SMA Bahasa Inggris 10 Summative Assessment Unit 4

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Summative Assessment Bernilai 3 poin.

A. Cross a, b, c, d, or e for the best answer!

Text for No. 1–5

Daily diet and life style play an important role in keeping bones strong, supple and avoiding
bone-related diseases such as: Osteoarthritis, polyarthritis. Here are six natural ways to build
healthy bones.

Vegetables are great for your bones. They’re one of the best sources of vitamin C, which
stimulates the production of bone-forming cells. Vegetables also seem to increase bone mineral
density, also known as bone density.

Engaging in specific types of exercise can help you build and maintain strong bones.
One of the best types of activity for bone health is weight-bearing or high-impact exercise,
which promotes the formation of new bone. Studies in older men and women who performed
weight-bearing exercise showed increases in bone mineral density, bone strength and bone
size, as well as reductions in markers of bone turnover and inflammation

Getting enough protein is important for healthy bones. In fact, about 50% of bone is made
of protein. A low protein intake can lead to bone loss, while a high protein intake can help
protect bone health during aging and weight loss.

Calcium is the most important mineral for bone health, and it’s the main mineral found in
your bones. Because old bone cells are constantly broken down and replaced by new ones.
It’s important to consume calcium daily to protect bone structure and strength.

Vitamin D and vitamin K are extremely important for building strong bones. Vitamin D plays
several roles in bone health, including helping your body absorb calcium. You may be able
to get enough vitamin D through sun exposure and food sources such as fatty fish, liver and
cheese. Vitamin K supports bone health by modifying osteocalcin, a protein involved in bone
formation. It exists in small amounts in liver, eggs and meat. Fermented foods like cheese,
sauerkraut and a soybean product called natto contain vitamin K.

Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their anti-inflammatory effects. They’ve also been
shown to help protect against bone loss during the aging process. In addition to including
omega-3 fats in your diet, In addition, although most studies have looked at the benefits of
long-chain omega-3 fats found in fatty fish, one controlled study found that omega-3 plant
sources helped decrease bone breakdown and increase bone formation. Plant sources of
omega-3 fats include chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts.
1. What does the text talk about?

a. It talks about food for bones.

b. It talks about lifestyle related to bones.

c. It talks about any foods and activity which are needed for bones.

d. It talks about bones diseases.

e. It talks about kinds of bones.

2. How many tips are stated in the text?

a. There are three tips.

b. There are four tips.

c. There are five tips.

d. There are six tips.

e. There are seven tips.

3. “It exists in small amounts in liver, eggs and meat.” (Paragraph 6). What does the bold
type word refer to?

a. Omega-3.

b. Vitamin D.

c. Vitamin K.

d. Vitamin E.

e. Calcium.

4. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To give information about what should be taken to have healthy bones.

b. To describe about bones.

c. To persuade the reader to follow the writer.

d. To tell the writer’s experiences of eating foods for healthy bones.

e. To give an option for the reader about how to keep bones healthy.

5. “….constantly broken down and replaced by new ones.” The underlined word has the
closest meaning to ....

a. substitute

b. giving

c. place

d. build

e. continue
Text for No. 6–14

Feeling blocked up, cramping or bloating? We’ve all been there before. Constipation is
when your bowel movements become difficult to pass or happen less frequently than usual.
Dealing with constipation is difficult, but there are ways to combat it. Perhaps the tips below
might useful.

Water does a body good. Drinking enough water helps your gastrointestinal (GI) tract
create the right consistency of stool. Water is necessary for all your organs. You had better
drink an eight- ounce glass of water multiple times throughout the day for best results.

Exercise gets things moving. Exercise will definitely help with constipation. In some
cultures, people go for a walk after a meal. This activity may stimulate the digestion process. A
10 or 15 minute walk after a meal means your colon will get moving, too – which is a healthy,
normal response.

