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Azamoum et al.

Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Official journal of the CIOMP 2047-7538

ARTICLE Open Access

Optical probing of ultrafast laser-induced

solid-to-overdense-plasma transitions
Yasmina Azamoum 1,2,3 ✉, Georg Alexander Becker3, Sebastian Keppler1,2,3, Guillaume Duchateau4, Stefan Skupin 5
Mickael Grech6, Fabrice Catoire7, Sebastian Hell3, Issa Tamer1,2,3, Marco Hornung1,2,3, Marco Hellwing3,
Alexander Kessler1,2, Franck Schorcht1,2 and Malte Christoph Kaluza 1,2,3

Understanding the solid target dynamics resulting from the interaction with an ultrashort laser pulse is a challenging
fundamental multi-physics problem involving atomic and solid-state physics, plasma physics, and laser physics.
Knowledge of the initial interplay of the underlying processes is essential to many applications ranging from low-
power laser regimes like laser-induced ablation to high-power laser regimes like laser-driven ion acceleration.
Accessing the properties of the so-called pre-plasma formed as the laser pulse’s rising edge ionizes the target is
complicated from the theoretical and experimental point of view, and many aspects of this laser-induced transition
from solid to overdense plasma over picosecond timescales are still open questions. On the one hand, laser-driven ion
acceleration requires precise control of the pre-plasma because the efficiency of the acceleration process crucially
depends on the target properties at the arrival of the relativistic intensity peak of the pulse. On the other hand,
efficient laser ablation requires, for example, preventing the so-called “plasma shielding”. By capturing the dynamics of
the initial stage of the interaction, we report on a detailed visualization of the pre-plasma formation and evolution.

Nanometer-thin diamond-like carbon foils are shown to transition from solid to plasma during the laser rising edge
with intensities < 1016 W/cm². Single-shot near-infrared probe transmission measurements evidence sub-picosecond
dynamics of an expanding plasma with densities above 1023 cm−3 (about 100 times the critical plasma density). The
complementarity of a solid-state interaction model and kinetic plasma description provides deep insight into the
interplay of initial ionization, collisions, and expansion.

Introduction applications like time-resolved radiography of electric and

Ultrafast laser-solid interaction enabled major techno- magnetic fields in plasmas7, fast ignition in inertial con-
logical breakthroughs over the last half-century in low- finement fusion8,9, material testing and analysis10, proton
and high-power laser regimes. In the former, controlled and carbon ion radiobiology11,12 and cancer therapy13.
modifications of materials are nowadays achieved through However, challenges need to be overcome in order to
advanced laser ablation such as micro-machining in achieve better performance in laser ablation and to bring
solids1,2 or production of nanoparticles using laser abla- laser-based ion beams to societal applications. Certainly,
tion in liquids3,4. In the latter, ion beams with unique the interaction between lasers and solids encompasses a
properties5,6 produced from relativistic laser-thin foil multitude of fundamental processes, the interplay of
interactions paved the way to ground-breaking which largely remains undetermined. Hence, it is crucial
to clarify the interplay of these processes in the early
stages of the interaction. On the one hand, this is neces-
Correspondence: Yasmina Azamoum (
sary to prevent phenomena such as “plasma shielding,”
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Planckstr. 1, 64291
which diminishes ablation efficiency3, and on the other
Darmstadt, Germany
Helmholtz Institute Jena, Fröbelstieg 3, 07743 Jena, Germany hand, it is essential for the precise control of the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2024

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Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 2 of 12

