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INTRODUCTION In 1945, the federal principle

was defined
Kenneth C. Wheare as, "The method of by
Federalism as a concept, has evolved over a
time and it has shaped according to the powers SO that the general and
governments are each within its Own
circumstances. During the 2Oth century federalism sphere. co-
was popularly employed as a safety valve against ordinateand independent. To a political scientist
nations' linguistic. racial and cultural bickerings a polity is federal| when its territorial division of power
endangering their unity by organising regional is secured formally by a written
constitution or Sorme
groups which were given sufficient autonomy in a such exceptional legal protection. Federalism is not
federation. just any decentralised polity as the case is with the
Today, the world has been divided into unitary unitary system. Federalism is a special kind of
and federal type of governments. Most of the decentralisation where the division of powers
countries have adopted federal constitution. A ensuring safeguards of the units of federations is
federation could be brought about as a result of a constitutionally protected. Thus, the decision-making
voluntary agreement on the part of the member states at a particular level of government is based on
which were sovereign and independent, as in the delegation or constitutionally guaranteed authority
case of U.S.A. or a Unitary State might convert itself
into a federation bygiving the provinces autonomy, Economists, on the other hand, take a broader
as it happened in Canada. Thus, federalism has view by not exclusively relying on formally or
evolved over the years in two ways : () by constitutionally defined governmental authority at
aggregation, and (ii) by devolution. different layers of government. All government
The federal states have been in operation in systems in economicterms are more or less foderal.
various forms in different parts of the world for quite Even in formally uniform systems (Spain, United
sometime. As a result, it has been defined differently Kingdom), there exists a considerable extent of de
by different experts in their respective areas of facto fiscal discretion at decentralised levels. Thus.
specialisation. The definitions given by political economists look at the decentralisation of fiscal
scientists and economists are widely used in this decision-making in a multi-level government for the
context. They are closely related particularly in the purpose of federalism.
matter of policy requirements, deriving end results
and also seeking different interpretations of federal From the economic point of view, the greatest
objectives and instruments. advantage lies in the creation of a unified and
While defining political federalism, Sir Robert enlarged market which makes the reaping of
Garran has said that, "Federation is a form of economies of scale possible. As a result, regional
government in which sovereignty or political power specialisation can be carried further without
is divided between the Central and Local hindrance from trade barriers. There are also benefits
Governments so that each of them within its own to be derived from the free mobility of capital nd
sphere is independent of the other." labour, through the federation.
1. Kenncth C. Wheare, Federal Government, Oxford University Press, London, 1953, P. 10.
2. Wallace E. Oates. Fiscal Federalism, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1972, P. 17.
3. AnilKumar Thakur, Fiscal Federalism in India, Deep &Deep Publications. New Delhi, 1984, P. 12.

Essential Features of a Federal System enactment in question and in which list is the true
character to be found.
There has been a consensus of opinion that a
involves the following essential 7. Rule of Repugnancy. It means that
federal system
characteristics : conflicting results are produced when two laws are
applied to the same facts. In this case. if there is
1. DualGovernment. In aunitary Statc, there any inconsistency betwecn two laws or two statutes
the National
is only one govermment, namely state, covering the same ficld. The Parliament should enact
there are
Governmcnt. However, in a federal its own complete code and covering the whole
wo layers of govenment : the Union ficld.
A component State has
and the State governments. federation.
the Advantages of Federalism
no right to secede from
It is universally acknowledged, that federalism
This distinguishes a federation from isa has many advantages. Federal governance promotes
confederation.By connotations, a confederation
similar in structure to a federation but
with a weaker efficiency, both economic and political. Economic
Central government. In a confederation, the States efficiency is advanced by the division of
secession. governmental functions among different levels
retain the right of
depending on their comparative advantage.
