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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..



Time: 2:30 Hours January 2024.
1. This paper consists of three sections, A, B and C with a total number of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions

3. Section A and C carries fifteen (15) marks each, section B carries seventy (70) marks

4. All writing must be in black or blue ink except diagrams which must be in pencil.

5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room

6. Write your full name at the top of every page

7. The following atomic masses may be used: H = 1, C = 16, CI = 35.5

This paper consists of nine (9) printed pages

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section

1. From the given alternatives (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer and write its
letter in the space provided.
i) The welders prefer to use non-luminous flame for their work simply
A. it is easy available
B. it is easy to transport
C. produce very hot flame
D. it can be made by kerosene

ii) Spatula in the laboratory is used for scooping what type of substance?
A. liquid and gasses
B. solid and liquids
C. powdery and gasses
D. solids and powdery

iii) Why it is necessary to boil drinking water?

A. to make it tasteless C. to kill microorganisms
B. to remove impurities D. to make them colorless

iv) Mundhir was very disturbed by rat in his house. He went to buy rat poison
in order to kill them. The poison was kept in a packet. Which among the
following warning signs is likely to appear on the packet?
A. Skull and crossed bones C. A flame
B. Corroded hand D. Damaged property

v) Maseyo needs to know the most abundant element on the earth. As a

chemist which element is needed by Maseyo?
A. Nitrogen C. Oxygen
B. Carbon D. Iron

vi) Ujiji and Uvinza were debating about process that involved during simple
distillation. What processes will you recommend to them?
A. Filtration and decantation.
B. Condensation and decantation.
C. Evaporation and decantation.
D. Evaporation and condensation.

vii) Markaz Islamic Seminary form one students discovered that it is

impossible to light the fire in a vacuum due to the absence of a gas. What
comment can you give to the students?
A. Carbon dioxide is missing.
B. Oxygen is missing.
C. Hydrogen is missing.
D. Nitrogen is missing.

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
viii) A scientist was required to carry investigation of the powdered materials
found in the area of crime. He made the possible guess of what the powder
could be and went to the laboratory for experimentation. What was he
trying to test in this experiment
A. Observation C. Problem
B. Data D. Hypothesis

ix) One of the following process is chemical change

A. wet cloth dry C. food scrap turn into
B. water evaporates from the compost
surface D. Bleaching agent

x) Assume you are planning to carry out an experiment about flame test of
different salt samples in the chemistry laboratory and you are required to
light a Bunsen burner to obtain a non-luminous flame. Which part of the
burner will you use to change luminous flame to non – luminous flame?
A. Barrel C. Base
B. Collar D. Air hole

i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

2. Match the chemical composition of agent portable fire extinguisher in list A with
the correct portable fire extinguisher in List B and write its letter in the table
provided below.

(i) Monoammonium phosphate A. Foam fire extinguisher.

with nitrogen carrier. B. Wet chemical fire extinguisher.
(ii) Nonflammable carbodioxide gas
C. Air pressurized water (APW) fire
under extreme pressure.
(iii)Fine sodium bicarbonate powder extinguisher.
pressurized by nitrogen. D. Dry chemical fire extinguisher.
(iv) Ordinary tap water pressurized
E. ABC fire extinguisher.
by air.
(v) Potassium acetate. F. Halon fire extinguisher.
G. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in the space provided for each question
3. (a) A compound R through heating decomposes into potassium chloride and the
gas that occupies 21% of air
a) Name the compound R and the gas formed
b) Write its word and chemical equation the reaction
c) Briefly explain why the method in 3(b) is not preferred by the chemist?
d) Draw its well labelled diagram showing the preparation of gas formed


4. (a) Ally spoken to his sister that is better to use charcoal burner than candle
when prepare the meal for family. What could be the reasons made him to advice
his sister?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
(b) As an expert in Chemistry after completing from your studies you meet a
foreigner who completely believes that studying Chemistry is meaningless. Give out
four (4) reasons to educate that person on the benefits of studying Chemistry

(i) ____________________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________________
(iv) ____________________________________________________________________________

5. (a) Identify the method of separating mixture which can be used to separates
the following mixtures.
i) Sand and ammonium chloride _________________________________________
ii) Pure water from muddy water ___________________________________________
iii) Sulphur and iron fillings ________________________________________________
iv) Chlorophyll from leaves _________________________________________________

(b) Briefly explain the role chemistry in the following field

i) Transport
ii) Homecare and cosmetics
iii) Communication

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..

6. (a) Differentiate between the liquid found in medicine which is written shake well
before use and the liquid when mixing salt and water. Give two points.
Medicine which is written shake Mixture of salt and water

(b) Twaha is planning to conduct an experiment to observe the effect of

temperature on solubility of solute (table salts) in solvent (water) to form a
solution. Name and draw four apparatii which could be used in his experiment.

Name of the Apparatus1 Name of the Apparatus 3

…………………… ……………………

Name of the Apparatus 2 Name of the Apparatus 4

…………………… ……………………

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
7. (a) The bellow figure shows the apparatus that can be used to separate three
liquids: cooking oil, kerosene, and water with density 0.87g/cm3, 0.69g/cm3 and
1.50g/cm3 respectively:

(i) Name the apparatus and process shown by the given figure.

(ii) By giving example identify liquid A, B, and C
Liquid A __________________________________________________________
Reason _________________________________________________________________
Liquid B ______________________________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
Liquid C _____________________________________________________________
Reason _______________________________________________________________
(b) Using the locally available materials in your school, state how can you
extinguish the following situation?
i. Kerosene spilled on the floor catches fire.
ii. Friend’s clothes catch fire which get out of her control.

8. (a) A laboratory rule is a statement that explains what to do or not to do in the

laboratory. As an expert of chemistry what rules should be followed after
practical activities. Four points.
i) __________________________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________________________
iii) __________________________________________________________________
iv) __________________________________________________________________

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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
(b) It is reasonable to put in place safety measures to minimize or eliminate
injuries in the laboratory. What are safety measures to be considered in the
laboratory? Four points.
i) __________________________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________________________
iii) __________________________________________________________________
iv) __________________________________________________________________

(c) Why should laboratory rules be obeyed by every one?


9. (a) By giving one reasons, explain the following facts

i) During preparation of oxygen gas little manganese (IV) oxide / manganese
dioxide added to hydrogen peroxide
ii) Fish can obtain oxygen for respiration although they spend their lives in
iii) In preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory collection is done by
downward displacement of water

(b) Give chemical test of oxygen gas


(c) After oxygen being prepared in industry or laboratory, how can it be used in
our daily life? (Three points)

(i) _________________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________________
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STUDENT FULL NAME: ………………………………………………………………..
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer question ten (10)
10. (a) Hassan’s daughter was passing through in the laboratory and found a
beaker on top of a table. He picked up the beaker with her bare hand;
accidentally the beaker cut her finger since it was broken. Suggest possible
items of the first aid and their function to help Hassan’s daughter.

Items Function

(b) In preparation of oxygen gas by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, both

manganese IV oxide and hydrogen peroxide has Oxygen. Which one among them
gives oxygen and why?
(c) In what ways rusting and combustion are similar

(i) __________________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________________

(d) Separately explain three physical properties and two chemical properties of
Oxygen gas

***Wabillah tawfiq***

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