relativistic laser-thin foil interaction. Rapid progress in approaches utilizing particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations27,28,
laser-driven ion acceleration over the past two decades the interaction is described starting from a pre-plasma
has demonstrated the production of proton energies up to state, which is then irradiated by the relativistic peak of
~ 100 megaelectronvolts (MeV)14, yet protons of the laser pulse. The initial stage of the plasma formation
~ 200 MeV are required for radiation oncology15. How- from the solid state by the laser rising edge is usually
ever, theoretical predictions have anticipated the accel- ignored. However, several preponderant fundamental
eration of protons with energies reaching several hundred processes occur in this early interaction stage. Among
MeV16,17, providing additional impetus for ongoing others, these include initial ionization in the solid state,
experimental efforts14,18,19. conduction electron heating by the laser, electron energy-
Due to the complex nature of the interaction, several coupling to the lattice or ions, phase transitions, and
ion acceleration mechanisms can be triggered, which collisions. Simplifying the interplay of these processes is
intricately depend on the laser pulse parameters, the commonly done by making strong assumptions about the
properties of the target and the plasma, and their spa- complex process of pre-plasma formation. Hydrodynamic
tiotemporal evolution during the interaction. The tem- codes29,30 are usually employed to infer pre-plasma
poral intensity profile of the laser pulse, i.e., the laser properties considering the laser’s rising edge and possi-
contrast, exhibits a rising edge preceding the relativistic ble pre-pulses. Although these codes provide a reasonable
peak and may even include a pedestal due to amplified estimate of the spatial density profiles, the distribution
spontaneous emission (ASE) and ultra-short pre-pulses. functions of the species, i.e., their temperatures and the
Thus, in real-world experiments, the target is always ionization state, rely on approximations. For instance,
ionized before the relativistic intensities are reached, only averaged physical quantities (densities, velocities,
forming the so-called pre-plasma. Efficient ion accelera- etc.) are considered in these codes, assuming the dis-
tion may occur depending on the pre-plasma state. For tribution functions of particles at equilibrium. This
instance, in the case of Radiation Pressure Acceleration oversimplification may result in an inaccurate prediction
(RPA)20 using nanometer-thin foils, one tries to minimize of the pre-plasma properties and the acceleration process,
pre-plasma expansion at all costs because the strong motivating further experimental and theoretical
pressure of the relativistic pulse is supposed to accelerate investigations.
a thin layer of ions and electrons of a non-expanded tar- In experiments, several techniques allow us to diagnose
get. Thus, RPA requires an ultrahigh laser contrast, which the pre-plasma properties. For instance, the target
poses an extreme challenge for current state-of-the-art reflectivity of the intense pulse31 can be used to evidence
high-power lasers. In contrast, pre-plasma conditions can the pre-plasma formation, while monitoring the critical
be tailored to optimize Target Normal Sheath Accelera- density surface is achieved by measuring the Doppler
tion (TNSA)21,22 employing µm-thick foils. The electro- shift32,33 of the backscattered light of the pulse’s funda-
static field, which accelerates the protons at the target rear mental and its second harmonic from the target. How-
side, is induced by hot electrons heated by the main laser ever, capturing the ultrafast evolution of the pre-plasma
pulse in the pre-plasma produced on the target front side. during the steep laser rising edge, i.e., femtosecond (fs)
Although extensively investigated, to date, proton ener- dynamics on the nanometer (nm) scale, is challenging.
gies achieved in TNSA23 and RPA24 have not yet exceeded Furthermore, the shot-to-shot fluctuations inherent to
100 MeV. high-power lasers emphasize the desirability of single-
Alternative acceleration schemes proposed in16,17 are shot probing diagnostics.
based on Relativistic-Induced Transparency (RIT)25,26. In Optical probing is a convenient tool for investigating
contrast to surface acceleration as in TNSA and RPA, the such plasmas. However, light with wavelength λ can only
laser peak penetrates a near-critical overdense pre-plasma propagate in a plasma with electron density ne < nc where
owing to the relativistic increase of the electrons’ mass, nc is the critical density given by nc ¼ ω2 me ε0 =e2 
which leads to a change in the plasma’s refractive index 1:11 ´ 1021 cm3 =½λðμmÞ2 . Then, a non-collisional, non-
(RIT effect). Hence, efficient heating of the particles may magnetized, and non-relativistic plasma ffi exhibits a real-
occur in the now-extended interaction volume. Although valued refractive index η ¼ 1  ne =nc . Thus, techniques
appealing, the success of RIT-based schemes in experi- such as interferometry34,35 and shadowgraphy19,36 usually
ments is challenging. Pre-expanded nanofoils are usually employed to monitor pre-plasma evolution are con-
employed in this regime14,18. In this scenario, the evolu- strained to diagnose underdense plasma, or offer limited
tion of the pre-plasma density must be tailored to the temporal and spatial resolutions in the picosecond (ps)
rising edge of the main pulse. range and micrometer scale, respectively. The nm-scale
Fine-tuning the target state before the arrival of the pre-plasma expansion was recently measured with
pulse peak requires accurate modeling to identify the reflected visible probe light from the target37. In contrast,
tunable key parameters. In conventional modeling the density and the temperature evolutions of plasmas
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 3 of 12

that are overdense for near-infrared (NIR) light, (<1013 W=cm2 ), using laser pulses ( 100 ps) with plasma
ne > 1021 cm3 , could only be diagnosed using laser-driven dynamics reported on tens of ps time scales42. In contrast,
extreme ultraviolet (XUV) or hard X-ray sources in an ultrafast transition was only investigated in experi-
combination with hydrodynamic codes or X-ray absorp- ments with < 100 fs-resolution43 using sub-picosecond
tion spectroscopy with computationally demanding ab laser pulses. However, to our knowledge, the ultrafast
initio calculations38,39 (sub-ps time resolution), or using solid-to-plasma transition during a steep laser rising edge
X-ray free electron lasers40 (fs- and nm-resolutions). has not yet been described in detail.
Although these techniques give access to overdense Using a pump-probe approach comprising single-shot
plasma properties and an accurate description at the NIR probe light transmission measurements and a two-
atomic level, they imply using limited-access facilities or, step interaction model, we report on the experimental
at least, a rather complex setup for the probe. None of the observation of an ultrafast transition from solid to highly
methods mentioned above reported single-shot probing. overdense and expanding plasma. The latter is triggered
In this article, we will exploit the fact that longer probe during the laser rising edge when irradiating nm-thin
wavelengths, e.g., in the NIR regime, can still be used to diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils by femtosecond laser
diagnose such plasmas. When ne >nc , the probe light is pulses with peak intensities exceeding I  1016 W=cm2 .
primarily reflected as η becomes imaginary. However, a Besides capturing the early stage of the interaction, which
fraction of light still penetrates the plasma over the skin
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is relevant for laser ablation, similar parameters can
depth ls  c=ωp , where ωp ¼ ne e2 =ðme ε0 Þ is the plasma willingly be employed when using a controlled pre-pulse
frequency. If the plasma is sufficiently thin (<ls ), the NIR interacting with a relativistic peak in the context of RIT,
light tunnels through and, therefore, can be detected to which additionally motivates this study.
investigate the target’s dynamics. Besides, as ls / 1= ne , a
large electron density range can be probed in ultrathin Results
targets. Furthermore, when the pulse is temporally The evolution of the laser contrast of the pump pulses,
chirped, the probe light allows us to investigate the used to irradiate nm-thick DLC foils, is depicted in Fig. 1a.
plasma dynamics in single-shot measurements41. The profile is well described by the two fitting curves in
To model such optical probing of thin, overdense red, which will be used in the upcoming data analysis and
plasma dynamics, we propose a novel and alternative modeling. Particularly relevant will be the steep rising
approach to describe, with a limited number of postulates, edge in the time window 3:7 ps  t pump   0:2 ps,
the pre-plasma formation from the initial laser-target described by the contrast ratio CR ¼ expðt pump =277 fsÞ
interaction, namely, the transition from the solid state to with an intensity profile I ¼ I peak ´ CR, where I peak is the
the plasma state. The further pre-plasma evolution before maximum intensity at the peak of the pulse. To ensure
the arrival of the main pulse peak can be readily described that the plasma is formed during this steep rising edge
using well-established PIC codes. So far, such a transition only (around an intensity I  1012 W=cm2 ), I peak is
has only been investigated at lower peak intensities reduced to  1015 W=cm2 so that significant ionization

a b c O (nm)
100 Chirped Target To 1D-SR 860 840 820 800 780 760 Tr
Contrast ratio CR (I/Imax)

