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New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
MRF Limited first issued its `Supplier Quality Assurance Manual’ in January 1983. This current edition
incorporates the mandatory purchasing requirements in the OEM Customer Specific Requirements, IATF 16949 / ISO
9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 , Aerospace Standard AS 9100 and Supplier Sustainability Policy.

This Manual has been developed to assist Suppliers in assuring that all materials / products supplied conform to
MRF specified quality requirements. The quality system requirements incorporated in this manual are in line with IATF
16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and Aerospace Standard AS 9100.

It is the policy of MRF to ensure that all its Suppliers have a well-established Quality Management System as well
as Environmental Management System and Occupational Health & Safety System in line with global standards so as to
achieve consistency in their supplies to MRF. In this context MRF desires that all its Suppliers are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 &
ISO 45001 third party certified to start with and ultimately IATF 16949 certified. The establishment of common
requirements for use at all levels of the supply-chain will result in improved quality and safety, and decreased costs, due
to the elimination or reduction of resultant variation in our product quality.

MRF has fixed 1000 PPM acceptance level for all our A+, A & B category suppliers. This PPM level will be
monitored on a six month basis and communicated to you. In the event of exceeding the target of 1000 PPM level, the
suppliers have to provide MRF with a corrective & preventive action plan for improvement. Further supplies will be
tracked during the subsequent months, and if warranted, your manufacturing site facilities and systems will be audited by
our team. MRF expects continual improvement of 5% each year from our approved suppliers.

As you are aware, MRF tracks supplier performance with a periodical supplier rating system every six months.
The minimum acceptable supplier rating score is 70% (minimum Technical Score of 55 and minimum Commercial Score
of 15). In the event of your rating score dropping below 70% during any period, you will be required to submit a
corrective & preventive action plan for improvement. In the event of two consecutive low rating scores below 70%, MRF
will be forced to reconsider about continuing procurement from you. Further procurement will also be subject to the
findings & score obtained during a supplier assessment audit visit of your manufacturing facilities and systems by MRF.

The existing SQAP (Supplier Quality Assessment Program) checklist got revised based on “Minimum Automotive
Quality Management System Requirements for Sub-Tier Suppliers” as per IATF guidelines. We will start evaluating the
suppliers along with the old checklist. We want all suppliers to follow the same from Jan2022. This will be used during
supplier assessment audit visits at your manufacturing site.

The specified requirements, as stipulated in the Purchase Order and / or Specification are a part of the
contractual agreement between MRF and its Supplier. This Manual neither changes the existing MRF – Supplier
relationship nor does it affect the Supplier’s basic responsibility of supplying materials to MRF, meeting its specifications.
The Supplier remains fully liable for any deficiency in the quality of their products whether or not the same is detected by
MRF. It is expected that all the legal and statutory requirements for supply of materials will be met by all suppliers of MRF
& TREM Cards will accompany hazardous goods as required. Whenever customers specify retention periods of records
which are to be maintained, the same shall flow down to suppliers by MRF through the Purchase Orders.

To promote mutual understanding of quality needs and related problems, MRF desires to hold joint meetings
with the Suppliers to assess their Quality Management Systems and make presentations to them on MRF’s specific
requirements. MRF believes that the joint efforts in this direction will go a long way for sound MRF – Supplier

This Manual is designed in the spirit of improvement for use by all MRF’s Suppliers to enhance their Quality
Management Systems while eliminating redundant requirements and rejections, thus reducing costs for both MRF and its
Supplier. This Supplier Quality Assurance Manual along with the Requirements for PPAP submission is a contractual


New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Title page 1
Introduction 2
Table of Contents 3
Scope, Objective, Purpose 5
Section: I Standards based Requirements 6
4.0 Context of the organization 6
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context. 6
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 6
4.3 Determining the scope of the Quality Management System 6
4.4 Quality Management System and its Processes 6
5.0 Leadership 7
5.1 Leadership and Commitment 7
5.2 Policy 8
5.3 Organizational Roles, responsibilities and Authorities 8
6.0 Planning 9
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 9
6.2 Quality objectives and planning 10
6.3 Planning of Changes 11
7.0 Support 11
7.1 Resources 11
7.2 Competence 13
7.3 Awareness 14
7.4 Communication 15
7.5 Documented Information 15
8.0 Operation 17
8.1 Operational planning and control 17
8.2 Requirements for Products and services 17
8.3 Design and Development of Products and Services 19
8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services 24
8.5 Production and service provision 26
8.6 Release of products and services 31
8.7 Control of nonconforming output 32
9.0 Performance evaluation 34
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 34
9.2 Internal Audit 35
9.3 Management Review 37
10.0 Improvement 38
10.1 General 38
10.2 Non Conformity and Corrective action 38
10.3 Continual Improvement 40

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Section: II MRF Supplier Rating System 41
Section: III MRF Supplier Quality Assessment 43

Glossary 50
Annexure Details of Material category and Checklists 51

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
This manual applies to all Supplier locations providing production Material & Tooling to MRF.
Materials shall be processed, controlled, inspected and tested in accordance with the quality
system requirements set forth in this manual.

The objective of this manual is to ensure that all Suppliers of MRF meet specified quality
requirements, to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,
including processes for continual improvement and the assurance of conformity to customer
and applicable legal, statutory, regulatory, customer specific requirements and IATF 16949, ISO
9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and Aerospace Standard AS 9100 requirements.

The purpose of this manual is to specify uniform requirements, which establish the minimum
control practices, procedures and necessary records that shall be a part of the Supplier’s
Quality Management System. Special instructions (stipulated on the MRF purchase orders,
specification sheets, drawings and engineering standards) shall be adhered to, as in the past.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.

4. Context of the organization

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context.
MRF requires that all its Suppliers should determine, monitor and review their External
and Internal issues.
External issues: issues arising from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural,
social and economic environments, etc.
Internal issues: issues related to Organisation’s values, culture, knowledge and

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

MRF Suppliers shall determine, monitor and review the information and requirement
about their interested parties

4.3 Determining the scope of the Quality Management System

MRF requires that all its Suppliers to determine the boundaries and applicability of the
quality management system to establish its scope.
The suppliers shall consider the external and internal issues, the requirements of
relevant interested parties and the products and services of the organization while
determining the scope of the Quality Management System (QMS).

4.3.1 Determining the scope of the quality management system – supplemental

MRF Suppliers shall include the Supporting functions such as - such as design centres,
corporate headquarters, and distribution centres – in the scope of the QMS.

4.3.2 Customer-specific requirements

MRF Suppliers shall evaluate and include all MRF specific requirements in the scope of
the QMS.

4.4 Quality Management System and its Processes

4.4.1 MRF requires that all its Suppliers establish, implement and maintain a Quality
Management System (QMS) and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with
IATF 16949 / ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 and Aerospace Standard AS 9100
International Standards and the guidelines given in this manual.
MRF Suppliers’ shall
Identify all the processes needed for the QMS.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Determine the input required and the output expected, sequence & interaction,
criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurements and related
performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control and
the resources needed for the processes.
Assign the responsibilities and authorities for these processes
Address the risks and opportunities. Conformance of products and processes

MRF Suppliers shall ensure conformance of all products and processes, including service
parts and those that are outsourced, to all applicable MRF, statutory, and regulatory
requirements. Product safety

MRF Suppliers shall have documented processes for the management of product-safety
related products and manufacturing processes, including identification of statutory and
regulatory product-safety requirement, MRF notification of requirements & all the
product safety requirements as per the standards.

4.4.2 MRF Suppliers to maintain the documented information on the operation of its
processes and retain documented information to have confidence that the processes are
being carried out as planned.

5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment:
5.1.1 General:
Supplier Top Management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development
and implementation of a QMS by ensuring / promoting:
Effectiveness of the QMS
Quality policy and Quality Objectives are established
Use of the process approach and risk-based thinking
Resources needed
Communicating the importance of effective Quality Management & conforming
to the QMS requirements
Communicating the importance of effective QMS Improvement Corporate responsibility

MRF Suppliers shall define and implement corporate responsibility policies, including
anti-bribery policy, an employee code of conduct, and an ethics escalation policy.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
7 Process effectiveness and efficiency
Supplier Top Management shall review the effectiveness & efficiency of their processes. Process owners

Supplier Top Management shall identify the process owners who are responsible for
managing the processes.