Fiber combats both constipation and diarrhea. Vegetables are great because they contain
a lot of fiber, which helps regulate your digestion. The nice thing about fiber is it improves both
diarrhea and constipation. It helps hold water in for constipation, and for folks with diarrhea it
adds bulk to the stool to help form it. You might experience cramping, flatulence and bloating
from eating too much fiber all at once. If you’re not used to eating fiber, a gradual increase
will help your body adjust.

Caffeine wakes up your colon. Coffee, soda and caffeinated tea can also wake up a slow-
moving gut. Caffeine can stimulate the colon to move a little bit. That’s why some folks feel
like their morning coffee gets them going.

Gentle laxatives can also help. If exercise and hydration aren’t improving things, you can
also look for a gentle laxative. But if the laxatives aren’t helping, it’s a good idea to see your

Sugar-free gum might give you diarrhea. Can certain sugar-free gum relieve constipation?
Well, yes, but you might also experience diarrhea. Gums that contain sorbitol, a type of
sweetener, can cause diarrhea. Some people are more sensitive to sorbitol than others. If
you use sorbitol to fight constipation, that may swing things in the opposite direction. It might
relieve you constipation but you might get diarrhea as well.

6. How many glasses of water do we need to drink?

a. We need to drink six glasses of water a day.

b. Five glasses a day would be enough for our body.

c. Drinking more than eight glasses of water a day would relieve constipation.

d. We have to drink below five glasses for a day.

e. Seven glasses of water will be enough.

7. In certain area, people tend to have a small walk after eating meal. Why do they do it?

a. Because it is good for the body.

b. Because it is to stimulate the digestion process.

c. Because they are an athlete.

d. Because small walk will burn the fat of the body.

e. Because they don’t have nothing to do.

8. “A gradual increase will help your body adjust.” What does the underlined word mean?

a. Rapid.

b. Quick.

c. Slow.

d. Fast.

e. Sudden.

9. “It helps hold water in for constipation” What does it refer to? (Paragraph 4)

a. The word it refers to constipation.

b. The word it refers to diarrhea.

c. The word it refers to vegetable.

d. The word it refers to fiber.

e. The word it refers to water.

10. From the text we can conclude that ….

a. sugar-free gum might help your constipation.

b. the last effort to relieve constipation is consuming a gentle laxative.

c. exercise will get you a stomachache.

d. the excessive use of sorbitol will give the best result in curing constipation.

e. the right dosage of caffeine will make you sleepy.

11. Bloating is the side effect of consuming ….

a. too much coffee

b. too much water

c. too much laxative

d too much vegetable

e. too much sweets.

12. We get information about the side effect of sorbitol in ….

a. paragraph six

b. paragraph seven

c. paragraph five

d. paragraph one

e. paragraph three

13. “Caffeine can cause dehydration,” What does the text tell you about?

a. It is possible that caffeine cause dehydration.

b. It is advisable to consume caffeine.

c. It is good to consume caffeine.

d. It is necessary to consume caffeine

e. It is allowed to consume caffeine.

14. “You had better not eat fiber more than 70g per day” What does the text tell you about?

a. It is not possible to eat fiber more than 70g per day.

b. It is not advisable to eat fiber more than 70g per day.

c. It is good to eat fiber more than 70g per day.

d. It is necessary to eat fiber more than 70g per day

e. It is allowed to eat fiber more than 70g per day.

15 “You … have tea to while it’s hot.” The correct modal for sentence is ….

a. can

b. may

c. can’t

d. should

e. must

Text for no. 16–20

Have you ever felt nausea? Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often accompanies
the urge to vomit, but doesn’t always lead to vomiting. Perhaps the tips below might useful
regain their appetite.

You should drink ginger tea. Ginger could help to reduce the effects of nausea and vomiting.
A person can make ginger tea by adding 1–2 teaspoons of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water.
Steep the ginger for 5 minutes before straining the mixture and sweetening it with a little honey.
Avoid fizzy ginger ale, as this can further irritate an upset stomach.