Measured probe pulse 1

imaging 50



10–2 Fit
v e–~tpump~/277 fs spectrometer 40
Pump pulse 30 0.8
y (Pm)

10–4 Artifact 20
y x 10 3 Pm 0.6
v e–(~tpump~/28 fs)0.4 50 1 z 0
10–6 –10 0.4
y (Pm)

10–8 (2) (1)

0 0.1 –30 0.2
–40 Pump intensity
10–10 –50 profile 0
–14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 Pump focus 0.01 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
tpump (ps) –40 0 40 tprobe (ps)
x (Pm)

Fig. 1 Single-shot space and time-resolved probe transmission measurement. a The pump laser’s temporal intensity contrast. The color-shaded
regions (1) and (2) are related to the modeling discussed in Fig. 2e. The feature at tpump  5 ps is an artifact from the measurement, cf. Materials and
methods. b The experimental arrangement. The pump pulse is focused at normal incidence on the target, while the probe pulse is obliquely incident
under an angle α ¼ 37°. The inset shows the pump focus’s normalized spatial intensity profile. c 1D-spatially and temporally resolved relative
transmission T r of the probe for a 10 nm-thick DLC foil measured using a 1D-spatially resolving (SR) imaging spectrometer and a chirped probe pulse.
The wavelength on the top axis is converted into time on the bottom axis where tprobe ¼ 0 ps is arbitrarily chosen and corresponds to the arrival of
the probe wavelength λ ≈ 920 nm. The inserted yellow curve is the normalized spatial intensity profile of the pump pulse in the transverse y-direction
(cf. inset in b)
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 4 of 12

From TSI model
a 1.0 b 1.0 c 1.0 d 1.0
0.8 5 nm 0.8 10 nm 0.8 20 nm 0.8 50 nm

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
–3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5
tpump (ps) tpump (ps) tpump (ps) tpump (ps)
PIC only SSI only TSI model
e 1.0 f 1000
5 nm
10 nm
0.8 100
20 nm
50 nm
0.6 10


0.4 1 5 nm
(2) (1) 10 nm
0.2 0.1 20 nm
50 nm
0.0 0.01
–4.0 –3.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 –4.0 –3.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0
tpump (ps) tpump (ps)

Fig. 2 Measured and computed probe absolute transmission T(t) through the interaction region (y = 0 µm) induced by the pump laser
pulse on DLC foils, and the calculated plasma electron densities. a–d Measured (blue) and calculated (red) T ðtÞ for DLC foils of thicknesses from
5 to 50 nm. The measurements are averaged over four shots with peak intensities Ipeak  1015  1016 W=cm2 . The blue shaded region is the standard
deviation over all shots for each foil. The red curve is computed using the TSI model with Ipeak  1015 W=cm2 and plotted as a function of tpump . The
measured and calculated curves are aligned at their inflection points where the relative transmission is 50 %. The red arrows delimit the time intervals
for SSI and PIC steps in the TSI model. e Computed time-dependent probe transmission for different interaction models for different DLC foil
thicknesses (5 nm: black, 10 nm: red, 20 nm: blue and 50 nm: green): the dashed line, the triangles and the solid line correspond to PIC only, SSI only
(up to ne ≈ 20nc ) and the TSI model, respectively. The blue and orange arrows correspond to the time intervals given by the shaded regions with the
same colors in the laser temporal intensity profile in Fig. 1a. f Maximum electron densities nmax
e as a function of tpump corresponding to the different
simulations shown in (e). The density obtained from the SSI model does not depend on the foil thickness by construction and is therefore shown in
violet. The shaded grey regions in (e) and (f) indicate where the extended SSI model (up to ne ≈ 70nc ) was used

starts after t pump  4 ps. As the steep rising edge covers λ t820 nm and hence T r  0. The plasma profile in the
~5 orders of magnitude in intensity, varying the peak transverse y-direction exhibits a shape and size similar to
intensity by one order of magnitude may result in a the focal spot, cf. inset of Fig. 1b, indicating that the laser’s
relative time shift of the plasma formation. However, first low-intensity Airy ring beyond the first minimum
because of the particular functional form of the contrast induces the wings observed in the plasma transverse
ratio CR, apart from this shift, the temporal evolution of profile.
the plasma remains unchanged. The experimental setup is In the upcoming analysis, we focus on the plasma
shown in Fig. 1b. The interaction region was diagnosed in dynamics in the central high-intensity region of the focal
the transverse y-direction and in time, using a temporally spot at y ¼ 0 μm. For simplicity, in this article the particle
chirped broadband probe pulse in transmission whose densities are expressed as a function of the critical plasma
different wavelengths arrive at different interaction times. density nc ¼ 1:72 ´ 1021 cm3 for the probe wavelength
With this approach, the plasma formation and evolution λ ¼ 800 nm. We observed in our simulations that the
can be recorded within a single shot, achieving a sub-ps plasma dispersion is negligible in the probe wavelength
time resolution44 (see details for pulse characterization range λ  700  900 nm (cf. Supplementary materials).
and probing in section Materials and methods). DLC foils of various thicknesses (5, 10, 20, 50 nm) were
A typical space- and time-resolved probe transmission used as the target.
map measured with a 1D spatially resolved imaging The measured absolute transmissions T for all DLC
spectrometer through a main-pulse irradiated, 10-nm thicknesses are depicted as the blue lines in Fig. 2a–d (see
thick DLC foil as the target is shown in Fig. 1c. Such a Supplementary materials and section Materials and
map reveals the transition from the target being trans- methods for measurements and processing details). The
parent to an opaque state where the probe is blocked for transmission profiles for each foil are reproducible when
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 5 of 12