5.1.2 Customer Focus

Supplier Top Management shall ensure MRF & applicable statutory & regulatory
requirements are met consistently, risks & opportunities are addressed and focus on
enhancing MRF satisfaction.

5.2 Policy
5.2.1 Establishing the Quality Policy
Supplier Top Management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality policy that
is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic
direction, providing a frame work for setting quality objectives and a
commitment to continual improvement of the QMS.

5.2.2 Communicating the Quality Policy

Quality Policy shall be maintained as a documented information, shall be
communicated, understood and applied within the organisation.

5.3 Organizational Roles, responsibilities and Authorities

Supplier Top Management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for
relevant roles are assigned, communicated and understood within the organization.
Supplier shall assign the responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of the
QMS Standard,
b) Ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs,
c) Reporting on the performance of the QMS and on opportunities for improvement to
top management,
d) Ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization,
e) Ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when
changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented.

5.3. 1 Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities – supplemental

Supplier Top management shall assign personnel with the responsibility and authority
to ensure that MRF requirements are met. These assignments shall be documented.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
5.3.2 Responsibility and authority for product requirements and corrective
Supplier Top Management shall ensure that,
personnel responsible for conformity to product requirements have the authority to
stop shipment and stop production to correct quality problems,
Personnel with authority and responsibility for corrective action are promptly informed
of products or processes that do not conform to requirements to ensure that
nonconforming product is not shipped to MRF and that all potential nonconforming
product is identified and contained,
Production operations across all shifts are staffed with personnel in charge of, or
delegated responsibility for, ensuring conformity to product requirements.

6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

6.1.1 MRF Suppliers shall determine the risks & opportunities referred to the external
and internal issues of the supplier and the expectation of the interested parties and give
assurance that,
QMS can achieve the intended results,
Enhance desirable effects,
Prevent or reduce undesirable effects,
Achieve improvement.

6.1.2 MRF Supplier shall plan actions to address the risks & opportunities, plan to
Integrate and implement the actions into its QMS processes and evaluate the
effectiveness of these actions. Risk analysis

Lessons learned from product recalls, product audits, complaints, scraps and rework
shall be included in risk analysis. Preventive action

MRF Suppliers shall determine and implement action(s) to eliminate the causes of
potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence. Preventive actions shall
be appropriate to the severity of the potential issues.
MRF Supplier shall establish a process to lessen the impact of negative effects of risk

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
9 Contingency plans
MRF Suppliers shall:
Identify and evaluate internal and external risks to all manufacturing processes
and infrastructure equipment essential to maintain production output and to
ensure that customer requirements are met.
Define contingency plans according to risk and impact .
Prepare contingency plans for continuity of supply in the event of any key
equipment failures, interruption from externally provided products & processes,
recurring natural disasters, fire, utility interruptions, labour shortages or
infrastructure disruptions,
Include a notification process to MRF and other interested parties for the extent
and duration of any situation impacting MRF operations.
Periodically test the contingency plans for effectiveness.
Conduct contingency plan reviews (at a minimum annually) using a
multidisciplinary team including top management, and update as required.
Document the contingency plans and retain documented information describing
any revision(s), including the person(s) who authorized the change(s).
The contingency plans shall include provisions to validate that the manufactured
product continues to meet customer specifications after the re-start of production
following an emergency in which production was stopped and if the regular
shutdown processes were not followed.

6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them

6.2.1 MRF Supplier shall establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and
processes needed for the QMS. The Quality Objective shall be consistent with the quality
policy, measureable, taking into account of applicable requirements, relevant to
conformity of products and to enhance MRF satisfaction. The Quality Objective shall be
monitored, communicated & updated.

6.2.2 Supplier shall determine what will be done, resources required, responsibility,
when to complete & measurement of result, while planning how to achieve the Quality
Objectives. Quality objectives and planning to achieve them – supplemental

Supplier Top management shall ensure that quality objectives to meet MRF
requirements are defined, established, and maintained for relevant functions, processes,
and levels throughout the organization.
While establishing the Quality Objectives and related performance targets, the Suppler
shall consider the review regarding the interested parties and their requirements.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
6.3 Planning of Changes
While planning for changes to the QMS, MRF Supplier shall carry out the same in
planned manner and shall consider, the purpose of the changes and their potential
consequences, the integrity of the QMS, the availability of resources and the allocation
or re-allocation of responsibilities and authorities.

7. Support
7 .1 Resources
7.1.1 General
MRF Supplier shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment,
implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the QMS. Supplier shall
consider the capabilities and constraints of existing internal resources. And also the
needs to be obtained from external providers.

7.1.2 People
MRF Supplier shall determine and provide the persons necessary for the effective
implementation of its QMS and for the operation and control of its processes

7.1.3 Infrastructure
MRF Supplier shall determine and provide and maintain the infrastructure necessary
for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. Plant, facility, and equipment planning

MRF Supplier shall use a multidisciplinary approach including risk identification and
risk mitigation methods for developing and improving plant, facility, and equipment
plans. The Supplier shall optimize material flow, material handling, and value-added use
of floor space including control of nonconforming product
Methods shall be developed and implemented to evaluate manufacturing feasibility for
new product or new operations.

7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes

MRF Supplier shall determine, provide and maintain the environment necessary for the
operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services

7. 1.4. 1 Environment for the operation of processes – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall maintain its premises in a state of order, cleanliness, and repair that
is consistent with the product and manufacturing process needs.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources General
MRF Supplier shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and
reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of
Supplier shall ensure that the resources provided are suitable and their continuing
fitness. Measurement system analysis

Statistical studies shall be conducted to analyse the variation present in the results of
each measurement / inspection. Measurement Traceability

Measurement traceability is considered to be an essential part of providing confidence
in the validity of measurement results.
Measurement equipment shall be:
a) Calibrated at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards
traceable to international or national measurement standards.
b) Identified in order to determine the status.
c) Safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deterioration
d) The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has
been adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended
purpose and shall take appropriate action as necessary. Calibration/verification records

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process for managing calibration/verification
records. Laboratory requirements Internal laboratory
Supplier laboratory facility shall have a defined scope that includes its capability to
perform the required inspection, test, or calibration services. This laboratory scope
shall be included in the quality management system documentation.
The laboratory shall specify and implement the requirements of:
Adequacy of the laboratory technical procedures
Competency of the laboratory personnel
Testing of the product
Traceable to the relevant process standard (such as ASTM, EN, etc.)
MRF Requirements
Review of the related records
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
12 External laboratory
If MRF Supplier uses the facilities of an external laboratory for Inspection / test /
calibration, the laboratory shall be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 or national equivalent.

7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge

MRF Supplier shall determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its
processes and to achieve conformity of products and services.
This knowledge shall be maintained and be made available to the extent necessary.

7.2 Competence
MRF Supplier shall:
Determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control
that affects the performance and effectiveness of the QMS,
Ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education,
training, or experience,
Where applicable, take action to acquire the necessary competence and evaluate
the effectiveness of the actions taken.
Retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.

7.2. 1 Competence - supplemental

MRF Supplier shall establish and maintain a documented processes for identifying
training needs including awareness and achieving competence of all personnel
performing activities affecting conformity to product and process requirements.

7.2.2 Competence - on-the-job training

MRF Supplier shall provide on-the-job training for personnel in any new or modified
responsibilities affecting conformity to quality requirements, internal requirements,
regulatory or legislative requirements. On the job training shall include contract or
agency personnel. On-the-job training shall be commensurate with the level of
education the personnel possess and the complexity of the task(s) they are required to
perform for their daily work.

