Management Cheet Sheet 1

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The Decision Matrix Cheat Sheet 1.

@Kevin Box

Application : Use for project management, helping teams to categorize tasks based on Application : Use it to minimize the impact of biases and emotions, and focus on a
their importance and urgency. . logical decision.

MoSCoW Method The Rational Decision-Making Process

Involves a logical, step-by-step approach to

decision-making, based on data and analysis.

Identify Establish Weigh the Select the

Generate Evaluate
the Decision Decision Best
Altermitives Alternatives
Must Have Should Have Could Have Will Not Have Problem Criteria Criteria Alternatives

All the requirements Requirements that Requirements that All the Requirements
that are necessary are important for are nice to have, but that have been
for the successful project completetion have a much smaller recognized as not a
com0pleteion of the but not necessasy. impact when left out priority for the
The Rational Decision-Making Model offers a
project. of the project. project’s timeframe.

systematic and logical approach, leading to more
informed and effective decisions. It minimizes
What is the MoSCoW method?
emotional bias, ensures all options are considered,
The MoSCoW method is a four-step approach to prioritizing which project requirements and aligns decisions with factual data and
provide the best return on investment (ROI). MoSCoW stands for must have, should have,
could have and will not have -- the o's make the acronym more pronounceable.

Application : Use it to encourage teams to think more deeply and critically about Application : Use it evaluate your business from different angles, and discover new
problems and decisions. ways to grow and improve.
The 6 Thinking Hats
The Six Thinking Hats: SWOT Analysis
Is used to encourage
comprehensive and A SWOT analysis is a
diverse thinking by
separating thinking
framework that

into six distinct modes. evaluates a business’

This approach reduces strengths, weaknesses,
conflicts, fosters opportunities, and
collaborative problem-
solving, enhances threats.
creativity, and ensures
a thorough
examination of issues
The acronym "SWOT"

from multiple stands for these four

perspectives, leading factors. Performing a
to more balanced and
effective decision- SWOT analysis can help
making. you make better
business decisions.

Source: Positive Negative Source:

Application : Use it for gathering expert opinions to reach a consensus on complex issues. Application : Use it when timely responses are needed in dynamic situations.

Intuitive Decision-
The Delphi Method The Intuitive Decision-Making Model:
Making Model
The Delphi Method: Is a sophisticated approach where
managers rely on their experience and
expertise to make decisions. Initially, it Detect the
Is a qualitative and qualitative
might seem like it's based on gut feeling, problem
prospective tool, consisting of but it's actually a process where intuition,
an aggregation of (experts) shaped by years of experience, knowledge,
Business vision Learn the
opinions. It is a systematic and insider information, plays a key role. behind the patterns of the
method of formal Managers use this intuition to identify and problem problems

questionnaire interrogation understand problems, integrating various

using intuitive judgement and data to form a complete picture. Roles of
knowledge of a panel which is
Intuition also aids in choosing between
geographically dispersed, used Assemble
multiple solutions and in taking action, Isolated Data
to make predictions by often even before the rationale behind Engender the to fully
final solution understand the
expressing rational opinions on these actions is fully articulated. This model problem
questions where there is no uniquely integrates action into problem
absolute answer. definition and analysis, with managers
Compare and
often relying on their instincts to guide their check various
initial steps.


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The Decision Matrix Cheat Sheet 2.0
@Kevin Box @Fuel Your Growth
Application : Use 5 Whys for troubleshooting, quality improvement, and problem solving. Application : Use it when you need to prioritize tasks.

The 5 Whys The Problem

Urgent Summary
The Eisenhower Matrix is a task
management tool that helps
The Methodology Do Now: Schedule: Task

The 5 Whys you organize and prioritize
Deadlines with Unclear
Consequences Deadlines tasks by urgency and
The method is remarkably Define the Problem importance.
simple: when a problem occurs, Why is it happening?
you drill down to its root cause Using the tool, you’ll divide
Delegate: Task Delete:

by asking "Why?" five times. Why is that? your tasks into four boxes
that must get Distractions or

based on the tasks you’ll do
Then, when a counter-measure Why is that?
done, but not Unnecessary first, the tasks you’ll schedule
becomes apparent, you follow

Why is that? by you task
for later, the tasks you’ll
it through to prevent the issue Why is that? delegate, and the tasks you’ll
from recurring.
The Eisenhower

Source: Matrix Source:

Application : Use it to solve complex problems. Application : Use it to compare the good and the bad for any decision

10x Your Decision Making Dan Martell’s Ben Franklin's Pros & Cons Decision Making

Speed Method
Team has a problem!
1-3-1 Method
Pro’s Con’s
Define the Specific 1. 1.