You can have BRAT foods. BRAT stands for: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These
foods are bland and gentle on the stomach. The diet is rich in starch and contains little fiber,
which can have a binding effect on loose stools and speed up recovery from diarrhea. Other
bland foods that can be added to a BRAT diet include: crackers, oatmeal, watermelon, and
boiled potatoes

You can drink coconut water. Coconut water contains high minerals such as sodium and
potassium. It is advisable to consume coconut water because coconut water can rehydrate
quickly after diarrhea or vomiting.

You mustn’t eat greasy foods contain high levels of fats, which are difficult to digest and
can irritate the stomach, worsening nausea.

You can’t have caffeine because it acts as a muscle stimulant that can cause stomach
cramps and increase bowel movements.

You mustn’t consume dairy products contain a sugar called lactose that can be difficult to
digest after diarrhea, causing bloating and nausea.

16. The text is mainly about ….

a. foods to eat and avoid when having nausea

b. several things to do when feeling nausea and vomiting

c. how to keep the body from d nausea and vomiting

d. the reason why coconut water is good to aid in nausea

e. kinds of liquids that may be had when having nausea

17. The purpose of the text is ….

a. to inform the readers about the symptoms of nausea and vomiting

b. to instruct the readers to eat white rice when having an nausea and vomiting

c. to give the readers options what to eat when having nausea and vomiting

d. to retell the writer’s experiences of having an nausea and vomiting

e. to inform the readers about the nutrients in coconut water

18. “It is advisable to consume coconut water because coconut water can rehydrate quickly
after diarrhea or vomiting” The underlined word can be replace with modal ….

a. can

b. should

c. had better

d. must

e. may

19. What is the best food to relieve nausea?

a. The food which rich in starch and contains little fiber.

b. The food which contains fats.

c. The food containing caffeine.

d. The food with small amount of lactose.

e. The food which rich in spicy taste.

20. “ … eat greasy foods contain high levels of fats.” The underline word closest meaning
with …

a. dry

b. sweet

c. oily

d. crispy

e. crunchy

Text for No. 21–25

7 Foods for Hair Growth You Should Eat Daily

Long, strong and shiny hair is almost everyone’s dream yet not everyone is able to fulfill it.
Of course, it’s important to keep your scalp healthy, but it’s also critical to pay attention to your
diet. You can have dry, frizzy, smooth or silky hair - all these are signs of your inside health.
Each strand is made up of cells that contain a tough protein called keratin and they need to be
constantly nourished with minerals and vitamins to make your hair long and strong. We have
enlisted some foods for hair growth, which you must definitely add in your daily diet. So, what
is the best food for healthy hair that will help it to grow faster?

1. Eggs Provide Protein.

You hair is made up of protein, therefore it is important to ensure that you have enough
protein in your diet. Protein is the building block of hair and eggs are one of the richest
natural sources of protein.
2. Spinach and Other Dark Leafy Greens Provide Iron.

Iron is an essential mineral that your hair cells require. In fact, a deficiency of iron in the
body may cause hair loss. When your body is running low on iron, oxygen and nutrients are
not getting transported to the hair roots and follicles adequately which can inhibit growth
and make your strands weak.

3. Citrus Fruits to Get Your Dose of Vitamin C.

Your body requires Vitamin C for iron absorption therefore; you need to add citrus fruits
to your diet. Nutritionists recommend that one lime per day is enough to get your daily dose
of Vitamin C. Just make yourself a chilled glass of nimbu paani (with honey or a healthy
alternative to refined sugar) and you’re sorted. You could also opt for oranges. Vitamin C
is also required for the production of collagen that make capillaries that connect to the hair
shafts strong thus, ensuring regular supply of nutrients and quick hair growth.