7.2.3 Internal auditor competency

MRF Supplier shall have a documented processes to verify that internal auditors are
competent. Supplier shall maintain a list of qualified internal auditors
Quality management system auditors shall all be able to demonstrate the following
minimum competencies:

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
understanding of the automotive process approach for auditing, including risk-
based thinking
understanding of applicable MRF-specific requirements
understanding of applicable ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 requirements related to
the scope of the audit
understanding of applicable core tool requirements related to the scope of the
understanding how to plan, conduct, report, and close out audit findings

At a minimum manufacturing process auditors shall demonstrate technical

understanding of the relevant manufacturing processes to be audited, including process
risk analysis (such as PFMEA) and Control plan.
At a minimum Product auditors shall demonstrate competence in understanding
product requirements and use of relevant measuring and test equipment to verify
product conformity.
If the supplier’s personnel provide the training to achieve competency, documented
information shall be retained to demonstrate the trainer's competency with the above

7.2.4 Second-party auditor competency

MRF Supplier shall demonstrate the competence of the auditors undertaking the
second-party audits.
Second-party auditors shall meet MRF specific requirements for auditor qualification
and demonstrate the following core competencies/understanding:
the automotive process approach to auditing, including risk based thinking;
applicable MRF and organization specific requirements;
applicable ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 requirements related to the scope of the
applicable manufacturing processes to be audited, including PFMEA and control
applicable core tool requirements related to the scope of the audit;
knowledge to plan, conduct, prepare audit reports, and close out audit findings.

7.3 Awareness
MRF Supplier shall ensure that the employees are aware of Quality Policy, Quality
objectives, their contribution to the effectiveness of the QMS & the implication of not
conforming with the QMS requirements.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
7.3.1 Awareness – supplemental
MRF Supplier shall maintain documented information that demonstrates that all
employees are aware of their impact on product quality and the importance of their
activities in achieving, maintaining, and improving quality, including MRF requirements
and the risks involved for the customer with nonconforming product.

7.3.2 Employee motivation and empowerment

MRF Supplier shall maintain a documented processes to motivate employees to achieve
quality objectives, to make continual improvements, to create an environment that
promotes innovation and process to promote quality & technical awareness throughout
the Organisation.

7.4 Communication
MRF Supplier shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the

7.5 Documented Information

7.5.1 General
MRF Supplier shall include;
a) Documented information required by the QMS Standard.
b) Documented information determined by the Supplier as being necessary for the
effectiveness of the QMS. Quality management system documentation

Supplier QMS shall be documented and include a Quality Manual. Supplier quality
manual shall include the following:
Scope & details of and justification for any exclusion,
Documented processes establishes for the QMS,
Supplier processes and their sequence and interactions, including type and
extent of control of any outsourced processes,
And a document / matrix indicating MRF Specific Requirements are addresses
within the supplier QMS.

7.5.2 Creating and updating

MRF Supplier When creating and updating documented information, the Supplier shall
ensure Identification and description, Format and media and Review and approval for
suitability and adequacy.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
7.5.3 Control of Documented Information MRF Supplier shall control their documented information required by the QMS
and IATF 16949 standard. The Supplier shall address the following for the control of Documented
Distribution, access, retrieval and use.
Storage and preservation including preservation of legibility
Control of Changes (Version Control)
Retention and disposition.
Documented information of external origin shall be identified and be controlled.
Documented information retained as evidence of conformity shall be protected
from unintended alterations.
Access can be the permission to view or the permission and authority to view
and change the documented information. Record retention

MRF Supplier shall define, document, and implement a record retention policy.
The control of records shall satisfy statutory, regulatory, organizational and MRF
Production part approvals, tooling records, product and process design records,
purchase orders or contracts and amendments shall be retained for the length of time
that the product is active for production and service requirements, plus one calendar
year. Engineering specifications

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process describing the review, distribution, and
implementation of all specifications and related revisions based on MRF schedules, as
When a specification change results in a product design change or a product realization
process change, the Supplier shall retain a record of the date on which each change is
implemented in production.
Review should be completed within 10 working days of receipt of notification of
specifications changes.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
MRF Supplier shall plan, implement and control the processes needed to meet the
requirements for the provision of products and services as per the ISO 9001:2015

8.1.1 Operational planning and control- supplemental

MRF Supplier shall include the following while planning for product realization:
MRF product requirements and technical specifications,
logistics requirements,
manufacturing feasibility,
project planning,
Acceptance criteria.

8.1.2 Confidentiality
MRF Supplier shall ensure the confidentiality of MRF-contracted products and projects
under development, including related product information.

8.2 Requirements for Products and services

8.2.1 Customer Communication
Communication with MRF shall include:
a) Providing information relating to products and services
b) Handling enquiries, contracts or orders, including changes
c) Obtaining MRF feedback relating the products and services, including
d) Handling or controlling MRF property
e) Establishing specific requirements for contingency actions, when relevant Customer communication – supplemental

Communication shall be in the language agreed with MRF. The organization shall have
the ability to communicate necessary information, including data in a customer-
specified computer language and format

8.2.2 Determination of requirements related to the products and services

When determining the requirements for the products and services to be offered to MRF,
the supplier shall ensure:
The requirements for the products and services are defined including applicable
statutory & regulatory requirements and those considered necessary by the
The Supplier can meet the claims for products and services it offers.
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
17 Determining the requirements for products and services – supplemental
The requirements shall also include recycling, environment impact and characteristic
identified as a result of the Supplier’s knowledge of product & manufacturing process.
The requirements shall also include all applicable government, safety, and
environmental regulations related to acquisition, storage, handling, recycling,
elimination, or disposal of material.

8.2.3 Review of requirements related to the products and service MRF Supplier shall ensure that is has the ability to meet the requirements for
products and services to be offered to customers.
Supplier shall conduct a review before committing to supply products and services to
customer, to include:
Requirements specified by the customer including the requirements for delivery
and post-delivery activities,
Requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended
use, where known,
Requirements specified by the Supplier,
Statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and services,
And any other Contract or order requirements. Review of the requirements for products and services –

Supplier shall retain documented evidence of a customer-authorized waiver on
requirements. Customer-designated special characteristics

MRF Supplier shall conform to MRF requirements for designation, approval
documentation and control of special characteristics. Organization manufacturing feasibility

MRF Supplier shall utilize a multidisciplinary approach to conduct an analysis to
determine if it is feasible that the supplier's manufacturing processes are capable of
consistently producing product that meets all of the engineering and capacity
requirements specified by MRF. This feasibility analysis is conducted for any
manufacturing or product technology new to the supplier and for any changed
manufacturing process or product design.
Also the supplier should validate through production runs, benchmarking studies, or
other appropriate methods, their ability to make product to specifications at the
required rate.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
18 MRF Supplier shall retain documented information on the results of the review
and on any new requirements for the products and services.

8.2.4 Changes to requirements for Products and services

Supplier shall ensure that relevant documented information is amended and the
relevant persons are made aware of the changed requirements when the requirements
for products and services are changed.

8.3 Design and Development of Products and Services

8.3.1 General
Supplier shall establish, implement and maintain a design and development process
that is appropriate to ensure the subsequent provision of products and services Design and development of products and services – supplemental

Product and manufacturing process design and development and shall focus on error
prevention rather than detection.
Supplier shall document the design and development process

8.3.2 Design and Development Planning

In determining the stages and controls for Design and Development, MRF Supplier shall
The Nature, duration and complexity of the design and development activities.
The required process stages, including applicable design and development
The required design and development verification and validation activities.
The responsibilities and authorities involved in the design and development
The internal and external resource needs for the design and development of
products and services.
The need to control interfaces between persons involved in the design and
development process.
The need for involvement of MRF in the design and development process.
The requirements for subsequent provision of products and services.
The level of control expected for the design and development process by MRF
and other relevant interested parties.
The documented information needed to demonstrate that design and
development requirements have been met. Design and development planning – supplemental

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
MRF Supplier shall ensure that design and development planning includes all affected
stakeholders within the organization and, as appropriate, its supply chain.
The multidisciplinary approach can be followed for the following:
Project Management,
Product and manufacturing process design activities,
Use of alternative designs and manufacturing processes,
Development and review of product design risk analysis (FMEAs), including
actions to reduce potential risks,
Development and review of manufacturing process risk analysis (FMEAs,
process flows, control plans, and standard work instructions). Product design skills

MRF Supplier shall ensure that personnel with product design responsibility are
competent to achieve design requirements and are skilled in applicable product design
tools and techniques. Applicable tools and techniques shall be identified by the supplier Development of products with embedded software

Not applicable.