varying the peak intensity over one order of magnitude, transmission profiles in the experiment were found to be
which contrasts with previous works42,43, where the insensitive to the peak intensity variation and the plasma
transmission dynamics varies in shape and amplitude forms during the steep rising edge of the laser pulse, the
depending on intensity. This result confirms that the laser intensity profile is described by I ¼
plasma always forms during the steep rising  edge of the I peak expðt pump =277 fsÞ in the simulations with Ipeak =
pump pulse described by CR ¼ expðt pump =277 fsÞ. 1015 W/cm2. The transmission of a probe plane wave
Varying the peak intensity only shifts the plasma forma- propagating through the generated plasma with density
tion in time, that is, by  1 ps, but the temporal evolution ne ðz; tÞ was calculated to compare the simulation results
remains the same. Therefore, knowledge of the absolute to the experimental measurements. Further details of our
timing of the pump’s arrival is not required here. For computational methodology are provided in the section
better comparison, the measured transmission curves in Materials and methods.
Fig. 2a–d are shifted so that they are aligned with the
calculated ones at their inflection point, that is, where the In a first attempt, the interaction was simulated using
relative transmission is T r ¼ 50 %. The profiles show a the one-dimensional (1D) PIC code SMILEI28, consider-
sub-picosecond transition from a transparent, solid-state ing a cold DLC foil interacting with the pump pulse
target foil represented by the plateau (T ¼ T 0 ) at early (simulation parameters are given in Materials and meth-
times to an overdense plasma state at later times (T  0). ods). Figure 2e (dashed lines) shows the resulting trans-
Transmission dynamics can be characterized by the mission profiles using the electron densities obtained
thickness-dependent transmission time τ  400  700 fs from the SMILEI PIC code alone. For all target thick-
required for transmission to drop from 90 % to 10 %. nesses, the transmission drops quickly with τ  100 fs, i.e.,
As the targets are very thin (thickness  λ), the low much faster than experimentally measured. In addition,
measured probe transmissions (T  0:01) imply highly Fig. 2f shows that plasma formation (ionization) starts at
overdense plasmas with electron densities ne  nc . To t pump  1 ps where I  1013 W=cm2 , which is the
evaluate the impact of the plasma electron density on the intensity threshold for photo-ionization of carbon atoms.
probe transmission, we calculated the optical tunneling of This ultrafast transition from a cold target to a highly
the probe through a homogeneous plasma slab analyti- overdense plasma, i.e., >100nc over a time interval <100 fs,
cally (see Materials and methods). For a 10 nm thick corresponds to the abrupt drop in the predicted probe
plasma slab with electron density ne ¼ 50nc , this estima- transmission.
tion leads to T  0:26. Hence, a significant fraction of the This discrepancy with the experiment can be attributed
probe intensity is expected to tunnel through the target. to the inadequate description of the pristine target. A PIC
However, our measurements yield even lower transmis- code treats the target as an ensemble of individual carbon
sion values, indicating that the plasma is highly overdense atoms, which does not account for the solid state. Hence,
>50nc . Furthermore, assuming a plasma slab of 5 nm only the ionization of the individual atoms is considered.
thickness with electron density nfie ¼ 371nc , correspond- However, DLC may already be ionized as a solid carbon
ing to full ionization of the DLC foil (see Materials and foil at lower energy. Indeed, the target is a semiconductor
methods for target properties), the previous plasma slab with a band gap of  1:1 eV. This energy value is much
model would give T  0:024, which is still higher than the lower than the first ionization energy of carbon atoms
measured value of 0:01. For comparison, a density of  11:3 eV. The plasma is, thus, expected to form earlier
 2nfie would decrease the transmission to 0:5 %. and at lower laser intensities already. Therefore, the actual
Since the plasma density cannot exceed nfie , then ionization dynamics of the solid foil needs to be included
another process must be responsible for the reduction of in the modeling.
probe light transmission in the experiment. The simple To correctly account for ionization in solids, a simulation
plasma slab model shows that for ne  nc , increasing the was carried out with a solid-state interaction (SSI) model
plasma thickness d while keeping the product ne d con- adapted from Ref. 45. The ionization is described by solving
stant decreases the transmission. Therefore, our mea- multiple rate equations46 (details are given in Materials and
surements confirm that significant plasma expansion methods). This model was already used to successfully
already occurs on sub-ps timescales, and thus needs to be interpret an experiment of laser-induced plasma formation
considered in the modeling. from a dielectric solid presented in Ref. 42. The SSI simu-
lations take into account the complete pump laser’s tem-
Discussion poral intensity profile (Fig. 1a, solid red line), yielding the
Comprehensive numerical simulations were performed temporal evolution of the plasma density ne ðtÞ as shown by
to explain the experimental findings. We investigated the violet solid triangles in Fig. 2f. As expected, significant
different interaction models to compute the time- plasma generation occurs in the steep rising edge t pump > 
dependent free electron density ne ðtÞ. As the 3 ps. By assuming homogeneous, non-expanding plasmas
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 6 of 12

