development Framework
Based on MVC Pattern," 2009 Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and
Convergence Information Technology, Seoul, Korea (South), 2009, pp. 947-949, doi:

PHP is one of the leading Web development languages, however, the development model of
existing PHP organizes without a structure, which mixes the code of data access, the processing of
business logic, and Web presentation layer together, as a result, it brought about many problems in
the Web applications, meanwhile, it could not meet the rapid development of Web apply any more.
In this paper, an implementation of PHP based on MVC design patterns - FDF framework was
provided for PHP developers, which can offer a framework for Web applications, separate the data,
view and control of Web applications, afford to achieve loose coupling, thereby enhanced the
efficiency, reliability, maintainability and scalability of application development.

[4] N. Yadav, D. S. Rajpoot and S. K. Dhakad, "LARAVEL: A PHP Framework for E-

Commerce Website," 2019 Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing
(ICIIP), Shimla, India, 2019, pp. 503-508, doi: 10.1109/ICIIP47207.2019.8985771.

In the modern era, as technologies are getting advance, the work related to them are also
getting advance. Today's business is totally dependent on the internet and to run a business we need
the help of the internet so that it can grow at bulkier expanse. Everyday humongous amount of data
and personal information has been transmitted and retrieved. With the brisk development of internet
technology in contemporary years, online business is gradually rampant. Web users are very
demanding and they foresee web services to be easily and quickly accessible from other places
around the world all the time, whenever they need it. Web users always need quick and rapid
responses. With the broadening trend of the internet, it turns out to be an essential part of our life.
Website development is a process that takes time and if done by the basic language it takes more time
which is not compatible with this fast and developing world of technologies. So to overcome these

Dept. CS&E, GEC Hassan 3

Leave management solution 2023-24

problems related to web development frameworks are developed. Frameworks are used so that we
can create websites conveniently. This paper generalizes the concept of e-commerce website with a
framework. What parameters we have to look upon so that we can prepare a website without any
Hassel. This research paper also concludes what advantages did Laravel had on other frameworks,
and how it is different to work on Framework. Electronic commerce as the name suggests electronic
means through digital instruments or through the World Wide Web and commerce suggest the
business so it combined means business through the World Wide Web which is on gravitate.
LARAVEL is a free open source PHP framework. Frameworks are on go, as there is no need to write
whole code.

[5] X. Chen and J. Zhang, "The Applications PHP, HTML and MYSQL in Development of
Website – Query Function," ICMLCA 2021; 2nd International Conference on Machine
Learning and Computer Application, Shenyang, China, 2021, pp. 1-4.

Using language PHP write query statements, to access the MYSQL database system, call the
website information stored in the MYSQL database, and find the pages related to the query
information, to realize the query function of website information under the interaction of PHP and

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Leave management solution 2023-24



3.1 Requirement Specification

In the contemporary landscape of organizational management, efficient leave management stands
as a pivotal component for fostering productivity, employee satisfaction, and regulatory compliance.
Within this context, the development of a comprehensive Leave Management Solution emerges as a
strategic imperative for Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS). This introduction delves into
the requirement analysis process, elucidating the foundational steps undertaken to ascertain the
needs, objectives, and constraints of stakeholders in the creation of an optimized leave management
system tailored to the unique operational dynamics of HIMS.

1. PHP:

Required to compile and run php code, ensuring compatibility with project requirements and
providing essential tools and libraries for php development.

2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

Facilitates efficient development with features like code completion, debugging, and version
control integration, enhancing productivity and code quality.

3. Database Management System (DBMS):

Stores and manages application data efficiently, supporting transactional integrity, data
consistency, and scalability for robust data-driven applications.

4. Version Control System (VCS):

Facilitates collaboration, tracks changes, and ensures version control, enabling team members to
work concurrently, manage code changes, and revert to previous versions if needed.

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Leave management solution 2023-24

5. Build and Dependency Management Tools:

Automates project builds, manages dependencies, and simplifies deployment, ensuring consistency,
reliability, and reproducibility across different environments.