8.3.3 Design and Development inputs

MRF Supplier shall determine the requirements essential for the specific types of
products and services to be designed and developed and shall consider the following:
Functional and Performance requirements,
Information derived from previous similar design and development activities,
Statutory and regulatory requirements
Standards or codes of practice that the Supplier has committed to implement &
Potential consequences of failure due to the nature of the products.
MRF Supplier shall retain documented information on design and development
inputs. Product design input

MRF Supplier shall identify, document, and review product design input requirements
as a result of contract review. The product design input requirement includes:
product specifications including special characteristics,
boundary and interface requirements,
identification, traceability, and packaging,
consideration of design alternatives,
assessment of risks with the input requirements and the ability to mitigate /
manage the risks, including from the feasibility analysis,

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
targets for conformity to product requirements including preservation,
reliability, durability, serviceability, health, safety, environmental, development
timing, and cost,
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements,
Supplier shall have a process to deploy information gained from previous design
projects, competitive product analysis (benchmarking), supplier feedback, internal
input, field data, and other relevant sources for current and future projects of a
similar nature. Manufacturing process design input

Supplier shall identify, document, and review manufacturing process design input
requirements including the following:
product design output data including special characteristics;
targets for productivity, process capability, timing, and cost;
manufacturing technology alternatives;
MRF requirements, if any;
experience from previous developments;
new materials;
product handling and ergonomic requirements; and
design for manufacturing and design for assembly.
The manufacturing process design shall include the use of error-proofing
methods based on the risk encountered. Special characteristics

MRF Supplier shall use a multidisciplinary approach to establish, document, and
implement its processes to identify special characteristics, including those determined
by the customer and the risk analysis performed.
They shall include the following:
Documentation of all special characteristics in the drawings, risk analysis (such
as FMEA), control plans, and work/operator instructions. Special characteristics
are identified with specific markings and are cascaded through each of these
Development of control and monitoring strategies for special characteristics of
products and production processes,
MRF-specified approvals, when required,
Compliance with MRF-specified definitions and symbols or the supplier's
equivalent symbols or notations, as defined in a symbol conversion table.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
8.3.4 Design and Development Controls
MRF Supplier shall apply controls to the design and development process to
The results to be achieved are defined.
Reviews are conducted to evaluate the ability of the design and development to
meet requirements.
Verification activities are conducted to ensure that the design and development
output meets the inputs requirements.
Validation activities are conducted to ensure that the resulting products and
services met the requirements for the specified application or intended use.
Any necessary actions are taken on problems determined during the reviews, or
verification and validation activities.
Documented information of these activities is retained. Monitoring
Measurements at specified stages during the design and development of products and
processes shall be defined, analyzed, and reported with summary results as an input to
management review
The Supplier shall report these details to MRF. Design and development validation

Design and development validation shall be performed in accordance with MRF
requirements, including any applicable industry and governmental agency-issued
regulatory standards. Prototype program

When required by the MRF, the Supplier shall have a prototype program and control
plan. Product approval process

Supplier shall establish, implement, and maintain a product and manufacturing
approval process conforming to requirements defined by MRF. Supplier shall obtain
documented product approval prior to shipment, if required by MRF

8.3.5 Design and Development Outputs

The Supplier shall ensure that design and development outputs are as per ISO
9001:2015 standard. Design and development outputs – supplemental

The product design output shall include:
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Design risk analysis (FMEA),
Reliability study results,
Product special characteristics,
Results of product design error-proofing,
Product definition including models, technical data packages, product
manufacturing information, and geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD& T),
Product design review results,
Service diagnostic guidelines,
Packaging and labelling requirements for shipping. Manufacturing process design output

MRF Supplier shall verify the outputs against manufacturing process design input
The manufacturing process design output shall include the following:
Special characteristics for product and manufacturing process,
Identification of process input variables that impact characteristics,
Tooling and equipment for production and control, including capability studies
of equipment and processes,
Manufacturing process flow charts/layout, including linkage of product, process,
and tooling; capacity analysis,
Manufacturing process FMEA,
Maintenance plans and instructions,
Control plan,
Work instructions,
Process approval acceptance criteria,
Data for quality, reliability, maintainability, and measurability,
Results of error-proofing identification and verification,
Methods of rapid detection, feedback, and correction of product/manufacturing
process nonconformities.

8.3.6 Design and Development Changes

Supplier shall follow ISO 9001:2015 for Design & Development Changes. Design and development changes – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall evaluate all design changes after initial product approval, including
those proposed by the Supplier or its Sub-suppliers, for potential impact on fit, form,
function, performance, and/or durability. These changes shall be validated against MRF
requirements and approved internally, prior to production implementation.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Supplier shall obtain documented approval, or a documented waiver, from MRF prior to
production implementation.

8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services

8.4.1 General
MRF Supplier shall ensure that externally provided goods and services conform to
specified requirements.
Supplier shall determine the controls to be applied to externally provided processes,
products and services.
Supplier shall determine and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of
performance and re-evaluation of external providers based on their ability to provide
processes or products and service in accordance with requirements.
Supplier shall retain documented information of the above activities.

8.4. 1. 1 General – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall include all products and services that affect customer requirements
such as sequencing, sorting, rework, and calibration services in the scope of their
definition of externally provided products, processes, and services. Supplier selection process

MRF Supplier shall have a documented supplier selection process. The selection process
shall include:
An assessment of the selected supplier's risk to product conformity and
uninterrupted supply of the organization's product to their customers,
Relevant quality and delivery performance,
An evaluation of the supplier's quality management system,
Multidisciplinary decision making.
Other supplier selection criteria that should be considered include the following:
i. volume of automotive business {absolute and as a percentage of total business),
ii. Financial stability,
iii. purchased product, material, or service complexity,
iv. Required technology (product or process),
v. adequacy of available resources (e.g., people, infrastructure),
vi. Design and development capabilities (including project management),
vii. manufacturing capability,
viii. change management process,
ix. business continuity planning (e.g., disaster preparedness, contingency planning),
x. logistics process,
xi. MRF service.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
24 Customer-directed sources (also known as "Directed-Buy')
When specified by MRF, the Supplier shall purchase products, materials, or services
from MRF-directed sources.

8.4.2 Type and extent of control

Suppliers shall follow ISO9001:2015 Standard on the Type & Extent of control on
externally provided processes, products and services

8.4.2. 1 Type and extent of control –supplemental

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process to identify outsourced processes and to
select the types and extent of controls used to verify conformity of externally provided
products, processes, and services to internal (Supplier) and MRF requirements. The
process shall include the criteria and actions to escalate or reduce the types and extent
of controls and development activities based on sub-supplier performance and
assessment of product, material, or service risks. Statutory and regulatory requirements

MRF Supplier shall document their process to ensure that purchased products,
processes, and services conform to the current applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements in the country of receipt, the country of shipment, and the customer-
identified country of destination, if provided.
If MRF defines special controls for certain products with statutory and regulatory
requirements, the organization shall ensure they are implemented and maintained as
defined, including at suppliers. Supplier quality management system development

MRF Supplier shall require their suppliers to develop, implement, and improve a quality
management system certified to ISO 9001, a third-party certification issued by a
certification body, unless otherwise authorized by MRF. Automotive product-related software or automotive products with

embedded software
Not applicable. Supplier monitoring

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process and criteria to evaluate their supplier
performance in order to ensure conformity of externally provided products, processes,
and services to internal and MRF requirements.
Supplier shall monitor:
Delivered product conformity to requirements
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Customer disruptions at the receiving plant, including yard holds and stop ships;
Delivery schedule performance; Second-party audits

MRF Supplier shall include a second-party audit process in their supplier management
approach. Supplier development

MRF Supplier shall determine the priority, type, extent, and timing of required supplier
development actions for its active suppliers.