3 Leader asks: What are 3 Problem (1): 2. 2.

3. 3.
viable solutions?
4. 4.
Three Viable Options
5. 5.

1 Out of the viable

options, comes 1
The Specific
Recommendation (1)
Process: List the pros and cons on a sheet of paper, dividing it into two columns.
Under the ”Pros” Section on the left, list all of the positives for the decision. On the
right, list all of the negatives for the decision. The side with the most listed is the
specific solution to the decision you choose.
Source: Dan Martell @fuelyourgrowth Source: dev.tol

Application : Use it to make critical decisions at lighting speeds Application : Leaders can use it to accurately categorize problems and apply the

The OODA Loop

most effective decision-making approach.

The Cynefin Framework

Observe Step No. 1: Observe: Gather current information from
Loop the environment. This involves understanding the
situation by collecting data, identifying changes, Understanding Your Query:
and recognizing new elements that may affect
decision-making. Interpret and analyze the
question or request.
Step No. 2: Orient: Analyze and synthesize the
information. This stage involves filtering the Gathering Information: Based
Act Orient observed data through personal experience,
on your query, access the
cultural background, and existing knowledge to
form a comprehensive picture of the situation and training data, or use available
potential implications.
tools to find relevant
Step No. 3: Decide: Formulate a course of action. information.
Based on the orientation, this step involves choosing
the best possible action or strategy to address the Formulating a Response:
situation, considering the analyzed information and
Synthesize the gathered
Decide potential outcomes.
information into a coherent
Step No. 4: Act: Implement the decision. This final and accurate answer.
stage is about putting the chosen course of action
into practice, executing the decision to influence the
situation or environment Presenting the Answer:
Provide the response in a
The OODA Loop is cyclic, meaning after acting, the process returns to observation to assess the clear, concise, and
impact of the action and adjust the strategy as necessary, making it a dynamic and contextually appropriate
continuous approach to decision-making. manner.
Source: Source:

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The Decision Matrix Cheat Sheet 3.0
@Kevin Box @Fuel Your Growth
Application : Satisficing enables you to more quickly select an option that meets your Application :used to analyze and predict decision-making by evaluating how
minimum requirements, freeing up time and resources for other important tasks individuals value and choose between different options based on their perceived

The Basics of Utility Theory

The Satisficing Decision Model
Utility Theory: Making decisions based on the expected
1. Criteria Identification: outcomes, measured in terms of personal benefit.
Define specific,

1 1
measurable goals (e.g.,
Identify Key cost, reliability) for
Criteria decision-making.
2 2
2. Threshold Setting:
Determine minimum

3 4
Acceptable acceptable standards for
Levels each goal.

Evaluate 3. Evaluate Options: Assess
alternatives using tools

like decision trees or

Monte Carlo simulations.
Utility theory centers on the idea that utility is subjective and varies per individual, is
Iterate as 4. Continuous Adaptation: measurable often through surveys or behavioral observations, follows the law of
Necessary Update goals and diminishing marginal utility where satisfaction from additional consumption
standards as new decreases, and allows for comparison of utilities across different outcomes to inform
information or changes decision-making.

Source: & Productivity Guy/YouTube Source:

Application : Best utilized for structured, routine decision-making where clarity and Application : Use for encouraging individual contributions and preventing
consistency are essential. premature consensus or the dominance of louder voices in a group setting.
Flow-Chart Decision Process
The Stepladder Decision Technique
1. Structured Problem-Solving: It
provides a step-by-step Stepladder Technique: A 1. Starting with a Core Group: Beginning
approach to address specific method for structuring group the decision-making process with a
problems. decision-making by adding small team to establish the initial
2. Clarity and Transparency: The members one at a time. discussion.
visual flowchart format clearly 2. Sequential Input: Adding members to
delineates decision paths and the group one at a time to contribute
outcomes. new ideas and perspectives.
3. Standardizing Decisions: It 3. Independent Thinking: Encouraging
ensures consistency in decision- each new member to develop and
making across different

share their thoughts independently

scenarios and individuals. before group discussion.
4. Efficiency: It streamlines the 4. Structured Process: Following a step-
decision process, especially for by-step procedure to ensure orderly
routine or repetitive decisions. and inclusive participation.
5. Easy Communication: The visual 5. Minimizing Peer Pressure: Reducing
nature makes it simpler to conformity and encouraging unique
communicate and understand contributions by allowing individual
the decision-making process. input before group consensus. Source:

Application : used in negotiations to identify the range where both parties can find Application : Use in situations where problems and solutions are unclear, and
mutually acceptable outcomes. traditional, linear decision-making processes are not effective.