with thicknesses corresponding to the target foils, the At the melting point, the band structure disappears, and
transmission profiles can be computed and are shown in Fig. the ions start to be free.
2e (solid triangles). The SSI model stops at t pump  2:3 ps A semiconductor under femtosecond laser irradiation
at the rising edge where the maximum density ne  20nc is may undergo non-thermal melting47,48. In contrast to
reached. This model was developed for dielectric materials thermal melting, a significant fraction of the electrons is
such as fused silica ðSiO2 Þ with a high band gap  9 eV and promoted abruptly from the valence band to the conduc-
a maximum density ne  20nc . tion band. Consequently, the lattice bonds are rapidly
The results in Fig. 2e (solid triangles) show that the weakened, and the ions or atoms start to move before
transmission dynamics is not fully described by this model reaching the thermal melting point. This scenario may
alone, as the total opaqueness T  0 is not reached at occur as an exponentially increasing laser intensity con-
t pump  2:3 ps for none of the target thicknesses inves- tinuously irradiates the DLC. The non-thermal melting may
tigated. Nevertheless, we observe a significantly slower start at ne  10nc 47, the threshold for Si, a semiconductor
transmission decrease in the SSI model compared to the with a band gap of  1:12 eV similar to DLC. Additionally,
previous PIC results in Fig. 2e (dashed lines), closer to our ions require a few 100 fs to be entirely free47. Therefore, to
experimental observations. Furthermore, the electron ensure an initial plasma state composed of entirely free ions,
density evolution in Fig. 2f indicates that ionization starts as assumed in the PIC description, we extrapolate the SSI
earlier and, thus, at lower intensities than predicted by the model to nm e  70nc so that the PIC simulation starts about
PIC code alone, involving atomic ionization rates. 0:5 ps after the beginning of the melting process. In the SSI
model, because DLC has a much smaller band gap
Solid-state and kinetic plasma description: Two-step model ð 1:1 eVÞ than fused silica for which the SSI model was
To overcome the limitations of both models and pro- originally developed, further ionization can occur from the
vide a better description of the target dynamics, we pro- lower bands of the solid state band structure. Thus, a higher
pose a combination of the SSI model at earlier times and electron density may be produced. Therefore, we assume
the PIC description at later times. On the one hand, the validity of the model up to ne  70nc for our configuration,
SSI model describes the laser interaction with solids. On and highly overdense plasmas may be obtained from our
the other hand, the PIC code correctly handles the extended SSI model. However, going beyond this value
kinetics of a highly overdense plasma. We will refer to the would certainly break the validity of the model, e.g., due to
combination of SSI and PIC as the two-step interaction the ionization of the inner shells of carbon atoms, a process
(TSI) model. In the TSI model, the simulation starts with that is not adequately described by the extended SSI model.
the SSI model and is continued by a PIC simulation after To bridge the SSI ionization dynamics to the PIC simula-
an overdense plasma is formed. As the PIC description tions when non-thermal melting occurs, electron and lattice
considers only free particles such as electrons, ions, and temperatures, T e and T l , respectively, must be determined.
atoms, a reasonable switching point is when the melting Following Refs. 42,45 and references therein, we use a stan-
state of DLC is reached (Further discussion regarding the dard two-temperature model (TTM). The results shown in
switching point is provided in Supplementary materials). e is reached at t pump 
Fig. 3a indicate that, at the melting, nm

a b 0.50 100
0.25 C1+ C3+
z (Pm)

102 (nc)
2 e- 0.00
Extended SSI model 10 0.25 75
–0.25 103
z (Pm)

101 TTM, TI 0.00 0.25 C2+ C4+
z (Pm)

TTM, Te 10 1 –0.25 25 0.00 102

0 5 nm, Te –0.50 0 –0.50
ne /nc

–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.0

–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5
T (eV)

50 nm, Te
tpump (ps) tpump (ps) tpump (ps)
c 0.50 300
0.25 C1+ C3+ 100
z (Pm)

10 –1 e- 0.00
10–2 0.25
200 –0.25
z (Pm)

0.25 C2+ C4+
–3 –2 100 0.00
z (Pm)

10 10 –0.25
–14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 –0.25 10–2
–0.50 0 –0.50
tpump (ps) –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0
tpump (ps) tpump (ps) tpump (ps) 10–3

Fig. 3 Computed plasma properties during the interaction from the TSI model for DLC foils of 5 and 50 nm thicknesses. Here, the pump
laser propagates in positive z-direction. a Time-dependent electron density from the SSI model, lattice (T l ), and electron (T e ) temperatures from the
TTM model for all thicknesses and T e for 5 and 50 nm thicknesses from PIC simulations. b and c show the spatiotemporal dynamics of the electron
and the carbon ion densities for 5 and 50 nm thick foils, respectively. The black and green dashed lines correspond to maximum electron densities
e as a function of tpump for 5 nm and 50 nm thicknesses, respectively
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 7 of 12