8.4.3 Information for external providers

MRF Supplier shall ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to the communication to
the external provider & shall communicate to external providers its requirements. Information for external providers – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall pass down all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and
special product and process characteristics to their suppliers and require the suppliers
to cascade all applicable requirements down the supply chain to the point of

8.5 Production and service provision

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision
MRF Supplier shall implement production of Service provision of services under
controlled conditions, which shall include:
The availability of documented information that defines the characteristics of
the products to be produced & results to be achieved.
Availability and use of suitable monitoring and measuring resources.
Measurement activities at appropriate stages to verify that criteria for control of
processes or outputs and acceptance criteria products.
Use of suitable infrastructure and environment for the operation of processes.
Appointment of competent persons.
Validation and periodic re-validation of the ability to achieve planned results.
Actions to prevent human error.
Implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities. Control plan

MRF Supplier shall develop control plans for all the product supplied. Family control
plans are acceptable for bulk material and similar parts using a common manufacturing
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
The Control plan shall include
Controls used for the manufacturing process control, including verification of job
First-off/last-off part validation, as applicable,
Methods for monitoring of control exercised over special characteristics defined
by both MRF and the Supplier,
MRF-required information, if any,
Specified reaction plan when nonconforming product is detected, the process
becomes statistically unstable or not statistically capable.
The organization shall review control plans, and update as required, for any of
the following:
The organization determines it has shipped nonconforming product to MRF,
When any change occurs affecting product, manufacturing process,
measurement, logistics, supply sources, production volume changes, or risk
analysis (FMEA),
After a customer complaint and implementation of the associated corrective
At a set frequency based on a risk analysis. Standardised work - operator instructions and visual standards

MRF Supplier shall ensure that standardised work documents are:
Communicated to and understood by the employees who are performing the
Presented in the language understood by the personnel responsible,
Accessible for use at the designated work area,
Include Rules for Operator Safety. Verification of job set-ups

Supplier shall:
Verify job set-ups when performed, such as an initial run of a job, material
changeover, or job change,
Maintain documented information for set-up personnel,
Use statistical methods of verification,
Perform first-off/last-off part validation,
Retain records of process and product approval following set-up and first-
off/last-off part validations.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
27 Verification after shutdown
MRF Supplier shall define and implement the necessary actions to ensure product
compliance with requirements after a planned or unplanned production shutdown
period. Total productive maintenance

MRF Supplier shall develop, implement, and maintain a documented total productive
maintenance system which shall include:
identification of process equipment necessary to produce conforming product at
the required volume,
availability of replacement parts for the equipment,
provision of resource for machine, equipment, and maintenance,
packaging and preservation of equipment, tooling, and gauging;
Documented maintenance objectives, such as: OEE (Overall Equipment
Effectiveness), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), and MTTR (Mean Time To
Repair), and Preventive Maintenance compliance metrics. (Performance to the
maintenance objectives shall form an input into management review),
regular review of maintenance plan and objectives and a documented action
plan to address corrective actions where objectives are not achieved,
use of preventive maintenance methods;
use of predictive maintenance methods and
periodic overhaul Management of production tooling and manufacturing, test, inspection

tooling and equipment
MRF Supplier shall establish and implement a system for production tooling
management, including:
maintenance and repair facilities and personnel,
storage and recovery,
tool-change programmes for perishable tools,
tool design modification documentation, including engineering change level of
the product,
tool modification and revision to documentation,
tool identification, such as serial or asset number; the status, such as production,
repair or disposal; ownership; and location.
Supplier to monitor if any of the above activities are outsourced. Production scheduling

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Supplier shall ensure that production is scheduled in order to meet customer orders.
Supplier shall include relevant planning information during production scheduling, e.g.,
customer orders, supplier on-time delivery performance, capacity, shared loading
(multi-part station), lead time, inventory level, preventive maintenance, and calibration.

8.5.2 Identification and traceability

MRF Supplier shall use suitable means to identify outputs to ensure the conformity of
The organization shall identify the status of outputs with respect to monitoring and
measurement requirements throughout production and service provision.
The organization shall control the unique identification of the outputs when traceability
is a requirement and shall retain the documented information necessary to enable
traceability. Identification and traceability-supplemental

MRF Supplier shall implement identification and traceability processes to ensure /
identify nonconforming or suspect product
meet the customer and/or regulatory response time requirements
serialized identification of individual products
identification and traceability requirements are extended to externally provided

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

MRF Supplier shall exercise care with property belonging to MRF or external providers
while it is under the Supplier’s control or being used by the Supplier.

8.5.4 Preservation
MRF Supplier shall preserve the output during production and service provision to the
extent necessary to ensure conformity to requirements. Preservation – supplemental

Preservation shall include identification, handling, contamination control, packaging,
storage, transmission, or transportation and protection. Preservation shall apply to
materials and components from external and/or internal providers from receipt
through processing, including shipment and until delivery to/acceptance by MRF.
Supplier shall use an inventory management system to optimize inventory turns over
time and ensure stock rotation, such as "first-in-first-out".
Supplier shall ensure that obsolete product is controlled in a manner similar to that of
nonconforming product.
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
8.5.5 Post-delivery activities
MRF Supplier shall meet requirements for post-delivery activities associated with the
products and services. This includes:
Statutory and regulatory requirements.
The potential undesired consequences associated with its products and services.
The nature, use and intended lifetime of its products and services.
MRF requirements.
MRF Feedback Feedback of information from service

MRF Supplier shall ensure that a process for communication of information on service
concerns to manufacturing, material handling, logistics, engineering, and design
activities is established, implemented, and maintained. Service agreement with customer

Supplier shall comply with the applicable Service agreement (if any)

8.5.6 Control of changes

MRF Supplier shall review and control changes for production or service provision, to
the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with requirements.
Supplier shall retain documented information describing the results of the review of
changes the person(s) authorising the change and any necessary actions arising from
the review. Control of changes – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process to control and react to changes that
impact product realization. The effects of any change, including those changes caused by
the Supplier, their Supplier or MRF, shall be assessed
Supplier shall:
define verification and validation activities to ensure compliance with MEF
validate changes before implementation;
document the evidence of related risk analysis;
retain records of verification and validation.
Changes, including those made at the suppliers, should require a production trial
run for verification of changes
When required by the MRF, the Supplier shall:
notify MRF of any planned product realization changes after the most recent
product approval,
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
obtain documented approval, prior to implementation of the change,
Complete additional verification or identification requirements, such as
production trial run and new product validation. Temporary change of process controls

MRF Supplier shall identify, document, and maintain a list of the process controls,
including inspection, measuring, test, and error-proofing devices, that includes the
primary process control and the approved back-up or alternate methods.
Supplier shall document the process that manages the use of alternate control methods.
Supplier shall include in this process, based on risk analysis (FMEA), severity, and the
internal approvals to be obtained prior to production implementation of the alternate
control method.
If required, Supplier shall obtain approval from MRF before shipping the Product that
was tested / Inspected using alternate method.
Supplier shall maintain and periodically review a list of approved alternate process
control methods that are referenced in the control plan.
Standard work instructions shall be available for each alternate process control method.
Supplier shall review the operation of alternate process controls on a daily basis, at a
minimum, to verify implementation of standard work with the goal to return to the
standard process as defined by the control plan as soon as possible.
Supplier shall implement traceability of all product produced while any alternate
process control devices or processes are being used.

8.6 Release of products and services

MRF Supplier shall implement planned arrangements at appropriate stages to verify
that the product requirements have been met. No release shall proceed until the
planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved
by a relevant authority and as applicable by MRF.
The Supplier shall retain documented information which shall include:
Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria
Traceability to the person(s) authorising the release.