Tubuh Anda membutuhkan Vitamin C untuk penyerapan zat besi oleh karena itu; Anda
perlu menambahkan buah jeruk ke dalam makanan Anda. Ahli gizi merekomendasikan
bahwa satu jeruk nipis per hari sudah cukup untuk mendapatkan dosis vitamin C harian
Anda. Buat saja segelas nimbu paani dingin (dengan madu atau alternatif sehat untuk gula
rafinasi) dan Anda sudah beres. Anda juga bisa memilih jeruk. Vitamin C juga diperlukan
untuk produksi kolagen yang membuat kapiler yang terhubung ke batang rambut menjadi
kuat, memastikan suplai nutrisi yang teratur dan pertumbuhan rambut yang cepat.

4. Nuts and Seeds for Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the hair and support thickening. Since your body cannot
produce these healthy fats, you need to derive them from your diet. Almonds and walnuts
are really high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Similarly, flaxseeds can serve as mid-meal healthy
snack while also supplying the essential fats to your hair.

5. Whole Grains to Obtain Biotin.

Whole grains are rich in biotin along with iron, zinc and B vitamins. Biotin is required
for cell proliferation and plays an important part in producing amino acids (protein) which
are required for your hair to grow.

6. Carrots are Rich in Vitamin A.

Drink carrot juice every day for quick hair growth. The hair contains the fastest growing
tissues in the body and vitamin A is required for the growth of every cell. It also helps the
scalp in producing the natural sebum oil which keeps it and the roots healthy to boost hair

7. Avocado Offers Vitamin E

Vitamin E improves the blood circulation and helps the follicles work more efficiently to
promote hair growth. It also maintains the oil and PH levels balance which if exceeds can
clog the hair follicles and stop hair growth. Avocado is great source of Vitamin E and it is
also rich in the heart healthy monounsaturated fats. You can add it to your breakfast sald
or blend it into a green smoothie.

21. What does each strand of hair contain?

a. Cell.

b. Omega-3.

c. Keratin.

d. Vitamin a.

e. Iron.
22. Why do we have to eat egg to make our hair strong?

a. Because egg is delicious.

b. Because egg is cheap and easy to find.

c. Because the hair needs protein.

d. Because egg will make the hair shinier.

e. Bcause egg can make the hair smell fragrance.

23. “Since your body cannot produce these healthy fats,” (Point 4)

The bold word refers to ….

a. flaxseeds

b. walnuts

c. spinach

d. Omega-3 fatty acids

e. almonds

24. “Vitamin C is also required for the production of collagen …”

The italic word is the closest in meaning to ….

a. wanted

b. needed

c. give

d. necessary

e. essential

25. “It also helps the scalp in producing the natural …”

The italic word can be replaced with the word ….

a. solve
b. remove
c. hinder

d. delay
e. aid

B. Read the following text, and then answers each question! Setiap Soal
Bernilai 5 poin.

Occasional diarrhea is a common occurrence, and most people will experience an

episode at least once or twice a year. In most cases, the symptoms will disappear in a few
days. People can manage the symptoms of diarrhea by resting, staying hydrated, and making
certain dietary adjustments. While certain foods can promote recovery, others can potentially
make the symptoms worse. Here are some tips of food and drinks that can be eaten when
having diarrhea.
Just like in the case of nausea and vomiting, the BRAT diet is also suggested in treatment
during diarrhea. BRAT diet may be helpful on the first day of dealing with diarrhea. Eating
many small meals throughout the day rather than a few large ones can help keep the digestive
system from becoming overworked.

Probiotic foods are also helpful. The foods such as yogurt and kefir, may help in some
cases. Probiotics aid digestion by improving the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.
A person should talk with a doctor before using probiotics.

Liquids are also vital to recovery. People with diarrhea need to drink plenty of water
throughout the day, and they should drink an additional cup of water after every loose bowel
movement. Due to the lost amount of liquid people should try to drink liquids containing minerals
and electrolytes to replenish those lost. Sources of electrolytes and minerals, such as soup
or broth, coconut water, and electrolyte water.

1. What does the text talk about?

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

3. What is the function of probiotics food for our stomach?

4. “Liquids are also vital to recovery” What does the sentence mean?

5. If you treat a person with diarrhea what would you do?


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