2. Distribution of Powers. A federal State Assignment of matters that concern the nation as a
the federal
involves a division of authority betweendistribution whole, or where there are externalities or large
government and States. The method of economies of scale, to the government at the Centre
constitutions. combined with decentralisation of responsibility to
may difer in different federal
federal provide services that benefit smaller segments of
3. Supremacy of the Constitution. A lower level
State derives its existence from the constitution. the country or the community to allocation
governments, promotes efficiency in the
Every power (executive, legislative or judicial) of resources in the economy. What is
more, in a
whether it belongs to the Union or to the State is federal polity the economy benefits from the
subordinate to and controlled by the constitution. operation of a common market facilitated by free
4. Authority of Courts. The legal supremacy flow of goods, services and factors of production
of a
of the constitution is essential to the existence within the country.
federal system. There should be no violation of the Federalism is considered efficient from the
provisions of the constitution by any tier of political angle as well because it facilitates a
government. This is secured by vesting powers of heterogeneous population to come together under
interpretations of constitution by the judiciary. the banner of one nation and acquires strength
5. Doctrine of Harmonious Construction. from unity while allowing the constituents to retain
Harmonious construction means that different entries their identity and autonomy over a wide area of
in different lists are so interpreted that a conflict public life. Federalism also fosters democratic values
between them is avoided. It must be accepted that and civic virtues of people's participation inpolitical
constitution does not want to create a conflict and processes. In recentyears, it is the economic benefits
make any entry nugatory. Hence, whenever there is of federalism that have come to the fore drawing
a conflict in the two lists, the two entries should be sovereign nations to join together in economic union
interpreted in such a way that the scope and meaning even while not surrendering their independence.
of one entry should not affect the meaning of the The European Union is an example of this type of
other entry. formation.
A well designed, and more important, well
6. Doctrine of Pith and Substance. In a federal
set-up the Central and the State governments should functioning system of federal governance, by virtue
keep themselves within their respective domain of various advantages, plays a key role in promoting
assigned to them. If there is overlapping, it is asked the stability and prosperity of nations as the heights
what in "pith and substance" is the effect of the attained in the leading federations of the world,
should lie with the federal
want that taxing autonomy
federal finance depends government while spending autonomy with the
The success of the federating units. Thus, there may be financial
of the above mentioned
upon the eficicnt solution with the changing adjustment between the two governments Sharing
problems and adjusting it of taxes, grants-in-aid and loans from the federal
Circumstances. Thera
government are common in many federations.
Principles of Federal Finance is a need for such balancing factors but independence
division of legislative. cannot be given up. As Prof. B.P. Adarkar points
Ina federation there is a betwecn thenational out. "The cardinal principle to be followed in financial
Crecutive and financial powers Both the federal
governments. settlement is that, as far as practicable, the federal
and sub-national of government and the States should be endowed
and federating units have independent sources
of their respective with independent sources of revenue free from
revenue for the functioning principles Prof.
govemments. But to preserve federal on Principles mutual interference and that the balancing factors
book should come in only marginally, so as to fill the
B.P. Adarkar, in his celebrated
lays down three
and Problems of Federal Finance working of
principles which should govern the 2. Adequacy and Elasticity : Besides
federal finance. These principles of determining the
discussed independence, next comes the consideration of
financial policy in a federal set up are adequacy and elasticity in federal finance. Roth
adequacy and elasticity are of paramount importance
1. Independence and Responsibility : In the for a federal country in view of the responsibilities
first place Prof. B.P. Adarkar said that, "full freedom of both the layers of the government. The principle
of financial operations must be extended to both of adequacy means that the resources of the national
federal as well as State governments in order that and sub-nationalgovernments should be adequate
they may not suffer from a feeling of cramp in the so that each layer of government can discharge its
discharge of their normal activities and in the obligations laid upon it. It stands for sufficiency of
achievement of their legitimate aspirations for the resources for the discharge of functions andduties
promotion of social and economic advancement. It assigned. Besides adequacy, it must possess the
means that both the federal government and quality of elasticity in financial resources. It means
federating units must each have under its own that there must be feasibility to expand its resources
independent control financial resources sufficient in response to its requirements especially during
to perform its exclusive functions. In other words, the period of internal and external crisis. Basically
national and sub-national governments should be a systemn of federal finance which consists of the
financially independent within their own sphere. principles of independence, adequacy and elasticity
Besides, each government should take the has not yet been evolved in any federation. One
responsibilities of taxing, borrowing and raising has to look to financial adjustments for resolving
resources in their spheres for performing their these conflicts.