6. Web Services and APIs:

Enables interoperability and integration with other systems by defining standardized communication
protocols, facilitating data exchange and service consumption.

7. User Interface (UI):

Enhances user experience and engagement by providing an intuitive and visually appealing interface,
catering to diverse user preferences and device types.

3.2 Functional Requirements

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

- Users should be able to register, log in, and manage their accounts securely.
- Different user roles (e.g., admin, regular user) should have distinct permissions and access levels
within the system.

2. Leave Application Submission:

- Employees should be able to submit leave requests online, specifying leave types (e.g., sick leave,
vacation), duration, and reasons.
- Data integrity and consistency should be maintained through validation rules and constraints.

3. Leave Approval Workflow

- Managers should receive notifications for pending leave requests and have the ability to review,
approve, or reject leave applications

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Leave management solution 2023-24

4.Leave Balance Tracking:

- The system should maintain accurate records of employees' leave balances, including accrued leave,
used leave, and remaining balances.

5. User Interface (UI) Design:

- Design an intuitive and responsive user interface that enhances usability and accessibility.
- Support accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure inclusivity for users with disabilities.

6. Leave Calendar:
-A visual leave calendar should be available to display approved leave requests, facilitating resource
planning and scheduling.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

1. Performance: Ensure the system responds quickly, handles a high number of transactions, and
scales efficiently.

2. Reliability: Ensure the system is available, fault-tolerant, and can recover quickly from failures.

3. Security: Protect data, authenticate users, authorize access, encrypt sensitive information, and
maintain audit logs.

4.Usability: Design an intuitive user interface, ensure accessibility, and provide comprehensive user

5. Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with various operating systems, browsers, and integration

6. Maintainability: Design the system for easy modification, testing, and maintenance.19

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Leave management solution 2023-24


PHP, originally an acronym for Personal Home Page, now stands for Hypertext Preprocessor,
symbolizing its evolution from a simple scripting language to a powerful tool for building dynamic
and interactive web applications. Born in the mid-1990s, PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf as a
set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language. Since
then, PHP has undergone significant development, emerging as one of the most popular server-side
scripting languages in the world.

At its core, PHP is designed to be embedded within HTML, allowing developers to seamlessly mix
server-side code with HTML markup to generate dynamic web pages. This integration facilitates the
creation of dynamic content that can change based on user input, database queries, or other external
factors. PHP's syntax is similar to that of C, Java, and Perl, making it relatively easy for programmers
familiar with these languages to learn and use.

One of PHP's greatest strengths lies in its versatility and flexibility. Whether it's generating dynamic
web pages, processing form data, interacting with databases, or handling file uploads, PHP can
handle a wide range of tasks with ease. Its extensive standard library and vast ecosystem of third-
party extensions and frameworks further enhance its capabilities, enabling developers to build
complex web applications quickly and efficiently.

PHP's support for various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, makes it an ideal
choice for developing database-driven web applications. Its seamless integration with these databases
allows developers to execute SQL queries, fetch and manipulate data, and perform transactions with
ease, thereby enabling the creation of robust and scalable web application

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Leave management solution 2023-24

Key Features Of PHP

1. Server-side scripting: PHP is primarily a server-side scripting language, meaning that the code is
executed on the server before the result is sent to the client's browser. This enables the generation of
dynamic content and interaction with databases, files, and other server-side resources.

2. Embedded within HTML:PHP code can be embedded directly within HTML, allowing
developers to mix PHP and HTML seamlessly within a single file. This simplifies the process of
creating dynamic web pages.

3. Support for various databases: PHP has built-in support for a wide range of databases, including
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more. This allows developers to easily connect to and interact
with databases to store and retrieve data for their web applications.

4. Extensive standard library: PHP comes with a vast standard library of functions and modules for
performing common tasks, such as string manipulation, file handling, and network communication.
This reduces the need for developers to write code from scratch, saving time and effort

5. Cross-platform compatibility: PHP runs on various platforms, including Windows, Linux,

macOS, and Unix, making it highly versatile and accessible to developers regardless of their
operating system preferences.