Zone of Possible Agreement The Garbage Can Decision Model

The Zone of
1. Unclear Preferences:
Possible Organizations often have Solutions
Agreement (ZOPA) ambiguous and shifting goals. Ch
2. Changing Participants: The oi
Is the range in a ce
individuals involved in decision-
Choice Ar
negotiation where making frequently change. en
the parties' 3. Solutions Without Problems: Opportunities a

respective Solutions are proposed
independently and then seek
minimum and
applicable problems.
acceptable terms
4. Random Timing: Decisions occur Decision Decision
based on the random alignment
overlap, indicating of problems, solutions,
a potential participants, and opportunities.
agreement can be The Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) - can 5. Organized Chaos: The decision-
reached. dynamically shift during negotiations as parties share making process lacks clear
information and understand each other's positions, structure, resembling anarchy Problems
potentially expanding the range for agreement. within an organized setting.

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The Decision Matrix Cheat Sheet 4.0
@Kevin Box @Fuel Your Growth

Application : Use is in pricing strategies, where initial price points set consumer expectations and Application : Used in marketing, where frequent advertising can make a product come to mind
influence their willingness to pay. easily, thus increasing the likelihood of its purchase by consumers.

Anchoring and Adjustment

Adjusting a previously existing The Availability Heuristic
Heuristic Saves Time value or starting point to make
a decision: Judging the likelihood of an event based on how easily
we can recall similar events.
Why Use It? 1. Definition: A cognitive bias that
describes our tendency to rely
heavily on the first piece of
information encountered when
Ease of Use
making decisions or estimates.
2. Anchor: The initial information
Provides serves as an anchor, acting as
a reference point.
Starting Point

3. Adjustment: We adjust from the
anchor to reach our final
4. Influence on Decision-Making:
It is a mental starting point that
significantly influences our
subsequent decision-making.

Source: Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky

Application : Use it for refining risk management strategies by leveraging human behavioral Application : Use it in emergency response training, where responders use their experience to
patterns in decision-making uncertainty. quickly recognize patterns and make effective decisions under pressure.

Prospect Theory Why Use it? Recognition-Primed

1. Loss Aversion: Guides
framing of decisions to align
Decision Model
with stakeholders' biases.
2. Diminishing Sensitivity: Helps
predict the impact of gains
and losses more accurately.
3. Perception of Probability:
Aids in anticipating choices
under uncertainty.
4. Risk Evaluation: Ensures
consideration of potential
negative outcomes in

5. Human-Centric: Employs
behavioral insights for
realistic decision-making

Source: Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky Gary Klein Source:

Application : Use it is to aid in complex decision-making by visually mapping out choices, outcomes, and Application : Use it to optimize operational processes by identifying and managing the most
their probable impacts. limiting factors (constraints) to achieve desired goals.

The Decision Tree 5 Key Benefits:

Theory of Constraints 5 Focusing Steps:
1. Identify Decision Points: Maps out
Analysis (5-Steps) critical choices, providing a clear 1. Identify the system's
overview of the decision-making constraint.
process. 2. Determine how to Exploit
2. Evaluate Possible Outcomes:
the system's constraint.
Assesses potential results for each
choice, aiding in risk assessment. 3. Subordinate every other
3. Quantify Consequences: Attaches aspect of the system to the
values or probabilities to outcomes, constraint in an effort to
enhancing objective analysis. maximize potential with
4. Incorporate Sequential Decisions: existing resources.
Allows for the consideration of future 4. Elevate the constraint.

decisions, promoting long-term

5. If, at any point during this
5. Facilitate Transparent Analysis:
process, the constraint
Visual representation makes it easier ceases to exist, Repeat
to communicate decisions and their these five steps.
implications to stakeholders. R.A. Howard and C.W. Matheson Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt

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The Blue Ocean Strategy
@Kevin Box
Cheat Sheet 1.0 @Fuel Your Growth

What is Blue Ocean Strategy? The Four Actions Framework The 4 Actions Framework

Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing approach that encourages creating new market This framework helps businesses reconstruct
1. Eliminate: Identify and
spaces or "blue oceans" rather than competing in oversaturated markets, or "red oceans." market boundaries and focus on innovation, remove factors that the
This strategy focuses on innovation to create value for both the company and the rather than competition. industry takes for
customer, differentiating the brand and making competition irrelevant. It's about finding granted but are no
and exploiting new opportunities, rather than fighting over existing demand.
longer valuable to
2. Reduce: Decrease
Cost Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy elements well below the
vs. industry's standard to
Focus on Current Focus on Current
Customers Customers streamline operations
Compete in Existing Markets Create Uncontested Markets
and costs.
3. Raise: Enhance factors
Beat the Competition Make the Competition Irrelevant above the industry
Value standard to provide
Exploit Existing Demand Create and Capture New Demand better value to

Make the Value-Cost Trade-off Break the Value-Cost Trade-off 4. Create: Introduce new
elements that the
Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in
strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. pursuit of differentiation and low cost. industry has never
offered, creating unique
Buyer Value value and demand.

Source: Source:


Value Innovation, central to the Blue The Strategy Canvas
Ocean Strategy, is built on key Strategy Canvas is a central diagnostic tool and an includes several key
principles: action framework for building a compelling blue ocean factors:
strategy. It graphically captures, in one simple picture,
the current strategic landscape and the future 1. Value Curves: Visual
1. Buyer Utility: Prioritize what representation of a
customers truly value, focusing on prospects for an organization.
utility and customer experience. performance across
2. Price: Set a price point accessible to key industry factors.
a large number of buyers, ensuring 2. Horizontal Axis: Lists
the offering is attractive in terms of the factors the
industry competes

3. Cost: Target cost reduction while 3. Vertical Axis:

maximizing value, balancing These principles aim to Indicates the level of
affordability with quality. simultaneously deliver high value offerings provided to
4. Adoption: Address potential buyers.
to customers and maintain cost-
adoption hurdles upfront, ensuring 4. Focus: Helps identify
stakeholders are on board and any
effective operations, leading to strategic areas for
roadblocks to implementation are new market creation and growth. innovation and

Source: Source:


The Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map, assess your company's The main points of the
The Three Tiers of portfolio for growth potential by categorizing offerings into Pioneer-Migrator-Settler
Noncustomers Framework: pioneers (highly innovative), migrators (moderately Map are:
innovative), and settlers (least innovative), to gauge
Identifies potential markets strategic health. 1. Categorization: Classify
beyond a company's offerings into pioneers
current customer base, (high innovation),
focusing on: migrators (moderate
innovation), and settlers
Almost exiting customers. (low innovation).
Active market avoiders. 2. Strategic Assessment:
Completely unrelated Evaluate the balance and
health of the company's
market segments. portfolio based on these
This approach helps in categories.
tapping into new customer 3. Growth Potential: Identify
1. First Tier: "Soon-to-be" non-customers who are
bases for business areas with potential for
on the edge of your market.
expansion. profitable growth and
2. Second Tier: "Refusing" non-customers who
consciously choose against your market.
3. Third Tier: "Unexplored" non-customers who are
in markets distant from yours.
Source: Source:

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The Blue Ocean Strategy
@Kevin Box
Cheat Sheet 2.0 @Fuel Your Growth

Price Corridor of the Mass The ERRC Grid

The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create (ERRC) Grid, a key component of blue ocean
strategy, is a straightforward matrix that guides companies to focus on
eliminating and reducing factors, while also raising and creating new ones, thus
leading to the discovery of new blue oceans.
Step one:

Identify the price

The ERRC Grid is a tool that
corridor of the mass.
aids in applying the Four
Actions Framework to
Step two:
develop new value curves,
Specify a price level essential for blue ocean
within the price corridor. strategy. It ensures
Three alternative balance between
product service types: differentiation and cost,
1. Same Form highlights risks of
2. Different Form, Same overemphasis on
Function raising/creating features, is
The Price Corridor of the Target Mass is a managerial tool for user-friendly for all

3. Different Form and
setting strategic prices that appeal to a wide customer base. management levels, and
Function, Same
Managers need to consider the trade-offs buyers make Objective prompts a deep evaluation
during purchase decisions, along with ensuring sufficient legal of industry factors and
and resource protection to prevent imitation by competitors. assumptions.