1:93 ps, corresponding to an intensity of I  1012 W=cm2 Table 1 Transmission time τ obtained from the
and T m e  4:6 eV and T i  0:34 eV. Further details on the
m experiments and all models
TSI parameters are provided in Materials and methods.
DLC foil (nm) τexp (ps) τPIC (ps) τSSI (ps) τTSI (ps)
Calculated transmission dynamics using the densities
ne ðz; t Þ from the TSI model are shown as solid lines in 5 0.47 ± 0.13 0.1 ∞ 1.02
Fig. 2e for the different target thicknesses. All transmis-
10 0.63 ± 0.08 0.05 ∞ 0.82
sion profiles reach T  0 in the PIC stage of the model,
where plasma expansion is considered. The characteristic 20 0.37 ± 0.14 0.03 ∞ 0.55
times τ of the transmission dynamics are a few hundreds 50 0.52 ± 0.23 0.03 ∞ 0.44
of fs, which is in good agreement with the measurements
τ is the time required for the transmission to drop from 90 % to 10 % relative
as shown in Fig. 2a-d. It is worth noting that extrapolating transmission
the SSI model to ne  70nc shows an excellent agreement
with the experiment, further validating the application of
the SSI model to materials with a lower band gap such as triangles). However, when combining the extended SSI
DLC. The extended SSI domain is indicated by the shaded model and PIC in the TSI model, τ TSI shows good
gray region in Fig. 2e and Fig. 2f. Some slight dis- agreement with the experimental values. Although none
crepancies between the TSI results and our measurements of the two models (SSI or PIC) alone could explain the
can be observed, such as a higher transmission predicted experimental observations, they are, however, com-
by the TSI model for the PIC results with the thinnest plementary, as each of them includes necessary funda-
foils and the reverse behavior for the 50 nm case. Possible mental processes to describe an ultrafast laser-solid
reasons may be the experimental target thickness uncer- interaction. On the one hand, the initial stage of the
tainty of about 20 % or a systematic underestimation of interaction, i.e., ionization of a solid, can only be accu-
the ionization yield and thus ne in the PIC simulations due rately described using the SSI model. Such a description is
to the abrupt switch to a pure particle description. not possible in the PIC description as the latter only
Besides, an overestimation of ne in the SSI description can considers the laser interaction with free particles. On the
also be attributed to an inhomogeneous ionization likely other hand, a low transmission at later times indicates, as
occurring for thicker foils because ls is shorter than the discussed previously, a highly overdense and/or expand-
plasma thickness. This inhomogeneity is currently not ing plasma. Such plasma cannot be described by the SSI
taken into account in the first part of the TSI model. model, but the PIC description accounts for plasma
Moreover, during its transition from solid to plasma, the kinetics (expansion) and the inner shell ionization pro-
target passes through the highly non-linear and – for our cess. Therefore, the ultrafast solid-to-overdense plasma
conditions – ultrafast regime of warm dense matter transition as observed in our experiments can only be
(WDM), which neither SSI nor PIC models adequately accurately described using the TSI model.
describe. Considering and mitigating these limitations is
beyond the scope of this work. Nevertheless, our TSI Initial plasma expansion and interplay of ionization
approach confirms that an ultrafast solid-to-overdense processes
plasma transition occurs in the experiments. To correctly To emphasize the role of the plasma expansion,
describe this early stage of the interaction, both the solid Fig. 3b, c shows the computed spatiotemporal evolution
properties (SSI model) and the plasma properties (PIC of the plasma properties for the 5 nm and the 50 nm-thick
approach) are essential, and only the combination of both foils. For the thinnest foil in Fig. 3b, ne ðz; t Þ exhibits a
models yields an accurate description of the experimental strongly expanded profile at the end of the simulation,
results. caused by the rapid heating of the plasma as the intensity
approaches the peak. At t pump ¼ 0 ps, the plasma thick-
Comparison of modeling methods: SSI, PIC, and TSI ness with density ne nc is estimated to be ∼ 300 nm,
In Table 1 we summarize the transmission results about 60 times the original target thickness. Besides, the
obtained, characterized by the transmission time τ, from relatively low maximum density of ne  7nc highlights the
the different modeling methods and their comparison importance of the plasma expansion for lowering the
with the experimental results for all target thicknesses. probe transmission. Furthermore, the density profile
As highlighted previously, the transmissions obtained evolves symmetrically in time, in contrast to the strong
from PIC simulations starting from a cold DLC foil drop asymmetry observed for the 50 nm-thick foil shown in
much faster than in experiment with τ PIC  100 fs. No Fig. 3c, where a high-density region reaching a maximum
meaningful transmission time τ SSI could be extracted, of  270nc with extended low-density drops at the target
because the full transmission dynamics could not be front and back side, while the drop is steeper at the back.
described using the SSI model alone (cf. Figure 2e, solid These results point out that, on the one hand, our
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 8 of 12

measurements evidenced the plasma expansion for the thin foil interaction, this transition has neither been stu-
thinnest foil, and, on the other hand, applying the TSI died in detail in simulations nor detected in experiments.
model is crucial for correctly describing the interaction in We demonstrated an all-optical single-shot technique that
its initial phase. Such detailed knowledge of the target characterizes the complete evolution of the target.
evolution is paramount for matching the laser contrast Because our technique relies on optical tunneling, acces-
conditions to the target (or plasma) thickness to achieve sing the overdense plasma regime is possible. Our findings
efficient laser-driven ion acceleration. indicate that a correct description of the target transition
Finally, the interplay of fundamental processes such as from a solid to a plasma state is crucial for understanding
ionization and collisions, which eventually determine the the plasma evolution in laser-solid interactions, which is
target properties at the peak arrival, is accessible by using of paramount importance not only for pre-plasma char-
our experimental measurements and comparison to our acterization in the high-power laser regime but also for
modeling strategy. During the laser-induced solid-to- laser ablation in the low-power laser regime.
plasma transition investigated in this work, the free Our single-shot NIR probe transmission measurements
electrons are produced in the SSI step by the multi- evidence a non-negligible plasma expansion that can
photon ionization (MPI) process in the solid state. Due to significantly reduce the probe intensity tunneling through
the low electron temperature during this step (T e < 5 eV) very thin foils. We develop a general picture of the evo-
inferred from the TTM, cf. Figure 3a, collisional ioniza- lution of the plasma by employing a two-step interaction
tion (CI) is negligible, estimated to be  1 %. In fact, model comprising a combination of a solid-state inter-
although ne  70nc at t pump  2 ps, the laser intensity action model and a PIC code. A detailed description of the
I  1012 W=cm2 is not sufficient to heat the electrons to pre-plasma properties before the peak arrival is achieved,
induce a significant number of ionizing collisions. In the going well beyond the previous modeling of high-intensity
PIC step, however, collisions occur as free electrons are laser-matter interactions.
available and heated by the exponentially increasing laser Our approach can readily provide a detailed description
intensity. Consequently, CI starts at a lower intensity than of the plasma formed by pre-expanding a thin foil using a
the threshold intensity I  1013 W=cm2 for photoioniza- controlled pre-pulse, usually in the intensity range studied
tion of carbon ions and becomes quickly dominant. The in this work. Besides being of fundamental interest, such
abrupt behavior of CI, being negligible at the end of SSI insight is crucial to finding the matching laser-target
and being dominant at the beginning of the PIC phase, conditions required for the RIT-based acceleration
suggests that CI starts to become dominant during the regime. Our experimental findings and the application of
highly non-linear and ultrafast WDM transition, which our modeling approaches might therefore contribute to
our TSI model does not describe. Therefore, despite being making laser-accelerated ion technologies usable for
in an intensity range suitable for photo-ionizing carbon societal applications. Finally, our method can be extended
ions, this ionization process does not play a role in our to thicker foils that exhibit high initial transmission, such
experiments. Simulations without photoionization in as dielectrics. In this case, the TSI model must be mod-
SMILEI do not alter the TSI results shown in Fig. 2, and ified accordingly to consider the target inhomogeneity
thus confirm this interpretation. While the ionization during the interaction. A relatively simple approach could
charge state of the pre-plasma is usually based on be to solve the one-dimensional Helmholtz equation
assumptions when modeling relativistic laser-matter coupled to the TTM model in the SSI step. Such a
interactions, in this work, gaining insight into the ioni- modified TSI model could be also used to describe the
zation processes naturally leads to the detailed knowledge ionization and plasma dynamics of thick nontransparent
of different ion species and their dynamics in the plasma. targets, where the initial plasma is produced on the front
For example, the final average charge state C 4þ shown in surface only.
Fig. 3b, c could not have been predicted without con-
sidering collisions and CI being the dominant ionization Materials and methods
mechanism. Laser system and pulse characterization
The experiments were carried out using the all-diode
Conclusions pumped high-power laser system POLARIS49, operated by
In summary, our investigation sheds light on the sub- the Helmholtz-Institute Jena and the Institute of Optics
picosecond transition from a solid target to a highly and Quantum Electronics in Jena. The temporal intensity
overdense plasma (ne >100nc ) produced with nm-thin contrast of the pump laser, as measured with a third-order
DLC foils during the laser rising edge with intensities cross-correlator (Amplitude, Sequoia), is shown in Fig. 1a.
increasing up to I  1016 W=cm2 . Even though this stage The profile is well described by the two fitting curves in
of pre-plasma formation is crucial for the conditions for red. The indicated artifact at t pump  5 ps is due to a
the subsequent ion acceleration during a relativistic laser- post-pulse induced by a glass wafer inserted into the beam
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 9 of 12

