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Tuvales Bernadeth S.

Medtech 3 irregular/ BSMT1B

In our discussion, we have learned that the seventh-day Sabbath is commanded by God not only
to the Jews but to the whole humanity (Mark 2:27). However, when we look at our world today,
one question comes to mind: if Saturday is what the Scripture commanded, then why does the
world observe Sunday as the day of rest?

Now, in this activity, answer the following questions and provide 5 references each. You can look
into the internet for your answers, but do not just copy and paste it, please read it as well. Your
reference must be credible, whether a book or an article from the internet. Do not use ChatGPT.
Be faithful in your search for answers. If you have any inquiries regarding the questions in this
activity, feel free to ask me directly.

1. If the Bible commands to keep Saturday as the Sabbath day, then why does the world
observe Sunday instead?

Sunday has replaced Saturday as the day of rest due to theological interpretations and
early Christian traditions. Although some Christians observe Saturday as the Sabbath, the
majority observe Sunday instead, attributing this shift to the resurrection of Christ and the early
church fathers' customs. This emphasize the value of rest, having faith in God's provision, and
enjoying a joyous Sabbath. Constantine witch is the emperor of Rome had some kind of vision
and saw a flaming cross in the sky and took it as n omen that he should be a Christian, and his
army as well. Even though after becoming a Christian they are still pagans at heart, and they
brought in much influence and paraphernalia of sun-worship to Witch they continued to devote.
In order to make it more convenient for them to make changes to the new religion they change
the Christian Sabbaths to Sunday in their love to sun.
2. Who changed the day of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? When was it changed?
On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making
Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest
upon the venerable day of the sun. Early Christians are responsible with switching the Sabbath
from Saturday to Sunday, especially in the first several decades following the crucifixion of
Jesus Christ. The change came gradually as Christianity spread and followers of the faith started
to celebrate Jesus' resurrection, which usually took place on a Sunday. The precise date of the
shift is ambiguous and changes based on historical perspectives. “The Catholic Church, … by
virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday” (The Catholic Mirror,
official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893).

3) Is the seventh-day Sabbath still relevant today?

Depending on one's religious or cultural views, the seventh-day Sabbath has different
significance. The Sabbath continues to play a vital role in the beliefs and practices of many
observant Jews and some Christian groups, including Seventh-day Adventists. They celebrate it
as a day of relaxation, prayer, and introspection. But for others, the Sabbath may have different
religious meanings, and how it is observed varies greatly depending on personal convictions and
local customs. As followers of Jesus, God does not expect us to live by Israel’s laws. However,
the wisdom of these laws remains, and the law of the Sabbath is rich with significance for us
today. Sabbath is not a commandment we are bound to; it’s a promise we’re invited to enjoy.
When we practice this purposeful pause, we make room for God to take up residence in our
individual lives and communities. And when we do this, we take part in the new creation story,
setting the stage for God to make his dwelling place once again on Earth.

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