Source: Source:

Five Steps to a Blue Ocean Shift Sequence of Creating a Blue Ocean

Step 1: Choose an appropriate New Business Terrain The 3 Tiers of
starting point within
organizational limits. Framework:

Step 2: Assess the current 1. Identifies potential

competitive landscape to align markets beyond a
and motivate the team. company's current
customer base,
Step 3: Envision potential shifts focusing on:
2. Almost exiting
by identifying buyer pain points
and exploring untapped 3. Active market
demand. avoiders.
4. Completely unrelated

Step 4: Develop strategies to market segments.

create new market spaces. 5. This approach helps in
tapping into new
Step 5: Decide on a specific blue customer bases for
business expansion.
ocean move, ensuring team
commitment and top
management alignment.

Source: Source:

Three Key Components of a Blue Ocean Shift Four Hurdles to Strategy Execution
Once a company develops a blue ocean strategy with a
profitable business model, executing the strategy becomes
the next challenge. This is often more difficult than in The 4 Hurdles:
3 Key Steps: traditional red ocean contexts due to the significant
1. Cognitive Hurdle:
departure from the status quo. Successful execution involves
1. Buyer Utility: Check if your Convincing employees
overcoming four key organizational hurdles.
offering provides exceptional of the need for
utility and a compelling strategic change.
reason for mass purchase. 2. Resource Hurdle:
2. Pricing: Ensure pricing appeals
assumptions about
to target buyers, enabling the resources needed
market buzz and purchase for major strategy
ability. shifts.
3. Cost: Assess if the offering can 3. Motivational Hurdle:
be Encouraging key
players to actively
support change.

1. Adopting a Blue Ocean Perspective: Think beyond conventional practices to ID new 4. Political Hurdle:
opportunities. Overcoming internal
2. Practical Tools for Market Creation: Use visual and easy-to-understand tools to turn innovative opposition to new
ideas into marketable realities. ideas.
3. A Humanistic Process: Foster a supportive environment that encourages team confidence and
strategic execution.
Source: Source:

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The Ultimate Business Strategy
@Kevin Box Matrix @Fuel Your Growth

Application : The model encourages organizations to look beyond direct competitors when assessing Application : Used to evaluate a company's resources and capabilities to determine if they
strategy and, instead, consider broader environmental forces can provide a sustainable competitive advantage.

Porter's Five Forces Analysis This model analyzes the VRIO Framework
competitive environment of a
business, focusing on:
1. Supplier Power: Influence
of suppliers on prices.
2. Buyer Power: Customers'
impact on pricing and
3. Competitive Rivalry:
Intensity of market
4. Substitute Threat: Ease of
customers switching to 1. Rare: Unique resources limited to few companies.
alternatives. 2. Inimitable: Resources difficult to copy due to unique history, unclear causal
5. New Entrant Threat: links, or complex social structures.
Barriers to new 3. Organization-Wide Support: Effective use and management of resources
competitors entering the through suitable organizational structures and systems.

Application : Use it for executing and sustaining organizational change, focusing on steps from Application : Use it to connect the dots between the various components of strategic planning
establishing urgency to integrating new approaches into the culture. and management.

Kotter’s 8-Step Model Better Change The Balanced

1. Clear Framework: Offers
a systematic approach
for managing change. Strategic Focus
2. Builds Support:
Best Used for aligning
Emphasizes creating
urgency and coalition for business activities with
wider engagement. the organization's vision
3. Sustainable Change: and strategy, improving
Focuses on long-term internal and external
integration into
communications, and
organizational culture.

This model provides opportunities for monitoring performance

4. Adaptable: Flexible to
emerging leaders to develop and
various organizational against strategic goals.
showcase their skills, particularly in
communication, strategic planning, and
coalition building.

Source: Source:

Application : Use it for for guiding strategic business decisions, particularly in resource allocation and Application : Use it to optimize business operations for a competitive advantage, either through
portfolio management across different business units within a large corporation. cost reduction or value enhancement.