6.Scalability: PHP is well-suited for building both small-scale and large-scale web applications. Its
modular architecture and support for modern programming paradigms like object-oriented
programming (OOP) and functional programming enable developers to create scalable and
maintainable codebases.

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MySQL stands as a cornerstone in the realm of relational database management systems (RDBMS),
revered for its robustness, scalability, and versatility in handling vast amounts of data with efficiency
and reliability. Born out of the need for a powerful and accessible database solution, MySQL has
evolved into one of the most widely used database platforms globally, powering a myriad of
applications across diverse industries and domains.

At its core, MySQL is an open-source RDBMS that adheres to the SQL (Structured Query Language)
standard, enabling developers to store, retrieve, and manage data in a structured and organized
manner. Its relational nature facilitates the establishment of relationships between different data
entities, fostering data integrity and coherence within the databases.One of MySQL's standout
features is its exceptional performance and scalability, making it ideal for handling high-volume
transactional workloads and demanding applications. Through efficient indexing, query optimization,
and caching mechanisms, MySQL ensures rapid data retrieval and processing, even in scenarios with
millions of records

Another key strength of MySQL lies in its comprehensive feature set, which encompasses a wide
range of functionalities tailored to meet the diverse requirements of developers and organizations.
From support for ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions and stored
procedures to advanced security features like access controls and encryption, MySQL offers a rich
array of capabilities to address various use cases and scenarios.

Furthermore, MySQL's extensibility and interoperability make it a preferred choice for integration
with other technologies and frameworks. Whether integrating with programming languages like PHP,
Python, or Java, or interfacing with web servers, application servers, or cloud platforms, MySQL
seamlessly integrates into existing ecosystems, facilitating the development of robust and scalable

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Key Features of MYSQL

1. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): MySQL is a powerful relational database

management system that organizes data into tables consisting of rows and columns, facilitating
efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of structured data..

2. Cross-Platform Compatibility: MySQL is compatible with various operating systems, including

Windows, Linux, macOS, and Unix, allowing it to run on a diverse range of platforms and

3. Scalability: MySQL is designed to scale efficiently to handle large volumes of data and high
traffic loads. It supports both vertical scaling (increasing the capacity of a single server) and
horizontal scaling (distributing data across multiple servers), enabling organizations to accommodate
growing data requirements and user demands.

4. High Availability and Reliability: MySQL supports features such as replication, clustering, and
automatic failover to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. By replicating data across multiple
servers and implementing redundancy measures, MySQL minimizes the risk of downtime and data
loss, enhancing overall system reliability.

5. Community Support and Documentation: MySQL boasts a vibrant community of developers,

users, and contributors who actively participate in forums, mailing lists, and online communities to
share knowledge, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on projects. Additionally, MySQL offers
comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and resources to assist users in learning and mastering the
database system..

Workspace: VS CODE

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Leave management solution 2023-24

Visual Studio Code, often abbreviated as VS Code, stands as a pinnacle in the realm of integrated
development environments (IDEs), offering a seamless and feature-rich environment for software
development across a multitude of programming languages and platforms. Developed by Microsoft
and released in 2015, VS Code has quickly garnered widespread acclaim and adoption among
developers worldwide, owing to its unparalleled versatility, performance, and extensibility.

One of the defining features of VS Code is its extensive language support, encompassing a diverse
range of programming languages and frameworks. From popular languages like JavaScript, Python,
and Java to emerging technologies like Go, Rust, and TypeScript, VS Code offers syntax
highlighting, code completion, and debugging support for virtually any programming language,
enabling developers to work seamlessly across different projects and platforms. Another standout
feature of Visual Studio Code is its integrated debugging capabilities, which enable developers to
identify and troubleshoot issues directly within the editor. With support for breakpoints, watch
expressions, and interactive debugging sessions, VS Code streamlines the debugging process,
allowing developers to diagnose and fix errors more efficiently, thereby accelerating the development

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Fig 4.1 VS code IDE workspace

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Key Features:

1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: vs code runs smoothly on Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring
developers can work seamlessly across different operating systems.