8.6.1 Release of products and services – supplemental

MRF Supplier shall ensure that the planned arrangements
To verify that the product requirements have been met encompass the control
plan and are documented as specified in the control plan
For initial release of products encompass product approval.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
8.6.2 Layout inspection and functional testing
A layout inspection and a functional verification to MRF engineering material and
performance standards shall be performed for each product as specified in the control
Results shall be available for MRF review

8.6.3 Appearance items

Not applicable

8.6.4 Verification and acceptance of conformity of externally provided products

and services
MRF Supplier shall have a process to ensure the quality of externally provided
processes, products, and services are conforming utilizing one or more of the following
Receipt and evaluation of statistical data provided
Receiving inspection and/or testing
Second-party or third-party assessments or audits of the External Provider sites.

8.6.5 Statutory and regulatory conformity

Prior to release of externally provided products into its production flow, Supplier shall
confirm and be able to provide evidence that externally provided processes, products,
and services conform to the latest applicable statutory, regulatory, and other
requirements in the countries where they are manufactured and in MRF - identified
countries of destination.

8.6.6 Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria shall be defined by the Supplier and, where appropriate or required,
approved by MRF. For attribute data sampling, the acceptance level shall be zero

8. 7 Control of nonconforming outputs

8.7.1 MRF Supplier shall ensure that outputs that do not conform to their
requirements are identified and controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery.
Supplier shall take appropriate action based on the nature of the non-conformity and its
effect on the conformity of products.
The Supplier shall deal with nonconforming outputs as follows:
Segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of products and
Informing the customer
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession.
Conformity to the requirements shall be verified when nonconforming outputs are
corrected. Customer authorization for concession

Supplier shall obtain MRF concession or deviation permit prior to further processing
whenever the product or manufacturing process is different from that which is
currently approved.
Supplier shall maintain a record of the expiration date or quantity authorized under
concession. Material shipped under concession shall be properly identified on each
shipping container.

8. 7. 1. 2 Control of nonconforming product-customer-specified process

MRF Supplier shall comply with applicable customer-specified controls for
nonconforming product(s).

8. 7.1.3 Control of suspect product

MRF Supplier shall ensure that product with unidentified or suspect status is classified
and controlled as nonconforming product. The organization shall ensure that all
appropriate manufacturing personnel receive training for containment of suspect and
nonconforming product.

8. 7. 1.4 Control of reworked product

MRF Supplier shall utilize risk analysis (such as FMEA) methodology to assess risks in
the rework process prior to a decision to rework the product. If required by MRF, the
Supplier shall obtain approval from MRF prior to commencing rework of the product.
Supplier shall have a documented process for rework confirmation in accordance with
the control plan to verify compliance to original specifications.
Supplier shall retain documented information on the disposition of reworked product
including quantity, disposition, disposition date, and applicable traceability information.

8. 7. 1.5Control of repaired product

Supplier shall obtain a documented MRF authorization for concession for the product to
be repaired (if any). Customer notification

MRF Supplier shall immediately notify MRF in the event that nonconforming product
has been shipped. Initial communication shall be followed with detailed documentation
of the event.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
8. 7. 1. 7 Nonconforming product disposition
MRF Supplier shall have a documented process for disposition of nonconforming
product not subject to rework or repair

8.7.2 Supplier shall retain documented information that:

Describe the non-conformity
Describe the actions taken
Describe any concessions obtained
Identifies the authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity

9. Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
MRF Supplier shall determine:
What needs to be monitored and measured
The Methods for Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and evaluation needed to
ensure valid results.
When the Monitoring and Measurement shall be performed.
When the results from Monitoring and Measurement shall be analysed and
MRF Supplier shall evaluate the performance and the effectiveness of the QMS &
shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the results. Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing processes

MRF Supplier shall perform process studies on all new manufacturing processes to
verify process capability and to provide additional input for process control, including
those for special characteristics.
Supplier shall maintain manufacturing process capability or performance results as
specified by MRF part approval process requirements. Supplier shall verify that the
process flow diagram, PFMEA, and control plan are implemented.
Significant process events, such as tool change or machine repair, shall be recorded and
retained as documented information.
Supplier shall initiate a reaction plan indicated on the control plan and evaluated for
impact on compliance to specifications for characteristics that are not statistically
capable / unstable.
These reaction plans shall include containment of product and 100% inspection. A
corrective action plan shall be developed and implemented by the Supplier indicating
specific actions, timing, and assigned responsibilities to ensure that the process
becomes stable and statistically capable.
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
34 Identification of statistical tools
MRF Supplier shall determine the appropriate use of statistical tools. Application of statistical concepts

Statistical concepts, such as variation, stability, process capability, and the
consequences of over-adjustment, shall be understood and used by employees involved
in the collection, analysis, and management of statistical data.

9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction

MRF Supplier shall monitor MRF perceptions of the degree to which their needs and
expectations have been fulfilled. Supplier shall determine the methods for obtaining,
monitoring and reviewing this information. Customer satisfaction – supplemental

Customer satisfaction with the supplier shall be monitored through continual
evaluation of internal and external performance indicators to ensure compliance to the
product and process specifications and other MRF requirements.
Performance indicators include:
delivered part quality performance;
customer disruptions;
delivery schedule performance (including incidents of premium freight);
MRF notifications related to quality or delivery issues.
Supplier shall monitor the performance of manufacturing processes to demonstrate
compliance with MRF requirements for product quality and process efficiency.

9.1.3 Analysis and Evaluation

MRF Supplier shall analyse and evaluate appropriate data and information arising from
monitoring and measurement Prioritization
Trends in quality and operational performance shall be compared with progress toward
objectives and lead to action to support prioritization of actions for improving customer

9.2 Internal Audit

9.2.1 MRF Supplier shall conduct Internal Audits at planned intervals to provide
information on whether the QMS;
Conforms to:
a) The Supplier’s own requirements for its QMS
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
b) The requirements of ISO Standard
Is effectively implemented and maintained.

9.2.2 MRF Supplier shall:

Plan, establish, implement and maintain and audit program(s) including the frequency,
methods, responsibilities, planning requirements and reporting which shall take into
consideration the importance of the processes concerned, Changes affecting the
organization and the results of previous audits.
Determine the audit criteria and scope for each audit.
Select auditors and conduct audits to ensure objectivity and impartiality.
Ensure that the results of the audits are reported to relevant management.
Take appropriate correction and corrective actions without undue delay.
Retain documented information as evidence. Internal audit program

MRF Supplier shall have a documented internal audit process which shall include the
development and implementation of an internal audit programme that covers the entire
quality management system including quality management system audits,
manufacturing process audits, and product audits.
The audit program shall be prioritized based upon risk, internal and external
performance trends, and criticality of the processes.
The frequency of audits shall be reviewed and, where appropriate, adjusted based on
occurrence of process changes, internal and external nonconformities and customer
complaints. The effectiveness of the Audit program shall reviewed in Management
Review. Quality management system audit

MRF Supplier shall audit all quality management system processes according to an
annual program, using the process approach to verify compliance with the QMS
Standard. The Supplier shall sample customer-specific quality management system
requirements for effective implementation. Manufacturing process audit

MRF Supplier shall audit all manufacturing processes to determine their effectiveness
and efficiency using customer-specific required approaches for process audits. Each
manufacturing process shall be audited on all shifts where it occurs, including the
appropriate sampling of the shift handover and shall include an audit of the effective
implementation of the process risk analysis (PFMEA), control plan, and associated

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
36 Product audit
MRF Supplier shall audit products using customer-specific required approaches at
appropriate stages of production and delivery to verify conformity to specified

9.3 Management Review

9.3.1 General
MRF Supplier shall review their QMS, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing
suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the
organization. Management review- supplemental

Management review shall be conducted at least annually. The frequency of management
reviews shall be increased based on risk to compliance with customer requirements
resulting from internal or external changes impacting the quality management system
and performance-related issues.

9.3.2 Management Review Inputs

The management review shall be planned and carried out taking into consideration:

The status of actions from Management Reviews.

Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the QMS.
Information on the performance & effectiveness of the QMS, including trends in:

a) Customer Satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties.

b) The extent to which Quality Objectives have been met.
c) Process performance and conformity of products and services.
d) Non-conformities and corrective actions.
e) Monitoring and measurement results.
f) Audit results.
g) The performance of external providers.
The adequacy of resources
The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
Opportunities for Improvement. Management review inputs – supplemental

Input to management review shall include:
cost of poor quality,
measures of process effectiveness,
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
measures of process efficiency,
product conformance,
assessments of manufacturing feasibility made for changes to existing
operations and for new facilities or new product,
customer satisfaction,
review of performance against maintenance objectives,
warranty performance (where applicable),
review of customer scorecards (where applicable),
Identification of potential field failures identified through risk analysis (FMEA).

9.3.3 Management Review Outputs

The outputs of the Management Review shall include decisions and actions
related to:
Opportunities for Improvement
Any need for Changes to the QMS.
Resource needs.
The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the results of
Management Reviews. Management review outputs –supplemental

Top management shall document and implement an action plan when customer
performance targets are not met.

10 Improvement
10.1 General
The Supplier shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement
any necessary actions to meet MRF requirements / satisfaction.
These shall include:
Improving products to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and
Correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects.
Improving the performance and effectiveness of the QMS.
Examples of improvement can include correction, corrective action, continual
improvement, breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization.

10.2 Non Conformity and Corrective action

10.2.1 When a Non-conformity occurs, including any, arising complaints, the
organization shall:
React to the nonconformity and as applicable,
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
a) Take action to control and correct it.
b) Deal with the consequences.
Evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause(s) of Non conformity, in
order that it does not recur or occur elsewhere by;
a) Reviewing and analyzing the Nonconformity
b) Determining the causes of the Nonconformity
c) Determining if similar Nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur.
Implement any action needed.
Review the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
Update risks and opportunities
Make changes to the QMS, if necessary.
Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the Nonconformities

10.2.2 MRF Suppler shall retain documented information as evidence of:

Nature of the Nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken.
The results of any corrective actions taken.

10.2.3 Problem solving

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process(es) for problem solving including:
Defined approaches for various types and scale of problems,
Containment, interim actions, and related activities necessary for control of
nonconforming outputs,
Root cause analysis, methodology used, analysis, and results,
Implementation of systemic corrective actions, including consideration of the
impact on similar processes and products,
Verification of the effectiveness of implemented corrective actions,
Reviewing and updating the appropriate documented information (PFMEA,
control plan).

10.2.4 Error-proofing
MRF Supplier shall have a documented process to determine the use of appropriate
error-proofing methodologies and the details of the method used shall be documented
in the process risk analysis (PFMEA) and test frequencies shall be documented in the
control plan.
The process shall include the testing of error-proofing devices for failure or simulated
failure. Records shall be maintained. Challenge parts, when used, shall be identified,
controlled, verified, and calibrated where feasible. Error-proofing device failures shall
have a reaction plan.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
10.2.5 Warranty management systems
Supplier is required to provide warranty for their product(s), the supplier shall
implement a warranty management process.

10.2.6 Customer complaints and field failure test analysis

MRF Supplier shall perform analysis on customer complaints including any returned
parts, and shall initiate problem solving and corrective action to prevent recurrence.
The organization shall communicate the results of testing/analysis to the customer and
also within the organization.

10.3 Continual Improvement

MRF Supplier shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and the effectiveness
of the QMS.

10.3.1 Continual improvement- supplemental

MRF Supplier shall have a documented process for continual improvement. Supplier
shall include in this process the following:
Identification of the methodology used, objectives, measurement, effectiveness,
and documented information;
A manufacturing process improvement action plan with emphasis on the
reduction of process variation and waste;
Risk analysis (FMEA).

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
MRF carries out a Supplier Quality Rating system once in 6 months based on material receipts of the
previous period. Suppliers are rated into five categories: ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Meets Requirement’, ‘To be
closely monitored’, or ‘To be Re-approved’. It is our expectation that all our Suppliers fall into the ‘Excellent’
category. MRF Supplier Quality Rating System is designed to help the Suppliers to maintain high quality
products and to ensure that the quality level of materials supplied to MRF is continually improved.

The Suppliers Quality Rating system is based on two aspects

 Technical Aspects &
 Commercial Aspects

Technical Aspects: (75 Marks)

1. Conformance to MRF Standards 55 Marks
2. Analytical Quality 20 Marks

Commercial Aspects: (25 Marks)

Delivery Rating 25 Marks
Total 100 Marks

Technical Aspects: (75 Marks)

1.1 Conformance to MRF Standard (55 Marks)

Conformance to Acceptance Test 55 Marks
Marks will be reduced for every rejection, % Reduction = Rejection Quantity/Acceptance Quantity * 100,

Example, if 10 MT received
Case1 - out of 10MT if 5 MT rejected, 5 MT rejected/10 MT accepted *100, 50% of the marks will be deducted.
Case2 – out of 10MT if 2MT is rejected, 2MT rejected/10MT accepted *100, 20% of the marks will be deducted.

1.2 Analytical Quality (20 Marks)

Adherence to Process setting index (Ppk) – 2 parameters
In absence of 2 parameters 20 marks can be allocated for single parameter.
Ppk  1.67 10 Marks
Ppk 1.50 & Ppk<1.67 9.5 Marks
Ppk 1.33 & Ppk<1.50 9.0 Marks
Ppk 1.30 & Ppk<1.33 8.5 Marks
Ppk 1.26 & Ppk<1.30 8.0 Marks
Ppk 1.23 & Ppk<1.26 7.5 Marks
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Ppk1.20 & Ppk<1.23 7.0 Marks
Ppk1.17 & Ppk<1.20 6.5 Marks
Ppk1.13 & Ppk<1.17 6.0 Marks
Ppk1.10 & Ppk<1.13 5.5 Marks
Ppk1.00 & Ppk<1.10 5.0 Marks
Ppk0.95 & Ppk<1.00 4.5 Marks
Ppk0.90 & Ppk<0.95 4.0 Marks
Ppk0.85 & Ppk<0.90 3.5 Marks
Ppk0.80 & Ppk<0.85 3.0 Marks
Ppk0.75 & Ppk<0.80 2.5 Marks
Ppk0.70 & Ppk<0.75 2.0 Marks
Ppk0.60 & Ppk<0.70 1.5 Marks
Ppk0.50 & Ppk<0.60 1.0 Marks
Ppk0.40 & Ppk<0.50 0.5 Marks

Commercial Aspects: (25 Marks)

Delivery Rating (25 Marks)
No. of shipments received on time x 25
No. of shipments scheduled for the period

Supplier Rating = Technical Aspects Rating (75 Marks) + Commercial Aspects Rating (25 Marks)

Supplier Rating Assessment: The minimum supplier rating score to be obtained is 70marks. If Technical
Rating score falls below 55 or Commercial Rating score falls below 15, the Supplier has to furnish a time-
bound corrective action plan for improvement of scores.

Supplier Rating Score Assessment

90% to 100% Excellent
80% to 90% Good
70% to 80% Meets Requirement
Less than 70% Not acceptable - To be closely monitored
Suppliers falling in the “To be closely monitored” category will be checked on the quality levels of the next 5
consecutive supplies to MRF. If found necessary an MRF cross functional team may visit the Suppliers
premises to check on the effectiveness of the corrective & preventive action measures taken and make
recommendations for continual improvement.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
MRF may request for an assessment of the Supplier’s facility prior to
1. Selection of a new Supplier to MRF or
2. Supply of new material by an established Supplier or
3. Based on low Supplier quality rating, quality / technical / manufacturing complaints
4. Based on request from Aerospace customers / OEM’s / Regulatory Authorities

A cross-functional team will carry out the Supplier Assessment.