Value Chain Analysis

The GE-McKinsey 5 Key Benefits:

Nine-Box Matrix
1. Portfolio Analysis: Provides a clear
framework for analyzing a
company's business portfolio.
2. Resource Allocation: Guides
effective allocation of resources to
the most promising business units.
3. Strategic Insight: Offers strategic
insights into market attractiveness
and business unit strength.
4. Decision Making: Aids in making
informed decisions about
investment, divestment, or The Value Chain Analysis Model Highlights Model Highlights

maintaining the status quo. 1. Activity Highlighting: Pinpoints value-creating activities.

5. Market Positioning: Helps in 2. Cost Reduction: Identifies cost-saving opportunities.
understanding and improving the 3. Differentiation Focus: Reveals unique competitive areas.
market position of different business 4. Operational Efficiency: Streamlines business processes.
units. 5. Strategic Insight: Informs decision-making

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The Ultimate Productivity Matrix
@Kevin Box @Fuel Your Growth

The Pomodoro Technique Time Blocking

Continuous Threat Exposure
25 Minutes Management
Get Started with Time Blocking Example
Steps to Consider
Step 1: Identify your
The Pomodoro Technique
high-level priorities.
1. Identify your tasks
2. Set a timer for 25 Step 2: Figure out
minutes what’s urgent.
Deep Work
3. Do focused work for

the duration of the Team Call Step 3: Estimate how
timer long each task will
4. Take a 5 minute break Break
5. After every 4th break,
Deep Work
take a 15 - 30 minute
Break Time Step 4: Block out time
break. Emails
in your calendar.

Source: Francesco Cirillo Benjamin Franklin Source:

Get Things Done (GTD) ABCDE Method

Getting Things Done® Task Prioritization:
Stress-Free (GTD®) will help you:
Productivity A-Tasks: Urgent and crucial.

Claify Organize
⏰ Effectively manage your Immediate attention needed. Delay
leads to serious consequences.
time and available resources. Example: Deadlines, urgent
Capture Reflect
🤹‍♂️ Deal with personal and deliveries.
B-Tasks: Important but not
professional commitments. immediate. Plan them in your

🧘‍♀️ Clear your mind and focus

schedule. Example: Work meetings,

on the work that matters. C-Tasks: No serious impact if
undone. Balance professional and
🗓️ Plan your days so you personal life. Example: Social
gatherings, leisure activities.
always know what to do next.
Data Refine Review Next D-Tasks: Delegatable. Assign to
🌱 Establish a productivity
others to focus on priorities.
E-Tasks: Unnecessary. Remove to
routine that’ll serve you for
save time. Example: Reducing
frequent chores.

Source: David Allen Source:

Rapid Planning Method (RPM)

Eat That Fr g 1. Results-oriented — Explains WHAT you really want to
achieve (What is my final goal?)
2. Purpose-driven — Helps you find a reason WHY you
What is your Hardest Task? want to do something (What are my reasons and
motives for doing that?)
Your Frog = The 3. Massive action plan — Tells you HOW to do it (What
do I need to do to accomplish this? What’s my plan?)
hardest thing you have
to do everyday.
You’re most likely to
procrastinate on this.
Always do this first.

Source: Brian Tracy Source: Gartner Source:

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The Ultimate Cognitive Bias Cheat
@Kevin Box Sheet @Fuel Your Growth

The Halo Effect vs. The Horn Effect Sunk Cost Bias
Higher Equity Threat
Exposure Management
Lower Equity
Sunk Cost Bias: Concise Tendencies:
Impression Affinity Bias Insights Influenced by past
1. Emotional Investment: Strong investments.
emotional ties amplify Continues despite losses.
reluctance to disengage. Ignores current realities.
2. Duration Effect: Longer
More Trust & Lesser Value or Avoids admitting mistakes.
involvement intensifies
Better Value Low Trust commitment, despite losses.
3. Social Image Concern: Fear of
perceived failure strengthens
the bias.
Halo Effect: Horn Effect: 4. Incremental Commitment:
Small, repeated investments
Positive bias from one trait. Negative bias from one trait. make disengagement harder.
Idealizes attributes. Focuses on negatives. 5. Overoptimism: Belief in turning
Ignores flaws. Exaggerates flaws. around failing projects against
Positive generalization. Negative generalization. odds.

