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● Test scenarios :-

Project name : Restaurant Management System

Reference Docs : SRS Document v1.0

Created by : 1. Onkar Bansode

2. Aditya Dandwate
3. Yash Darunkar
4. Karan Gandhi

Date of Creation : 20-03-2024

Date of Review : 21-03-2024

Test No. of
Scenario Req. Ref. Scenario Positive/ Test
ID Index Description Negative Importance Cases

TS001 SRS-001 places dine-in Positive High 3

TS002 SRS-002 places Positive High 2
takeout order

TS003 SRS-003 Positive High 1
requests bill

TS004 SRS-004 pays with Positive High 1

TS005 SRS-005 pays with Positive High 1

TS006 SRS-006 pays with Positive Medium 1

TS007 SRS-007 requests Positive High 1
table for 2
TS008 SRS-008 requests Positive Medium 1
table for 10

TS009 SRS-009 Negative High 1
table, none

requests bill
TS010 SRS-010 Negative High 1

● Test Cases :-

● TS001 - Customer places dine-in order

○ Positive: Order is successfully placed for dine-in.
○ Positive: Correct items are added to the order.
○ Negative: Error message displayed for invalid item selection.
● TS002 - Customer places takeout order
○ Positive: Order is successfully placed for takeout.
○ Positive: Items are packed for takeout.
● TS003 - Customer requests bill
○ Positive: Bill is generated accurately.
● TS004 - Customer pays with cash
○ Positive: Cash payment processed successfully.
● TS005 - Customer pays with card
○ Positive: Card payment processed successfully.
● TS006 - Customer pays with mobile
○ Positive: Mobile payment processed successfully.
● TS007 - Customer requests table for 2
○ Positive: Table is allocated for 2 guests.
● TS008 - Customer requests table for 10
○ Positive: Large table allocated for 10 guests.
● TS009 - Customer requests table, none available
○ Negative: System displays "No tables available" message.
● TS010 - Customer requests bill without ordering
○ Negative: System prevents bill request without placing an order.
● Exercise :-

1.What is SRS ?
Ans :
The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a detailed document that
outlines what a software system should do. It includes functional and non-functional
requirements, constraints, and specifications. This document serves as a contract
between the client and the development team, ensuring a clear understanding of the
project's scope and features. It guides development, aids in project management,
and serves as a reference for testing. The SRS is crucial for ensuring the final
software meets client expectations effectively.

2. Explain benefits of SRS documents.

Ans :
The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document provides several
key benefits in the software development process. It offers a clear understanding of
the project's scope, guides development according to client requirements, acts as a
reference for project management, and ensures the final product meets expectations
through testing. In summary, the SRS facilitates effective communication, guides
development efforts, and ensures the successful delivery of a quality software

3.Explain different fields in test case writing.

Ans :
1. Test Case ID: A unique identifier for each test case, used for tracking and
reference purposes.
2. Requirement Reference: The reference to the specific requirement from the
SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document that the test case is
3. Test Scenario Description: A brief description of the test scenario or the
functionality being tested.
4. Positive/Negative: Indicates whether the test scenario is positive (valid input
or action) or negative (invalid input or error condition).
5. Importance: The priority or importance level of the test case, helping to
prioritise testing efforts.
6. No. of Test Cases: The number of individual test cases for the specific
scenario, if there are multiple variations or conditions to be tested.
4.Write test cases for testing login functionality of any web application.
Ans :
Here's the table format for the test cases for testing the login functionality of
a web application:

Test Case ID Description Steps Expected Result

1. Enter valid
Users should be
Valid Login 2. Enter valid
TC001 successfully
Credentials password.
logged in.
3. Click the "Login"

1. Enter invalid
Error message
2. Enter valid
TC002 Invalid Username should display an
invalid username.
3. Click the "Login"

1. Enter valid
Error message
2. Enter invalid
TC003 Invalid Password should display an
invalid password.
3. Click the "Login"

1. Leave the
username field
blank. Error message
Blank Username 2. Leave the should display for
and Password password field both fields being
blank. blank.
3. Click the "Login"

1. Enter valid
Error message
2. Enter valid
Password Case should display an
TC005 password in wrong
Sensitivity incorrect case in
the password.
3. Click the "Login"

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