path in the interaction chamber for debris shielding, wavelength components arrive at different interaction
hence not affecting the interaction, and is therefore times. With this approach, the plasma formation and
ignored throughout our analysis. evolution can be recorded within a single shot, achieving a
Particularly relevant is the steep rising edge in the time sub-ps time resolution44. An extent of Δx  3 μm of the
window 3:7 ps  t pump  0:2ps, described by the interaction region is imaged onto the entrance slit of the
contrast ratio CR ¼ expðt pump =277 fsÞ with an inten- 1D-spatially resolving spectrometer. The relative timing
sity profile I ¼ I peak ´ CR, where I peak is the intensity of between POLARIS-main and NOPA-probe pulses (seeded
the peak characterized by  150 fs Full Width at Half by the same oscillator) can be adjusted using a delay stage
Maximum (FWHM) pulse duration. In the experiments, with sub-ps resolution. We measure the relative probe
the peak intensity is reduced to I peak  1015 W=cm2 by transmission through the plasma T r ¼ T =T 0 , where T 0
inserting a half-inch aperture into the beam path of the and T are the measured transmission values without and
few J-energy, 140 mm-diameter, and linearly polarized with the interaction induced by the pump pulse, respec-
pulses centered at λp ¼ 1030 nm before being focused tively. The conversion of the probe wavelength to time is
with an off-axis parabola (300 mm-focal length) at normal calibrated using an additional pre-pulse with an adjustable
incidence on the DLC foil. Thus, the relative contrast time delay. The measured absolute transmission T in Fig.
profile is kept similar to that for the relativistic high- 2a–d are obtained as the lineout at y ¼ 0 μm averaged by
intensity pulses. The resulting  3 mJ energy pump pulses 3 μm. The measurements in the same figure are averaged
are focused to a spot showing an Airy pattern (see the over four shots with intensities in the range I  1015 
inset in Fig. 1b) with a  40 μm FWHM diameter con- 1016 W=cm2 for each foil thickness.
taining  60 % of the pulse energy after the aperture. The
experiments were carried out inside a vacuum chamber at Modeling
a pressure of about 10−5 mbar. Analytical model for optical tunneling
We assume a p-polarized probe plane wave at an angle
Target of incidence of α ¼ 37° at the overdense and homo-
The diamond-like carbon (DLC) targets used in this geneous plasma slab of thickness d with the dielectric
experiment are free-standing foils of pure carbon (Micro- function ε < 0. Then, exploiting Maxwell’s boundary
matter TechnologiesTM Inc., with a mass density of ρDLC ¼ conditions55 at the front and rear sides of the slab yields
2:15 g=cm3 ). The foils were initially coated on a 1 mm- the transmission
thick borosilicate glass substrate (BK7) using the pulsed
laser deposition technique50. A thin layer of a release agent
is added between the foil and the substrate, which facil- T ¼   
itates the transfer of the pure DLC foils to the target holder. 1 þ C ð1 þ e8πγd=λ Þ þ 2 1  C 2 e4πγd=λ

The DLC foil is an amorphous semiconductor51, char- ð1Þ

acterized by an electronic band structure with a band gap
of  1:1 eV. The latter was estimated using the Tauc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
with γ ¼ sin2 α  ε, C ¼ γ 2εγ ε2 cos2 α

