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FACT SHEET:The Polygraph

Proiect Psihologie Judiciară ID AN II, Studenți: Bora Octavian Vasile, Costa Răzvan Daniel,
Derda Adriana, Tarr Krisztina Anett

simple, easy to understand, direct, should not

lead to incorrect answers. The final talk takes
What is a polygraph? place when the test is over and does not inform
the participant about the result, but about the
validity of the test.
Lying is a recurrent human behavior that can
have a devastating impact on relationships, Polygraph accuracy
societies, employment, criminal justice, politics,
public health, and national security. In 1921 the The validity and legitimacy of the polygraph
first polygraph was created by a policeman and tests has been a subject of multiple studies
physiologist named John A. Larson who throughout the years. One aspect that the studies
designed a device that measured variations in related to deception indicate is that there isn’t
heart rate, pulse rate, and respiratory rate to any evidence to correlate a specific pattern of
assist in the identification of dishonesty. physiological responses to a stimulus that
induces deception. Therefore, polygraph
Polygraph tests are psychological tests that are accuracy should be regarded as being dependent
used worldwide as a screening tool, as forensic on sensitivity, specificity, error, and descriptive
tests in investigations and in legal proceedings. forms for each individual case (Nelson, 2015).
But what does a polygraph measure? In an An important mention is that, due to its
extreme simple way to explain we could say it empirical limitations and to the fact that the
measures the response to a stimulus, meaning settings in which the polygraph can give
that when a stimulus is present, it accurate results, are not tied to the real world,
observes/measures the responses (physiological nowadays it is not considered that the results of
responses, involving the respiratory, a polygraph test can be generalized
cardiovascular, and integumentary systems, in (Synnott et al., 2015)
. Therefore, we should not take the
addition to somatic activity in skeletal muscle, results of a polygraph test as an absolute
responses that are associated with arousal in the meaning, contrary to what is promoted in
autonomic nervous system) in an attempt to movies.
detect a lie (Winkler-Galicki et al., 2022). The
test should take place in private conditions, with A fact that the common person needs to be
no disruption; the examined person needs to aware of, is that before each polygraph testing,
understand the language and all the questions there will be an interview that explains how the
asked. The main test takes place after the pre- procedure works and what the test is. This
test interview and demonstration test. specific preparation can induce the idea that any
deception will be detected, and, in the end, it can
Only “yes” or “no” answers are allowed, and shape the emotional state of the person,
questions should be close to the true/false mode,
therefore increasing the accuracy of the tests, but On this regard the experience of the examinator
not really representing the reality is quite important. It is possible to beat the test if
(Synnott et al., 2015)
. you are dealing with a novice examiner, but
close to impossible if you are dealing with an
Are polygraph tests reliable? Why or experienced one (Honts et al., 2021b).
why not?
The acknowledged tactics for beating a
The contemporary approach agrees that polygraph machine are to carefully control the
polygraph tests improve the chance of detecting breathing, and to artificially increase the heart
deception and aid in the process discerning rate during the so-called "probable lies" or
between truth and lie, but at the same time they "control questions." These include questions
are aware of the shortcomings of the people are likely to lie about such as, "Have you
method ever stolen money?" "Have you ever lied to your
(Honts et al., 2021a; Rutbeck-Goldman, 2017) parents?" "Have you ever cheated on a test?" or
"Have you ever taken something of value from
- Measures can be taken to reduce the rate an employer?"
of deception identification.
- The identification of a small number of If one can produce self-pain (like biting the
lies can have a hie false-negative yield, tongue) or engage into complex math calculation
therefore making the tests not viable. this could lead to an increase in the blood
- The test procedure does not follow the pressure, breathing, and sweat production, and
real-life scenarios. the polygrapher will attribute these responses to
- Most evidence in the support of a strong reaction to lying.
polygraph tests comes from laboratory- Then, if the same person would lie in response
controlled environments. to a relevant question, and the physical response
Having all those mentions in mind, the general would be less than it was to the control
answer would be: It depends. The polygraph questions, the answer would be interpreted as
tests are dependable only in certain contexts, the truth.
where certain, specific, tests are conducted and The main idea in beating the lie detector is to
when the purpose is not to decisively attest to have a high ability in controlling the
the presence of deception. In many real-life psychological responses of the body.
contexts, the tests might be affected by the way
the tests were conducted, the emotional state of
the person, the underlying physiological
conditions. Final Comments
Can you trick a polygraph? The idea that we need to have in mind when
referring to polygraph tests is that while they
Organizations, such as the American might give some accurate information, they are
Psychological Association, claim that most of not decisive in any decision-making process.
the people who have “beaten” the exam have a The reality presented in movies is different from
misapprehension of what beating means. Some the factual one, where a polygraph test can only
believe that if the results are inconclusive, it has be valid in certain, controlled circumstances.
been beaten. However, that does not mean they While the general idea is that a polygraph test
have been able to successfully lie; it only means can be tricked, we need to keep in mind that this
there is no conclusion either way. This will is not an easy feat and that it does not mean the
usually lead to a re-test request.
end of the testing, but only the change of the

Honts, C. R., Thurber, S., & Handler, M. (2021a). A
comprehensive meta-analysis of the
comparison question polygraph test. Applied
Cognitive Psychology, 35(2), 411–427.

Honts, C. R., Thurber, S., & Handler, M. (2021b). A

comprehensive meta-analysis of the comparison
question polygraph test. Applied Cognitive
Psychology, 35(2), 411–427.
Nelson, R. (2015). Scientific Basis for Polygraph
Testing (Issue 1).
Rutbeck-Goldman, A. (2017). An “Unfair and Cruel
Weapon”: Consequences of Modern-Day
Polygraph Use in Federal Pre-Employment
Screening Recommended Citation. In C. Irvine
L. Rev.
Synnott, J., Dietzel, D., & Ioannou, M. (2015). A
review of the polygraph: history, methodology
and current status. Crime Psychology Review,
1(1), 59–83.
Winkler-Galicki, J., Bartkowiak-Wieczorek, J.,
Synowiec, D., Dąbrowska, R., & Mądry, E.
(2022). Polygraph analyses: technical and
practical background. Journal of Medical
Science, 91(1), e590.

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