2. Extensible Architecture: vs code's modular design allows for easy integration of plugins,
enabling support for a wide range of programming languages and development tools.

3. Code Editing Tools: vs code provides essential features like syntax highlighting, code
completion, and formatting, enhancing developers' coding experience and productivity.

4. Integrated Development Environment: vs code offers a comprehensive suite of tools including

debugger and compiler, facilitating all stages of software development within a single environment.

5. Version Control Integration: vs code seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems
like Git, SVN, and CVS, enabling efficient source code management

6. Debugging Capabilities: vs code's debugging tools, such as breakpoints and variable inspection,
allow developers to identify and resolve issues in their code efficiently.

7. Project Management Tools: vs code supports project templates, build configurations, and
dependency management, aiding developers in organizing and maintaining their projects effectively.

8. User Interface Customization: vs code allows users to customize workspace layout, themes, and
shortcuts, providing a personalized and comfortable working environment.

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Fig 5.1 List of tables in the Database

Fig 5.2 Attributes of table ‘employee’

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Fig 5.3 Attributes of table ‘leave_balance’

Fig 5.4 Attributes of table ‘leave_details’

Fig 5.5 Attributes of table ‘leave_type’

Fig 5.6 Attributes of table ‘mapping’

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Fig 6.1 Login Page

Fig 6.2 Home Page

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Fig 6.3 Employee leave application form

Fig 6.4 Leave status view page

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Fig 6.5 List of requested leaves

Fig 6.6 Leave management page

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The Leave Management Solution stands as a testament to the power of technology in streamlining
administrative processes, fostering transparency, and enhancing accountability. By providing
employees with a user-friendly platform to submit leave requests online and enabling managers to
review, approve, or reject requests with ease, the solution promotes efficiency and responsiveness in
the leave management workflow.

In the dynamic realm of organizational management, the successful implementation of the Leave
Management Solution marks a significant milestone in the journey of Hassan Institute of Medical
Sciences (HIMS) towards operational excellence and employee satisfaction. Through a meticulous
process of requirement analysis, design, development, and implementation, the solution has been
crafted to address the diverse needs, objectives, and constraints of stakeholders across the

Moreover, the integration of robust security measures, performance optimization strategies, and
compliance mechanisms ensures that the solution meets the highest standards of data protection,
reliability, and regulatory compliance. From encryption and access controls to scalability and disaster
recovery measures, every aspect of the solution has been meticulously designed to safeguard the
confidentiality of employee data and uphold regulatory requirements.

Dept. CS&E, GEC Hassan 19

Leave management solution 2023-24

[1] X. Yu and C. Yi, "Design and Implementation of the Website Based on PHP & MYSQL," 2010

International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, Henan, China, 2010, pp. 1-4,

doi: 10.1109/ICEEE.2010.5661595.

[2] S. Agamah and L. Ekonomou, "A PHP Application Library for Web-Based Power Systems

Analysis," 2015 IEEE European Modelling Symposium (EMS), Madrid, Spain, 2015, pp. 353-358,

doi: 10.1109/EMS.2015.58.

[3] W. Cui, L. Huang, L. Liang and J. Li, "The Research of PHP Development Framework Based on

MVC Pattern," 2009 Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence

Information Technology, Seoul, Korea (South), 2009, pp. 947-949, doi: 10.1109/ICCIT.2009.130.

[4] N. Yadav, D. S. Rajpoot and S. K. Dhakad, "LARAVEL: A PHP Framework for E-Commerce

Website," 2019 Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Shimla,

India, 2019, pp. 503-508, doi: 10.1109/ICIIP47207.2019.8985771.

[5] X. Chen and J. Zhang, "The Applications PHP, HTML and MYSQL in Development of Website

– Query Function," ICMLCA 2021; 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and

Computer Application, Shenyang, China, 2021, pp. 1-4.

Dept. CS&E, GEC Hassan 20

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