functions. The authority which has the pleasing
job of spending money should also do the unpleasant 3. Administrative Economy and Efficiency :
job of taxing it. Thus, "taxing autonomy and spending An other important principle of federal finance is
autonomy should go hand to hand,"9 that of administrative economy. In this context
However, practical considerations make it operational efficiency is of great importance. Both
the Centre and the Unit is required to optimise
difficult to follow the principle of financial national welfare by co-ordinating their activities. In
independence. This is because of the problems like other words, administrative cost should be minimum
uniformity in tax rates throughout the federation, and there should be no fraud and evasion in the
promotion of economic growth, maintenance of matter of finances. The administrative delay should
internal and external stability, balancing social and also be the minimum. There must be avoidance of
economic development in all regions etc. cannot be
ignored. 1Inother words, the advocates of this view corruption and inter-regional smuggling and full
exploitation of sources of revenue.
9. BN. Gupta, /ndian Federal Financing and Policy. P. 24:
other Principles according to the requirements of different layers of
Besides the abovescholars discussed principles of government. The system of federal finance should
finance. some have added a few be designed to meet the needs of changes in the
federal of the interest of harmony and efficiency. Finally, it may
in view needs to the present
more principles of be stated that both the federal
conditions, cspecially developing countries. government and
federating units co-ordinate their activity in such a
A Principles of Uniformity and Equity : This way that it leads to maximum utilisation of national
principles implies that the contribution by different resources, accelerated economic development.
federating unitstowards the common burden should
reduction. in disparities of income and wealth and
be on an basis. Thus, the contribution of augmentation in production and productivity.
cach State in federal taxes should be according to
ability or economic consideration. Different States 7. Principle of Integration and Co-ordination:
af afederation may have disparity in the level of Integration and co-ordination are necessary in the
economic development and, therefore, according distribution of resources between two layers of
in this principle the burden of taxation will be government. This is essential for the promotion of
anegually distributed as the marginal sacrifice will economic development in afederal set-up. The co
diferent in different States. The marginal sacrifice ordination is required not only in the matter of
of richer States will be less as compared to backward taxation but in all the spheres of financial activities.
States. The combined marginal sacrifice to taxation For example, co-ordination is required with regard
of both the federal and State governments should to current budgets, capital outlay programmes and
be equal or nearly equal to every person, no matter credit operation programmes etc. formulated and
in which State he/she resides. The creation of implemented by different departments and agencies
uniformity also implies that there should be no of the government at different levels in a federation.
discrimination betwveen different citizens of different In practice, however, the allocation of
States in a federation. However, some concessions in most federations is based upon historicalresources
given to weaker sections and backward States for Thus, the main consideration has been expediency,
the sake of equity and justice are quite compatible rather than adherence to scientific principles.
with the principle of uniformity. Further, in order to
achieve equity in taxation, a proper balance between Social Principles of Federal Finance
direct and indirect taxes should be maintained.
Therefore, there should be a proper adjustment They key social principle underlying an effective
between federal and State taxation to make the tax system of fiscal federalism is fiscal equity. Fiscal
burden on all the citizens equitable as far as possible. equity requires that individuals in similar economic
circumstances should receive similar net fiscal
5. Principle of Accountability : Freedom and benefits where they reside in the nation. In practical
democracy are interwoven in a federal system. terms the differences between the value of taxes
Therefore, the government in a federation should paid and the public goods and services provided
be accountable to its own legislature for its spending should be reasonably comparable. There are in
and collecting revenue decisions. general, two ways in which fiscal equity, is sought
6. Principle of Fiscal Access : This in federal systems : first, through introduction of
implies that there should be no bar on the principle
equalizing transfers that provide additional revenue
and sub-national to areas that provide additional revenue to areas
SOurces of revenue within their own
in tapping new with relatively low revenue capacities and /or
areas to meet the growing financial needs.prescribed
lt means
relatively high expenditure needs, and second
that through the imposition of basic or minimum national
resources should grow with the expansion of standards with respect to certain public goods.
Ihe problem of federal finance should not be Vertical Fiscal Imbalance
shadowed by rigid principles but should be solved One of the major characteristics of federalism
in apragmatic way for the healthy financial relations is the có-existence of two main levels of govermment
federal set up. There can be adjustment and in one system, both having the capacity to raise
reallocation of
Circumstances. Theresourcesin the light of changing revenues and responsibility to carry out various
dynamis1m should replace rigidiy functions. Ideally, a federation should be in a state

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