. Source:

Confirmation Bias Anchoring Bias Concise Insights

Continuous Threat Exposure Management
The tendency to seek out and Confirmation Bias: Concise
1. Initial Influence: First
prefer information that supports Insights information received
our preexisting beliefs. disproportionately influences
1. Selective Information:
Preference for information that decision-making.
aligns with existing beliefs. 2. Estimation Skew: Subsequent
2. Disregarding Contradiction: judgments are skewed towards
Ignoring or undervaluing an initial anchor point.
evidence that contradicts 3. Neglecting New Data: Tendency
beliefs. to underutilize or disregard new
3. Interpretation Bias: Interpreting information post-anchor.
ambiguous information to 4. Negotiation Impact: Early offers
support existing views. in negotiations set the tone and
4. Memory Distortion: Remembering limits of the discussion.
details in a way that reinforces 5. Market Behavior: Influences
beliefs. consumer expectations and
5. Echo Chambers: Seeking valuation in economic
environments or groups that decisions.
reinforce existing views.

Source: Source:

Prefer the existing state of Status Quo Bias Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon
where the desire for harmony and conformity
Group Think Bias
affairs over change. in a group leads to irrational or dysfunctional
Status Quo Bias: The preference for the
current state of affairs. Effective leaders Illusion of
challenge the status quo by embracing Invulnerability
Illusion of

change and innovation.

Preference Rationalization
Stability Self-
Regret &
Cost of
Status Quo Group Think Belief of Inherent
Bias Morality
Pressure on
Selection Dissenters Stereotyped

Source: Source:

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The Ultimate Negotiation Strategy
@Kevin Box Cheat Sheet @Fuel Your Growth

Application: Use it for executing and sustaining organizational change, focusing on steps from Application: Ideal for collaborative negotiations, where building long-term relationships is as
establishing urgency to integrating new approaches into the culture. important as the agreement itself.

The Negotiation Process 1. Preparation: Define goals,

Harvard Negotiation Model
research the other party,
determine your BATNA.
2. Setting Rules: Agree on the
agenda and negotiation
3. Clarification: Exchange
positions, justify demands
and offers. The 4 principles of the Harvard
4. Bargaining: Engage in give- Method:
and-take, develop mutual
solutions. 1. Separate people from the problem.
5. Closing: Reach consensus, 2. Focus on interests, not positions.
define terms, agree on 3. Invent options for mutual gain.

implementation. 4. Insist on objective criteria.
6. Evaluation: Review the 5. Know your BATNA (Best Alternative
To a Negotiated Agreement).
process, outcomes, and
learn for future


Application : Best for single-issue negotiations like price haggling, where the parties are competing to Application: Use it to balance price with value, respect cultural differences, assess your
get the best deal. leverage realistically, ensure internal team alignment, and plan for effective agreement
Distributive Negotiation The 5-Steps to the Negotiation Strategy
Distribution Negotiation
Model Model: 7 Common Pitfalls to Avoid 1. Price Fixation:
Overlooking non-
Assuming that Cross-Cultural
1. Define your target point price terms.
Negotiations are Just Like “local”
and resistance point. Negotiations 2. Cultural Blindness:
Paying Too

2. Understand the other Thinking the Pie Ignoring cultural
is Fixed Much Attention
party's target and to Anchors influences.
resistance. Failing to Pay 3. Overconfidence:
Caving in Too
Attention to Your
3. Push for concessions Opponent
Quickly Misjudging leverage.
and compromise. 4. Internal Discord:
Poor Planning Don’t Gloat

4. Employ tactics to
enlarge the pie. team dynamics.
5. Use persuasion and 5. Post-Negotiation
influence to achieve
Neglecting long-term
Sharing The Pie
Source: Source:

Application : Effective in scenarios where ethics and fairness are paramount, such as partnership
Application: RADPAC is especially effective in situations where building a constructive relationship is Application: Effective in scenarios where ethics and fairness are paramount, such as partnership
key to achieving a mutually satisfactory outcome. agreements.
Principled Negotiation
The RADPAC Model
Getting to Yes!
1. Focus on mutual

2. Be fair and
The 4 principles of the reasonable.
Harvard Method: 3. Avoid bottom-line
1. Discuss factually
2. Focusing interests 4. Communicate
3. Develop decision options clearly and
4. Create objective decision effectively.
criteria 5. Be open to reason
and alternatives.

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