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Read the verses below. Write the signs of the second coming of Christ found in each verse.

Please write in an orderly manner. This activity is by groups of 3 individuals. Only one member
should submit the document, with the surnames of the members in the title of the document

24:4-14, 23-26

# SIGNS Verses
1. False Messiah 5
2. Wars and rumors of wars 6
3. Nation rising against nation, kingdom against 7
4. Famine 7
5. Earthquakes 7
6. Persecution of believers. 9
7. Many falling away from faith. 10
8. False prophet deceiving many. 11
9. Increase of wickedness leading to love growing 12
10. Preaching the gospel to all nation. 14
11. False Christ and false prophets performing great 23-26
signs and wonders to deceive it possible, even
the elect.


# SIGN Verses
1. Increase in knowledge 4
“But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words
of the scroll until the time of the end. Many
will go here and there to increase
•2 Timothy

# SIGN Verses
1. People will be lovers of themselves. 2
2. People will be lovers of many. 2
3. People will be boastful. 2
4. People will be proud. 2
5. People will be abusive. 2
6. People will be disobedient to their 2
7. People will be ungrateful. 2
8. People will be unholy. 2
9. People will be without love. 3
10. People will be unforgiving. 3
11. People will be slanderous. 3
12. People will be without self- control. 3
13. People will be brutal. 3
14. People will be out lovers of the good. 3
15. People will be treacherous. 4
16. People will be rash. 4
17. People will be conceited. 4
18. People will love pleasure than God. 4
19. People will have a form of godliness 5
but deny its power.


# SIGN Verses
1. “There will be signs in the sun, moon and 25
stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish
and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of
the sea.

14:6, 7
# SIGN Verses
1. Angel proclaim the eternal gospel to those 6
who live in earth.
“ Then I saw another angel flying in
midair, and he had the eternal gospel to
proclaim to those who live on the earth—to
every nation, tribe, language and people. “
2. “He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and 7
give him glory, because the hour of his
judgment has come. Worship him who
made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the
springs of water.”

2:1-4, 7-10

# SIGN Verses
1. Don’t be deceived by false 1-2
teaching cleaning Jesus has
already returned.
2. The day of the lord won’t 3
come until the rebellion and
the revealing of the man of
3. This man of lawlessness will 4,8
oppose God, set himself up as
God, and destroyed by Jesus.
4. The lawless one’s arrival is 7,9-10
linked to the work of Satan,
with deceitful signs and


# SIGN Verses
1. ”The second beast was given power to give 15
breath to the image of the first beast, so that
the image could speak and cause all who
refused to worship the image to be killed.
2. “It also forced all people, great and small, 16
rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a
mark on their right hands or on their
3. “so that they could not buy or sell unless 17
they had the mark, which is the name of the
beast or the number of its name.

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