MRF Supplier Assessment at the facility may start with

 A presentation on the expectations of MRF from the Supplier with specific reference
to the need for uniformity and conformance to specifications.
 Presentation on how the supplied material is used by MRF.
 Requirements of IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, Aerospace Standard AS 9100,
Green procurement policy and Sustainability policy.

The Supplier assessment covers the following areas of the Supplier’s facility.
 Supplier Infrastructure & manufacturing capabilities
 Quality Management System
 Management Responsibility
 Resource Management
 Product Realisation
 Measurement Analysis and Improvement

The MRF team makes use of the Supplier Quality Assessment Program (SQAP) assessment form
for carrying out the assessment and a copy of the assessment results will be sent to the
Supplier. During the assessment, adherence to the documented system, procedures & records
are recorded along with reference numbers. Suppliers are divided into 4 categories A+, A , B
& C based on the material what they supply, separate assessment forms available for each
category except C category (for C category audit not required). Refer Annexure#1 for Supplier
category and Annexure #2,#3,#4 for SQAP audit check list. Minimum score required for A+, A,
B category suppliers is 70%. Supplier Action Plan is obtained for improvement points recorded
during the audit and needs to be complied within the committed target dates.

The existing SQAP (Supplier Quality Assessment Program) checklist got revised based on
“Minimum Automotive Quality Management System Requirements for Sub-Tier Suppliers” as
per IATF guidelines. We will start evaluating the suppliers along with the old checklist. We
want all suppliers to follow the same from Jan2022. Refer Annexure #5

The Supplier is advised to comply with all the requirements specified in this manual.
New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Green procurement policy is applicable to all raw materials suppliers Classified under A and A
plus category of suppliers

The following activities for Green procurement are requested from our suppliers in accordance
with Green Procurement Policy.

The requested items consists of ;-

1) Compliance with Environment related regulations
2) Establishment of Environmental Management System
3) Establishment of SOC Management System
4) Environmental Efforts in Supplier’s Business Activities
5) Submission of Prohibited substance free declaration

Although “Establishment of SOC Management System” is separated from “Establishment of

Environment Management System” in this guideline, you may incorporate the SOC
Management in the Environmental Management System or Quality Management System.

The requested activity items are listed below

1) Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Suppliers are requested to abide with all applicable Environmental laws and regulations.

2) Establishment of Environmental Management System

We prioritize business relations with suppliers that are playing active roles in
environmental protection (by implementing the following item 1 or 2).
1) Having already acquired an external certificate of Environmental Management
* The external certificates include ISO 14001 (International)
2) Having not acquired any external certificate of Environmental Management System,
but making efforts to establish own Environmental Management System.
Substantiate with your list of activities

3) Establishment of SOC (Substance of Concern) Management System

MRF will do business with suppliers who are meeting the SOC Management requirements

The following are the four points expected out SOC management system.
1. Suppliers are requested to assign a person in charge of SOC Management
2. Also a person in charge of IMDS data input shall be assigned for entering the data on
chemical substances contained in products at the request of MRF Ltd

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
3. Suppliers are requested to adhere confirm to following requirements
a. REACH Compliance. ( REACH approval or Non-use of prohibited materials
against REACH standard can be considered as compliance )
b. Origin of Conflict minerals, used directly or as alloy shall not be from
Democratic republic of Congo or nine countries with which it shares an
internationally recognized border
If you are using any prohibited items as against above requirements, please inform us
the plan to eliminate in future.
4. Control of sub suppliers
MRF request suppliers to take this activity forward with your suppliers ( MRF’s sub
suppliers) and request them to confirm to applicable environmental laws and
regulations, Establish EMS an SOC management system and make efforts to reduce SOC
in their business activities.
5. During SQAP audit , MRF will conduct the audit on the conformance to suppliers efforts
to establish EMS and SOC management systems

4) Environmental Efforts in Suppliers Business Activities

Supplier are requested to make the following efforts for reducing environmental impact
substances in their business activities.
1. Reduction of Green house gases (GHG)
2. Reduction of waste
3. Reduction of water consumption
4. Promotion of energy saving

Submission of relevant data on the above items is not required.

5) Green Procurement Related documents

Suppliers are requested to submit the following documents

a. EMS and SOCM checklist
b. Prohibited substance free declaration or status of the usage of prohibited materials

Both documents to be signed by CEO / MD / Business Head

New suppliers shall submit it before starting business with us

Regular suppliers that have not submitted it yet shall submit it immediately

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.

To be signed by CEO / MD / Business Head

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
b. Prohibited substance free declaration or status of the usage of prohibited materials

To be signed by CEO / MD / Business Head

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.

Supplier sustainability policy is applicable to all raw materials suppliers Classified under A and
A plus category of suppliers

The following activities are requested from our suppliers in accordance with Supplier
sustainability Policy.

Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

a) Enabling work Environment
MRF Core Policy on dealing with supplier is in line with the Philosophy of trust, teamwork,
mutuality and collaboration, fairness, objectivity, self-respect, human dignity. These values
form the basis of MRF HR management systems and processes.

All Suppliers of MRF shall

 Be committed to provide a work environment that is free of inappropriate

behaviour of all kinds, harassment and Child labour.
 Have the freedom of Employee association and to participate in any political
process including joining associations and involving themselves in public affairs.
 neither receive nor give any payments, gifts or remuneration, in cash or kind
which are intended to obtain favours for the conduct of business with MRF
 not engage in a financial or any other relationship with an employee of MRF
 Ensure the remuneration and social benefits meet the legal requirements with
regard to minimum wages, overtime and prescribed social benefits, as well as
compliance with working hours.

All suppliers of MRF are expected to extend the above principles to their suppliers in the
automotive supply chain.

b) Compliance with Laws

All Suppliers of MRF are expected to follow applicable laws and regulation and to comply fully
in letter and spirit.

c) Confidentiality of Information
All suppliers of MRF shall maintain confidentiality of all information w.r.t MRF. Information
shall not be provided either formally or informally to the press, electronic media, any other
external agency/organization except as authorized by the MRF.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
d) Health, Safety and Security Regulations
All suppliers of MRF are expected to give importance to health and safe work environment to
their employees. Supplier shall ensure the safety practices and procedures are in place, use of
personal protective equipment and compliance with health and safety norms of the company.

e) Whistle blowing and protection against retaliation

All Suppliers of MRF shall ensure their employees have the freedom to raise their concerns,
questions, to make a disclosure, to report specific instances of unethical behaviour, actual or
suspected incidents of fraud or violation of Company’s Values/Principles or Code of Conduct
that could adversely impact the Company's operations, business performance and reputation.
The employees of the company are encouraged to feel free and to speak in the appropriate
forum of the company.

The supplier shall not retaliate against those who report such issues or concerns in good faith.

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.

Assessment An evaluation process performed by MRF on its Suppliers. This

includes adequacy and process audit on MRF Specified Quality System
Requirements, Supplier Rating and report.

Control Plan Written description of the systems for controlling parts and processes

Equipment Indicates all inspection, measuring and test equipment, which

includes instruments and gauges for evaluating material conformance

Material All materials, products, parts, assemblies or items used for

manufacturing MRF products.

Non-conformance Product / Material / Process which does no conform to MRF specified

requirements / specifications

Process Capability Ability of the process to meet specification and tolerance.


Quality Manual The Supplier’s document (Level 1) that describes the elements of the
quality system. This is used to assure that Suppliers meet MRF quality
system requirements and expectations.

QMS Defines the Quality Management System requirements to be met by

the Suppliers to MRF in line with International standard

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.
Annexure details of Material category and Checklists

Annexure#1: Category of supplier based on material supplied.

Annexure#2: SQAP Audit checklist for A+ Category respectively (C-QA-SQAP-XX)

Annexure#3: SQAP Audit checklist for A Category respectively (C-QA-SQAP-XX)

Annexure#4: SQAP Audit checklist for B Category respectively (C-QA-SQAP-XX)

Annexure#5: NEW SQAP Audit checklist (C-QA-SQAP-New: w.e.f Jan 2022 irrespective of category)

New No: 114 (Old No: 124), Greams Road Chennai 600 006.

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