cos α and λ being the

method52. The target refractive index is given by ηDLC ¼
central probe wavelength. For a highly overdense plasma,
nDLC þ iκ DLC where nDLC  2:6553 and the extinction
we can assume ε  1  ne =nc .
coefficient κ DLC  0:5, which is obtained from a
wavelength-dependent transmission measurement carried
out using a Shimadzu Solid Spec-3700-spectrometer. The
carbon ionization energies are 11.3, 24.4, 47.8, 64.5, 392, Numerical simulations
and 490 eV. We used two complementary interaction models, dis-
cussed in detail below, to compute the time-dependent
Single-shot space and time-resolved probe transmission free electron density ne ðtÞ. As the transmission profiles in
diagnostic the experiment were found to be insensitive to the peak
The plasma dynamics are investigated by longitudinally intensity variation and the plasma forms during the steep
irradiating a  100 μm-extended region of the interaction rising edge of the laser pulse, the laser intensity is
with p-polarized broadband (Δλ  150 nm centered at described by I ¼ I peak expðjt pump j=277 fsÞ in the simu-
λ  840 nm under an incidence angle of α ¼ 37° ) and lations, and I peak ¼ 1015 W=cm2 . The transmission of a
 12μJ-energy probe pulses produced in a Non-collinear probe plane wave propagating through the generated
Optical Parametric Amplifier (NOPA)54. When optimally plasma with density ne ðz; tÞ was calculated by solving
compressed, the probe pulses have a duration of  14 fs. Maxwell’s equations. To this end, the matrix method
However, by applying a positive chirp to the pulses, their presented, e.g., in Refs. 56,57 was adapted. The Drude
duration is stretched to  6 ps so that their different model is used to compute the complex dielectric function
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 10 of 12

ε expressed as a function of ne as energetic electrons in the conduction band may transfer a

ne  νc
fraction of their energy by collisions with electrons in the
ε ¼ η2DLC  1þi ð2Þ valence band. The last state corresponds to the minimum
nc ω
energy required to induce impact ionization (i.e., at least
with ηDLC being the refractive index of the pristine target 1:5 times the bandgap46) with the rate e α ¼ 1015 s1 .
(see target section.); the temperature-averaged electron- Conduction electrons can also recombine within a
ion collision frequency was chosen as ν c ¼ 5 ´ 1014 s1 , characteristic timescale of τ r ¼ 1 ps. These parameter
consistent with what is discussed and used in the two- values have already been used in various studies
temperature model section; ω is the angular frequency of compatible with the present conditions59–62. The free
the probe. electron density is ne ¼ n0 þ n1 þ n2 . Because the empty-
ing of the valence band is not accounted for, ne can exceed
Particle-in-cell simulation (PIC) We use the one- tens of critical plasma densities. This approach remains
dimensional (1D) PIC code SMILEI28. The relevant valid as long as the band structure remains intact, that is,
implemented processes include multiphoton ionization before melting occurs.
(MPI), field ionization (tunneling ionization, TI), and
collisional ionization (CI) for atoms, and binary collisions Two-temperature model (TTM) Following Refs. 42,45
between electrons and ions. In the simulation box of L ¼ and references therein, we use a standard two-
1 μm length with a cell size of Δz ¼ 0:156 nm, the target temperature model (TTM),
was modeled as a slab of cold carbon atoms at solid
∂T e ∂U 3 ∂ne
density na ¼ 62nc , positioned at z ¼ 0 μm (cf. Fig. 3b, c). Ce ¼  kB T e  GðT e  T l Þ ð6Þ
∂t ∂t 2 ∂t
The pump laser with a central wavelength λp ¼ 1030 nm
enters the box from z < 0. Its temporal intensity envelope
∂T l
follows the steep rising edge mentioned above. The Cl ¼ GðT e  T l Þ ð7Þ
temporal resolution was Δt ¼ 5 ´ 104 fs. 2000 macro- ∂t
particles per cell were initialized in all the simulations. The heat capacities are C e ¼ 3ne k B =2 and C l ¼ 3na k B =2.
The electron-ion energy exchange factor G is evaluated by
Solid-state interaction model (SSI) To correctly G ¼ C e ν c me =ma . na and ma are the carbon atomic density
account for ionization in solids, we use a solid-state and mass, respectively. The electron-to-ion mass ratio
interaction (SSI) model adapted from Ref. 45. In this weights the collision frequency to account for energy
model, the ionization is described by solving state-of-the- exchange (ν c accounts for momentum transfer). The
art multiple rate equations46 where the target band source term is evaluated with the Drude model:
structure is described by a set of states accounting for
the electron dynamics in the conduction band. An ∂U e2 ne ν c
¼ E2 ð8Þ
electron density ni is associated with each state (where ∂t me ðω2 þ ν 2c Þ L
i 2 0; 1; 2), and the coupled system reads
where ν c ¼ ν ph is the electron-phonon collision frequency
∂n0 since the collisions are driven mainly by phonons in the
¼ W PI þ 2e
αn2  W 1 n0  n0 =τ r ð3Þ
∂t solid state. It then reads ν ph ¼ ν ph0 T l =T 0 , and ν ph0 is the
electron-phonon collision frequency at room temperature
∂n1 T 0 ¼ 300 K. It is set to ν ph0 ¼ 1014 s1 60. ν c is limited to
¼ W 1 n0  W 1 n1  n1 =τ r ð4Þ 5 ´ 1015 s1 to account for the upper value of the collision
frequency imposed by the electron mean free path45.
¼ W 1 n1  e
αn2  n2 =τ r ð5Þ Two-step interaction model (TSI) In our TSI model,
the time-dependent electron density is first computed
The first conduction state, n0 is filled with a W PI rate using the SSI model above, followed by the PIC
(MPI or TI depending on the intensity) obtained from the simulation which starts with a homogeneous plasma slab
Keldysh theory58. This stage describes the primary photo- with a density nme  70nc of the initial target thickness.
ionization process. Each conduction state is bridged by The electrons and carbon ions species are initialized with
one-photon absorption similar to the mechanism of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions with tempera-
inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption through the rate tures T m m
e and T i , respectively, computed in the TTM.
W 1 ¼ 3:5 ´ 107 E 2L in units of s1 , where E L is the laser Since ne exceeds the carbon solid atomic density na ¼

electric field in units of V m1 . The SSI model includes CI 62nc , the plasma is modeled partially ionized with a
and possible electron avalanche ionization, as highly mixture of single and double ionization states of carbons
Azamoum et al. Light: Science & Applications (2024)13:109 Page 11 of 12

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