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Humanistic Perspective: Resonating with Personal Beliefs on Human Emotions

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Humanistic Perspective: Resonating with Personal Beliefs on Human Emotions

Psychologists utilize several theories to describe human behavior and emotions.

Humanistic and person-centered therapy resonated with me most in the chapter on behavioral,

cognitive, humanistic, and sociocultural approaches. Humanism emphasizes the complete person

and their capacity to reach their full potential. It shows how personal experiences, choices, and

responsibilities affect behavior and emotions. Wellness also requires understanding and

accepting one's feelings, attitudes, and behaviors.

Humanists believe that people create their own unique experiences, unlike other

viewpoints that see humans as passive creatures influenced by their environment or genetics.

This matches my ideas about the feelings that people experience since everybody can develop

and reach their potential under the correct conditions. I also believe people can choose and

influence their lives and want to self-actualize or reach their potential. A humanistic approach is

used in Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy. This treatment gives patients a secure space to

explore and understand their ideas, emotions, and experiences without therapist interference

(McLeod, 2019). The therapist helps patients reach their potential via empathy, congruence, and

unconditional positive regard. According to this idea, aid and acceptance may help people

change for the better.

I endorse person-centered therapy because it emphasizes the need for a supportive, non-

judgmental atmosphere for personal development. This is because mutual understanding and

acceptance have helped me grow. I also think that people have the answers and that the

therapist's responsibility is to guide them rather than impose their opinions. Humanism views

humans as unique and multifaceted, making them resistant to diagnosis and categorization (Good

Therapy, 2018). As a mental health practitioner, I aim to understand people's unique experiences

and help them find meaning and purpose. Humanism puts potential and self-actualization over


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In conclusion, the humanistic viewpoint and person-centered treatment match my views

on people and emotions. In therapy, I value human progress and self-actualization, personal

experiences and choices, true understanding, and acceptance. This method has deepened my

awareness of my beliefs as a mental health practitioner and improved my dedication to helping

clients develop and find themselves.



Good Therapy. (2018). Humanistic psychology.

McLeod, S. (2019). Person Centred Therapy - Core Conditions.

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